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ASML in 2015

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  1. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2015 18:08

    V-Ram schreef op 8 juli 2015 17:53:

    Apple bereidt een recordproductie voor, voor zijn nieuwe serie iPhones. Wellicht een interessant verhaal, omdat Apple z'n chips toch bij TSMC laat maken en ASML onlangs nog 'diepgaande' gesprekken met hen voerde over EUV-machines. Ok, de namen van de klanten werden niet genoemd, maar ik ga ervan uit dat die twee Samsung en TSMC waren. Ondanks dit bericht Apple nu -1,7%. Alle andere techfondsen trouwens ook (NXP -5%!, Intel -2%, BESI +2% vanochtend en -0.45% gesloten). Daling is duidelijk sectorgerelateerd. Denk dat de omzetwaarschuwing van AMD de angst heeft aangewakkerd dat de outlook voor de techsector in Q3 en Q4 zullen tegenvallen.

    dus nog meer daling in het verschiet....)-; op dit moment in new york 87,97
  2. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2015 18:23

    Challange schreef op 8 juli 2015 18:08:


    dus nog meer daling in het verschiet....)-; op dit moment in new york 87,97
    Nou, ik vraag me dus af in hoeverre de verwachte omzetdaling van de chipproducenten ASML echt zullen raken. Ze produceren natuurlijk nog met de huidige generatie technologie en die markt is na 6 a 7 jaar compleet verzadigd. Voor ASML gaat het om de levering van de next-gen-apparaten. Willen de chipproducenten eind 2016 o.a. next-gen smartphones, tablets en laptops gaan verkopen, dan moeten ze de EUV-machines z.s.m. in huis hebben. Ik ga er daarom van uit dat ASML de orders voor de verwachte omzet dit jaar sws gaat binnenslepen.
  3. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2015 19:01
    The 'asml' depends not only on "chip makers"...., there are some basic (strategic) problems for asml as a part of "producer-consumer chain".

    Since 'asml' does not produce "commodity" (that could be consumed by "stat-population" directly), it depends on a long-chain of "sectors-producers-consumers". People just don't need chip-making machines, they also don't need "chips" (smaller, or bigger - doesn't matter). People also don't need new advanced phones, computers, other chip-based devices if new advanced services can't be delivered (for instance, by telcos for phone/computer users).

    So, all chain components - comps & electronic builders, and even more important - telcos (as cervices are more flexible) must have really bright prospects... Though, even if there is a certain (standard) "demand retardation" effect between chain-parts (also "sectors rotation" principle in financial markets), the current situation is not so bright within almost all chains (mainly because of broken basic relations between highly overvalued financial markets and real economy).

    However, the 'asml-chain" has extra problems (actually it's exposed to extra risks), as the future of service provides, for instance, telcos is constrained by extra factors - not just by the state of real economy, but also by artificial (not market based) reg-constraints. For instance, eu-telcos just don't have space for further investments at current inefficient industry & sector structures (artificially constrained by the reg in addition to basic market constraints due to state of real economy).

    Thus, one can expect a "strategic" delay in a need for new advanced devices (with new advanced chips produced by new advanced machines), as the services will not provide new advanced opportunities for end-users/consumers...

  4. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2015 20:11

    SNSN schreef op 8 juli 2015 19:01:

    The 'asml' depends not only on "chip makers"...., there are some basic (strategic) problems for asml as a part of "producer-consumer chain".

    Since 'asml' does not produce "commodity" (that could be consumed by "stat-population" directly), it depends on a long-chain of "sectors-producers-consumers". People just don't need chip-making machines, they also don't need "chips" (smaller, or bigger - doesn't matter). People also don't need new advanced phones, computers, other chip-based devices if new advanced services can't be delivered (for instance, by telcos for phone/computer users).

    So, all chain components - comps & electronic builders, and even more important - telcos (as cervices are more flexible) must have really bright prospects... Though, even if there is a certain (standard) "demand retardation" effect between chain-parts (also "sectors rotation" principle in financial markets), the current situation is not so bright within almost all chains (mainly because of broken basic relations between highly overvalued financial markets and real economy).

    However, the 'asml-chain" has extra problems (actually it's exposed to extra risks), as the future of service provides, for instance, telcos is constrained by extra factors - not just by the state of real economy, but also by artificial (not market based) reg-constraints. For instance, eu-telcos just don't have space for further investments at current inefficient industry & sector structures (artificially constrained by the reg in addition to basic market constraints due to state of real economy).

    Thus, one can expect a "strategic" delay in a need for new advanced devices (with new advanced chips produced by new advanced machines), as the services will not provide new advanced opportunities for end-users/consumers...

    Volkomen juist en de reden waarom sommige fabrikanten nieuwe vindingen in de kast houden maar de vraag blijft toch hangen waarom zoveel om die nieuwe lampies te doen is geweest of misschien nog is.
  5. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2015 20:59

    SNSN schreef op 8 juli 2015 19:01:

    The 'asml' depends not only on "chip makers"...., there are some basic (strategic) problems for asml as a part of "producer-consumer chain".

