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Mooi instap moment Dendreon

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  1. [verwijderd] 11 mei 2007 21:12
    Ik stap uit. De beurs wordt me iets te gortig. Er is geen pijl meer op te trekken?!! De kans op missers is nu groter dan op winners. Ik hoop dat een diepe korrektie ff de zaken weer juist stelt. De lucht is gewoon te dun?
  2. prrrrr 11 mei 2007 21:49
    Orgineel bericht
    ludwig mack schreef:


    M.A.D.W. schreef:

    Let maar op shorts gaan coveren voor de CC van vanavond.

    was dus puur uit je duim gezogen ......

    madw had dus wel gelijk alleen een dag later.
  3. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2007 01:18
    na een sterke daling/stijging volgt meestal een sterke correctie, misschien stap ik nog wel even in, heb het weekend om erover te denken. Na een daling van 50% is immers een stijging van 100% nodig om de koers goed te maken, niet dat ik denk dat de koers 100% gaat stijgen maar denk wel dat er tien/twintig/dertig procent in zit.
    In de turbulente maand mei is farma trouwens een defensief aandeel.
  4. jurpsy 12 mei 2007 05:59
    Dendreon looks at restructuring after FDA move
    May 11, 2007
    Shares of Dendreon continued their sickening southward slide as investors continued to react to the FDA's demand for more data on Provenge before it can be approved. Dendreon stock has shed 69 percent of its value. Interim data from a late-stage study is due in 2008, and some analysts are cautiously optimistic that the company can get an approval with the right results. Final data from that study won't be available until 2010. Other analysts, meanwhile, are beginning to look for the other shoe to drop at Dendreon, speculating that some deep cuts in its operating budget are likely.

    CEO Mitchell Gold did nothing to dampen down talks of cuts when he told analysts Thursday afternoon that he was looking at "aligning" the company's 250-man work force with its operational plan. Dendreon lost $33 million in the first quarter of this year, a burn rate that would quickly eliminate its $88 million balance. And Gold added that the company would consider bringing in a marketing partner for the U.S. on Provenge, a move it had resisted up to now.
  5. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2007 11:26
    Nu even waar het echt om gaat:

    My Letter to von E
    May 11, 2007

    Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach
    Commissioner, FDA
    5600 Fishers Lane
    Rockville, MD 20857

    Subject: FDA Decision Regarding Provenge

    Dear Dr. von Eschenbach,

    I am usually not one to write letters to decision makers in our Government, though I served as a civil servant myself at NASA for 32 years. I do have, however, a sense of a public servant’s responsibility to the American people whom I served. As a civil servant and the appointed leader of the FDA, charged with promoting the well being of Americans with respect to foods and drugs, I need to request that you explain to the people and their medical doctors why you chose not to approve Provenge, even though you were advised by your appointed panel of Oncologists, Urologists, and Immunologists, all experts in the fields of immunotherapy and oncology, that Provenge is unquestionably safe (100% of the experts voted yes on safety) and that there was “substantial evidence” of the drug’s effectiveness as required by FDA regulations (76% of the experts voted yes on substantial evince of effectiveness). I must add that two of the no votes on efficacy came from two doctors who have conflicts of interest that your agency recognized before appointing them to the panel, and I must ask if they would have even been allowed to participate on the Provenge panel if FDA were now following its new guidelines on conflicts of interest? If no, then the vote without them would have been 13 to 2, or 86% in favor with regard to substantial evidence of effectiveness. I include these percentages since I know FDA is always very interested in statistics!

    In walking away from the advisory panel votes on Provenge, I and the rest of older men who expect do battle with PC, would like a detailed public and scientific explanation of your decision. Certainly FDA has approved drugs against the recommendations of its advisory panel, but I am not aware of a decision to overrule a strong positive panel vote for a terminal illness that has no really acceptable treatment options. This decision would appear to be unprecedented, and calls for a full and open public statement of why the FDA disagrees with this panel and cannot make this drug available to terminal patients. We know of course it was not due to safety concerns. Also, if FDA found the clinical trial data submitted by Dendreon to be insufficient, why did you even submit the data to a panel of experts for their opinions? This suggests the worst sort of scientific arrogance on the part of FDA regulators, or worse.

