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  1. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 12 mei 2023 11:48
    Effe terugkomen op het Methaan verhaal in de atmosfeer:

    FD artikel

    De opmerkelijke opmars van broeikasgas methaan
    Ook al maakt methaan slechts 0,00022% uit van de lucht om de aarde, de snelle toename ervan in de atmosfeer baart veel zorgen. Methaan behoort met koolstofdioxide (CO2) tot de belangrijkste broeikasgassen waarvan de toename zorgt voor de opwarming van de aarde. Een molecuul methaan draagt daaraan echter zo'n vijftig keer zoveel bij als een molecuul koolstofdioxide.

    De afgelopen tweeduizend jaar is de hoeveelheid methaan in de lucht wereldwijd sterk toegenomen. Dat is voor het grootste deel te wijten aan menselijk handelen. Vooral landbouw (veeteelt en rijstbouw), afvalverwerking en de winning van fossiele brandstoffen (olie en gas) dragen bij aan de uitstoot van methaan.

    De aarde zelf stoot ook veel methaan uit, met name bij het afbreken van organisch materiaal. Moerassen vormen daarom een grote bron van methaan, evenals dieren en planten. De natuur neemt het meeste methaan uit de lucht echter ook weer op. Maar omdat er meer uitstoot is dan opname, groeit het aandeel methaan in de lucht.

    Volgens het KNMI is de concentratie methaan nu 2,5 keer zo hoog als voor het industriële tijdperk. De Verenigde Naties schatten in een recent IPCC-rapport dat de toename van methaan sinds de 19de eeuw heeft bijgedragen aan de opwarming van de aarde met een halve graad, iets minder dan de bijdrage van CO2.


    Volgens het Global Carbon Project wordt wereldwijd jaarlijks 576 miljoen ton methaan uitgestoten.
  2. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 13 mei 2023 21:37
    NextEra Energy targets more than $20bn in hydrogen capital investment

    Dominic EllisMay 09, 2023
    NextEra Energy is evaluating more than $20bn in hydrogen capital investment opportunities and in excess of 15GW of new renewables deployment beyond 2026.

    The company recently announced potential opportunities of 300-tonnes-per-day of clean hydrogen production powered by around 1.3GW of new renewables.

    It is working on a clean hydrogen project potentially powered by FPL solar; another with Linde to support the West Coast mobility market; a large solar facility to support green hydrogen project in the central US; and a green hydrogen project with CF Industries to support ammonia production.

    The hydrogen push dovetails with its new vision to become a fully ‘pure play’ renewables company, selling natural gas pipeline assets and achieving ‘real zero’ in 2025.

    John Ketchum, Chairman and CEO of NextEra Energy Partners, said since launching NextEra Energy Partners in 2014, it has delivered significant growth, increased its renewables portfolio by approximately nine times and become one of the largest clean energy generators.

    He said, “We believe NextEra Energy Partners’ future growth potential is not reflected in its current valuation. We believe this disconnect is driven by a combination of macroeconomic factors and concerns around the equity required to finance the partnership’s convertible equity portfolio financing buyouts.

    “We are announcing plans to simplify the partnership’s capital structure and singularly focus on a 100% renewable energy strategy. The US economy’s ongoing transition to renewable energy is a significant driver of future renewable energy investments, and we want NextEra Energy Partners to be well positioned to capitalise on these investments.”

    CF Industries Holdings and NextEra Energy Resources announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for a joint venture to develop a zero-carbon-intensity hydrogen project at CF Industries’ Verdigris Complex in Oklahoma last month.

    The proposed project was included in the funding application submitted to the US Department of Energy (DOE) by the HALO Hydrogen Hub, a three-state effort established by Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma to compete for funding from the DOE’s regional clean hydrogen hub program.

    It envisions a jointly owned 100MW electrolysis plant at the Verdigris Complex that would be powered by a dedicated 450-MW renewable energy facility developed by NextEra Energy Resources.

    CF Industries and NextEra Energy Resources anticipate that support for the project from the DOE program will be a key aspect of their evaluation process. A final investment decision has not been made.
  3. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 14 mei 2023 20:15
    thyssenkrupp nucera green hydrogen electrolyser to be branded Scalum

    Dominic EllisMay 11, 2023
    thyssenkrupp nucera has announced Scalum will be the brand name for its 20MW green hydrogen electrolyser.

