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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 juli 2017 22:21
    Kalyani Steel optimistic of another price increase in near future

    NMDC has slashed iron ore prices by INR 200 per tonne for both lumps and fine. This after they had kept prices constant from April to June 2017, how does this impact steel companies. In an interview to CNBC-TV18, Mr RK Goyal, MD of Kalyani Steel spoke about the latest happenings.

    Mr RK Goyal said that NMDC cutting iron ore prices will help Kalyani Steel's margin. He added that Kalyani Steel is evaluating strategies to expand capacity.

    Mr Goyal said that optimistic of another price increase in the near future.

    Source : Money Control
  2. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:08
    Beursblik: Credit Suisse ziet aanjagers voor ArcelorMittal

    Bank handhaaft Outperform advies.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Credit Suisse ziet meerdere aanjagers voor de koers van het Europese staalbedrijf ArcelorMittal. Dit bleek uit een rapport van de Zwitserse zakenbank.

    De analisten wezen in de eerste plaats op de verwachtingen van relatief stabiele maar sterke kwartaalcijfers voor de staalsector. In de koersen is volgens de analisten echter een winstdaling ingeprijsd. Een tweede reden voor hogere koersen van staalbedrijven zoals ArcelorMittal zijn de verwachte maatregelen in zowel Europa als Amerika tegen het dumpen van staal. Er zijn in beide regio's reeds acties ondernomen in de afgelopen jaren, maar er liggen meer importbeperkingen in het verschiet om de invoer van goedkoop staal af te remmen.

    Daarnaast heeft ArcelorMittal recent de Italiaanse staalfabriek Ilva overgenomen en dit zal naar verwachting van Credit Suisse op termijn positief zijn voor het bedrijf. Bovendien is het momenteel wachten op een fusie tussen de Europese staalactiviteiten van het Duitse ThyssenKrupp en die van Tata. Hiermee zal de markt verder consolideren, wat goed is voor de sector.

    Momenteel wordt er verwacht dat aan het tijdperk van monetaire versoepeling een einde komt. Op basis van uitspraken van centrale bankiers wereldwijd wordt gerekend op een geleidelijke verhoging van rentetarieven. De marktvorsers van Credit Suisse denken dat dit zal leiden tot een sectorrotatie ten gunste van grondstofaandelen.

    Credit Suisse heeft een Outperform advies op ArcelorMittal met een koersdoel van 31,00 dollar. Op een rode beurs is het aandeel dinsdag de grootste stijger met een koerswinst van 1,7 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  3. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:09
    Chinese autoverkopen stijgen weer

    Negatief effect van belastingverhoging lijkt verdwenen.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De verkoop van nieuwe personenauto's in China is in juni na twee maanden van daling weer gestegen. Dat meldde de China Association of Automobile Manufacturers dinsdag.

    De verkoop van personenauto's in 's werelds grootste automarkt steeg vorige maand met 2,3 procent op jaarbasis naar 1,83 miljoen stuks. In de twee voorgaande maanden was sprake van een verkoopdaling als gevolg van de gestegen belasting op autoverkopen van 5 naar 7,5 procent.

    De totale autoverkoop in China steeg vorige maand op jaarbasis met 4,5 procent naar 2,17 miljoen stuks.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  4. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:09
    Duizenden kantoorbanen weg bij ThyssenKrupp

    Duits conglomeraat hoopt kosten met 400 miljoen euro te verlagen.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Er verdwijnen duizenden kantoorbanen bij ThyssenKrupp. Dit meldde het Duitse conglomeraat dinsdag.

    Er worden tussen de 2.000 tot 2.500, voornamelijk administratieve functies, geschrapt en dit moet leiden tot een kostenbesparing van 400 miljoen euro in de komende drie jaar. De administratieve kosten zijn momenteel met 2,4 miljard euro te hoog ten opzichte van die van sectorgenoten, zei een woordvoerster.

