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BioPharma Terug naar discussie overzicht

Mooi instap moment Dendreon

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  1. [verwijderd] 14 mei 2007 16:40
    Vandaag dr Thornton van Genvec (en ex-FDA) in de WSJ:

    Black Wednesday at the FDA
    May 14, 2007

    May 9, 2007, should be cited in the annals of cancer immunotherapy as Black Wednesday. Within an eight-hour period that day, the FDA succeeded in killing not one but two safe, promising therapies designed and developed to act by stimulating a patient's immune system against cancer. The FDA's hubris will affect the lives and possibly the life spans of cancer patients from nearly every demographic, from elderly men with prostate cancer to young children with the rarest of bone cancers.

    The dream of stimulating a person's immune system to fight his cancer is older than the modern era of cancer chemotherapy. Over a hundred years ago, Dr. William Coley at Memorial Hospital in New York City experimented with bacterial agents that appeared to have properties in stimulating immune responses against sarcoma, a cancer of the muscles and bones. Advances ebbed during the era of chemotherapy in the mid-20th century, but over the last 25 years cancer immunotherapy has received much research focus and periodic support from the biotechnology industry.

    Progress and investment, however, have been unsteady as tumor shrinkages following treatment never quite translated into "hard," clinically relevant outcomes such as prolongation of the survival of the patient. Still, this type of approach remains the Holy Grail of cancer treatment. One day current treatment approaches such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, which often kill most but not all of a cancer, could be made obsolete by a potent immune response that eradicates the cancer cells and provides subsequent protection against return and relapse.

    Thus it was remarkable that in the last several months two different biotech companies, with products utilizing two completely different cancer immune approaches, came before the FDA's Advisory Committee Meeting for judgment. The first product, Provenge, made by the Dendreon company, is a cellular therapy that tackles prostate cancer. The results of the Provenge clinical trial in men with prostate cancer who had failed all other therapies appeared before the committee that advises on cell-based cancer products for the FDA Center for Biologics. This committee was comprised of immunology and oncology experts. The second product, Junovan, made by the IDM company, was tested in children with osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer that affects just 900 children per year. The results of the Junovan clinical trial appeared before a different committee -- one that judges protein cancer agents and was comprised solely of oncologists with no immunology experts.

    Both the Provenge and Junovan clinical trials provided evidence that patients lived longer compared to control groups. But according to the FDA, these "survival advantages" that statisticians talk about had "issues." When the issues were discussed in the Provenge public meeting the majority of the committee (in a 13-4 vote) thought the issues, while relevant and important, were superseded by the solid immunology science behind the product.

    However, those voting in the minority, very powerful members of the oncology community, launched an unprecedented PR campaign accusing those in the majority of incompetence and naiveté in matters relating to cancer products. The arrogance of this campaign overlooked the notion that survival data from immune-based products may be qualitatively different from, and may need to be judged by different criteria than, survival data from chemotherapy drugs.

    But such intriguing academic discussions never had a chance to take root. Instead -- just a few weeks after the favorable ruling on Provenge -- the Junovan product came before the FDA's Advisory Committee for approval. Incredibly, the improvement in the survival rate of children with bone cancer who received Junovan was summarily dismissed as irrelevant by the committee. Why? The statistical data showing the odds of efficacy were 94% surety instead of the usual goal of 95% surety. This 1% difference was all the committee needed to justify a 12-2 "No" vote.

    The Junovan meeting was chaired by the very physician who launched the PR campaign against Provenge. Unlike the meeting on Provenge, however, all discussion time on Junovan was spent kneeling before the altar of statistics -- not a single comment was made about the immunology science supporting the efficacy of Junovan. Remarkably, as the Junovan vote was taking place, the FDA folded under the pressure and announced that it would not abide by the favorable vote on Provenge. Instead, the FDA called for more testing that -- if the product is not killed outright by its maker Dendreon -- will take at least three years to complete.

    In the span of eight hours, the dawn of a new era in cancer immunotherapy was driven back into the night. It will be years before we know the full impact of these decisions and how many cancer patients, young and old, have had their lives cut short as a result. For now, however, one thing is clear: While our lawmakers obsess over FDA "safety reforms," no one is holding this government agency accountable for its complicity in stalling therapies for life-threatening diseases.

