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OUTOKUMPU koersverloop - ontwikkeling -

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  1. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2018 15:32

    Niks bijzonders.
    Algehele malaise op de beurs.
    De handelszorgen
    De rente perikelen en grondstoffen markt.

    Op 26-10-18 komt 3e kwartaal 2018 en dan nemen ze posities in of ze duiken weg.

    Het gaat niet meer om feiten, resultaten.

    Handel 2018 draait het om tweets, twitters.

    We luiden een nieuwe tijdperk in. De handel in tweets.
    De gewone belegger leeft van feiten, analyse, contracten, resultaten, verkoop.

    1 tweet dat China moeilijk doet zorgt dat de hele markt in rep en roer is en dan 2 dagen later is rust teruggekeerd.

    Outokumpu zit nu op 4,52. Uitbraak naar 5,10 wordt elke keer gebroken. We mogen niet hoger vliegen.
    Gisteren nog voor sluiting. 600k gedumpt op 4,62.
    Vandaag weinig inspiratie. Nog niet eens 100k. Geen kopers...

    Allemaal wachten tot volgende tweet van onze man aan de andere kant van de oceaan.

    Ik doe mijn boek dicht voor 2018 en kijk 1e kw in 2019 wel weer.

    Voorlopig maar even de beauties pakken op de OTC markt.

  2. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2018 17:11
    Radioactive element Americium found in steel scrap at Outokumpu steel plant - STUK

    Reuters reported that Outokumpu’s Tornio facility in Finland, one of Europe’s biggest steel plants, has suffered four radiation contamination incidents since July. The country’s nuclear watchdog STUK said on Tuesday that “In the latest incident, a batch of scrap metal at the plant was found on October 12 to contain Americium, a radioactive element that can be dangerous and potentially deadly if inhaled or swallowed by employees. Workers were forced to wear oxygen masks but were not exposed to radiation. The concentration strength was about 1-2 gigabecquerels.”

    STUK said in the Oct 12 incident the contaminated materials were shipped from the Netherlands and the Baltics, but were likely to have originated outside Europe. STUK director Mr Tommi Toivonen said “It seems there is a bigger portion of scrap metal around the world that contains americium. It is really difficult to find, unlike other radioactive elements.”

    All four recent incidents involved americium, according to STUK. It added that the events’ recurrence qualifies as an International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) radiation incident.

    Outokumpu said “Outokumpu takes this matter seriously and does its utmost to prevent radioactive material ending up in production. Radioactive material is strictly prohibited and cannot be accepted at the plant.”

    Wikipedia “Americium is a synthetic chemical element with symbol Am and atomic number 95. It is a transuranic member of the actinide series, in the periodic table located under the lanthanide element europium, and thus by analogy was named after the Americas. Americium was first produced in 1944 by the group of Glenn T. Seaborg from Berkeley, California, at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago, a part of the Manhattan Project. Although it is the third element in the transuranic series, it was discovered fourth, after the heavier curium. The discovery was kept secret and only released to the public in November 1945. Most americium is produced by uranium or plutonium being bombarded with neutrons in nuclear reactors – one tonne of spent nuclear fuel contains about 100 grams of americium. It is widely used in commercial ionization chamber, smoke detectors, as well as in neutron sources and industrial gauges. Several unusual applications, such as nuclear batteries or fuel for space ships with nuclear propulsion, have been proposed for the isotope 242mAm, but they are as yet hindered by the scarcity and high price of this nuclear isomer.

    Source : Reuters
  3. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2018 18:39
    Algehele beurs malaise ingegeven door banken, analisten, vermogen beheerders.

    Iedereen praat elkaar na om mee te graaien, want een daling op dit niveau is super belachelijk.
    Ze zijn meer dan 35% minder waard geworden en cijfers zijn gewoon solid.

    Het zijn de coryfeen die de boel verzieken aan beleggers en zij die sterk in hun schoenen staan, gaan dumpen.

    Iedereen weet dat je met outokumpu minimaal op 5 moet zitten. Vorig jaar nog 9 gestaan en nu worden ze gepushed zodat het straks weer hoog verkocht kan worden.
  4. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2018 18:40

    Source: global newswire,
    Maar zie ook gewone website van outokumpu.

