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Crucell Terug naar discussie overzicht

Merck stopt HIV-vaccin studie...

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  1. [verwijderd] 8 november 2007 21:48
    Japie , deze zin in de rest van de context baart me zorgen

    the vaccine might have altered the immune system to facilitate infection. Some researchers are concerned that other vaccines made with the adenovirus could have the same effect.

    Wat de markt betreft : Vanavond heb je al een beetje kunnen zien waar het naar toe gaat( VS )

  2. forum rang 4 harvester 8 november 2007 21:49
    Ebola vaccin wordt door de overheid gekocht, voor het geval er een uitbraak komt.

    Gebruik van 2 animal rule betekent dat een vaccin dat daar door heen komt gebruikt kan worden als noodmaatregel.

    Dus koop door overheid/leger kan nog steeds geschieden, zeker omdat de basis bij Crucell niet op 5 maar op 35 is gelegd met veel minder kans op afweer.

    Als dit niet klopt, reageer dan maar..
  3. [verwijderd] 8 november 2007 21:51

    harvester schreef:

    Ebola vaccin wordt door de overheid gekocht, voor het geval er een uitbraak komt.

    Gebruik van 2 animal rule betekent dat een vaccin dat daar door heen komt gebruikt kan worden als noodmaatregel.

    Dus koop door overheid/leger kan nog steeds geschieden, zeker omdat de basis bij Crucell niet op 5 maar op 35 is gelegd met veel minder kans op afweer.

    Als dit niet klopt, reageer dan maar..
    Klopt volgens mij. Two animal rule is voor stockpiling van vaccins igv nood.
    Als ebola gebruikt zou worden in bioterreur is de stockpiling van ebola vaccins nuttig; immers baat het niet, schaden doet het dan zeker niet meer.
  4. forum rang 8 josti5 8 november 2007 21:52
    'other vaccines made with the adenovirus could have the same effect.'

    Zucht: 'the adenovirus' is niet Advac, zoals japies inmiddels tot 3x toe al heeft bewezen, en waar jij al tig x overheen bent gestapt...
  5. [verwijderd] 8 november 2007 21:53

    wilb52 schreef:

    Japie , deze zin in de rest van de context baart me zorgen

    the vaccine might have altered the immune system to facilitate infection. Some researchers are concerned that other vaccines made with the adenovirus could have the same effect.

    Wat de markt betreft : Vanavond heb je al een beetje kunnen zien waar het naar toe gaat( VS )

    Suggestie: schrijf een mail aan Crucell voor nadere toelichting dat jij je hieromtrent zorgen maakt. Baat het niet, schaden doet het zeker niet ;)
  6. [verwijderd] 8 november 2007 21:53
    heel leuk

    maar het merck verhaal wijst nl op een ander probleem, nl dat het medicijn net zo erg is als de kwaal of juist erger ( je krijgt Ebola )
    Maar , ik zal het wel verkeerd lezen.
  7. forum rang 4 harvester 8 november 2007 21:58
    en nu de mening van een deskundige:

    Barouch also thinks other combinations should be studied more extensively in human trials. A Phase I trial with his Ad26 vector is expected to start before the end of the year and another Phase I study with a chimeric Ad5 vector, where regions of the Ad5 virus to which antibodies are directed are replaced with portions of Ad35, should begin early next year, pending regulatory approval.

    >> Laat Baruch maar meer geld overmaken voor ad35 onderzoek door Crucell.....
  8. [verwijderd] 8 november 2007 23:03
    Mijn post op dat andere forum:
    Dat hele gedoe bij Merck zegt NIETS over Perce6 noch over AdVac.
    Weer koers-beinvloeding voor KT? Storm in een glas water!
    Is toch echt wel te gek dat we nog steeds onder de introductie koers blijven hangen, zou bijna gaan geloven in de grote "O"..
    Maar ik loop al iets te lang op de beurs om nog veel geloof aan al die indianenverhalen te hangen. Alle feiten zijn al tot in den treure hier besproken.
    Het beste kan CRXL MT nu met een bericht komen om e.a. duidelijk te maken.
    Of moeten we wachten tot de 13de?
    We zullen zien... De waarheid zal altijd weer bovenkomen.
    Ome Jo doet jullie de groeten en gaat zometeen met een gerust hart nog effe met z'n hondje wandelen.
  9. [verwijderd] 9 november 2007 00:47
    in boerentaal:
    Na veel lees en spitwerk vanavond:
    Merck gebruikte ad5 adenovirus terwijl crucell beseft dat veel mensen juist immuun zijn tegen dit ad5 adenovirus. Je kan haast stellen als ik een en ander goed interpreteer dat dit ad5 falen van merck te voorzien was........?????