    ThyssenKrupp heeft wereldwijd 156.000 mensen in dienst, waarvan 18.000 administratieve banen. Van het geplande banenverlies zal de helft in Duitsland worden doorgevoerd en de reorganisatie moet in 2020 zijn afgerond. De ontslagen zullen zoveel mogelijk op een sociaal aanvaardbare manier plaatsvinden, via een natuurlijke afvloeiing of vervroegd pensioen.

    Het concern streeft een bedrijfsresultaat na van 2 miljard euro met een duurzame positieve kasstroom. Dit jaar komt de EBIT naar verwachting uit op 1,7 miljard euro, tegen 1,5 miljard euro vorig jaar.

    Het aandeel ThyssenKrupp steeg dinsdagochtend 2,8 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  5. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:42
    2017 market prospects improve in EU but risks remain - EUROFER

    EUROFER has reported a strong start to the year and robust economic and steel market outlook bode well for EU steel market conditions. Nevertheless, increasing protectionism and even isolationism may lead to the proliferation of disastrous global trade flow distortions. EU apparent steel consumption grew by 3.1% year-on-year in Q1-2017, driven by robust gains in end-user consumption.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:42
    JSW looks to grab more coal blocks in ongoing auction

    DNA India reported that to secure raw material for its operations, domestic steel giant JSW Steel looks to grab maximum number of coal blocks out of six being auctioned for the iron and steel sector. A JSW Steel official, who did not wish to be named, said that "For Jharkhand, we are very aggressive. We have already announced a plant there and in Odisha. In Jharkhand, whatever is put on auction we will participate."

    The e-auction of six coal blocks, of which five are located in Jharkhand and one in Madhya Pradesh, for iron and steel making companies started on Friday. The e-bidding is scheduled to end on July 14.

    In the fifth tranche of coal block sale for production of iron ore and steel, the government has put under the hammer five mines Brahmadiha, Choritand Tiliaya, Jogeshwar & Khas Jogeshwar, Rabodih OCP and Rohne located in Jharkhand.

    Source : DNA India
  7. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:43
    Dongbei Special Steel Group Co files restructuring plan

    Global Times reported that defaulted State-owned Dongbei Special Steel Group Co filed a restructuring plan to the Dalian Intermediate People's Court on Monday. A private and a State-owned enterprise are expected to take part in the restructuring process of the failed State-owned enterprise, through which Dongbei Special Steel will push forward plans for mixed-ownership, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

    Based in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province, the company has been facing mounting debt and started to default on its corporate bonds last March, Xinhua noted.

    China's Jiangsu Shagang Co Ltd said on Monday that it is expected to be the biggest shareholder of debt-strapped Dongbei Special Steel Group after a bankruptcy restructuring process, according to Reuters.

    Meanwhile, State-owned Bengang Steel Plates Co Ltd said on Monday it plans to invest 1.04 billion yuan ($152.88 million) in Dongbei, and this would account for 10 percent of Dongbei's registered assets after the restructuring process.

    Source : Global Times
  8. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:44
    El-Garhy seeks Cairo bourse listing in Q3-FY17-18

    Amwal Al Ghad reported that Egyptian steel manufacturer El-Garhy Steel Group says it plans to float some of its shares on the local stock market at the end of third quarter of the current financial year 2017/2018. The bourse listing is designated to secure an additional liquidity needed to finance the group’s planned expansions and investments, its chairman Gamal El-Garhy told Amwal Al Ghad on Monday.

    The Egyptian steel group is currently in talks with a number of investment banks in Egypt to lead its anticipated initial public offer and determine the amount of shares to be sold on the stock market, El-Ghary added.

    El-Garhy Steel seeks to operate two plants for steel billets and rolling mills production in Ataqa Industrial Zone in Suez at the end of 2018, with investment costs worth 3.6 billion Egyptian pounds ($201 million), he said.