    President & CEO Roeland Baan:

    “During the third quarter, we were able to strengthen our market leadership position in a tough environment. Our financial performance was solid with adjusted EBITDA amounting to EUR 128 million. Despite the US steel tariffs, high stainless steel imports and record low prices, business area Europe maintained healthy profitability driven by richer product mix. Business area Long Products continued strong performance fueled by focused efficiency and productivity measures. In the Americas, base price increases have materialized as expected, but the higher input and freight costs as well as heavy distributor destocking burdened the business area’s profitability. 

    The overall uncertainty on the stainless steel markets is expected to continue. The EU’s provisional safeguard measures are forecast to become permanent within a few months, but their real impact in balancing the import situation in the European steel markets is expected to start materializing only during next year.

    Thanks to our strong focus on customers, improved reliability and efficiency, our financial performance continues to be on the right trajectory to reach our long-term financial targets. Putting aside the current market uncertainties, the long-term growth prospects for stainless steel are sound, and as the market leader, we are well positioned to capture our fair share of this growth.”

    Outlook for Q4/2018

    Fourth quarter is expected to follow typical pattern with seasonal market slowdown and annual maintenance work in business area Europe. Stainless steel deliveries in business area Europe are expected to remain at the third-quarter level whereas in the Americas, deliveries are expected to decline.

    The ferrochrome contract price declined by USD 0.14/lb., which will have a negative impact on business area Ferrochrome’s result. For the stainless operations, raw material-related inventory and metal derivative losses are expected to be substantial.

    Outokumpu expects its fourth-quarter adjusted EBITDA to be at a similar level to the fourth quarter of 2017 (Q4/17: EUR 82 million).

  5. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2018 18:46

    Outokumpu – Solid performance despite continued market uncertainties, Group adjusted EBITDA at EUR 128 million

    Highlights in the third quarter of 2018

    Stainless steel deliveries were 582,000 tonnes (623,000 tonnes)1.Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 128 million (EUR 56 million).EBITDA was EUR 128 million (EUR 62 million).Operating cash flow was EUR 61 million (EUR 126 million).Net debt decreased to EUR 1,205 million (June 30, 2018: EUR 1,211 million).Gearing was 44.5% (June 30, 2018: 45.1%).Return on capital employed (ROCE) was 6.9% (June 30, 2018: 5.5%).

    Highlights in the first nine months of 2018

    Stainless steel deliveries were 1,894,000 tonnes (1,887,000 tonnes).Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 397 million (EUR 549 million).EBITDA was EUR 404 million (EUR 580 million).Operating cash flow was EUR 171 million (EUR 223 million).Net result was EUR 103 million (EUR 264 million).

    1 Figures in parentheses refer to the corresponding period for 2017, unless otherwise stated.

    Q3/2018 compared to Q3/2017

    Outokumpu’s sales increased to EUR 1,733 million (EUR 1,480 million). The third-quarter adjusted EBITDA of EUR 128 million was significantly higher than EUR 56 million in the third quarter of 2017. Raw material-related inventory and metal derivative gains were EUR 3 million compared to losses of EUR 41 million in the third quarter of 2017. Earnings were supported further by improved Ferrochrome and Long Products performance. Improved product mix in Europe and better cost efficiency in all business areas increased profitability, whereas lower European base prices, higher input costs and increased truck freight cost in the Americas had a negative impact on the result. Other operations and intra-group items’ adjusted EBITDA declined to EUR -4 million (EUR 7 million)

  6. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2018 19:08

    Gewoon 128 mio neergezet, ondanks de tweet van blonde kuifje die alles overhoop gooit.

    Voor sluiting een spurt naar 3,73 van 3,65.
    Normaal zou de koers verder zijn weg omhoog vinden maar door de tweets en gebrul van kuifje zullen we paar weken nog de naweeen voelen.

    Aandeel worden gedumpt vanwege de onzekerheid in de wereld en als je als belegger ook hierin meegaat en alles verkoopt dan ben je de pineut, vooral als je twijfels ook nog gevoedt wordt door vermogen beheerdets, analisten dan is de pret voorbij en verkoop je met flink verlies.

