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BP PLC Terug naar discussie overzicht


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  1. forum rang 10 voda 1 november 2022 08:47
    Winst BP overtreft verwachtingen flink
    Wil voor 2,5 miljard dollar aan eigen aandelen inkopen.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) BP heeft in het derde kwartaal de winst onder druk zien staan op kwartaalbasis, maar presteerde wel significant beter dan verwacht en gaat meer eigen aandelen inkopen. Dit kondigde de energiereus dinsdagochtend aan.

    De winst aangepast voor bijzondere posten kwam in het afgelopen kwartaal uit op 8,15 miljard dollar, tegen 8,45 miljard dollar een kwartaal eerder. Dit had onder meer te maken met zwakkere raffinagemarges en teruglopende resultaten uit de oliehandel, maar werd gecompenseerd door een betere gasmarkt en hogere resultaten bij de handelstak.

    De consensus, waar 29 analisten aan bijdroegen, mikte voor het derde kwartaal van dit jaar op een winst van 6,14 miljard dollar.

    Een jaar eerder werd nog een zogeheten replacement cost profit geboekt van 3,32 miljard dollar.

    BP wil 6,006 cent per aandeel uitkeren als dividend, gelijk aan het dividend een kwartaal eerder. Bovendien wil de energiereus voorafgaand aan de publicatie van de cijfers over het vierde kwartaal voor 2,5 miljard dollar aan eigen aandelen hebben ingekocht.

    BP bevestigde bovendien dat het 60 procent van de overtollige kasstroom dit jaar wil gebruiken voor het inkopen van eigen aandelen.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  2. forum rang 10 voda 22 november 2022 11:41
    Grote raffinaderij oliereus BP in Rotterdam ligt stil om loonconflict

    Gisteren, 21:28

    AMSTERDAM - De raffinaderij van BP op Europoort in Rotterdam ligt stil. Sinds een uitval vorige week worden de verwerkinstallaties van ruwe olie niet in gebruik genomen bij grootste raffinaderij van Europa na die van Shell. Tegelijkertijd speelt een loonconflict.

    Sinds vorige week woensdag werden de raffinage-installaties deels buiten werking gesteld. Bij schaarste aan diesel, zijn er zorgen over langere uitval van productie bij het volcontinuebedrijf. Een staking in Frankrijk zorgde dit voorjaar voor enorme prijsstijgingen van diesel.

    „Werknemers zijn voor nu overgegaan op work-to-rule, ze doen alleen het minimale. Omdat het bij BP complexe installaties zijn, zullen we niet tot een volledige staking overgaan”, zegt bestuurder Jaap Bosma van CNV Vakmensen over de acties.

    Olieconcern BP stoot belang in Russische oliegigant Rosneft af

    „Een volledige staking zou te grote consequenties krijgen, niet alleen voor alle processen, maar ook voor de toelevering van kerosine aan Schiphol bijvoorbeeld. De huidige installaties worden door werknemers echter niet herstart totdat er een goed resultaat uit de onderhandelingen komt”, zegt hij over acties op het 390 hectare grote bedrijf.

    De vakbond stelt dagelijks ’goed te overleggen’ met de technici om te zorgen dat storingen worden voorkomen.

    Volgens BP gaat het om een tijdelijke stillegging van installaties. ,,Het weer in gebruik nemen van de installaties verwachten we begin deze week”, aldus de woordvoerder.

    Die kon geen bericht geven over de stand van zaken van de cao-onderhandelingen.

    Bij BP werken 730 mensen. Het Britse concern verwerkt volgens eigen opgave in Europoort dagelijks 400.000 vaten aardolie, deels voor benzine en diesel voor zijn eigen tankstations maar ook halffabrikaten als lpg, euroloodvrij, huisbrand- en stookolie en grondstoffen voor de petrochemische industrie. Shell verwerkt naar eigen zeggen 404.000 vaten ruwe olie per dag.