    Dr. Thornton, a former medical officer in the FDA Office of Oncology Products, volunteers as president of the Sarcoma Foundation of America.
  2. [verwijderd] 16 mei 2007 00:10

    elmono schreef:

    ja snel instappen. de trein naar 5 vertrekt zo. Je kunt hem nog net halen....pfff

    Maar even zonder dollen. Was zelf op 14 enige weken geleden uitgestapt en zt al te balen dat ik een stuk van de rit aan het missen was. Achteraf blij met mijn beslissing om winst te nemen. Dat op zich was al een hele overwinning en een stap voorwaarts in de beteugeling van de hebzucht :-)


    De trein naar 5 meerdert vaart. Alle inhaligen graag instappen...toeoeoeoet
    Volgens mij weet de machinist nu ff niet of ie nog naar het noorden of naar het zuiden moet.
    Groet Beur

    Hij staat nog even op het volgende station te rangeren, voor en achterwaarts, maar vertrek vanavond toch echt naar het zuiden voor een flink aantal maanden. Op weg naar een plaats waar wat duur betaalde munten op hem liggen te wachten. Een ieder die op de trein wil springen, verkoope zijn ticket en ride it to the sun

    Daar gaat de trein, op vol stoom...tjoek

    Op volle snelheid nu naar plaats van bestemming. Bijna op vakantieadres. Tjoek.....

    Inmiddels op vakantie-adres aangeland en met een lading vol terugkeerders op weg noord maar weer voor een klein beetje afkoeling. Helaas is de afkoeling maar tijdelijk, want het zonnige zuiden blijft trekken
    Vroem weer vol op weg naar het zonnige zuiden. dit keer nog een stukkie verder, richting sahara
  3. [verwijderd] 20 mei 2007 15:02
    Wie wind zaait zal storm oogsten.

    Sunday, May 20, 2007 - Page updated at 02:01 AM

    Patients rally to back Dendreon

    Dendreon's prostate cancer drug has its own fan club — and it's a powerful one, too.

    A coalition of five nonprofits across the country plans to stage a gathering in Washington D.C., on June 4 to protest the recent delay of Provenge by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

    The FDA's decision May 8 to require more data on Provenge means the drug might not hit the market until 2010. As a result, the stock took a big hit.

    While the nonprofits say their goal is mainly to raise awareness about prostate cancer and the lack of treatment options available, their initiative is called Provenge Now and is detailed on a Web site by the same name (

    The group hopes several thousand prostate-cancer survivors, patients and their families from across the U.S. turn out.

    "The level of attention to this particular FDA decision is unlike any I've seen," said analyst Paul Latta of McAdams Wright Ragen in Seattle.

    Already, one of the nonprofits, Malecare (, has compiled about 2,000 signatures on a letter of protest that it will send to the FDA at the end of the month.

    The FDA's outside panel of experts voted in March to endorse the drug. But on May 8 the agency said it won't approve the drug until further data on its efficacy is gathered.

    Coalition leaders, in their bid to convince the FDA that it made a bad choice, met with the head of the FDA, Andrew von Eschenbach.

    One of the nonprofits in the campaign — Us TOO in Olympia — is participating even though its governing rules forbid endorsing a drug or a product, Chairman Jim Kiefert said.

    Us TOO has to be careful about how it addresses the issue. For example, instead of telling von Eschenbach that the FDA should approve Provenge, Us TOO will ask him to "follow the recommendations of your advisory committee," Kiefert said.