    Since 'asml' does not produce "commodity" (that could be consumed by "stat-population" directly), it depends on a long-chain of "sectors-producers-consumers". People just don't need chip-making machines, they also don't need "chips" (smaller, or bigger - doesn't matter). People also don't need new advanced phones, computers, other chip-based devices if new advanced services can't be delivered (for instance, by telcos for phone/computer users).

    So, all chain components - comps & electronic builders, and even more important - telcos (as cervices are more flexible) must have really bright prospects... Though, even if there is a certain (standard) "demand retardation" effect between chain-parts (also "sectors rotation" principle in financial markets), the current situation is not so bright within almost all chains (mainly because of broken basic relations between highly overvalued financial markets and real economy).

    However, the 'asml-chain" has extra problems (actually it's exposed to extra risks), as the future of service provides, for instance, telcos is constrained by extra factors - not just by the state of real economy, but also by artificial (not market based) reg-constraints. For instance, eu-telcos just don't have space for further investments at current inefficient industry & sector structures (artificially constrained by the reg in addition to basic market constraints due to state of real economy).

    Thus, one can expect a "strategic" delay in a need for new advanced devices (with new advanced chips produced by new advanced machines), as the services will not provide new advanced opportunities for end-users/consumers...

    Ook mee eens, maar kijk naar de lange termijn doelen op het gebied van technologie. In de jaren '20 van deze eeuw: zelfrijdende auto's, intelligente robots, holografische tv etc. Ik geloof wel dat consumenten hier behoefte aan hebben. Deze keten begint de chip. Natuurlijk hangt het van de software en programmering af hoe je het maximale uit zulke geavanceerde hardware haalt, maar ik zie wel een nieuwe markt. Als de economische groei doorzet de komende jaren, krijgen consumenten eindelijk weer de koopkracht die de behoefte stimuleert.
  6. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2015 21:55
    En inmiddels is bovendien gebleken dat gebrek aan koopkracht niet inhoudt dat er lang getreuzeld wordt met de aankoop van het nieuwste van het nieuwste hoewel doorgaans volstrekt onnoodzakelijk op het gebied van communicatietechnologie waarbij bovendien nog eens een strijd gaande is tussen de verschillende conglomeraten.
  7. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2015 22:01
    Als de tech trend zich doorzet, wordt zelfs je wegwerpbekertje smart. Alle toepassingen zijn mogelijk, niet alleen telcom. De medische wereld valt nog heel wat te halen om maar een voorbeeld te noemen.
  8. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015

    alex2448 schreef op 8 juli 2015 23:19:

    als het zo door gaat blijft er niets meer van asml over
    ik vrees het ergste..vandaag uitermate zwak! elke opleving wordt verkocht...
  9. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 09:23
    Als we vandaag de winst vasthouden, lijkt het erop dat gister de derde bodem was rond 87 in drie maanden tijd. 09-02: 86.99; 17-04: 86.94, 08-07: 88.23. Dat lijkt me een zeer sterk signaal. Griekse deal en goede cijfers volgende week erbovenop en we schieten omhoog.
  10. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 09:41
    Nico PR Bakker ?@TheDailyTurbo 23 min.23 minuten geleden
    Nico PR Bakker heeft Nourredean geretweet
    ASML start met witte candle na de swing -9, incl. Morning Star, dus rebound naar 95 is haalbaar, nu 89,90...
  11. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 09:54

    Challange schreef op 9 juli 2015 09:41:

    Nico PR Bakker ?@TheDailyTurbo 23 min.23 minuten geleden
    Nico PR Bakker heeft Nourredean geretweet
    ASML start met witte candle na de swing -9, incl. Morning Star, dus rebound naar 95 is haalbaar, nu 89,90...
    Buitengewoon intelligente man en buitengewoon slechte analist.
  12. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 10:44

    V-Ram schreef op 8 juli 2015 20:59:


    Ook mee eens, maar kijk naar de lange termijn doelen op het gebied van technologie. In de jaren '20 van deze eeuw: zelfrijdende auto's, intelligente robots, holografische tv etc. Ik geloof wel dat consumenten hier behoefte aan hebben. Deze keten begint de chip. Natuurlijk hangt het van de software en programmering af hoe je het maximale uit zulke geavanceerde hardware haalt, maar ik zie wel een nieuwe markt. Als de economische groei doorzet de komende jaren, krijgen consumenten eindelijk weer de koopkracht die de behoefte stimuleert.

    That's why on "strategic" horizons (from ~10 y) we'll face really new technologies - "quantum chip", "quantum computing", etc. ....(not EUV)

    On just mt/lt-horizons (where necessary consolidation within telco-sectors is essential, though practically impossible due to reg-constraints)....:

    "IBM Reports Advances In Shrinking Future Chips"

    "....The Dutch company ASML Holding NV develops EUV tools, which can cost $150 million compared with about $50 million for other lithography systems...."