    The first plant is set to produce around 1.2 million of steel billets annually, El-Garhy said in earlier statement. The second plant will have a production capacity of around 500,000 tonnes of steel rolling mills annually, he added.

    Source : Amwal Al Ghad
  9. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:46
    Nearly 14,000 workers lost their jobs in 10 years in Mandi Gobindgarh - Study

    Tribune India quoted a latest study by the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development of Chandigarh as saying that more than 14,000 workers lost their livelihood during the last one decade due to the closure of 150 industrial units in Mandi Gobindgarh. The study, based on a survey of 46 steel units 23 closed and 23 operational was done by professor Ranjit Singh Ghuman and assistant professor Jatinder Singh.

    The estimated employment (direct employment) loss due to the closure of steel units was 14,000 workers. Of them, nearly 44 per cent of the workers were from Punjab and the remaining were migrants.

    Also the number of skilled workers who lost livelihood was higher than that of unskilled workers. On an average, each unit employed 56 skilled and 30 unskilled workers.

    The impact of closure of industrial units in Gobindgarh is not only limited to formal sector, but it has also adversely affected the informal business which had come up in the town and in the adjoining rural areas.

    The activities mainly existed in the form of dhabas, tea stalls, pan-beedi shops, street food vendors, retailers in cloth, shoes and grocery items on one hand and on the other, there were businesses like cycle and scooter repair shops, tailors etc. All these activities have been shrinking over the years.

    The study found that “Most of them witnessed more than 50 per cent reduction in their sales. In case of two such owners, sales have fallen by as high as 75 per cent during the last six years. Further, these stall owners used to hire one or two helpers earlier, but the current situation does not allow them to hire helpers as sales have fallen and they have to take help from their family members instead.”

    Besides, workers at labour chowks revealed they used to earn INR 600 per day against INR 300 per day in the current scenario. Not only this, they were getting employment for seven days a week along with opportunities to work overtime. But the closure of industrial units has reduced their days of employment to three or four in a week and they do not get overtime work opportunities.

    Source : Tribune India
  10. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:47
    What happened last time when US put steel tariff - Report
    Published on Tue, 11 Jul 2017

    Business Insider reported that now that the Trump administration is talking about a steel tariff of up to 25%, it’s time to talk about what happened the last time the US tried one. It all went down not so long ago 2002, under the supposedly free-market-friendly Bush administration. The 30% tariff was gone by 2003, lasting about 20 months. Why? Because the US got beaten like it stole something.

    Steel overcapacity is a problem producers around the world have been trying to solve for decades. It’s a problem that only gets worse when countries turn protectionist and keep floundering companies afloat for longer than the market would allow. That, however, does not stop countries from trying to put a band-aid on the issue. Here’s what The Peterson Institute for Economics wrote about the tariff when it was floated back in 2002.

    Again, Mr Bush took that a step further and bumped up the tariffs to 30%. Steel producers around the world, from Brazil to China to the EU, got together and lodged a complaint with the World Trade Organization.

    What Bush did is different from what the Obama administration did when it put tariffs on steel. Obama’s tariffs targeted Chinese firms for illegally dumping specific kinds of steel into US markets. It was not a blanket tariff that included allies.

    In 2002 the EU, especially, was ready to put a hurt on the US economy. It was promising to put up tariffs worth USD 2.2 billion that would hit critical swing states. The retaliation that it’s promising now looks much the same. According to the Financial Times, EU officials are considering tariffs on everything from orange juice to whiskey to dairy, if the tariff is enacted.

    China has already said in no uncertain terms that it has a plan for retaliation as well. Now, given the growth and importance of China’s economy, that threat is more real than it was in 2002.

    And we are in a different climate politically than we were then too. Trump and his administration have shown zero respect for the processes of the WTO. The advisers in the White House pushing this policy, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, do not respect international institutions at all. This will not be a fight between friends, it will be a fight between frenemies and in that case the EU and others may be more swift to act against an administration that they believe does not respect the rule of international law.