    — Kirsten Orsini-Meinhard

  4. [verwijderd] 20 mei 2007 15:18
    These advocate organizations support immediate approval of new prostate cancer treatments to expand the options available to patients, including Active Cellular Immunotherapies:
    Us TOO, Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN), Prostate Cancer Research Institute, Malecare, Survivor's Celebration, Mark A. Moyad, M.D., M.P.H., University of Michigan Medical Center and Raise A Voice

  5. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 04:36
    De Maginot-linie wordt operationeel:

    Press Release Source: Dendreon Corporation

    Dendreon Announces Presentation of Data at American Urological Association Annual Meeting
    Sunday May 20, 6:30 pm ET

    -Data May Support Use of PROVENGE(R) as Front-line Treatment in Advanced Prostate Cancer-

    SEATTLE and ANAHEIM, Calif., May 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Dendreon Corporation (Nasdaq: DNDN - News) today announced the presentation of data from an analysis of Phase 3 Studies (D9901 and D9902A) that showed a prolonged survival benefit for patients who were initially treated with PROVENGE (sipuleucel-T) who then went on to receive docetaxel chemotherapy after disease progression. The data were presented today at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California.

    The abstract, titled "Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients who Receive Sipuleucel-T followed by Docetaxel Have Prolonged Survival" (#605), authored by Daniel P. Petrylak, M.D., associate professor of medicine at New York- Presbyterian Hospital at the Columbia University Medical Center, is based on an exploratory analysis conducted to assess the influence of the active cellular immunotherapy PROVENGE on the clinical outcome of patients who subsequently went on to receive docetaxel chemotherapy after primary treatment with PROVENGE. The analysis was conducted by evaluating data from two Phase 3 clinical trials of PROVENGE in patient with asymptomatic, metastatic, androgen-independent prostate cancer (AIPC).

    "The results of this analysis suggest that the use of sipuleucel-T as a first-line treatment followed by the chemotherapy docetaxel upon disease progression may provide patients with a substantially prolonged survival benefit," said Dr. Petrylak. "This analysis provides valuable clinical insight as to how the treatment of men with advanced prostate cancer will likely evolve with the potential introduction of new products like sipuleucel- T that complement the currently available treatment regimens for men with advanced prostate cancer."

    Study Design and Results

    This analysis was conducted by evaluating data from two identically designed randomized Phase 3 trials (D9901 and D9902A; n=225) conducted in men with asymptomatic, metastatic, androgen independent prostate cancer. Survival analyses were performed on the subgroup of 82 patients in the trials that were documented to have received docetaxel chemotherapy following initial treatment with either PROVENGE or placebo.

    According to the analysis, the patients who received initial treatment with PROVENGE followed by docetaxel had a median survival of 34.5 months compared to 25.4 months for those patients in the placebo arm who received treatment with docetaxel chemotherapy, a 9.1 month difference. In addition, an analysis of overall survival demonstrated that patients in the PROVENGE arm who received subsequent therapy with docetaxel had a 47 percent reduction in their risk of death compared to those in the placebo arm who received subsequent therapy with docetaxel (HR = 1.90, p-value = 0.023).

  6. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 09:37
    Deze lezing van dr Petrylak is een letterlijke herhaling van de zijn lezing van vorig jaar, gegeven voor de Chemotherapy Foundation. Deze studie, met resultaten over Provenge in combinatie met Taxotere (dat chemo middel van Sanofy)brengen, hoewel erg positief, dus helaas niets nieuws. Maar langzaam loopt de politieke druk op de FDA wel steeds verder op en een veel snellere approval lijkt met de dag waarschijnlijker.
  7. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 10:03

    leo s schreef:

    Deze lezing van dr Petrylak is een letterlijke herhaling van de zijn lezing van vorig jaar, gegeven voor de Chemotherapy Foundation. Deze studie, met resultaten over Provenge in combinatie met Taxotere (dat chemo middel van Sanofy)brengen, hoewel erg positief, dus helaas niets nieuws. Maar langzaam loopt de politieke druk op de FDA wel steeds verder op en een veel snellere approval lijkt met de dag waarschijnlijker.
    Waarde Leo, hoewel het onderzoek hetzelfde is, is het onderzoek anders opgeschreven. Het is meer geschreven vanuit de "oorlog" die gestart is. En dat komt door : 47% .
    47% stond niet in het orgineel, maar is wel een heel begrijpbaar en heel hoog getal, als we praten over survival.
    Het is dus meer een marketing-artikel in een machtstrijd.
    Ik ben het met je eens, dat de erkenning niet ver weg meer is, ook gezien de protestmars, die op 4/5 juni in Washington DC te gebeuren staat.
    (Zo zie je maar: begint een idioot als Mr Psycho brieven te sturen naar het CBER en voor je het weet is er een landelijke actie gaande¿¿).