    Zo ziet BP ’tankstation van de toekomst’: snelladen, waterstof en boodschappenservice
  3. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2022 09:32
    bp Starts Production from Trinidad & Tobago’s Cassia C Facility

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Dec, 2022, 4:29 am

    Global oil giant bp has started production from Trinidad & Tobago’s Cassia C Facility, which is bpTT’s first offshore compression platform and its biggest offshore facility. It will enable bpTT to access and produce low pressure gas resources from the Greater Cassia Area. The platform, bpTT’s 16th offshore facility, is connected to the existing Cassia hub which lies approximately 35 miles off Trinidad’s southeast coast.

    Cassia C is expected to produce, at peak, about 200-300 million standard cubic feet a day of gas. Production will go towards meeting bpTT’s gas supply commitments and will be important to sustaining T&T’s LNG and petrochemical industries.

    The Cassia C platform’s jacket, its legs and supporting frame was built at TOFCO (Trinidad Offshore Fabricators) and installed in 2020. Its topside structure was built in the McDermott fabrication yard, Altamira, Mexico and was installed in 2021.

    The Cassia C project is an important step in bpTT’s Area Development Plan, which outlines the direction and pace of the company’s activities to develop hydrocarbon resources in its licensed marine acreage in Trinidad and Tobago. The plan includes a combination of exploration, development projects and activities focused on maximizing production from bpTT’s acreage.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2022 08:37
    bp Bags New Exploration Blocks in Egypt’s Offshore Nile Delta

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Dec, 2022, 4:30 am

    bp has been awarded two exploration blocks in the Mediterranean Sea, offshore Egypt by the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company. The Northwest Abu Qir Offshore Area - in which bp, the operator, holds 82.75% and Wintershall-Dea holds 17.25% - is located west of the recently awarded North King Mariout block (bp 100%) and north of the Raven field. It covers an area of approximately 1038 square kilometres with water depths ranging between 600 metres and 1600 metres.

    The Bellatrix-Seti East block - in which bp and Eni, the operator, each hold a 50% share - is located west of the Atoll field and North Tabya blocks. It covers an area of approximately 3440 square kilometres with water depths ranging between 100 metres and 1200 metres.

    bp operates the major West Nile Delta (WND) gas development which currently produces around 900 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) of gas and 27 thousand barrels per day (mbd) of condensate. The development includes five gas fields across the North Alexandria and West Mediterranean Deepwater offshore concession blocks in the Mediterranean Sea.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2022 11:34
    bp Confirm Exit from Russian Rosneft

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    12 Dec, 2022, 4:09 am

    Global oil & gas giant bp’s board has decided that bp would exit its 19.75% shareholding in Rosneft and its other business in Russia. bp was the first international company to announce such an exit. That decision remains unchanged and bp has no intention of returning to business as usual in Russia. bp’s nominated directors stood down from Rosneft’s board immediately and bp withdrew its international staff from the country. bp has since withdrawn businesses such as lubricants and aviation.

    The decision to leave Russia had a material impact on bp.

    bp’s board took the decision to exit Russia only after a thorough process and bp remains confident it was the right decision. As a result, bp took a post-tax charge of $24.4 billion in its 1Q 2022 results – the largest such impact on any company globally. bp no longer reports any equity share of oil and gas reserves or production or of earnings from Rosneft - reducing bp’s reported oil and gas reserves by more than 50%, reported oil and gas production by around one third, and reported earnings by around $2 billion a year.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 27 december 2022 08:16
    bp Looks to Further Developments at Tangguh with PSC Extension

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Dec, 2022, 3:30 am

    The Government of Indonesia has granted a 20-year extension of the Tangguh production sharing contract to bp, operator of the PSC, and its Tangguh PSC partners. Under the agreement, the Tangguh PSC, which consists of the Berau, Muturi and Wiriagar PSCs and was due to expire in 2035, will be extended to 2055.

