seance 1 oktober 2019 00:02 auteur info seance Lid sinds: 14 nov 2006 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1127 Gegeven: 14 Aantal posts: 2.221 koers aperam is ook gehalveerd Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
jessebrown 1 oktober 2019 14:00 auteur info jessebrown Lid sinds: 21 sep 2007 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 230 Gegeven: 13 Aantal posts: 3.145 quote:keljans 123 schreef op 1 oktober 2019 00:02:koers aperam is ook gehalveerdAls je de lange termijn grafiek bekijkt dan heeft outokompu begin 2017 bijna de 10 euro aangetikt,en daarna zit dit aandeel in een down trend en het lijkt er op (ondanks wat oplevingen) dat er steeds nieuwe lows opgezocht worden,dit aandeel doet het in vergelijk met zijn peers in de downtrend veel slechter,met al het slechte nieuws uit de industrie wereldwijd vrees ik dat het aandeel door partijen nog lager gezet gaat worden. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
jessebrown 1 oktober 2019 14:22 auteur info jessebrown Lid sinds: 21 sep 2007 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 230 Gegeven: 13 Aantal posts: 3.145 Dit heeft het aandeel ook niet geholpen.Nickel mit bestem Quartal seit 2010 Dienstag, 01.10.2019 13:30 von Björn Junker Im Zeitraum von Juli bis September verbuchte Nickel die beste Quartalsperformance seit dem Jahr 2010. Am Markt geht man davon aus, dass das zum Jahresende in Indonesien in Kraft tretende Exportverbot von Nickelerz das Angebot des Industriemetalle stark verknappen wird.Nickel, das Metall wird in der Herstellung von Edelstahl aber auch von Lithiumbatterien verwendet, schoss Anfang September nach oben, nachdem Indonesien mitteilte, dass das Verbot der Ausfuhr von nicht verarbeitetem Nickelerz am 1. Januar 2020 in Kraft treten wird – und damit zwei Jahre früher als ursprünglich angekündigt. Damit fallen laut der International Nickel Study Group bis zu 350.000 Tonnen Angebot weg.Der Nickelpreis ist so im gerade abgelaufenen Quartal um 34% gestiegen und führt damit den Bloomberg Commodity Index an, der 23 Rohstoffe umfasst. Das Metall hat damit auch deutlich besser performt als die Aktienmärkte. Damit ist Nickel einer der wenigen Lichtblicke unter den Industriemetallen, die insgesamt unter der Erwartung leiden, dass der Handelskrieg zwischen den USA und China und ein langsameres Wachstum der Weltwirtschaft die Nachfrage einbrechen lassen werden.Ein wichtiger Indikator ist auch, dass die Aufträge zur Entnahme von Nickel aus den von der LME (London Metal Exchange) überwachten Warenhäusern gestern den siebten Tag in Folge stiegen, was der höchste Wert seit 2013 ist. Seit Jahresbeginn ist der Nickelpreis an der LME um rund 68% gestiegen. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
0,0 1 oktober 2019 15:22 auteur info 0,0 Lid sinds: 13 mei 2015 Laatste bezoek: 17 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 11 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 90 quote:kusadasi schreef op 1 oktober 2019 14:22:Dit heeft het aandeel ook niet geholpen.Waarom niet? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
seance 1 oktober 2019 15:47 auteur info seance Lid sinds: 14 nov 2006 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1127 Gegeven: 14 Aantal posts: 2.221 quote:kusadasi schreef op 1 oktober 2019 14:00:[...]Als je de lange termijn grafiek bekijkt dan heeft outokompu begin 2017 bijna de 10 euro aangetikt,en daarna zit dit aandeel in een down trend en het lijkt er op (ondanks wat oplevingen) dat er steeds nieuwe lows opgezocht worden,dit aandeel doet het in vergelijk met zijn peers in de downtrend veel slechter,met al het slechte nieuws uit de industrie wereldwijd vrees ik dat het aandeel door partijen nog lager gezet gaat worden.bovendien voorspelde de ceo een lager derde kwartaal tot dan maar beter afblijven Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
seance 7 oktober 2019 09:46 auteur info seance Lid sinds: 14 nov 2006 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1127 Gegeven: 14 Aantal posts: 2.221 deze week cijfers? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 7 oktober 2019 10:31 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Dat zou mooi zijn, maar helaas.Radio stilte vanaf 1 - 30 oktober.31-10-19 komt de presentatie, wat ik zag op website.dan zal er geen winstwaarschuwing komen als ze radio stilte hebben aangekondigd :-). Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