    Researchers Tweak Cold Virus
    In Search for AIDS Vaccine

    Excerpt from the wall street journal article by Marilyn Chase; April 16, 2006:

    By tinkering with a common cold virus, a team led by Harvard scientists and Dutch biotechnology company Crucell NV may have found a way to keep the body's defenses from interfering with some experimental AIDS vaccines.

    The virus being modified is Adenovirus 5 (Ad5), now used by Merck & Co. and the U.S. National Institutes of Health to make two leading experimental AIDS vaccines, which are being tested. The virus works like a shuttle rocket carrying a payload of AIDS genes to spark an immune defense.

    The problem: the Ad5 cold virus, while largely safe, is so common that 40% to 50% of people in wealthy countries and up to 90% of people in Africa have been exposed to it and are already immune. Pre-existing immunity could foil vaccines by blocking the virus before it delivers its payload.

    So the Harvard team tricked the immune system by snipping off key surface features of Ad5 that the body would recognize and react against. Then they gave Ad5 a new face by transplanting features of a rare relative virus, Adenovirus 48, to which few people are immune.

    En verder:
    Vaccines based on the AdVac® technology belong to the second generation of vaccines, comprising Ad11-, Ad35-, and Ad49-based vectors and derivatives thereof. Since pre-existing immunity against these vectors is very limited, they allow effective delivery of small fragments of otherwise deadly pathogens to the immune system using a replication incompetent adenovirus vehicle.

    Het lijkt er dus op dat crucell beseft dat veel mensen immuun zijn voor ad5 en daarom haar advac technologie heeft gebouwd met een 2e generatie die de nadelen van ad5 bezweren.
  10. [verwijderd] 9 november 2007 00:59
    Ik heb het vermoeden dat de markt de adenovirussen over 1 kam scheert, en dat daarom momenteel de koers daalt. Terwijl als je goed leest de 2e generatie adenovirussen van crucell obv advac techologie het nadeel van ad5, immuniteit, juist bezweren. Lees het verhaal in het engels hierboven geplaatst, waarbij ad48 deze nadelen van ad5 juist bezweert. Crucell lijkt daardoor nog meer dan ooit de perfecte technologie in handen te hebben.
    Het is niet voor niets dat merck zeer recent licenties heeft genomen op de advac technologie van crucell...

  11. [verwijderd] 9 november 2007 01:28
    Het is dus niet voor niets dat na het falen van merck haar hiv vaccin obv ad5 dat merck snel licenties heeft aangeschaft voor de advac technologie van crucell.
    Het onderstreept juist dat Crucell uitstekend is gepositioneerd met deze technologie en dat Merck dit met pijn in het hart heeft moeten constateren.
    Het maakt de Advac technologie echter des te krachtiger.

    Technologisch is het ook al bewezen zoals gezegd:
    Dit is ook altijd het artikel geweest welke ik altijd als zeer essentieel heb ervaren voor crucell en regelmatig naar voren heb gehaald.
  12. [verwijderd] 9 november 2007 01:35
    AVA (02-06-2007)
    Tegelijkertijd heeft Merck van ons rechten gekregen op een nieuwe vector, die zij willen inzetten voor de bescherming van mensen tegen AIDS en HIV.

    Helder nu?
  13. aossa 9 november 2007 02:41
    Het kan nog gekker: er bestaan geen goede HIV infection markers !

    "Simply put: the AIDS surrogate markers are being abused. These surrogate markers are causing a great deal of harm by labeling people with myriad diseases and conditions–even healthy people who only have antibodies to HIV–as having incurable AIDS, which is said to be invariably fatal. The surrogate markers are also being used to obtain FDA approval of clinically ineffective AIDS chemotherapies that are highly toxic and even lethal if taken long enough."