    Last time, Bush backed down before the EU was able to put up tariffs. This time, we may not be so lucky.

    Meanwhile, in the United States, Bush’s experience shows us that the tariff ultimately has mixed results. Manufacturers that depend on cheap steel for their supply chains get hurt. When all was said and done, the Institute for International Economics estimated that as many as 26,000 jobs were lost in steel-using industries (like the auto industry, for example).

    Source : Business Insider
  11. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:48
    Iran steel billet product gaining market in Asia

    Financial Tribune reported that Iranian steel billet has been quietly gaining market acceptance in Southeast Asia because of its low prices, just as it happened with China-origin product a few years ago, but can it dominate the region? In the past several months, transactions involving Iranian billet had been concluded on and off in Southeast Asia–the world’s largest import region for the semi-finished steel product–at $10-15 per ton below the prices of cargoes of other origin.

    Metal Bulletin reported that until recently, Thailand was the only country that regularly imported billet from Iran in this part of the world. But the low prices of cargoes from the Middle Eastern country have piqued the interest of buyers in places such as Malaysia and Indonesia.

    This is strikingly similar to the story of Chinese billet, which first attracted the attention of a handful of importers in the Philippines around the end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 before spreading to the entire region, displacing shipments from South Korea, Russia and other countries in the process.

    The similarities between Chinese and Iranian billet go beyond competitive prices. In both cases, trade has been based on loopholes.

    In the case of China, the workaround is well known to the market: billet is typically declared as alloy square bars by Chinese mills and trading companies, with the intention of both avoiding a 25% export duty on semi-finished carbon steel and claiming a 13% export tax rebate.

    Iran has no customs restrictions whatsoever on either the export or import side of the business. The hurdle it faces lies in a crucial area that is almost impossible to bypass: the banking system.

    The fact that more Iranian cargoes are making their way to Southeast Asia shows that Iranian steelmakers have jumped on to the export bandwagon ever since the Middle Eastern country opened up to international trade early last year.

    The country shipped 5.53 million tonnes of steel products abroad during the Iranian year ended March 20, 2017, of which 3.74 million tonnes consisted of semi-finished products.

    Source : Financial Tribune
  12. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:50
    Japanese firms exporting to Africa via Turkey

    Nikkei reported that Japanese corporations like electronics titan Panasonic and steelmaker Toyo Kohan are leveraging their presence in Turkey to make inroads into Africa, supplying products to the continent from their low-cost manufacturing bases here and other Turkish locations.

    Toyo Kohan began commercially producing surface-treated steel sheet in April at a factory located in Osmaniye, a southern Turkish city close to the Mediterranean Sea. The USD 650 million facility, which is jointly owned by Turkish peer Tosyali Holding, will make 1.2 million tons of the product per year. The plant represents a huge gamble for Toyo Kohan, which takes in about 120 billion yen (USD 1.06 billion) in consolidated sales annually.

    The mill will export 100,000 tonnes of cold rolled steel sheet a year to Africa, according to Fuat Tosyali, chairman of the joint venture Tosyali Toyo Steel. He adds that the location of the plant allows the company to ship product by ocean vessel to Ethiopia and other East African locations in three-to-four days. Its steel sheet is thinner and lighter than rival products from China and elsewhere. The company is pitching the product for use in roofing and other applications.

    Panasonic purchased a wiring-device maker headquartered in Istanbul in 2014. Now, it positions the unit as the main driver of its goal to become the world's No. 1 in the wiring-device business, from which the Japanese electronics giant rose. Because of different outlet standards, the Turkish unit is used to export wiring devices to countries influenced by continental European colonial powers. An Indian acquisition exports devices compatible with specifications found in former British territories.

    Panasonic now controls the No 2 worldwide share in the industry at just under 10%, but by next year it plans to overtake France's Legrand, which holds the crown at 10%-plus.