    The supplier made the announcement at the World Hydrogen Summit 2023 in Rotterdam. The name is derived from ‘scale’ and pays tribute to the module’s scalability, and interconnecting multiple modules to high plant capacities.

    Scalability plays a central role in the use of green hydrogen as a new, carbon-free energy source of the future. With the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industry imminent, large-scale water electrolysis plants have to be used to produce this climate-friendly energy carrier using renewable energy. This will minimise the industry’s carbon footprint.

    Scalum stands out for its “low investment costs and convinces with its basis in a proven cell design with long runtime and high performance history,” the company claims.

    thyssenkrupp nucera is one of the few suppliers in the world capable of providing water electrolysis technology in the gigawatt power range. More than 2.5GW of capacity to produce hydrogen using renewable energy has already been sold to customers worldwide.

    Alkaline water electrolysis (AWE) technology has proven itself with the longest track record in the green hydrogen production technology area. With several decades of experience, thyssenkrupp nucera’s chlor-alkali electrolysis technology is a strong base for their water electrolysers.

    Dr. Christoph Noeres, Head of Green Hydrogen, said, “To reliably represent capacities to produce green hydrogen on a scale of several hundred megawatts or even gigawatts of power, our equipment must guarantee a high degree of scalability and availability. Scalum reflects this quality promise that we make to our customers and by which we measure ourselves.”

    The brand makes the start of a new company-wide naming system for the AWE product family in thyssenkrupp nucera’s hydrogen division. It is intended to increase recognition and clearly express to customers that the AWE electrolysis technology is capable of a wide range of hydrogen production capacities.

    The focus is on differentiating product features that stand for the new era of energy supply with green hydrogen on an industrial scale to improve climate protection.

    Katharina Immoor, thyssenkrupp nucera’s Head of Communication & ESG, said, “Even in our technically oriented B2B market, we have to deal with the increasing importance of consistent brand experiences. That’s why we are continuously developing our brand identity, which includes the development of meaningful product names.”

    At the beginning of last year, the electrolysis specialist unveiled its brand identity with the new company name, thyssenkrupp nucera, which symbolises ‘the dawn of a new era of innovation, transformation and green energy as a decisive contribution to climate neutrality’.

    In March, thyssenkrupp nucera and Unigel signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to increase the capacity of the green hydrogen plant that Unigel is developing in Bahia, Brazil, from 60MW to 240MW of water electrolysis. The signing ceremony was held in Belo Horizonte, during the visit of the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Dr. Robert Habeck.

    thyssenkrupp nucera and an unnamed European customer from a carbon-intensive industry signed a reservation agreement for production capacities for green hydrogen in February. Under this contract, the customer secures production capacities for the manufacturing of standardised 20MW alkaline water electrolysis modules with large scale capacity from the supplier of world-leading technologies for high-efficiency electrolysis plants.

    H2 View is on the ground in Rotterdam and reporting on latest industry news and developments
  4. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 15 mei 2023 17:35

    New hydrogen-electric plane engine could be future of greener, zero-emission flight
    EVERETT, Wash. —

    A new motor recently seen in action at Paine Field in Everett could move the airliners of the future.

    What’s different is what makes the propellers turn...a hydrogen-electric propulsion system.

    Hydrogen-electric propulsion systems use fuel cells that generate electricity from hydrogen fuel, and the electricity powers electric motors which turn the propellers.

    “Two thirds of the climate change impact of aviation is non carbon based. It’s actually combustion of fuel at high altitude," said Val Miftakhov, the Founder & CEO ZeroAvia. "So, in order to solve the entire problem for aviation, you have to get away from combustion,”.

    Alaska Airlines donated a Q400 aircraft to ZeroAvia, the company developing the new motor. The plane will be retrofitted with a hydrogen-electric propulsion system. Alaska says the project is part of one of the airline’s big goals.

    “Being carbon net zero by 2040. For an airline that’s a big goal because right now we burn a lot of gas to get you where you want to go, " said Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci. "In fact, this year we will burn 800 million gallons of gas,”.

    Eliminating burning all that fuel won’t be easy.

    “The only way to do that is to electrify the airplane," said Miftakhov. "But battery do not have enough energy, and cannot have enough energy to power aircraft like this for hundreds and hundreds of miles. So you need a different energy carrier to produce electricity and hydrogen is that,”.