    Report offensive comments to
    How did the scientists and doctors determine that the HIV vaccine volunteers were infected with HIV? Historically there are only 4 ways of making that decision:

    1) A person must have one or more of 26 or so AIDS-defining diseases, none of which is unique to AIDS, causing extensive confusion. According to the CDC it takes on average 10 or more years for these diseases to appear after infection with HIV. Therefore, there was not enough time to use the appearance of these diseases to indicate their volunteers had become infected with HIV.

    2) Falling CD4 T-helper cells. To be discussed below.

    3) Have antibodies to HIV viral proteins, which is the basis of the HIV antibody testing around the world used to declare someone HIV-positive. However, such antibody testing is ruled out by the obvious fact that all successfully vaccinated volunteers will be HIV-positive since they by definition will have antibodies against HIV.

    4) Be viral load positive. To be discussed below.

    Below is an article I published in British Medical Journal, March 8, 2003. This article shows that neither the CD4 cell counts nor viral load measurements can determine the presence or absence of HIV.

    So. How did the doctors determine their volunteers had become infected with HIV?

    David Rasnick, PhD

    An abuse of surrogate markers for AIDS.

    It should come as a shock, no doubt, to learn that if three laboratory tests somehow disappeared or were outlawed (HIV antibody test, CD4 cell count, PCR viral load test), then AIDS, as commonly understood, would formally vanish from the USA and Europe. The three laboratory tests in question are called surrogate markers because they stand in for either AIDS itself or for its supposed cause, HIV. According to the current definition of AIDS, no matter how sick an American or European is with AIDS-defining diseases, he or she cannot be classified as an AIDS case if antibodies to HIV are not present. In other words, for an American or European doctor to diagnose pneumonia, TB, dementia, cervical cancer, etc. as AIDS it is necessary to obtain laboratory test results that satisfy the definition of AIDS. Since the HIV-antibody test has been discussed in depth already, I will limit my remarks to CD4 cell counts and viral load.

    At the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, it was already recognized as probably a mistake to use CD4 as a marker of AIDS or even a measure of therapeutic effectiveness. In 1981, James Goodwin, MD, wrote what he called “a diatribe against the measurement of T-cell subsets in human diseases” [1]. His “diatribe” began:

    “It’s starting again. …The T- and B-cell measures–having run through the sick, the elderly, the young, the pregnant, the bereaved–had finally run out of diseases. Each condition was the subject of many reports; so that now, to give but one example, we can conclude with some assurance that T-cell numbers are up, down, or unchanged in old folks. And it’s starting all over again, this time with T-cell subsets.”

    “What will they find?” he asked. “Sometimes the suppressor cell markers will be up and helper cells down; sometimes the suppressor cells will be down and the helper cells up; sometimes they’ll be unchanged–and various combinations of the aforementioned. …My strongest argument is this: Measurement of T and B cells and their subsets in diseases has no clinical meaning.”

    “Nonimmunologists have naturally assumed that any subject occupying so much journal space must be relevant in some way–a logical but incorrect assumption. …And while the identification of T-cell subsets in mouse and man represents a major breakthrough in the understanding of immunoregulation, the enumeration of these subsets in myriad diseases largely represents a waste of time”.

    As recently as 1998, Mario Roederer of Stanford University confirmed Goodwin’s assessment that an obsession with T-cell subsets in AIDS patients has been a mistake: “[T]he facts (1) that HIV uses CD4 as its primary receptor, and (2) that CD4+ T cell numbers decline during AIDS, are an unfortunate coincidence that have led us astray from understanding the immunopathogenesis of this disease” [2].

    Prior to Roederer’s remarks, the use of the CD4 (T-cell counts) as a surrogate marker of disease progression was also criticized by the authors of the Concorde Study, the largest clinical trial evaluating the use of AZT: The authors concluded that:

    “The small but highly significant and persistent difference in CD4 count between the groups was not translated into a significant clinical benefit. Thus, analyses of the time until certain concentrations of CD4 were reached (eg, 200/μL, 350/μL, or 50% of baseline) revealed significantly shorter times in the Def[erred] group. Had such analyses been regarded as fundamental, the trial might have been stopped early with a false-positive result. This discrepancy in the differences between Imm[ediate] and Def groups in terms of changes of CD4 count and of long-term clinical response casts doubt on the uncritical use of CD4 counts as ’surrogate endpoints’ in trials…” [3].

