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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 10 juni 2020 10:30

    Joe Biden :

    From ballot shortages and issues with machines to hours-long lines — what happened today in Georgia should enrage us all. We need to act now to prevent it from happening again in November. Our democracy depends on it.

    The New York Times :

    This drone footage shows a long line of voters waiting to cast ballots in Atlanta on Tuesday. Georgia election officials, poll workers and voters have reported major trouble with voting in Atlanta and elsewhere.

    video van de uitzonderlijk lange rijen voor de stembus video 1:09 minuut

    Ondanks dat de Republikeinen het stemmen zo onaangenaam mogelijk maken, blijven mensen in de rij staan om hun stem uit te brengen(wachttijden tot 4 uur gemeld)

  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 10 juni 2020 10:37

    Letter from Attorney General Barr to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on the Trump Administration’s restoration of law and order to the District

    brief :
    pagina 1

    pagina 2

    pagina 3

    This letter is...terrible.

    The Attorney General worried about “the impression that the US was on the brink of losing control of its capital city”??

    It’s an impression only an echo chamber could yield.

    And it’s one that points AWAY from using force against peaceful protestors.
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 10 juni 2020 10:45

    Sen. Pat Roberts on Trump's tweet about Buffalo protestor: "I haven't read the damn thing."
    Told we could show it to him, he said: "I know" and walked away.

    video 0:06 minuut

    Ik heb het niet gelezen en wil het het niet horen.


    Ich habe es nicht gewusst.

    De Grote Leider geeft orders en tweet zijn mening.
    Dat gaat niemand binnen zijn gelederen veroordelen

    Renato Mariotti,
    Former federal prosecutor. Legal analyst for TV and print. Host, #OnTopic podcast. Columnist, @POLITICOMag :

    Donald Trump said that this elderly man, who was brutally injured by police, was some sort of terrorist threat.

    Watch the video for yourself and see how insane Trump’s conspiracy theory is. Completely unacceptable from a leader, much less a president.

    video 0:39 minuut

  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 10 juni 2020 11:44

    Only 48 more hours until oral arguments need to be ready for D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to save Mike Flynn's traitor ass.

    Hope Trump and Barr have a GREAT week.

    AG Barr was in hoger beroep gegaan in de zaak Flynn.
    Rechter Sullivan had bij het verzoek om te rechtszaak tegen Flynn te seponeren, niet direct met een goedkeuring gereageerd.
    AG Barr heeft nu in hier beroep gevraagd deze zaak te laten seponeren.

    12 juni moeten de partijen mondeling toelichting geven, aangaande de argumenten die ze aan te voeren hebben.

    Denk dat Trump en AG Barr aardig in de piepzak zitten om aan te voeren dat de rechtszaak geseponeerd moet worden.
    Flynn had namelijk al schuld bekend aan hetgeen hem ten laste is gelegd. Daarmee is de rechtszaak afgelopen en wacht alleen nog de beslissing van de rechter over de hoogte van de straf.

  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 10 juni 2020 12:11

    WATCHt New York police boss Mike O'Meara went off on the media today:

    "Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect ... Our legislators abandoned us. The press is vilifying us. It's disgusting."

    video 1:25 minuut
  6. forum rang 4 Ed Verbeek 10 juni 2020 12:31

    luchtschip schreef op 10 juni 2020 10:45:

    Sen. Pat Roberts on Trump's tweet about Buffalo protestor: "I haven't read the damn thing."
    Told we could show it to him, he said: "I know" and walked away.

    video 0:06 minuut

    Ik heb het niet gelezen en wil het het niet horen.
    Donald Trump said that this elderly man, who was brutally injured by police, was some sort of terrorist threat.
    Watch the video for yourself and see how insane Trump’s conspiracy theory is. Completely unacceptable from a leader, much less a president.
    video 0:39 minuut
    Sen. Pat Roberts is een gevalletje “Trump First”
  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 10 juni 2020 12:38

    Ed Verbeek schreef op 10 juni 2020 12:31:

    [...] Sen. Pat Roberts is een gevalletje “Trump First”
    Alle Republikeinse senatoren zijn een gevalletje Trump First.