    Let me offer several other reasons why a detailed public statement from you and your personal involvement to achieve a resolution is absolutely critical at this time. You have made many public promises that FDA would be a “bridge builder” and not a barrier. You could have built a bridge with Provenge by approving it with a post-marketing trial requirements, and allowing combination trials to be initiated with other treatments such as Taxotere. For example, Dr. Petrylak’s analysis in The Urology Times pointed to a staggering survival benefit when Provenge is used with Taxotere. In fact, a 14-month survival advantage when compared to Taxotere alone. Surely you were informed of Dr. Petrylak’s analysis? And then there is the Dendreon P-11 trial with early stage PC patients, showing a remarkable and clinically significant increase in PSA doubling time exceeding 40%. Surely FDA was told about this clinically significant benefit, were they not? Dr. von Eschenbach, the FDA said they wanted to see more data. How much is enough? Would you be turning away from this kind of data if the disease were breast cancer, instead of prostate cancer? Would you?

    Dr. von Eschenbach, this decision by FDA can be, if you decide to do so, a bridge-building event. The credibility of FDA with the medical world is at stake here. You can build a bridge by being flexible with Dendreon as to additional data required for approval. Do something constructive here and do it quickly. Call in Dr. Petrylak, the Taxotere Principal Investigator, and those members of the AC panel who can serve now. Have the company present all of its existing trial data from other trials as well as those submitted thus far. Allow the company to un-blind the on-going 9902b trial data to examine with you the TTP evidence using updated immunotherapy parameters instead of the outdated chemotherapy parameters that caused the TTP in the first Provenge trial to barely miss statistical significance, and “work with” this company to bring Provenge to market this year. Please don’t walk away from this for several more years as we wait for the statistical picture to become more complete. It will never become a certainty. It will always be a probability. Your own statistician said the chance that the observed survival benefit in the completed trials occurring by chance and not by Provenge was only 1 in 50. Is this not enough to give you a reasonable comfort level sufficient to give Provenge to the 80,000 men who will die over the course of the next few years?

    You have also told the medical research community that FDA would work to reduce the time and expense to bring new drugs to approval. Surely this must apply to Provenge, a treament for terminally ill cancer patients who have little time to live. Dr. von Eschenbach, do what you promised to do.

    Be the leader we thought you to be. Be courageous. If you need to overrule ODAC and the chemo lobby, then do it. We have no champion but you. We have no voice but yours. Ronald Reagan did it in Berlin. You can do it in Washington.

    Will you do the morally right thing and bring this first cancer immunotherapy to the people, even though your understanding of the science is less than perfect? Review again the transcript of the March 29 meeting. Dr. Marincola and Dr. Pensen, who spoke from the public pulpit, urged you to consider the effect of your decision on cancer research. As did others at that table. You also have promised to encourage, not kill, cancer immunotherapies. Do what you promised, and talk to those on the panel who urged FDA to approve Provenge now so new trials could go forward. FDA desperately needs to understand that they must become partners with small biotech companies that cannot go on spending hundreds of millions of dollars to perfect the trial data beyond any shadow of a doubt. There is no unlimited source of funds. The law calls for substantial evidence, not absolute proof, of efficacy.

    Become a partner with those whom you promised to serve , and those who depend on your cooperation as a regulator – the research community. These companies’ scientists are giving their lives to save others. Surely you can give them your support. We are counting on you…..

    God Bless You and Your Staff,

    Joseph Sperty
    2011 S Conference Dr.
    Boca Raton, FL 33486

    Cc: Jesse Goodman, M.D., Director, CBER
    Celia Witten, M.D., PhD., Director, Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies

  6. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2007 11:40
    En een andere brief aan von E., die wat heftiger eindigt:

    I am personally very dissapointed, and outraged by the "stand", or "LACK OF" which you exhibited in this matter. I believe your father would be disappointed as well. Allowing what happened to your father, to be the only course left to the suffering individuals stricken with this disease, is unforgivable.

    I hope that the dying will not testify too loudly when you go to meet your final judgement.

    Vengeance is mine sayeth the LORD!
  7. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2007 19:02
    where are sec, nasd and fbi ? (1 Rating) 12-May-07 10:34 am if the hedge funds were shorted so heavily that it could lead to their bankrupcy, there must be something wrong involving inside trading, bribery, inside information, criminal activities,... sec. nasd and fbi should start an investigation. trade volume were over the the co's outstanding volume. if one didn't know the fda decision in advance, who would risk the bankrupcy of his own co?
    ..............Van yahoo,mee eens,alles ruikt hier naar voorkennis en coruptie bij dit aandeel.Steenrijk worden ze er mee.Een pb,tje er over heen en het geld stroomt binnen,makkelijk handelen is dat zo en de grote menigte springt er altijd wel weer in.1 geluk voor mij dat ik er vrijdag goed van mee kon profiteren!na een week van grote verliezen een ritje met 10k gemaakt van 4,98-5,86.
  8. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2007 16:15

    psycho-pharma schreef:

    En een andere brief aan von E., die wat heftiger eindigt:

    I am personally very dissapointed, and outraged by the "stand", or "LACK OF" which you exhibited in this matter. I believe your father would be disappointed as well. Allowing what happened to your father, to be the only course left to the suffering individuals stricken with this disease, is unforgivable.