seance 7 oktober 2019 13:32 auteur info seance Lid sinds: 14 nov 2006 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1127 Gegeven: 14 Aantal posts: 2.221 quote:Knight V schreef op 7 oktober 2019 10:31:Dat zou mooi zijn, maar helaas.Radio stilte vanaf 1 - 30 oktober.31-10-19 komt de presentatie, wat ik zag op website.dan zal er geen winstwaarschuwing komen als ze radio stilte hebben aangekondigd :-).hebben we het beide over outokumpu? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 7 oktober 2019 13:55 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Ik hoop het dat wij over hetzelfde hebben.vorig jaar kregen wij op 10 oktober 2018 melding dat de cijfers gepubliceerd werden op 28 oktober.Hier is de IR event schedule voor Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
seance 7 oktober 2019 14:20 auteur info seance Lid sinds: 14 nov 2006 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1127 Gegeven: 14 Aantal posts: 2.221 je hebt gelijk . vorig jaar was de aankondiging op 10. niet verder gelezen bedankt Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 9 oktober 2019 12:59 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Moh jongens toch....Aperam is oververkocht, heeft een mega dividend...waarom niet kopen! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 9 oktober 2019 16:16 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93997 Gegeven: 22990 Aantal posts: 385.128 Outokumpu Appoints Mr Rajeev Sherry as MD of Indian OperationsGlobal Stainless Steel major Outokumpu has appointed Mr Rajeev Sherry as Managing Director to head company’s India operations. Mr Sherry, an engineering graduate and post graduate in Business Management, has earlier worked in various senior roles in Major Indian and global metal companies including Hindalco, Alcan and Rio Tinto. Mr Sherry said “Outokumpu is the global leader in stainless steel and a pioneer in product and application innovations with production facilities in Finland, Germany, Sweden, the UK, the USA and Mexico. In India, the company will mainly focus on high end application segment including growing energy sector which include nuclear, renewable and fossil energy. Other key offerings include applications for oil & gas, railways, chemical processing industries, coastal bridges and desalination plants where human safety and process efficiency elements play a key role.”He said “Stainless steel is the fastest growing segment of the metals industry with a variety of applications. New applications are being continuously developed to meet more stringent requirements. In India, demand for stainless steel is on constant increase due to awareness about the product and availability of right grades and sizes. The demand for the corrosion free metal is growing in high end industries including oil & gas, energy and shipping-related industries, railways, ports, infrastructure and automotive where corrosion is a serious issue”Mr Sherry also said “Apart from providing speciality steel to high end industries, Outokumpu continues to offer competitive cost advantages to other segments such as Architecture, Building and Construction, food processing, capital goods, Railways and pulp & paper industry. Outokumpu is recognized worldwide for its environmental work, and sustainability is at the core of the company’s purpose, working towards a world that lasts forever. Stainless steel itself is sustainable material, it is durable and 100% recyclable. The recycled content of Outokumpu products is over 85% against the industry average of 60%. Outokumpu’s unique track record in sustainable performance is the result of a long-term commitment, and in India, we will continue on the same path”Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 11 oktober 2019 12:03 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Koers nu zijwaarts na 7% plus stijging.In afwachting van ontmoeting trump en china. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 1 november 2019 15:19 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Trading Halt op Out1V.Dus een technische probleem. 1-10-19.Nasdaq is still experiencing connectivy issues affecting its Nordic and Baltic markets. As a result, we made a new decision to halt the equity and equity derivatives markets again at 13.00 CET. We will provide additional information as it becomes available. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 1 november 2019 16:10 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93997 Gegeven: 22990 Aantal posts: 385.128 Outokumpu joins the Responsible Steel initiativeOutokumpu is further strengthening its sustainability agenda by joining the Responsible Steel initiative. Kari Tuutti, President of Long Products and Head of Group Sustainability at Outokumpu said that “We’re very excited to be part of the Responsible Steel initiative. We strongly believe that stainless steel is an important element in building a more sustainable future across the globe. A solid sustainability standard for stainless steel will help steel users to evaluate the sustainability of