    Hier Mitch McConnell , die ontwijkend reageert op een gelijkluidende vraag.

    Asked McConnell if it was appropriate for Trump to tweet baseless theory about the Buffalo protestor who was injured by police. "As I said, what we are discussing in the Senate Republican Conference is what response we think is appropriate to the events of the last two weeks."

    video 0:35 minuut

    Alleen Mitt Romney en Justin Amash durven kritiek te uiten
  8. Al Kipone 10 juni 2020 15:08
    Republicans fear Trump’s weakened standing jeopardizes the party in November

    Strategists over the past week have suggested myriad ways embattled incumbents could tiptoe around Trump’s rolling controversies, as opposed to embracing them, according to participants in private discussions and conference calls with donors, many of which are informal check-ins and catch-up sessions due to the pandemic.

    It’s subtle stuff, like maybe your senator should try to duck Kasie Hunt in the hallway,” one of the strategists said, referring to the NBC News correspondent whose on-camera questioning of Republican senators last week over the use of military force against peaceful protesters was widely replayed. “It’s all about operating outside of the tumult of the moment with him, but leaving yourself in a position for him to rally for you this fall.”

    This operative continued: “Look — no one can afford at this point to get on the wrong side of Trump. But you can kind of play it cool and don’t have to comment on everything he does.

    Josh Holmes, a senior adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), said: “It’s such a dynamic atmosphere that making political decisions, particularly rash political decisions, are guaranteed to be regrettable. If the next five months are like the last five months, then no one has any idea what the environment will be like in November.”

    Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster who frequently leads focus groups, said Trump’s strident rhetoric about crime the past week is likely to hurt him with the voters he needs to expand his base of support.

    “He’s isolated linguistically,” Luntz said. “He’s talking about ‘law and order.’ The last time I heard that was the 1968 campaign. His rhetoric is 50 years old. The world has changed. … He’s got 40 percent of the country completely enthralled with him.” But, he added, “This is not a lexicon that gets you elected. This is a lexicon that gets you to 45 percent and not more.

    White House officials said they have privately counseled Republican candidates and their advisers to stay calm, and pointed to a Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll this week that showed Trump’s approval rating at 45 percent, down one percentage point from April. They said they argued that despite everything that’s going on, the president’s approval rating fell only one percentage point — although that same recent survey showed Trump trailing Biden by seven percentage points.

    Trump’s team and other Republicans also are buoyed by the May unemployment rate of 13.3 percent as an indication that the economy may be recovering. Polls have consistently shown that voters see Trump’s handling of the economy as one of his appealing attributes.

    “The most important data point is that Trump is leading Biden on the economy,” said Scott Reed, senior political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He cited a Fox News poll in late May that showed Trump beating Biden on the economy, although it also had more voters trusting Biden than Trump to handle the coronavirus pandemic.

    By Labor Day, if we have a growing economy and a vaccination for first responders, Trump is going to have some real momentum,” Reed said. “That Fox number on the economy is what this election is going to be about. Yes, it’s a referendum on Trump, but if the economy is roaring back, it’ll benefit Trump.”

    Republicans look at what’s happening in this country and they see Maoism in action,” said former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), a Trump ally.

    Veel statements in dit stuk geven bij mij de indruk dat er enige paniek is in onder de republikeinen. Sommige statements lijken een tikje over te hellen naar wishful thinking.
  9. forum rang 6 Opentop 10 juni 2020 15:13
    Duidelijk dat die AG Barr geen lid was van Trumps innercircle. Trump is wel gewend aan grote groepen. Barr niet kennelijk .
  10. forum rang 4 Kees1 10 juni 2020 16:54

    Al Kipone schreef op 10 juni 2020 15:08:

    Republicans fear Trump’s weakened standing jeopardizes the party in November

    Strategists over the past week have suggested myriad ways embattled incumbents could tiptoe around Trump’s rolling controversies, as opposed to embracing them, according to participants in private discussions and conference calls with donors, many of which are informal check-ins and catch-up sessions due to the pandemic.