    ZeroAvia says using its’ hydrogen-based engines on a Dash 8-400 will create a commercially viable zero-emission plane with fuel cell engines 5 times more powerful than anything that has come before it.

    This could possibly be a way to travel the skies while cleaning them up.
  5. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 16 mei 2023 10:14
    Overal, zelfs de Italianen....

    Hydrogen: The Future of Italian Industry
    Hydrogen is an essential element in the fight against climate change, and its use is becoming increasingly important in many industrial sectors.

    Arnes Biogradlija 15/05/2023

    Italy is among the countries that have chosen to invest in hydrogen, with a significant number of companies increasing their investments in this area in 2022. The H2IT Observatory’s second edition sheds light on the current state of the Italian hydrogen sector, revealing the goals, technology, and potential impact of this investment.

    According to the H2IT Observatory’s study, 65% of Italian companies increased their investments in hydrogen in 2022. Of these, 70% are financed through their own funds, while 22% are covered by European, national, or regional funds. The companies involved in the study represent the entire hydrogen value chain, from production to end uses.

    The study also found that one in three Italian companies involved in the hydrogen sector has at least one patent. Additionally, 71% of companies surveyed indicate research and development as a priority investment strategy, with 71% of companies having an internal research centre dedicated to hydrogen. More than half (56%) have participated in European tenders, obtaining funding in 65% of cases.

    The mobility sector is expected to grow the most between now and 2030, according to 85% of respondents, followed by hard-to-abate (67%) and renewable electricity storage (55%). Lombardy alone hosts the companies that make 60% of the turnover from Italian hydrogen.

    The potential impact of this investment is enormous, not only in terms of economic growth but also in terms of sustainability. Hydrogen is a clean fuel that produces only water and heat as by-products, making it a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The investments made by Italian companies, along with the government’s allocation of 3.64 billion euros in the PNRR to develop the hydrogen supply chain in Italy, show a commitment to building a more sustainable future.

    However, there are still challenges to overcome. The cost of producing hydrogen is still relatively high, and the infrastructure for distributing it is not yet fully developed. Nevertheless, the increasing investments and patents obtained by Italian companies indicate that the hydrogen sector is growing rapidly and could be a game-changer in the future of the Italian industry.

    In conclusion, the Italian hydrogen sector is growing rapidly, with companies increasing their investments and obtaining patents. The mobility sector is expected to lead this growth, with Lombardy hosting the companies that make the most significant turnover from Italian hydrogen. The potential impact of this investment is enormous, both in terms of economic growth and sustainability. With the government’s allocation of funds and the commitment of Italian companies, the hydrogen sector is poised to be a crucial player in the future of Italian industry.
  6. forum rang 8 Succes 17 mei 2023 15:51
    Groningen stelt zich kandidaat voor Europese waterstofbank, opgewekt door zon, wind en water

    De provincie Groningen heeft zich kandidaat gesteld voor de Europese waterstofbank. De Groningse commissaris van de Koning René Paas, tevens voorzitter van het Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland, heeft dat dinsdag bekendgemaakt tijdens een bijeenkomst over Noord-Nederland in perscentrum Nieuwspoort in Den Haag. De Europese Unie wil zo’n bank nog voor het eind van het jaar in het leven roepen om de productie van hernieuwbare waterstof de komende jaren te verdubbelen.

    Volgens Paas heeft de regio door zijn ervaringen met gas ’de kennis en kunde in huis’ voor de komst van een waterstofbank. Hij wil met het kabinet een gezamenlijk voorstel voorbereiden om de waterstofbank naar Groningen te krijgen. ,,Waterstof heeft de toekomst. Het is goed om te zien dat de Europese Commissie dat in de vorm van een waterstofbank erkent en hiermee investeringen wil doen om de transitie te versnellen. Wat ons betreft is daar maar één logische plek voor: Noord-Nederland, in de eerste Hydrogen Valley van Europa”, stelt Paas.

    Limburg stelde zich ook kandidaat

    De provincie Limburg heeft zich eerder al kandidaat gesteld voor de Europese waterstofbank. In een brief heeft de provincie vorige maand de regering om ondersteuning van de kandidatuur gevraagd.