  7. forum rang 10 voda 30 oktober 2018 20:36
    Outokumpu announces Q3 result
    Steel News - Published on Tue, 30 Oct 2018

    Outokumpu announced solid performance despite continued market uncertainties, Group adjusted EBITDA at EUR 128 million. Mr Roeland Baan President & CEO said that “During the third quarter, we were able to strengthen our market leadership position in a tough environment. Our financial performance was solid with adjusted EBITDA amounting to EUR 128 million. Despite the US steel tariffs, high stainless steel imports and record low prices, business area Europe maintained healthy profitability driven by richer product mix. Business area Long Products continued strong performance fueled by focused efficiency and productivity measures. In the Americas, base price increases have materialized as expected, but the higher input and freight costs as well as heavy distributor destocking burdened the business area’s profitability. The overall uncertainty on the stainless steel markets is expected to continue. The EU’s provisional safeguard measures are forecast to become permanent within a few months, but their real impact in balancing the import situation in the European steel markets is expected to start materializing only during next year. Thanks to our strong focus on customers, improved reliability and efficiency, our financial performance continues to be on the right trajectory to reach our long-term financial targets. Putting aside the current market uncertainties, the long-term growth prospects for stainless steel are sound, and as the market leader, we are well positioned to capture our fair share of this growth.”

    Highlights in the third quarter of 2018
    Stainless steel deliveries were 582,000 tonnes (623,000 tonnes)
    Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 128 million (EUR 56 million).
    EBITDA was EUR 128 million (EUR 62 million).
    Operating cash flow was EUR 61 million (EUR 126 million).
    Net debt decreased to EUR 1,205 million (June 30, 2018: EUR 1,211 million).
    Gearing was 44.5% (June 30, 2018: 45.1%).
    Return on capital employed (ROCE) was 6.9% (June 30, 2018: 5.5%).
    Highlights in the first nine months of 2018

    Stainless steel deliveries were 1,894,000 tonnes (1,887,000 tonnes).
    Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 397 million (EUR 549 million).
    EBITDA was EUR 404 million (EUR 580 million).
    Operating cash flow was EUR 171 million (EUR 223 million).
    Net result was EUR 103 million (EUR 264 million).
    1 Figures in parentheses refer to the corresponding period for 2017, unless otherwise stated.

    Q3/2018 compared to Q3/2017
    Outokumpu’s sales increased to EUR 1,733 million (EUR 1,480 million). The third-quarter adjusted EBITDA of EUR 128 million was significantly higher than EUR 56 million in the third quarter of 2017. Raw material-related inventory and metal derivative gains were EUR 3 million compared to losses of EUR 41 million in the third quarter of 2017. Earnings were supported further by improved Ferrochrome and Long Products performance. Improved product mix in Europe and better cost efficiency in all business areas increased profitability, whereas lower European base prices, higher input costs and increased truck freight cost in the Americas had a negative impact on the result. Other operations and intra-group items’ adjusted EBITDA declined to EUR -4 million (EUR 7 million).

    Q1-Q3/2018 compared to Q1-Q3/2017
    During the first nine months of 2018, Outokumpu’s sales increased to EUR 5,286 million (Q1-Q3/17: EUR 4,892 million). Adjusted EBITDA declined to EUR 397 million (Q1-Q3/17: EUR 549 million), driven largely by a weaker market. European base prices during the first nine months of 2018 were 14% lower compared to the same period last year, and the ferrochrome price fell by USD 0.10/lb. In addition, costs related to graphite electrodes and other inputs, as well as truck freight costs in the Americas have increased significantly. These substantial market headwinds have been partly offset by improved cost efficiency and reliability of the mills, and higher base prices in the Americas. Raw material-related inventory and metal derivative losses were EUR 1 million (Q1-Q3/17: losses of EUR 16 million). During the first nine months of 2018, EBIT was EUR 241 million (Q1-Q3/17: EUR 415 million) and net result amounted to EUR 103 million (Q1-Q3/17: EUR 264 million).