    The Tangguh liquefied natural gas project in Papua Barat province, Indonesia, began operations in 2009 and has safely delivered more than 1,450 cargoes of LNG to both local and international markets. Its two LNG production trains have a combined liquefaction capacity of 7.6 million tonnes of LNG a year, and a third train currently under construction is expected to come online next year, increasing Tangguh’s production capacity by c. 50%.??

    Tangguh is the largest gas-producing field in Indonesia, accounting for around 20% of the country’s gas output. It has generated significant revenues for Indonesia, both at national government level and in both Papua Barat province and Teluk Bintuni regency where the project is located.

    In addition to Tangguh Train 3, bp and partners are planning the Tangguh UCC project, for which the Government of Indonesia approved a Plan of Development in 2021.?The project comprises the development of the Ubadari gas field, enhanced gas recovery through carbon capture, utilization and storage (EGR/CCUS) in the Vorwata field, and onshore compression.
  7. FORT1944 27 december 2022 11:46

    voda schreef op 27 december 2022 08:16:

    bp Looks to Further Developments at Tangguh with PSC Extension

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Dec, 2022, 3:30 am

    The Government of Indonesia has granted a 20-year extension of the Tangguh production sharing contract to bp, operator of the PSC, and its Tangguh PSC partners. Under the agreement, the Tangguh PSC, which consists of the Berau, Muturi and Wiriagar PSCs and was due to expire in 2035, will be extended to 2055.

    The Tangguh liquefied natural gas project in Papua Barat province, Indonesia, began operations in 2009 and has safely delivered more than 1,450 cargoes of LNG to both local and international markets. Its two LNG production trains have a combined liquefaction capacity of 7.6 million tonnes of LNG a year, and a third train currently under construction is expected to come online next year, increasing Tangguh’s production capacity by c. 50%.??

    Tangguh is the largest gas-producing field in Indonesia, accounting for around 20% of the country’s gas output. It has generated significant revenues for Indonesia, both at national government level and in both Papua Barat province and Teluk Bintuni regency where the project is located.

    In addition to Tangguh Train 3, bp and partners are planning the Tangguh UCC project, for which the Government of Indonesia approved a Plan of Development in 2021.?The project comprises the development of the Ubadari gas field, enhanced gas recovery through carbon capture, utilization and storage (EGR/CCUS) in the Vorwata field, and onshore compression.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 20 januari 2023 07:22
    bp Starts Construction of Arche Solar Farm in Ohio

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    bp announced that its 134MWdc (107MWac) Arche Solar project in Fulton County, Ohio, is beginning construction, helping support the global transition to lower carbon energy. Arche is expected to create around 200 US jobs across the supply chain during construction and provide more than $30 million in revenue to benefit local schools and other public services over the life of the project.

    bp has secured a power-purchase agreement with Meta for the project, bringing together two major corporations to address greenhouse-gas emissions and support renewable-energy growth in the US. Once completed, Arche will generate enough clean energy annually to power the equivalent of more than 20,000 US homes.

    bp’s 50:50 joint-venture partner, global solar leader Lightsource bp, developed the project on behalf of bp and is managing construction.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 26 januari 2023 08:38
    bp to Evaluate Wilhelmshaven Hydrogen Hub in Germany

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    bp will evaluate the feasibility of building a new hydrogen hub in Germany. The project, which would be located in Wilhelmshaven, is expected to include an industry leading ammonia cracker which could provide up to 130,000 tons of low-carbon hydrogen from green ammonia, per year, from 2028.

    Green ammonia – produced by combining nitrogen with hydrogen derived from the electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources – is expected to be shipped from bp green hydrogen projects around the world to Wilhelmshaven. The cracker converts the green ammonia into green hydrogen by splitting the larger molecule into its smaller nitrogen and hydrogen components which can then be used directly. It’s anticipated that up to 130,000 tons of hydrogen per year could be produced from the site, with scope for further expansion as the market for future fuels develops.

    bp’s plans include utilising the existing infrastructure of the Nord-West Oelleitung (NWO) terminal at Wilhelmshaven, where it is a participating shareholder. With its deep-water harbour and pipeline system, Wilhelmshaven is one of the country’s most important energy terminals and is well positioned to support energy transition activities.