    So far, without new "strategic investments" in telcos advanced cervices & technologies (i.e. without consolidated telcos sector) the prob is really very high that .... all new "very small", "very nice, "very fast" and even "very advanced" phones, comps, etc. would become just a very expensive kind of (new) toys....(just for "children")

    As for shorter horizon: the st-resistance is at ~91.20 (formed on Jul 7)

    Intraday trading: PP= 88.79
    Resistance: R1=89.34; R2=90.28; R3=90.80; R4=91.90

    PS. As 'asml' is highly correlated with 'aex' ("beta"~1.73), the "market trends" are important for correct ex-ante risk-return trade-off evaluations:

    The market/aex is in the mt-downtrend since last Mar. We are testing the lower edge of relatively wide descending channel, which is currently ~460. The upper edge is around ~495 today. That is a standard upwards "border reaction" may be expected (in order to keep current drift, should there be no new objective info)

    Due to high correlations, the same upwards "border reaction" was necessary for 'asml', which just tested the s-zone ~88.30-86.70 (see recent & yesterday posts)

  13. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 10:52

    SNSN schreef op 9 juli 2015 10:44:



    That's why on "strategic" horizons (from ~10 y) we'll face really new technologies - "quantum chip", "quantum computing", etc. ....(not EUV)

    On just mt/lt-horizons (where necessary consolidation within telco-sectors is essential, though practically impossible due to reg-constraints)....:

    "IBM Reports Advances In Shrinking Future Chips"

    "....The Dutch company ASML Holding NV develops EUV tools, which can cost $150 million compared with about $50 million for other lithography systems...."

    So far, without new "strategic investments" in telcos advanced cervices & technologies (i.e. without consolidated telcos sector) the prob is really very high that .... all new "very small", "very nice, "very fast" and even "very advanced" phones, comps, etc. would become just a very expensive kind of (new) toys....(just for "children")

    As for shorter horizon: the st-resistance is at ~91.20 (formed on Jul 7)

    Intraday trading: PP= 88.79
    Resistance: R1=89.34; R2=90.28; R3=90.80; R4=91.90

    PS. As 'asml' is highly correlated with 'aex' ("beta"~1.73), the "market trends" are important for correct ex-ante risk-return trade-off evaluations:

    The market/aex is in the mt-downtrend since last Mar. We are testing the lower edge of relatively wide descending channel, which is currently ~460. The upper edge is around ~495 today. That is a standard upwards "border reaction" may be expected (in order to keep current drift, should there be no new objective info)

    Due to high correlations, the same upwards "border reaction" was necessary for 'asm' which just tested the s-zone ~88.30-86.70 (see recent posts)

    De eerste ´zakjapanner´ die me ooit onder ogen kwam kostte 1000 gulden..........
  14. Anneleen 9 juli 2015 11:38
    Hedgefondsen weer uitgespeeld. Als je gewoon bent blijven zitten heb je hiervan geen centje pijn gehad.
    De weg omhoog nu weer open!

    Woensdag halfjaarcijfers ASML die er weer fantastisch uit zien!!
    Vanaf nu tot woensdag, in zeer korte tijd, sterke koersstijging naar E110!
    Een koerssprong tot woensdag van 4% per dag is zeer waarschijnlijk

    En is nog maar een schijntje van wat gaat komen; ASML koers hoort E120 te zijn
    Nu erbij zijn!!!!
  15. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 12:22

    Prince Meander schreef op 9 juli 2015 11:38:

    Hedgefondsen weer uitgespeeld. Als je gewoon bent blijven zitten heb je hiervan geen centje pijn gehad.
    De weg omhoog nu weer open!

    Woensdag halfjaarcijfers ASML die er weer fantastisch uit zien!!
    Vanaf nu tot woensdag, in zeer korte tijd, sterke koersstijging naar E110!
    Een koerssprong tot woensdag van 4% per dag is zeer waarschijnlijk

    En is nog maar een schijntje van wat gaat komen; ASML koers hoort E120 te zijn
    Nu erbij zijn!!!!

    Als jouw optimisme dat overigens gedeeld zou kunnen worden dan kunnen hedgefondsen toch niet de oorzaak zijn van de koersdalingen van de afgelopen dagen want die lezen ook de krant....
  16. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 14:05
    Rising above R3 with low partial volume, 'asml' just tested R4 (read morning post)

    The mt r-zone is around ~92.00-92.55 (former mt s-zone), the st r-zone is around ~93.00

    The lower/upper edges of downtrend since last Mar are around ~89.5 / ~96.00

    As for q-results, the prob is reasonably high that the q2-revenue should be just under q1 figures
  17. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2015 15:48
    That is just trivial for "systemic" asml move (beta~1.73):

    'asml'(%) = 'aex'(%) * 'beta' = 2.4% * 1.73 = 4.15%

    PS. The 'aex' r-zone is around ~470 (former "critical" pattern s-zone). As for 'asml', the corresponding mt r-zone is ~92.00-92.55 and st r-zone is around ~93 (see old posts)
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