    De Europese Commissie heeft hoge verwachtingen van de klimaatneutrale brandstof, die fossiele energie kan vervangen waar elektriciteit dat nog niet kan, bijvoorbeeld in de zware industrie en de lucht- en scheepvaart. Maar dan moet er wel eerst een markt voor waterstof van de grond komen. Zolang waterstof nog een nicheproduct is, stappen potentiële klanten nog niet over en potentiële producenten nog niet in. De nieuwe waterstofbank moet hen met investeringen aanmoedigen om die stap te zetten en het nog nadelige prijsverschil tussen fossiele en groene waterstof helpen goedmaken.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 22 mei 2023 10:46
    Het grote fiasco van waterstoftreinen in Duitsland
    Artikel van Charly Pohu • Gisteren om 12:57

    © Aangeboden door Business AM

    Waterstoftreinen werden met veel bombarie aangekondigd. De voertuigen moesten vervuilende dieselmachines in de regio Frankfurt in Duitsland vervangen. Vandaag de dag zijn ze vooral een bron van problemen voor het lokale openbaar vervoerbedrijf. Ontslag van machinisten, vervanging door dieselbussen en locomotieven, vertraagde leveringen: alles gaat mis.

    Kan waterstof een goede brandstof zijn? Daarover bestaat discussie. Volgens de voorstanders stoot H2 geen broeikasgassen uit (bij gebruik in een brandstofcel) en zou het een optie zijn om motoren van treinen, bussen of zelfs schepen te vervangen. Volgens de tegenstanders kan de productie ervan vervuilend zijn en zou het onzinnig zijn als het op een schone manier wordt geproduceerd: dan kunnen we net zo goed direct hernieuwbare energie gebruiken om de batterijen van elektrische voertuigen op te laden, beweren zij.

    De feiten: Veel complicaties op het spoorwegnetwerk in de regio Frankfurt.

    Aan het begin van dit jaar moesten de treinen regelmatig worden vervangen door bussen, en dat telkens voor periodes van meer dan twee weken. Het gaat om problemen met brandstofvoorziening, meldt Wattisduurzaam, een website gespecialiseeerd in nieuwe energiebronnen.
    Deze situatie dwingt het openbaar vervoersbedrijf Start om extra diesellocomotieven te huren om de uitval op te vangen.
    Maar daar ontstaat het volgende probleem: de machinisten moeten veel trainingen volgen om met de nieuwe locomotieven te leren rijden, naast hun normale werktijden. Ze moesten in korte tijd leren rijden met vier verschillende voertuigen, meldt het lokale medium Hessenschau.
    Veel machinisten waren hier niet blij mee. Vorige week nam een dozijn machinisten ontslag.
    Het resultaat: de afgelopen twee weken moesten veel ritten worden geannuleerd wegens personeelstekort. Vaak gebeurde dit zelfs op het laatste moment wanneer een machinist ziek werd.
    Het bedrijf verzekert dat ze al vervangers hebben gevonden en dat de prestaties vanaf nu betrouwbaarder zullen worden.
    Terugblik: Ook een probleem met de treinen.

    De aanwezige falende treinen zijn slechts een deel van het probleem. Ook de afwezige treinen maken het ingewikkeld.
    Start had namelijk 27 treinen besteld – ze zouden de grootste vloot waterstoftreinen ter wereld krijgen. Alstom kreeg de openbare aanbesteding (ter waarde van 500 miljoen euro) in 2020. Eind 2022 zouden ze allemaal in gebruik moeten zijn genomen, maar uiteindelijk reden er tegen die tijd slechts twee treinen op het netwerk.
    Op de vier bediende lijnen van het bedrijf is slechts één lijn momenteel bedekt met waterstoftreinen.
    Tot nu toe zijn er volgens Hessenschau slechts 11 treinen geleverd. De rest laat nog steeds op zich wachten en Alstom blijft de levering uitstellen. Volgens het laatste nieuws is de levering gepland voor het derde kwartaal.
    Technische specificaties: De treinen hebben een bereik van 1.000 kilometer met twee waterstoftanks met een gezamenlijk gewicht van 250 ton. Ze hebben een topsnelheid van 140 kilometer per uur en bieden plaats aan 160 passagiers.

    Het detail: Ecologisch?