    Voor de liefhebber (de lezing van November: ):

    early adopter
  8. miekemuis 21 mei 2007 10:31
    Onderschat zelfs de impact van een film als "Sicko" niet van Michael Moore, pas uit in VS en voor ons net op het gepaste moment nu protest komt tegen het niet goedkeuren van Provenge :

    Michael Moore roept ziek Amerika op tot revolte

    Michael Moore in Cannes: artsen verdienen geld door patiënten te laten sterven.AP

    © Andrew Medichini
    Bekijk de pagina uit de krant
    DOCUMENTAIRE OVER WANTOESTANDEN IN GEZONDHEIDSZORG Michael Moore haalt opnieuw zwaar uit. En hij doet dat met zoveel verve, dat 'Sicko' zal wegen op de campagne voor de presidentsverkiezingen van 2008.

    Van onze redacteur

    Steven De Foer

    Je kan voor of tegen de kruisvaarder met de grote moed en de botte bijl zijn, maar één ding staat vast: hij weet zijn zaak te verkopen. Op het grootste media-evenement ter wereld, waar de knapste talenten en de diepste decolletés vechten om een stukje aandacht, trekt de dikkerd uit Michigan weer volledig het laken naar zich toe met… een documentaire over de gezondheidszorg in de VS.

    Na de auto-industrie (Roger & me), de obsessie met wapens (Bowling for Columbine) en de leugens over de inval in Irak (Fahrenheit 9/11) pikt Moore met de gezondheidsindustrie misschien wel zijn machtigste vijand uit. Deze industrie is goed voor vijftien procent van het bruto binnenlands product van de VS. In Washington lopen vier lobbyisten van de gezondheidsindustrie rond voor ieder congreslid.

    Moore beweert zelfs dat hij veiligheidshalve een extra kopie van zijn film 'langs alternatieve weg' naar Cannes verscheept heeft, voor het geval de Amerikaanse douane zou trachten zijn film tegen te houden.

    WAT zegt Moore in 'Sicko'?

    Sicko begint met de 50 miljoen Amerikanen die geen enkele vorm van medische verzekering hebben. Zoals de arbeider die twee vingers verloor in een zaagmachine en in het hospitaal mocht kiezen: één vinger er terug aanzetten kostte 12.000 dollar, allebei werd helaas 60.000 dollar. De 'hopeloos romantische man' koos voor de ringvinger.

    Maar al snel zoemt Sicko in op de 200 miljoen Amerikanen die wél een verzekering hebben en zich veilig wanen. Moore laat patiënten aan het woord wier aanvraag voor terugbetaling geweigerd werd om de meest Kafkaïaanse redenen. Een vrouw die na een zwaar verkeersongeval de (enorme) kosten van ambulance en ziekenhuis zelf moet dragen 'omdat ze geen voorafgaande aanvraag had ingediend'. Of een 22-jarige moeder die geen kankerbehandeling kreeg 'omdat kanker op die leeftijd niet normaal is'.

    Moore is zo'n instituut geworden, dat getuigen zoeken voor hem een makkie is geworden. Ze bieden zich gewoon aan: 25.000 mails met medische rampverhalen op een week, na een oproep op zijn website.

    Voormalige werknemers van de grote ziekteverzekeraars getuigen als klokkenluider voor de camera. Hoe ze bonussen konden verdienen door nepredenen te verzinnen om zwaar zieke patiënten niet te hoeven vergoeden. Huilend vragen sommigen vergiffenis voor de doden op hun geweten. 'Wie verzon dit systeem, waarbij artsen geld verdienen door mensen te laten sterven?' vraagt Moore zich af.

    Moore gaat vervolgens op reis, naar landen met het door veel Amerikanen zo gevreesde door de overheid gecontroleerde gezondheidssysteem. Met grappig gespeelde verbazing leert hij over de quasi-kosteloze gezondheidszorg in Canada, Engeland en Frankrijk. De boodschap is duidelijk: waarom doen wij in de VS niet hetzelfde?