    Thomas Fleming and David DeMets have stated that, “The use of surrogate end points has probably been more intensely discussed in the design and analysis of clinical trials of HIV infection and AIDS than in any other area” [4]. However, “Predictions having an accuracy of approximately 50%, such as the accuracy seen with the CD4 count in the HIV setting, are as uninformative as a toss of a coin.” With regards to clinical trials and FDA approval of anti-HIV drugs, Fleming and DeMets have warned that, “Surrogate end points are rarely, if ever, adequate substitutes for the definitive clinical outcome in phase 3 trials” [4].

    Indeed, a summary result from a 1993 state-of-the-art conference had previously concluded that the effect of treatment on the most popular surrogate, CD4 cell count, did not accurately predict the effect of treatment on the clinical outcomes, that is, progression to AIDS or time to death [5]. Nevertheless, with the exception of the early AZT clinical trials, all subsequent anti-HIV drug trials and FDA approvals have relied exclusively on the measurements of these surrogate markers and not on the real clinical outcomes, such as morbidity and mortality, that matter to most people.

  14. aossa 9 november 2007 02:43

    A year later, Fleming stated that, “It is very apparent one cannot simply consider establishment of statistically significant treatment effects on CD4 cell counts to be a valid surrogate for either of the two clinical endpoints. When the progression to AIDS/death endpoint was positive, the CD4 endpoint appropriately was significantly positive in 7 of 8 trials; unfortunately however, the CD4 endpoint was significantly positive in 6 of 8 trials in which the progression to AIDS/death endpoint was negative. The relationship of CD4 effects and survival is even more unsatisfactory. The CD4 endpoint was significantly positive in only 2 of 4 trials in which the survival endpoint was positive; yet it was significantly positive in 6 of 7 trials in which the survival endpoint was negative. In three other trials, survival trends were observed which were in the opposite direction of significant treatment effects on CD4″ [6].

    The well-recognized problems with CD4 counts eventually led to its being replaced by the PCR viral-load test as the primary surrogate marker to be used in anti-HIV drug clinical trials. But, the “viral load” test has its share of problems. To start with, Roche’s “AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR Test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection” (Roche Diagnostic Systems AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR Test package insert, PMA No. BP950005/4).

    To save space, below is a list of some of the problems with the viral load test that were published in the scientific, medical literature:

    False positive or false negative? It depends on the answer you want. Apparently, absence of antibodies to HIV trumps a high viral load result.

    Schwartz D. H. et al., “Extensive evaluation of a seronegative participant in an HIV-1 vaccine trial as a result of false-positive PCR” (1997) The Lancet 350: 256-259.

    An individual tested positive by PCR, but was antibody negative. Therefore, the patient’s viral load of 100,000 copies of RNA per ml was called false-positive. It took $5000 worth of PCR testing in several labs to get the “right” answer: negative.


    Christine Defer et al., “Multicentre quality control of polymerase chain reaction [viral load] for detection of HIV DNA” (1992) AIDS 6: 659-663

    “False-positive and false-negative results were observed in all laboratories (concordance with serology ranged from 40 to 100%).”


    Michael P. Busch et al., “Poor sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of detection of HIV-1 DNA in serum by polymerase chain reaction” (1992) Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency 5: 872-877.

    “The results indicate that current techniques for detecting cell-free HIV-1 DNA in serum lack adequate sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility for widespread clinical applications.”

    “In any event, the levels of viral (and cellular) DNA in serum appear to be so low that reproducible detection, even with use of PCR, is not currently possible.”


    Josiah D. Rich et al., “Misdiagnosis of HIV infection by HIV-1 plasma viral load testing: a case series” (1999) Annals of Internal Medicine 130: 37-39.

    “The availability of sensitive assays for plasma HIV viral load and the trend toward earlier and more aggressive treatment of HIV infection has led to the inappropriate use of these assays as primary tools for the diagnosis of acute HIV infection.”

    “Physicians should exercise caution when using the plasma viral load assays to detect primary HIV infection…”

    “Plasma viral load tests for HIV-1 were neither developed nor evaluated for the diagnosis of HIV infection…”


    M. Piatak et al., “High levels of HIV-1 in plasma during all stages of infection determined by competitive PCR” (1993) Science 259: 1749-1754.

    “Plasma virus levels determined by QC-PCR correlated with, but exceeded by an average of 60,000-fold, virus titers measured by endpoint dilution culture.”