    Additionally, bp’s plans propose to utilise the current oil & gas pipelines for use in hydrogen transport. The low-carbon hydrogen could then be delivered to customers in the Ruhr region and other centres of demand.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 31 januari 2023 08:00
    FPSO for BP’s Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Project Sets Sail

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    31 Jan, 2023, 4:23 am

    The floating production, storage and offloading vessel for the bp-operated Greater Tortue Ahmeyim liquefied natural gas project has started its journey towards the project site off the coasts of Mauritania and Senegal. The FPSO set sail on 20 January 2023 from Qidong, China after successfully completing a series of sea trials following construction over the past three and half years. It will now travel 12,000 nautical miles via Singapore to its final destination – around 40km offshore on the maritime border of the neighbouring countries.

    The FPSO is a key part of the major integrated GTA development that also includes subsea development of gas fields and near-shore floating LNG facilities. The project’s first phase is set to produce around 2.3 million tonnes of LNG per year.

    The FPSO will process natural gas, removing condensate, water, and other impurities, before exporting it by pipeline to the project’s FLNG facilities, 10km offshore. With eight processing and production modules, the FPSO will process around 500 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

    The majority of the gas will be liquefied by the FLNG facilities, enabling export to international markets, while some is allocated to help meet growing demand in the two host countries. Condensate will be periodically transferred from the FPSO to shuttle tankers for export to market.

    The FPSO, which will sit in about 120m of water, will have up to 140 people on board during normal operation and serve as home for the project’s production team. With an area equivalent to two football fields and 10-storeys in height, the FPSO is made of more than 81,000 tonnes of steel, 37,000m of pipe spools and 1.52 million meters of cable. It has also undergone more than 330,000 inspections.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 6 februari 2023 08:17
    bp Explores Trends & Uncertainties for Energy Transition

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Feb, 2023, 2:05 am

    This year’s bp Energy Outlook explores the key trends and uncertainties surrounding the energy transition out to 2050. The three main scenarios considered in the Outlook – Net Zero, Accelerated, and New Momentum – have been updated to take account of two major developments over the past year: the Russia-Ukraine war and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US. The Outlook’s three main scenarios are designed to explore the range of possible outcomes for the global energy system over the next 30 years. Understanding this range of uncertainty helps bp to shape a strategy which is resilient to the different speeds and ways in which the energy system may transition.

    Key themes from the Outlook:

    The carbon budget is running out. Despite the marked increase in government ambitions, CO2 emissions have increased in every year since the Paris COP in 2015 (bar 2020). The longer the delay in taking decisive action to reduce GHG emissions on a sustained basis, the greater are the likely resulting economic and social costs.

    Government support for the energy transition has increased further in a number of countries, including the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US. But the scale of the decarbonisation challenge suggests greater support is required, including policies to facilitate quicker permitting and approval of low-carbon energy and infrastructure.

    The disruption to global energy supplies and associated energy shortages caused by the Russia-Ukraine war increase the importance attached to addressing all three elements of the energy trilemma: secure, affordable, and lower carbon.

    The war has long lasting effects on the global energy system. The heightened focus on energy security increases demand for domestically produced renewables and other non-fossil fuels helping to accelerate the energy transition.

    The structure of energy demand changes in all three scenarios, with the importance of fossil fuels declining, replaced by a growing share for renewable energy and by increasing electrification. The transition to a low-carbon world requires a range of other energy sources and technologies, including low-carbon hydrogen, modern bioenergy, and carbon capture use and storage.

    Oil demand declines over the outlook, driven by falling use in road transport as the efficiency of the vehicle fleet improves and the electrification of road vehicles accelerates. Even so, oil continues to play a major role in the global energy system for the next 15-20 years across all three scenarios.