    Mr Takaki Oguri who heads both the Turkish and Indian units said that "We are able to meet challenges, such as reducing product development lead time, flexibly. We can match local needs and manufacture at costs that are competitive."

    The European Union and Turkey forged a customs union agreement in 1995, paving the way for the country to grow into a key export gateway to Europe. International companies have also favored the nation as a base for developing Central Asian and Middle Eastern markets. Now Turkey is increasingly serving as a springboard for corporations to push into Africa, which has a large margin for growth.

    Japanese enterprises are no exception. Instrument manufacturer Shimadzu is making headway into African markets via an arm in Istanbul. The company has built up a distributorship network in 16 countries on the southern continent, selling analytical devices and medical-imaging equipment. Meanwhile, car battery-maker GS Yuasa exports the mainstay products from a jointly owned factory in western Turkey.

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been making successive visits to Tanzania, Mozambique and other African nations for the purpose of diversifying trade relations. If Turkey's general contractors are called to participate in infrastructure development projects. A branch manager at a large Japanese trading firm said that "Japanese corporations can be involved in terms of funds procurement and offering engineering technology.”

    However, the African enterprises are not without their risks. Among other problems plaguing the region, many economies are highly exposed to commodity prices. Turkish exports to Africa rose sharply between 2010 and 2013 during the commodities rally, only to tumble soon after.

    Source : Nikkei
  13. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:51
    Japanese firms exporting to Africa via Turkey

    Nikkei reported that Japanese corporations like electronics titan Panasonic and steelmaker Toyo Kohan are leveraging their presence in Turkey to make inroads into Africa, supplying products to the continent from their low-cost manufacturing bases here and other Turkish locations.

    Toyo Kohan began commercially producing surface-treated steel sheet in April at a factory located in Osmaniye, a southern Turkish city close to the Mediterranean Sea. The USD 650 million facility, which is jointly owned by Turkish peer Tosyali Holding, will make 1.2 million tons of the product per year. The plant represents a huge gamble for Toyo Kohan, which takes in about 120 billion yen (USD 1.06 billion) in consolidated sales annually.

    The mill will export 100,000 tonnes of cold rolled steel sheet a year to Africa, according to Fuat Tosyali, chairman of the joint venture Tosyali Toyo Steel. He adds that the location of the plant allows the company to ship product by ocean vessel to Ethiopia and other East African locations in three-to-four days. Its steel sheet is thinner and lighter than rival products from China and elsewhere. The company is pitching the product for use in roofing and other applications.

    Panasonic purchased a wiring-device maker headquartered in Istanbul in 2014. Now, it positions the unit as the main driver of its goal to become the world's No. 1 in the wiring-device business, from which the Japanese electronics giant rose. Because of different outlet standards, the Turkish unit is used to export wiring devices to countries influenced by continental European colonial powers. An Indian acquisition exports devices compatible with specifications found in former British territories.

    Panasonic now controls the No 2 worldwide share in the industry at just under 10%, but by next year it plans to overtake France's Legrand, which holds the crown at 10%-plus.

    Mr Takaki Oguri who heads both the Turkish and Indian units said that "We are able to meet challenges, such as reducing product development lead time, flexibly. We can match local needs and manufacture at costs that are competitive."

    The European Union and Turkey forged a customs union agreement in 1995, paving the way for the country to grow into a key export gateway to Europe. International companies have also favored the nation as a base for developing Central Asian and Middle Eastern markets. Now Turkey is increasingly serving as a springboard for corporations to push into Africa, which has a large margin for growth.

    Japanese enterprises are no exception. Instrument manufacturer Shimadzu is making headway into African markets via an arm in Istanbul. The company has built up a distributorship network in 16 countries on the southern continent, selling analytical devices and medical-imaging equipment. Meanwhile, car battery-maker GS Yuasa exports the mainstay products from a jointly owned factory in western Turkey.