    Het slot van de film is een stunt. Moore trommelt vrijwillige reddingswerkers van Ground Zero op, die later ziek werden maar door de overheid aan hun lot werden overgelaten. Met hen trekt hij per boot naar de gevangenis van Guantanamo Bay, waar de terroristen wel gratis behandeld worden door de Amerikaanse overheid. Als hij daar niet binnenmag, gaat hij maar aankloppen in het naburige Cuba.

    HOE pakt hij het aan?

    Subtiel is Moore nooit geweest. Nuances leiden maar af van de kern van de boodschap. Moores kracht ligt in zijn aan Don Quichote verwante gedrevenheid, niet in zijn intellectuele eerlijkheid of journalistieke deontologie. Toch schuift hij in Sicko minder vaak uit over manipulatie en populisme dan in zijn vorige films.

    Zijn voorstelling van Canada en Engeland als gezondheidsparadijzen is op zijn zachtst gezegd rozig. Maar de kern van zijn boodschap blijft terecht: dat het Amerikaanse systeem van een schrijnende onverschilligheid voor ongelukkige mensen getuigt.

    Dat klinkt somber, maar Sicko is ook een erg grappige film. Humor is voor Moore een glijmiddel voor zijn boodschap. Als hij het heeft over een waanzinnig lange lijst van aandoeningen die door de verzekeringsmaatschappijen niet worden terugbetaald, rolt die lijst over het scherm op de heroïsche muziek en in de beroemde generiekletters van Star Wars.

    HOE zijn de reacties?

    Uiteraard lust de Franse pers in Cannes wel pap van een J'accuse tegen Amerikaanse onmenselijkheid. Maar de Amerikaanse pers reageert ook enthousiast. 'Moore heeft deze keer het voordeel dat niemand het oneens kan zijn met zijn verontwaardiging', schrijft The Hollywood Reporter. 'Behalve de bazen van de verzekeringsfirma's.'

    Op de persconferentie voelde showbeest Moore zich als een kat in een viswinkel. Over het onderzoek dat het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën is gestart omdat hij met zijn Cuba-stunt het handelsembargo tegen dat land zou hebben overtreden, zei hij: 'Het was gewoon Cuba omdat ze mij met mijn boten vol patiënten niet binnenlieten in Guantanamo. Maar als Guantanamo een Amerikaanse enclave in Spanje was geweest, was ik naar Spanje gegaan.'

    De vraag is of Sicko zoals gepland mag worden uitgebracht in de VS, op 29 juni. 'Vorige keer, met Fahrenheit 9/11, genoot de Bush-administratie nog heel wat publieke steun, die volledig verdwenen is. Ondanks dat werd de film een gigantisch succes. Als de overheid mij deze keer tegenwerkt, maakt ze zich belachelijk.'

    Moore beëindigde zijn film én de persconferentie met een oproep tot revolte. 'Ik vraag het Amerikaanse publiek te revolteren, en geen genoegen te nemen met een presidentskandidaat die ons land niet eindelijk een fatsoenlijke, betaalbare gezondheidszorg voor iedereen wil beloven.'

    Zo kan Sicko van grote invloed worden op de race naar het Witte Huis.
  9. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 12:06
    Van IV.:

    Gottlieb on Googe Video
    I recorded the interview and put it on Google video if for any reason the Fox link does not work.
    It does not hurt to have it out there for more to see!
    Google link:

    Transcript of the video, from WSJ OpinionJournal - link below:

    Submitted for Your Approval
    Cancer drugs, immigration and Jerry Falwell.