    I hope that the dying will not testify too loudly when you go to meet your final judgement.

    Vengeance is mine sayeth the LORD!


    hedgefunds zaten voor 400 miljoen scheef(tenminste als ze zich niet hadden ingedekt met opties) toen dendreon boven de 20 noteerde.

    alles is te koop in deze wereld, dus ook pannelleden van FDA's.

    makkelijk zat.

    de beleggingswereld is zo door en door corrupt.

    wat is de achternaam ook alweer van de ceo van dendreon? gold?

  9. [verwijderd] 14 mei 2007 00:01
    FDA is full of $#!T (1 Rating) 5 minutes ago Here are other drugs the FDA has approved:

    Drug ............. Side Effects

    Prozac - suicide, violent behavior, murder
    Paxil - suicidal thoughts, weight gain
    Vioxx - Heart attacks
    Celebrex - Heart attacks
    Vytorin - fibromyalgia, flu-like symtpoms
    Erectile dysfunction drugs - dry mouth, flu-like symptoms, constipation
    Avandia - Liver damage
    Rezulin - Liver Damage

    So, let's see ... they don't want to give someone w/ prostate cancer 4 more months to live because .... ?

  10. [verwijderd] 14 mei 2007 16:10
    Consensus uit Bloomberg:

    Firm Name Analyst Recom. Target Px
    Brean Murray Carret & Co sell $1
    UBS reduce $4.5
    Needham & Co hold
    JMP Securities market outperform $13
    Lazard Capital Markets hold
    Next Generation Equity Research sell $5
    Banc of America sell $4
    Summer Street Research Partners sell $3
    A.G. Edwards & Sons Inc hold
    Matrix USA strong sell
    MDB Capital Group neutral
  11. [verwijderd] 14 mei 2007 16:12
    Settlement Date / Short Interest / Avg Daily Share Volume / Days to Cover
    Apr. 13, 2007 33,901,959 29,283,869 1.16
    Mar. 15, 2007 26,419,737 2,389,099 11.06
    Feb. 15, 2007 20,306,278 1,537,648 13.21
    Jan. 12, 2007 16,799,777 1,392,811 12.06
    Dec. 15, 2006 13,055,168 1,605,236 8.13
    Nov. 15, 2006 12,425,374 1,323,045 9.39
    Oct. 13, 2006 12,323,167 513,946 23.98
    Sep. 15, 2006 12,565,560 602,930 20.84
    Aug. 15, 2006 12,873,103 506,939 25.39
    Jul. 14, 2006 12,427,592 1,129,763 11.00
    Jun. 15, 2006 11,014,524 982,392 11.21
    May 15, 2006 11,275,415 726,490 15.52
  12. [verwijderd] 14 mei 2007 16:23

    M.A.D.W. schreef:

    Flinke shortsqueeze aan de gang. Ik ben net ingestapt op 6,15.
    Zo te zien was het een korte opleving om weer nieuwe shortposities aan te maken.
    Ik heb verkocht op 6,35.
    Ik wilde net ook short gaan maar mijn broker zegt dat ik op het moment niet kan shorten in DNDN. Dat vind ik erg vreemd.
    Er worden duidelijk weer spelletjes gespeeld met dit aandeel. De grote jongens doen en laten wat ze willen. En wij retail mogen niet meedoen.
  13. [verwijderd] 14 mei 2007 16:34

    killer_forehand schreef:

    Consensus uit Bloomberg:

    Firm Name Analyst Recom. Target Px
    Brean Murray Carret & Co sell $1
    UBS reduce $4.5
    Needham & Co hold
    JMP Securities market outperform $13
    Lazard Capital Markets hold
    Next Generation Equity Research sell $5
    Banc of America sell $4
    Summer Street Research Partners sell $3
    A.G. Edwards & Sons Inc hold
    Matrix USA strong sell
    MDB Capital Group neutral

    11 mei 07, 20:22 | Reageer | Quote | Zoek | Aanbevolen: 2

    beur schreef:

    "The target price has been reduced from $1.50 to $1"

    Pardon? Jip, je wou toch nog een extra adviesje?
    Groet Beur

    bron die je vermeld is een van de nr 1 short sellers in DNDN
    fijn als je de feiten erbij vermeld
    En Crack, wat zijn de "feiten" van dat lijstje analisten van hierboven? ;)
    Groet Beur
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