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been making successive visits to Tanzania, Mozambique and other African nations for the purpose of diversifying trade relations. If Turkey's general contractors are called to participate in infrastructure development projects. A branch manager at a large Japanese trading firm said that "Japanese corporations can be involved in terms of funds procurement and offering engineering technology.”

    However, the African enterprises are not without their risks. Among other problems plaguing the region, many economies are highly exposed to commodity prices. Turkish exports to Africa rose sharply between 2010 and 2013 during the commodities rally, only to tumble soon after.

    Source : Nikkei
  14. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:52
    Stelco emerges from bankruptcy protection

    Sault Star reported that Stelco recent emergence from bankruptcy protection. Make that its second emergence: the first was in 2007, three years after being granted protection, when US Steel bought Stelco for USD 1.1 billion and renamed US Steel Stelco. After its second journey through the process, a 33-month trip, Stelco, founded in 1910, has emerged as a much leaner entity with 2,200 employees (down from about 3,600 when U.S. Steel bought it a decade ago). It also has a new owner.

    Last December, US based Bedrock Industries, a "privately funded holding company" agreed to acquire US Steel Stelco. (Part of the deal was a name change.) It's understood the buyer invested about USD 70 million into the "new" Stelco and has said it will kick in USD 250 million over the next five years.

    The proposed transaction came after the buyer reached certain agreements with other stakeholders, including the Ontario government and the unions.

    One month back the Ontario Superior Court of Justice sanctioned a second amended and restated plan of "compromise, arrangement and reorganization" pursuant to which the sale and restructuring of Stelco was implemented.

    One week back, the day before Canada's 150th birthday, the process was finally wrapped.

    Source : Sault Star
  15. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:53
    Georgetown steel mill sale delayed as buyer looks to state for incentives

    South Strand News reported that sale of Georgetown's idled steel mill is taking longer than expected, with the potential buyer seeking tax breaks and other incentives from South Carolina economic development officials.

    ArcelorMittal, which owns the shuttered plant, announced in April that it had reached a tentative deal with United Kingdom-based Liberty House Group to buy the 600,000-square-foot facility located along the Sampit River near the city's historic district. Terms of the deal were not disclosed and both sides said plenty of details still had to be worked out.

    James Sanderson, president of the United Steelworkers union's local office, said at the time that he expected the mill to be operating again by late June. This week, Sanderson said the closing date hinges on what incentives are offered by the state Commerce Department.

    Ms Mary Beth Holdford spokeswoman for ArcelorMittal, said the company "continues to work with Liberty House Group in order to reach successful conclusion on the sale of our former wire rod facility in Georgetown."

    Ms Holdford said Liberty House "is currently in discussions with city and state officials on possible tax and other economic incentives." She added that "no other information is available at this time because of confidentiality agreements."

    Ms Alex Clark a spokeswoman for the state's Commerce Department, said the agency "is unable to comment on projects we may or may not be actively working."

    ArcelorMittal has owned the 60-acre site in some form since 2004. If the sale goes through, it would be the first US acquisition for Liberty, which owns steel and other metal-producing facilities in the United Kingdom, Middle East and Asia.

    Source : South Strand News
  16. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 16:58
    This Week's Raw Steel Production

    Sign up for the weekly Raw Steel Update newsletter.

    In the week ending on July 8, 2017, domestic raw steel production was 1,733,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 74.3 percent. Production was 1,667,000 net tons in the week ending July 8, 2016 while the capability utilization then was 71.3 percent. The current week production represents a 4.0 percent increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending July 8, 2017 is up 0.9 percent from the previous week ending July 1, 2017 when production was 1,717,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 73.6 percent.

    Adjusted year-to-date production through July 8, 2017 was 46,803,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 74.4 percent. That is up 2.2 percent from the 45,792,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 72.4 percent.

    Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending July 8, 2017 in thousands of net tons: North East: 213; Great Lakes: 654; Midwest: 163; Southern: 630 and Western: 73 for a total of 1733.