    Monday, May 21, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT
    Paul Gigot: This week on "The Journal Editorial Report": Warning, government bureaucracy could be hazardous to your health. How the FDA's red tape is keeping lifesaving cancer drugs out of the hands of the people who need them most. Plus, key senators strike a bipartisan deal aimed at bringing 12 million illegal immigrants out of the shadows. And the Falwell legacy--the founder of the Moral Majority is dead, but what influence will evangelicals have in 2008? First, these headlines.
    Gigot: Welcome to "The Journal Editorial Report." I'm Paul Gigot. The Food and Drug Administration last week succeeded in killing two more promising cancer therapies, the latest victim of that agency's regulatory obstacles and red tape.
    Dr. Scott Gottlieb is a practicing physician who recently left the FDA, where he served as deputy commissioner. He joins me now from Washington.
    Scott Gottlieb, welcome. Good to have you here.
    Gottlieb: Thank you. Thank you.
    Gigot: About 1,500 Americans die of cancer every day, more or less, yet the FDA recently didn't approve those drugs for prostate cancer and bone cancer--a rare kind of bone cancer in children. Were those good decisions?
    Gottlieb: Well, these were two drugs, Provenge and Junovan, which were new kinds of therapies. They're immunotherapies. They work by boosting the body's ability to fight the cancer. So it's a completely new paradigm in cancer treatment.
    In each case, there wasn't really a question about the safety of these products. That was pretty well established. The questions that the agency had were around just how effective were they, and in each case there was evidence that they were effective, but that evidence didn't rise to the bar that the agency's setting which is a new statistical standard--a higher standard, if you will, than what it's looked at in the past.
    And in at least one of the cases with one of these drugs, Provenge, the drug for prostate cancer, an outside advisory committee to the FDA of medical experts actually voted 13-4 that the drug should be approved, and the agency didn't go with that decision.
    Gigot: Well, you're talking about a standard--I think a statistical standard that the FDA says you have to have 95% certainty that the drug is effective. That might be fine if you have flu or something commonplace or cure for a cold, but if you have terminal cancer or very serious cancer, wouldn't you want to settle for a 50% chance of effectiveness, or even maybe a 10% chance? Give you the chance to extend your life?
    Gottlieb: Well, I think a lot of people would be willing to tolerate more uncertainty, especially with cancers that are otherwise terminal. It's not just the statistical certainly by which a product needs to demonstrate effectiveness to meet the FDA's requirements, but also the kind of trial that needs to be conducted. And so increasingly, the FDA's requiring placebo-controlled trials that are randomized, which means that patients who enter the clinical trials either get a sugar pill or the active drug, and they don't know what they're getting.
    Gigot: Is that fair for cancer patients? Somebody who's really sick?
    Gottlieb: I think in a lot of cases it's probably not fair, and it does test ethical boundaries. But particularly with the immunotherapies, it could be the wrong paradigm for testing drugs, because the immunotherapies might well work better in people who have earlier-stage cancers, who still have immune systems that are capable of being boosted, but the placebo-controlled trials--when you run a placebo-controlled trial, it's often the case that people with early-stage cancers don't want to enter the trials, and so you're forced to have to recruit people who have very late-stage cancers, and those might be the very people who don't respond to these drugs. So it could very well be that we have the wrong model for testing these kinds of drugs.
    Gigot: How much of this is the fallout from the Vioxx controversy, where that drug--it was a pain killer--was pulled from the market after it was found to increase the risk of heart attack in some patients. There was a big political flare-up over that. A lot of people said the FDA moved too fast to approve it. Are we seeing this as a counterreaction, a blowback against that political uproar?
    Gottlieb: Well, I don't think you've seen that in the cancer space. This has been a movement that's been under way for a number of years now to try to increase the statistical, the mathematical certainty of effectiveness of drugs that are approved in the cancer space. Usually safety questions aren't the issue when it comes to approvability of a new cancer drug.
    It is true that Vioxx and some other drug issues have increased the scrutiny of the agency. I think what that's caused to happen inside the agency is that it's given a little bit more voice to people who might have had a minority point of view inside the agency, and that could be affecting some of these reviews, where people who otherwise might not have been in the majority in terms of their view of the science and their opinion are now able to have more sway in the process.
    Gigot: But just so I understand, you're saying there is a difference of opinion among cancer doctors and oncologists about whether or not the FDA is now getting too worried about these safety and efficacy concerns and should perhaps move faster to approve these new kinds of--let's face it, exciting kinds of therapy.
    Gottlieb: Well, there's certainly a split in the cancer community. When you talk to cancer experts, you talk to people at the NCI, some people have misgivings about the effort that's under way--and it really is an effort. I think it's a conscious effort. And other people support it. Other people say that we shouldn't be approving very expensive new cancer drugs unless we are absolutely certain of their efficacy and we have very good clinical data to guide their use. So there is a split in the cancer community, no question, among leading cancer--
  10. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 12:08
    Gigot: Where do you come down?
    Gottlieb: Well, I think we should be able to tolerate a little more uncertainty when it comes to these kinds of drugs. And I think you're dealing with a therapeutic space where the clinicians are very good at reading the literature and very good at explaining things to their patients. And they should shall given the opportunity to try out new drugs.
    And it's also the case, Paul, that cancer patients don't just choose medications based on effectiveness but sometimes on the side-effect profile. And in fact, there was a case with the drug Zarnestra, that the FDA didn't approve that drug for a very terminal form of blood cancer because it was worried the drug might not have been as effective as the leading therapy, but was far more tolerable. And they literally worried that patients would be encouraged to use this drug rather than the standard of care, which might have been more effective, because the drug was more tolerable. I would say that that's a decision patients ought to be able to make.
    Gigot: All right, I agree with you. Patients should be in on that decision.
    All right, thank you, Scott Gottlieb.
  11. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 13:22
    Pre-Market Trade Reporting Monday May 21