    It’s subtle stuff, like maybe your senator should try to duck Kasie Hunt in the hallway,” one of the strategists said, referring to the NBC News correspondent whose on-camera questioning of Republican senators last week over the use of military force against peaceful protesters was widely replayed. “It’s all about operating outside of the tumult of the moment with him, but leaving yourself in a position for him to rally for you this fall.”

    This operative continued: “Look — no one can afford at this point to get on the wrong side of Trump. But you can kind of play it cool and don’t have to comment on everything he does.

    Josh Holmes, a senior adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), said: “It’s such a dynamic atmosphere that making political decisions, particularly rash political decisions, are guaranteed to be regrettable. If the next five months are like the last five months, then no one has any idea what the environment will be like in November.”

    Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster who frequently leads focus groups, said Trump’s strident rhetoric about crime the past week is likely to hurt him with the voters he needs to expand his base of support.

    “He’s isolated linguistically,” Luntz said. “He’s talking about ‘law and order.’ The last time I heard that was the 1968 campaign. His rhetoric is 50 years old. The world has changed. … He’s got 40 percent of the country completely enthralled with him.” But, he added, “This is not a lexicon that gets you elected. This is a lexicon that gets you to 45 percent and not more.

    White House officials said they have privately counseled Republican candidates and their advisers to stay calm, and pointed to a Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll this week that showed Trump’s approval rating at 45 percent, down one percentage point from April. They said they argued that despite everything that’s going on, the president’s approval rating fell only one percentage point — although that same recent survey showed Trump trailing Biden by seven percentage points.

    Trump’s team and other Republicans also are buoyed by the May unemployment rate of 13.3 percent as an indication that the economy may be recovering. Polls have consistently shown that voters see Trump’s handling of the economy as one of his appealing attributes.

    “The most important data point is that Trump is leading Biden on the economy,” said Scott Reed, senior political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He cited a Fox News poll in late May that showed Trump beating Biden on the economy, although it also had more voters trusting Biden than Trump to handle the coronavirus pandemic.

    By Labor Day, if we have a growing economy and a vaccination for first responders, Trump is going to have some real momentum,” Reed said. “That Fox number on the economy is what this election is going to be about. Yes, it’s a referendum on Trump, but if the economy is roaring back, it’ll benefit Trump.”

    Republicans look at what’s happening in this country and they see Maoism in action,” said former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), a Trump ally.

    Veel statements in dit stuk geven bij mij de indruk dat er enige paniek is in onder de republikeinen. Sommige statements lijken een tikje over te hellen naar wishful thinking.

    Zijn de grote protestbijeenkomsten in de VS alweer voorbij?
    Wat je ziet duidt erop dat het aan het aflopen is.
    Is het nu echt zo dat Joe Biden niets zegt of doe?
  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 10 juni 2020 17:27

    Kees1 schreef op 10 juni 2020 16:54:


    Zijn de grote protestbijeenkomsten in de VS alweer voorbij?
    Wat je ziet duidt erop dat het aan het aflopen is.
    Is het nu echt zo dat Joe Biden niets zegt of doe?
    Gisteren sprak Joe Biden het volk toe op de dag van de begrafenis van George Floyd.

    Grief is a heavy burden to bear — and it's even harder with the eyes of the world watching. I know. But that burden is now a purpose — to change the world for the better in the name of George Floyd.

    That's the message I shared with his loved ones during today's service:

    video 5:05 minuut
  12. Al Kipone 10 juni 2020 17:31
    'alweer'? Twee weken landelijke protesten, van grote steden tot landelijke dorpjes.
    Ik zie het nog niet minder worden, maar uiteindelijk gaan al die mensen gewoon weer terug naar huis.

    Tot de volgende ramp. En natuurlijk op 3 November naar de stembus.

    Biden spreekt regelmatig, zoals met de familie van George Floyd. Per video tijdens
    Floyds begavenis ceremonie. En laat verder trump zijn eigen graf graven.
  13. Al Kipone 10 juni 2020 20:14
    BREAKING: Federal Reserve keeps interest rates near 0 and says it will buy bonds "at least at the current pace" for now.