    The prospects for natural gas depend on the speed of the energy transition, with increasing demand in emerging economies as they grow and industrialise offset by the transition to lower-carbon energy sources led by the developed world.

    The recent energy shortages and higher prices highlight the importance of the transition away from hydrocarbons being orderly, such that the demand for hydrocarbons falls in line with available supplies. Natural declines in existing production sources means there needs to be continuing upstream investment in oil and natural gas over the next 30 years, including in Net Zero.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 7 februari 2023 08:09
    *BP PLC wpa KW4 58,36c
    *BP PLC nettowinst KW4 $10,8 mrd
    *BP PLC omzet KW4 $70,36 mrd
    *BP PLC omzet KW4 $69,26 mrd
    *BP PLC winst voor belasting KW4 $16,9 mrd
  13. forum rang 10 voda 7 februari 2023 09:38
    BP schiet tekort

    Wel recordjaar achter de rug.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) BP heeft net als veel andere oliereuzen een recordwinst geboekt in 2022, maar in het vierde kwartaal bleef de winst wel achter op de verwachtingen. Dit bleek dinsdagochtend uit cijfers van de Britse oliereus.

    De onderliggende, zogeheten rc-winst kwam afgelopen kwartaal uit op 4,8 miljard dollar. De consensus, waar 28 analisten aan bijdroegen, hield rekening met een winst van 5 miljard dollar. Een jaar eerder boekte BP een winst van 4 miljard dollar, maar in het derde kwartaal verdiende BP 8,2 miljard dollar.

    Over heel 2022 bedroeg de winst 27,7 miljard dollar tegen 12,8 miljard dollar in 2021, toen BP net aan het herstellen was van de verliezen rond de coronacrisis.

    BP verlaagde de schulden afgelopen jaar tot 21,4 miljard dollar. Daarnaast kondigde BP dinsdag een dividendverhoging van 10 procent aan en zal het voor nog eens 2,75 miljard dollar aan eigen aandelen inkopen.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  14. forum rang 10 voda 23 februari 2023 07:56
    bp & Deep Wind Form JV for South Korean Offshore Wind Market

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

    bp and Deep Wind Offshore have formed a joint venture to develop offshore wind opportunities in South Korea. As part of their agreement, bp has acquired a 55% stake in Deep Wind Offshore’s early-stage offshore wind portfolio, which includes four projects across the Korean peninsula with a potential generating capacity of up to 6GW.

    The joint venture will see bp enter the South Korean offshore wind market through Deep Wind Offshore’s existing presence in the region. This includes a highly capable team in four offices around the country, and a strong history in South Korea since 2006 through its owner Knutsen Group, which is currently one of the biggest clients to the Korean yards in the shipbuilding segment. Today, bp has a 40-year history in the country, including sizeable oil and LNG trading activities and its Castrol lubricants business.

    The permitting process for the four projects is already underway having installed wind measurement devices during 2021 and 2022. bp and Deep Wind Offshore will now look to install additional wind measurement systems and secure electricity business licenses in the coming period.
  15. expo 58 22 maart 2023 20:20

    voda schreef op 23 februari 2023 07:56:

    bp & Deep Wind Form JV for South Korean Offshore Wind Market

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

    bp and Deep Wind Offshore have formed a joint venture to develop offshore wind opportunities in South Korea. As part of their agreement, bp has acquired a 55% stake in Deep Wind Offshore’s early-stage offshore wind portfolio, which includes four projects across the Korean peninsula with a potential generating capacity of up to 6GW.

    The joint venture will see bp enter the South Korean offshore wind market through Deep Wind Offshore’s existing presence in the region. This includes a highly capable team in four offices around the country, and a strong history in South Korea since 2006 through its owner Knutsen Group, which is currently one of the biggest clients to the Korean yards in the shipbuilding segment. Today, bp has a 40-year history in the country, including sizeable oil and LNG trading activities and its Castrol lubricants business.