    Last: $ 6.77 Pre-Market
    High: $ 6.86
    Volume: 5,245 Pre-Market
    Low: $ 6.25

    Time (ET) Pre-Market
    Price Pre-Market
    Share Volume
    07:10 $ 6.77 100
    07:10 $ 6.77 100
    07:10 $ 6.76 945
    07:10 $ 6.77 100
    07:10 $ 6.77 300
    07:10 $ 6.77 300
    07:10 $ 6.78 100
    07:10 $ 6.77 300
    07:10 $ 6.76 500
    07:09 $ 6.52 500
    07:02 $ 6.80 500
    06:00 $ 6.85 100
    05:59 $ 6.86 400
    04:23 $ 6.86 100
    04:23 $ 6.40 300
    04:22 $ 6.25 100
    04:22 $ 6.25 500

  12. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 14:02
    Time (ET) Pre-Market
    Price Pre-Market
    Share Volume
    08:00 $ 6.37 100
    08:00 $ 6.36 1,500
    08:00 $ 6.35 1,000
    08:00 $ 6.35 1,000
    08:00 $ 6.39 100
    08:00 $ 6.39 1,000
    08:00 $ 6.45 200
    08:00 $ 6.45 500
    08:00 $ 6.45 4,000
    08:00 $ 6.46 300
    08:00 $ 6.49 100
    08:00 $ 6.49 1,000
    08:00 $ 6.49 2,300
    08:00 $ 6.50 700
    08:00 $ 6.50 750
    08:00 $ 6.50 150
    08:00 $ 6.50 350
    08:00 $ 6.50 2,500
    08:00 $ 6.50 1,000
    08:00 $ 6.50 100
    08:00 $ 6.50 1,050
    08:00 $ 6.44 300
    08:00 $ 6.45 100
    08:00 $ 6.26 1,750
    08:00 $ 6.45 300
    08:00 $ 6.44 300
    08:00 $ 6.48 300
    08:00 $ 6.41 300
    08:00 $ 6.41 3,000
    08:00 $ 6.41 700
    08:00 $ 6.40 100
    08:00 $ 6.40 300
    08:00 $ 6.40 300
    08:00 $ 6.40 300
    08:00 $ 6.36 700
    08:00 $ 6.35 500
    08:00 $ 6.36 110
    08:00 $ 6.45 600
    08:00 $ 6.41 100
    08:00 $ 6.41 110
    08:00 $ 6.40 250
    08:00 $ 6.40 150
    08:00 $ 6.40 454
    08:00 $ 6.40 871
    08:00 $ 6.40 129
    08:00 $ 6.39 1,000
    08:00 $ 6.40 400
    08:00 $ 6.40 471
    08:00 $ 6.40 1,000
    08:00 $ 6.40 1,000

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