    Fed offers somewhat rosy predictions:
    Unemployment rate 9.3% by end of 2020
    and falling to 6.5% by end of 2021

    Dat zal lekker verkopen, bijna 10% werkloosheid onder trump
  14. [verwijderd] 10 juni 2020 22:05
    De Trump Herverkiezingscampagne heeft een juridische dwang-eis gestuurd naar CNN :

    Stop het publiceren van polls waar Joe Biden voorsprong heeft op Donald Trump ..
    bron : .

    CNN heeft de eisen van tafel geveegd, en gaat door met publiceren van actuele polls.
  15. Al Kipone 10 juni 2020 22:14

    “To my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40 year history that CNN had been threatened with legal action because an American politician or campaign did not like CNN’s polling results.”
    “To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in
    the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media.”

    “Your letter is factually and legally baseless. It is yet another bad
    faith attempt by the campaign to threaten litigation to muzzle speech it
    does not want voters to read or hear. Your allegations and demands are rejected in their entirety.”

    :-) :-) :-)
  16. Al Kipone 10 juni 2020 22:17
    Volgende rel: andere namen voor militaire bases.

    trump tweet:
    It has been suggested that we should rename as many as 10 of our Legendary Military Bases, such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Hood in Texas, Fort Benning in Georgia, etc. These Monumental and very Powerful Bases have become part of a Great American Heritage and a
    ...history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars. Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations...
    ...Our history as the Greatest Nation in the World will not be tampered with. Respect our Military!

    Gen Braxx Bragg:

    Bragg is generally considered among the worst generals of the Civil War. Most of the battles in which he engaged ended in defeats. Bragg was extremely unpopular with both the men and the officers of his command, who criticized him for numerous perceived faults, including poor battlefield strategy, a quick temper, and overzealous discipline. Bragg has a generally poor reputation with historians, while some point towards the failures of Bragg's subordinates, especially Leonidas Polk, a close ally of Davis and known enemy of Bragg, as more significant factors in the many Confederate defeats at which Bragg commanded. The losses which Bragg suffered are cited as principal factors in the ultimate defeat of the Confederacy.

    (er zijn er veel meer zo :-) )

  17. [verwijderd] 11 juni 2020 08:00
    even tussen doortje: First America:
    1. Beyond Meat opent twee fabrieken in Europa
    Vleesdisrupter Beyond Meat opent meteen twee fabrieken in Nederland om de markt voor vleesvervangers te veroveren in Europa, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika. Dat zegt Beyond Meat-kopstuk Chuck Muth tegen RTL Z. Donderdag opent – zoals vorig jaar al aangekondigd – de productiehal in Zoeterwoude, bij vleesverwerker Zandbergen, maar nu blijkt Beyond Meat ook in Enschede een eigen fabriek neer te zetten voor de ingrediënten. Zandbergen draaide al langer burgers voor het bedrijf van Ethan Brown, die vooral via AH en de horeca worden verkocht. Volgens de Amerikanen kunnen ze nu voor een miljard dollar aan plantaardig nepvlees produceren in ons land.
    Take away gaat samen met Grubhub: HQ in Amsterdam(beetje brievenbus tarief:)

    2. Jitse Groen kaapt Grubhub weg voor de neus van Uber
    Sorry, Uber: Just Eat Takeaway neemt zijn Amerikaanse collega Grubhub over. In een officieel statement laat het bedrijf van Jitse Groen weten, dat hij 7,3 miljard dollar in aandelen aftikt voor de tweede grote overname in korte tijd voor zijn bedrijf. Begin dit jaar lijfde hij al het van oorsprong Britse Just Eat in. De overname van Grubhub geeft hem ineens stevig voet aan de grond in de VS: bij Grubhub zijn zo'n 115.000 restaurants aangesloten, ongeveer net zoveel als bij de fusiepartner. De aandeelhouders van Grubhub krijgen nu een groot minderheidsbelang in Just Eat Takeaway, Gurbhub-ceo Maloney gaat de activiteiten van het nieuwe bedrijf in Noord-Amerika gaan leiden.
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