various producers. We’re confident that Responsible Steel will become a globally recognized standard for the steel industry in the coming years.”Responsible Steel is a global multi-stakeholder standard and certification initiative for the steel industry. The initiative is developing an independent certification standard that helps the steel industry to communicate about carbon footprint and other sustainability aspects of their products and operations to customers and other stakeholders. As the global leader in low carbon stainless steel production, Outokumpu aims to actively contribute to the development of the standard and its implementation to encourage the industry, our customers and other stakeholders in the value chain to take a step further in sustainability. Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 1 november 2019 16:30 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93997 Gegeven: 22990 Aantal posts: 385.128 Outokumpu Announces Q3 ResultsOutokumpu’s sales decreased to EUR 1,590 million (EUR 1,733 million) and adjusted EBITDA to EUR 45 million (EUR 128 million). Profitability decreased significantly primarily due to 8% lower stainless steel deliveries reflecting a weak stainless steel market particularly in Europe, as well as raw material-related inventory and metal derivative losses of EUR 31 million (gains of EUR 3 million) caused by a sharp rise of the nickel price. Ferrochrome profitability was negatively impacted by the lower benchmark price. Raw material mix, on the other hand, improved in both business area Europe and the Americas. Other operations and intra-group items’ adjusted EBITDA was EUR 14 million (EUR -4 million), positively impacted by gains from derivatives and the sale of emission allowances.Highlights in Q3 2019Stainless steel deliveries were 533,000 tonnes (582,000 tonnes).Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 45 million (EUR 128 million).EBITDA was EUR 45 million (EUR 128 million).Operating cash flow was EUR 12 million (EUR 61 million).Net debt was EUR 1,336 million (June 30, 2019: EUR 1,307 million).Gearing was 51.4% (June 30, 2019: 49.8%).Return on capital employed (ROCE) was 1.0% (June 30, 2019: 2.9%).During the first nine months of 2019, Outokumpu’s sales decreased to EUR 5,006 million (EUR 5,286 million). Adjusted EBITDA decreased to EUR 190 million (EUR 397 million). Weak stainless steel market has led to significantly lower base prices. On the other hand, pricing has been supported by improved product and raw material mix. Deliveries during the first nine months of the year were 8% lower compared to the same period last year. Ferrochrome profitability was suffering from lower ferrochrome benchmark price, but part of this impact was compensated by record-high production. Raw material-related inventory and metal derivative losses during January-September were EUR 60 million, significantly higher than the losses of EUR 1 million during the first nine months of 2018. Other operations and intra-group items’ adjusted EBITDA amounted to EUR 4 million (EUR 11 million).EBIT was EUR 3 million (EUR 241 million) and net result amounted to EUR -60 million (EUR 103 million).Highlights in Q1–Q3 2019Stainless steel deliveries were 1,738,000 tonnes (1,894,000 tonnes).Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 190 million (EUR 397 million).EBITDA was EUR 176 million (EUR 404 million).Operating cash flow was EUR 228 million (EUR 171 million).Net result was EUR -60 million (EUR 103 million).Voor cijfers, zie pdf.Outlook for Q4 2019The stainless steel market is expected to remain subdued. The European market is suffering from continued import pressure from Asia and low underlying demand whereas in the US, we expect to see the normal fourth-quarter seasonality. Consequently, Outokumpu expects its fourth-quarter stainless steel deliveries to be lower than in the third quarter of 2019.The planned annual maintenance work at the Tornio stainless steel mill is expected to have up to EUR 15 million negative impact on business area Europe’s profitability.Assuming the current raw material prices, the losses from raw material-related inventories and metal derivatives from the third quarter are not expected to be repeated in the fourth quarter.Outokumpu expects its fourth-quarter adjusted EBITDA to be at a similar level to the third quarter of 2019 (Q3/19: EUR 45 million). Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 1 november 2019 17:06 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 OUT1v... hoppa naar 2,65...Ik zie de 2,80 ook nog wel als Aperam met cijfers komt, dan gaat Out1V in de slipstream mee. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 26 november 2019 14:49 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93997 Gegeven: 22990 Aantal posts: 385.128 Moody downgrades Outokumpu Rating to B2Moody's Investors Service has downgraded to B2 from B1 the corporate family rating and to B2-PD from B1-PD the probability of default rating of Finland-based stainless steel producer Outokumpu Oyj. Concurrently, Moody's downgraded from Ba3 to B1 the instrument rating on the group's senior secured notes. The outlook has been changed to stable from negative.The downgrade was prompted by Outokumpu's continued weak results during the last 12 months ended 30 September 2019, underpinned by a further deteriorating market environment in the European stainless steel industry, caused by cyclical and structural challenges. The slowdown in end-market demand, unabated high stainless steel imports into Europe suppressing domestic base prices and timing and hedging losses led to an erosion in profitability and cash flow generation. In addition, the operating performance of the US business is still low, despite a more favorable market environment. With the persistent earnings decline, Outokumpu's leverage as adjusted by Moody's increased to 7.7x debt/EBITDA for the last 12 months ended 30 September 2019, which, together with EUR6 million negative Moody's-adjusted free cash flow in the same period positions the B2 rating currently at a weak level.The stable outlook reflects Moody's expectations that the current exceptionally adverse market situation will normalize in 2020. This should ease the pressure on Outokumpu's profitability, which it would need to structurally improve to more adequately position the B2 rating over the next 12-18 months.Moreover, the stable outlook assumes that the group will retain an adequate liquidity profile with positive free cash flow generation and maintain a prudent financial policy, as shown by expected lower dividend payments next year, if any. Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 5 december 2019 16:42 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 18 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93997 Gegeven: 22990 Aantal posts: 385.128 Outokumpu India to Focus on High End Stainless Steel Applications in IndiaFinnish Stainless Steel major Outokumpu announced that it will mainly focus on growing high end segment in India. Outokumpu India MD Mr Rajeev Sherry said “In India, the company will mainly focus on high end application segment including growing energy sector which include nuclear, renewable and fossil energy. Other key offerings include applications for oil & gas, railways, chemical processing industries, coastal bridges and desalination plants where human safety and process efficiency elements play a key role.”He said “Stainless steel is the fastest growing segment of the metals industry with a variety of applications. New applications are being continuously developed to meet more stringent requirements. In India, demand for stainless steel is on constant increase due to awareness about the product and availability of right grades and sizes. The demand for the corrosion free metal is growing in high end industries including oil & gas, energy and shipping-related industries, railways, ports, infrastructure and automotive where corrosion is a serious issue.”He added “Apart from providing speciality steel to high end industries, Outokumpu continues to offer competitive cost advantages to other segments such as Architecture, Building and Construction, food processing, capital goods, Railways and pulp & paper industry.” Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Vossejongk 20 januari 2020 09:12 auteur info Vossejongk Lid sinds: 14 aug 2019 Laatste bezoek: 27 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 14 Gegeven: 3 Aantal posts: 56 Outokumpu : says fourth quarter profit better than expected01/20/2020 | 02:44am Finnish stainless steel maker Outokumpu said on Monday its October-December core operating profit would be better than expected due to positive raw material impacts, including improved raw material efficiency and hedging.Outokumpu said its fourth quarter adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) would be around 70 million euros ($77.7 million). It had earlier guided for around 45 million level.Analysts had expected for adjusted EBITDA of 44.6 million euros, according to Refinitiv data, with estimates ranging from 26 million to 56 million.The company is due to publish fourth quarter results on Feb 5.Outokumpu has previously reported falling sales and profits as cheap Asian imports have hit its sales in Europe.(Reporting by Tarmo Virki; Editing by Alex Richardson)Copyright 2020 © Thomson Reuters Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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