    The permitting process for the four projects is already underway having installed wind measurement devices during 2021 and 2022. bp and Deep Wind Offshore will now look to install additional wind measurement systems and secure electricity business licenses in the coming period.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 12 juli 2023 17:02
    BP gaat in Duitsland twee offshore windparken bouwen

    Eerste offshore windprojecten BP in Europa.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) BP heeft de aanbesteding gewonnen om twee windmolenparken te mogen bouwen voor de Duitse kust. Dit meldde de Britse energiereus woensdag.

    De twee locaties in de Noordzee liggen respectievelijk 130 en 150 kilometer voor de Duitse kust met een waterdiepte van ongeveer 40 meter. De twee parken samen zullen in de toekomst tot 4 GW kunnen opwekken.

    BP zal de ontwikkeling, bouw en exploitatie van de windprojecten op zich nemen, met als doel om de windparken eind 2030 op het net aan te sluiten. Wel moet BP daarvoor nog bepaalde vergunningen en goedkeuringen ontvangen.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  17. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2023 15:13
    De lonkende blik van ceo BP kostte hem miljoenen

    1 uur geleden in FINANCIEEL

    LONDEN - Het ‘bewust misleiden’ van de raad van commissarissen van olieconcern BP betekent dat voormalig BP-bestuursvoorzitter Bernard Looney een beloning van in totaal €37,5 miljoen misloopt. Het verzwijgen van relaties met diverse vrouwelijke collega’s wordt immers als ‘ernstig wangedrag’ gezien.

    De levenslang bij BP werkzame Ier Looney (53) stapte halverwege september op als bestuursvoorzitter. Dat was nadat nieuwe informatie naar boven was gekomen over relaties die hij had gehad met vrouwelijke collega's. Medio vorig jaar was ook al informatie boven tafel gekomen, maar indertijd werd de verklaring van Looney geaccepteerd. Half september was de maat vol.

    Voor meer, zie link:
  18. forum rang 10 voda 9 april 2024 14:11
    BP verwacht goed eerste kwartaal
    09-apr-2024 12:34

    Ondanks wat tegenvallers.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) BP verwacht dat de hoge productie bij de divisie Upstream en sterke prestaties van de handelstak het bedrijf in het eerste kwartaal hebben geholpen om de lagere olie- en gasprijzen te compenseren. Dat maakte de Britse oliegigant dinsdag in een update bekend.

    De Britse oliegigant verwacht een tegenvaller van 0,2 tot 0,4 miljard dollar door de lagere aardgasprijzen, een domper van 0,3 tot 0,6 miljard dollar door de lagere olieprijzen, en een verlies van 0,2 miljard dollar door de daling van de waarde van het Egyptische pond, vergeleken met de laatste kwartaal van 2023.

    In de update zei BP dat naast de hogere productie en de goede prestaties van de handelstak, er ook goede raffinagemarges waren.

    BP zal op 7 mei de uitgebreide resultaten over het eerste kwartaal publiceren.

    De aandelen BP stegen dinsdag met 1,7 procent. In Amsterdam won Shell 0,7 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  19. forum rang 10 voda 7 mei 2024 08:43
    Winststijging oliereus BP valt tegen na tegenvaller in gashandel

    2 min geleden in FINANCIEEL

    AMSTERDAM - Olie- en gasconcern BP heeft met $2,72 miljard over afgelopen kwartaal een slechter nettoresultaat geboekt dan verwacht. Vooral de inkomsten uit gas daalden sterk. De Britse concurrent van Shell koopt voor $1,75 miljard eigen aandelen in.

    De $2,72 miljard is een daling van 45% en blijft over het eerste kwartaal $200 miljoen onder de inschattingen van analisten. Het vorige kwartaal was dat nettoresultaat nog $2,99 miljard.

    Voor meer, zie link:
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