    Outlook for Q4/2018
    Fourth quarter is expected to follow typical pattern with seasonal market slowdown and annual maintenance work in business area Europe. Stainless steel deliveries in business area Europe are expected to remain at the third-quarter level whereas in the Americas, deliveries are expected to decline.The ferrochrome contract price declined by USD 0.14/lb., which will have a negative impact on business area Ferrochrome’s result. For the stainless operations, raw material-related inventory and metal derivative losses are expected to be substantial.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. 0,0 9 november 2018 09:27
    Waarschijnlijk hedging gerelateerde verliezen op de nikkel. Als het aanzienlijk is zal het wel niet zo fraai worden, maintenance is ook een dure en Ferrochrome is echt laag. Q4 gaat niet zo mooi worden.

    Vwb de resultaten denk ik dat het gerechtvaardigd is dat het aandeel underperformed:

    1. Americas is gewoon slecht, hetzelfde resultaat als LP? Serious? Check Acerinox nog maar eens, dat is de benchmark en dat halen ze bij lange na niet en nog belangrijker ze laten ook niet echt overtuigende zaken zien dat dit aan het veranderen is. Dat kun je Trump niet verwijten helaas.

    2. In zijn algemeenheid performed de concurrentie gewoon beter, Aperam en Acerinox blijven sterker presteren en de inhaalslag die Outokumpu aan het maken was/is lijkt een beetje af te vlakken.

    Q4 is een verloren kwartaal, dat is het altijd overigens maar afgaande op het taalgebruik hoop ik wel dat het beetje meevalt. Ben benieuwd hoe ze 2019 zien, dan zullen ze toch echt de stap moeten maken om tegen Aperam aan te kruipen qua resultaten.

  9. [verwijderd] 9 november 2018 10:54

    Denk dat sowieso, 2018 een verloren jaar voor Aperam & Outokumpu.
    Gewoon dood geld.

    Als je winst maakt en je wordt afgestraft met meer dan 35 % - 50% lager binnen paar maanden tijd dan kun je niet meer spreken van een normaal koersverloop.

    Ongeacht wat analisten zeggen.

    Aperam Nov. 2017 - 44,60 - Anno 2018: 28,92
    Outokumpu Nov. 2017 - 7,89 - Anno 2018: 3,74

    Ik wou dat meerdere aandelen dit soort koers sprongen deed, maar dan "upside" binnen paar maanden tijd. Meestal doen ze jaar of 2 over om 50% meer te worden, maar zij doen het tegenovergestelde ondanks solide performance bij moeilijke omstandigheden.

    Het is wat het is.


  10. [verwijderd] 9 november 2018 12:04

    Meer de reactie door thyssen.
    Snap niet dat iedereen dan gaat gillen om de koers te drukken.

    AGM / arcelor /aperam. Ongeloof maar waar.

    Beats me.

  11. [verwijderd] 20 november 2018 10:42

    Outokumpu, afgelopen dagen gehandeld boven de 3,80 (top 3,88) vanwege extra 32 mio van de verzekering en revise 4Q outlook.

    Maar het denderd weer naar 3,68.. voor vandaag.
    Daghandelaren scoren goed met dit soort volatiliteit.
    Op dit niveaus handelen is kassa op de beurs.
    Je weet dat Outokumpu door raast, ondanks moeilijke omstandigheden, maar gewoon in het zwart schrijft. De koers sjokt wel mee in de toekomst.
    Nu is het meedoen met de grilligheid van de markt of bijkopen of wachten.


    November 9, 2018 at 3.00 pm EET

    Outokumpu receives an insurance compensation of EUR 32 million and revises its fourth quarter outlook: adjusted EBITDA is expected to be higher than in the fourth quarter of 2017

    Outokumpu has completed negotiations with insurance companies regarding the property damage and business interruption at the Tornio ferrochrome production in Finland in the first half of 2017. Outokumpu will receive an insurance compensation of EUR 32 million which will be booked in the fourth-quarter financial results.

    Consequently, Outokumpu revises its outlook and expects its fourth-quarter adjusted EBITDA to be higher than in the corresponding quarter in 2017 (Q4/17: EUR 82 million). Earlier Outokumpu expected its fourth-quarter adjusted EBITDA to be at a similar level to the fourth quarter of 2017.
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