    The Raw Steel production tonnage provided in this report is estimated.  The figures are compiled from weekly production tonnage provided from 50% of the domestic producers combined with monthly production data for the remainder.  Therefore, this report should be used primarily to assess production trends.

      The AISI production report "AIS 7", published monthly and available by subscription, provides a more detailed summary of steel production based on data supplied by companies representing 75% of U.S. production capacity. 
    Note: Capability for the Second Quarter 2017 is approximately 30.3 million tons compared to 30.4 million tons for the same period last year and 30.0 million tons for the First Quarter of 2017.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 17:02
    Chinese scrap steel export surges in May

    As per customs statistics, China exported 15,400-tonne scrap in April, up twenty-two folds from same period last year. The volume surged to 80,300 tonnes in May, increasing 423% month-on-month, which was nearly one thousand times compared with the figure of 84 tonnes in May of 2016.

    Source : My
  18. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 17:05
    Australia cuts resources export revenue forecast on iron ore outlook

    The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Australia has revised down the value of its resources and energy export earnings in the financial year ended June by 4.6%, or nearly AUD 10 billion, due largely to falling prices for iron ore, its most valuable export. Australia Department of Industry, Science and Innovation said that the downward revision to AUD 205 billion mainly reflects an earlier than expected decline in iron ore prices since the previous forecasts were published three months ago.

    The department said that iron ore, Australia's top source of export revenue, should average USD 62.40 in calendar 2017, down from an earlier forecast of USD 65.20.

    Iron ore has averaged about USD 74 a tonne so far this year, implying prices will continue to deteriorate in the second half. The price was last quoted at USD 63.28 a tonne.

    The department's chief economist, Mark Cully said that "Global resource and energy commodity demand growth, particularly for steel making commodities, is expected to slow in the next two years, driven largely by a slowdown in infrastructure spending and construction activity in China.”

    He said that "Lower demand growth is expected to adversely affect iron ore and metallurgical coal prices.”

    Australia mined a record 873.5 million tonnes of iron ore in fiscal 2017, making it the world's top producer, department figures show.

    Source : The Sydney Morning Herald
  19. forum rang 10 voda 11 juli 2017 17:07
    Odisha to auction five more iron ore blocks in October

    Orissa Post reported that after successful auction of three iron ore blocks, the state government is gearing up to put five more blocks to auction in October this year. Steel and Mines Minister Prafulla Kumar Mallick told Orissa POST that “We have plans to put four-five more iron ore blocks to auction this October. The process in this regard has already begun.”

    The Geological Survey of India had taken up G2 and G3 stage exploration in several mineral blocks in the state during 2016-17 fiscal to help the government take up the auction of mines. The minister said the mines that reach these stages will be put to auction and the government is hopeful that at least five iron blocks will be readied by October for their online auction.

    While advanced exploration of some of the iron ore blocks have been completed, the state government awaits report on exploration from the Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd.

    The state government has so far auctioned five mineral blocks including three iron ore blocks bagged by Essar Steel, Bhushan Steel Ltd and Bhushan Power Ltd.

    The state government had earlier decided that the auction process will be initiated for 14 more mineral blocks in 2017-18 fiscal.

    The Directorate of Geology of the state government and the GSI had conducted joint surveys in these blocks in 2016-17 fiscal to take exploration work to G2 level and initiate auction process during the current fiscal.

    Source : Orissa Post
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Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.815
Aedifica 3 926
Aegon 3.258 323.051
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.305
ageas 5.844 109.903
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.062
Ahold 3.538 74.349
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.275
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.050
Alfen 16 25.212
Allfunds Group 4 1.516
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 418
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.788
AMG 971 134.285
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.745
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 495
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.053
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 386
Arcadis 252 8.802
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.953
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.350
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.599
ASML 1.766 109.875
ASR Nederland 21 4.507
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.881
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 67
Azerion 7 3.449