    In fact, 53% of the viral load positive patients had no culturable HIV.

    “For HIV-1 propagated in vitro, total virions have been reported to exceed culturable infectious units by factors of 10,000 to 10,000,000, ratios similar to those we observed in plasma.”


    Haynes W. Sheppard et al., “Viral burden and HIV disease” (1993) Nature 364: 291.

    “…the high level of plasma virus observed by Piatak et al. [reference above] was about 99.9 per cent non-culturable, suggesting that it was either neutralized or defective. Therefore, rather than supporting a cytopathic model, this observation actually may help explain the relatively slow dissemination of the infected cell burden and thus the relative ineffectiveness of therapy with nucleoside analogues which target this process.

    “…we question the longitudinal conclusions some of these investigators have drawn from cross-sectional data. The results presented are equally consistent with the conclusion that higher viraemia is a consequence of, rather than the proximate cause of, defective immune responses.”


    Simply put: the AIDS surrogate markers are being abused. These surrogate markers are causing a great deal of harm by labeling people with myriad diseases and conditions–even healthy people who only have antibodies to HIV–as having incurable AIDS, which is said to be invariably fatal. The surrogate markers are also being used to obtain FDA approval of clinically ineffective AIDS chemotherapies that are highly toxic and even lethal if taken long enough.

    David Rasnick


    1. Goodwin, J. S. (1981) OKT3, OKT4, and all that, Journal of the American Medical Association 246, 947-948

    2. Roederer, M. (1998) Getting to the HAART of T cell dynamics, Nature Medicine 4, 145-146

    3. Seligmann, M., et al. (1994) Concorde: MRC/ANRS randomised double-blind controlled trial of immediate and deferred zidovudine in symptom-free HIV infection, Lancet 343, 871-881

    4. Fleming, T. R., et al. (1996) Surrogate end points in clinical trials: are we being misled?, Annals of Internal Medicine 125, 605-613

    5. Sande, M. A., et al. (1993) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases state-of-the-art Panel on Anti-retroviral therapy for adult HIV-infected patients, Journal of the American Medical Association 270, 2583-2589

    6. Fleming, T. R. (1994) Surrogate markers in AIDS and cancer trials, Statistics in Medicine 13, 1423-1435

    Comment by David Rasnick - November 8, 2007 at 6:33 am
  15. aossa 9 november 2007 03:03

    /excerpt uit vorige post
    "Below (zie vorige posts) is an article I published in British Medical Journal, March 8, 2003. This article shows that neither the CD4 cell counts nor viral load measurements can determine the presence or absence of HIV. "

    ** So. How did the doctors determine their volunteers had become infected with HIV? **

    David Rasnick, PhD

    An abuse of surrogate markers for AIDS.
  16. [verwijderd] 9 november 2007 09:25
    Gisteren is de koers gezakt obv de adenovirus verhaal bij Merck, reken daar maar op.
    Ook ik kreeg angst omdat crucell immers ook een adenovirus techniek heeft. Bovenstaande postings gisternacht gaven mij de conclusie dat juist crucell er sterker voor staat dan zwakker na de merck aankondiging. Lezen jullie niet of hoe zit het? Niet dat ik meteen ga vragen om aanbevelingen, maar de conclusies in mijn postings zijn essentieel voor het voortbestaan van crucell.
  17. [verwijderd] 9 november 2007 09:36

    Japies schreef:

    Gisteren is de koers gezakt obv de adenovirus verhaal bij Merck, reken daar maar op.
    Ook ik kreeg angst omdat crucell immers ook een adenovirus techniek heeft. Bovenstaande postings gisternacht gaven mij de conclusie dat juist crucell er sterker voor staat dan zwakker na de merck aankondiging. Lezen jullie niet of hoe zit het? Niet dat ik meteen ga vragen om aanbevelingen, maar de conclusies in mijn postings zijn essentieel voor het voortbestaan van crucell.

    Zeker lees ik het en ik geniet van jouw spit- en weerwerk,Japie.Dank!
    Niettemin heeft berichtgeving als van gisteren over Merck/HIV en NIH/Ebola helaas zeker ook hun invloed op de beeldvorming over Crucell.
    Al is het maar in het temperen van verwachtingen over snelle beschikbaarheid van effectieve preparaten. (en dienaangaande royalties)

    Groet, Beur
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