    De diesellocomotieven blijven dus op het netwerk rijden (naast de extra diesellocomotieven die worden ingezet), terwijl de waterstoftreinen die ze moeten vervangen nog niet zijn gearriveerd. Dat is een eerste bron van vervuiling.
    Bovendien is de waterstof die wordt gebruikt, geproduceerd door de lokale chemische industrie, niet “groen”, benadrukt Wattisduurzaam.
    Ter herinnering, groene waterstof wordt geproduceerd via elektrolyse met behulp van hernieuwbare energie. Maar waterstof kan ook worden verkregen uit verwarmd methaan, wat een zeer vervuilende methode is.
    De gespecialiseerde website vraagt zich af of het niet verstandiger zou zijn om oplaadbare batterijtreinen te gebruiken ter vervanging van dieselvoertuigen, vooral voor korte afstanden zoals in Frankfurt. De traditionele trein, die wordt gevoed via bovenleidingen, is nog efficiënter, maar de installatie van een volledig bekabeld netwerk is kostbaar, geeft de website toe. Bedrijven zouden echter ook kunnen overwegen om niet het hele netwerk van bovenleidingen te voorzien en delen zonder kabels te laten waar de trein kan rijden met behulp van de batterij, oppert Wattisduurzaam.
    Het falen van waterstoftreinen is geen directe diskwalificatie – bijna alle nieuwe technologieën hebben opstartproblemen – maar deze opstartproblemen moeten dienen als een les voor andere spoorwegexploitanten die waterstoftreinen overwegen als alternatief voor de installatie van bovenleidingen. De waterstofinfrastructuur is namelijk ook niet zo eenvoudig.
  8. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 22 mei 2023 11:03
    Johnson Matthey and Hystar agree strategic partnership
    Johnson Matthey (JM), a global leader in sustainable technologies, and Hystar, a Norwegian high-tech hydrogen company, have signed a three-year strategic supply agreement to ramp up renewable (green) hydrogen production. This delivers on JM’s published milestone of winning at least two strategic partnerships in Hydrogen Technologies by the end of 2022/23.

    JM will supply membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs), key performance-defining components for electrolysers, as part of Hystar’s commercialisation ramp-up. This represents the next step in the collaboration between the two companies which began in 2021, focused on electrolyser stack development and manufacturing scale-up, using the components provided by JM and Hystar’s patented cell design.

    As part of the ongoing collaboration, JM will supply MEAs for the Hystar PEM electrolysers to be used in the HyPilot project in Norway. The HyPilot project will verify Hystar’s patented PEM technology under realistic field conditions, in collaboration with industry leaders Yara and Equinor, with end market demand driven by the trends in food production and energy security. As part of the project, Hystar will deliver a complete, autonomous, containerized PEM electrolyser with a hydrogen production capacity of up to 745 kg/day.

    Hystar’s recent test results show the company already exceeds the Clean Hydrogen for Europe 2030 targets for clean hydrogen production. Hystar and JM will work in partnership to continue improving the performance of Hystar’s electrolysers and design circularity principles into the system.

    Both partners will continue the collaboration to enable further scale up and automation for Hystar’s planned multi GW production line, which is expected to be operational by 2025.

    Fredrik Mowill, Chief Executive Officer at Hystar, says: “Hystar’s class-leading PEM electrolyser is currently undergoing a ramp-up to GW scale production capacity. As part of our growth plans, Hystar will partner with strategic suppliers, such as JM, who possess state-of-the-art technology, mass manufacturing capacity as well as the ability to pursue future technology developments.”
  9. forum rang 10 voda 27 mei 2023 11:26
    Singapore's Keppel enters 2.5-GW Queensland green H2 project

    Singapore's Keppel enters 2.5-GW Queensland green H2 project Hydrogen tanks. Source: US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

    Singaporean conglomerate Keppel Corp Ltd (SGX:BN4) today said it has joined an up-to-2.5-GW project to produce renewable hydrogen in Australia and unveiled a pact facilitating a portion of the future supply for a local green ammonia facility.

    Keppel has become part of the Central Queensland hydrogen (CQ-H2) project consortium, which is developing a production site and other related infrastructure to supply green hydrogen to the local market and export to Japan and Singapore. The partnership comprises Queensland government-owned Stanwell Corp, as well as Japan's Iwatani Corp, Kansai Electric Power and Marubeni Corp.

    Do you know we have a daily hydrogen newsletter? Subscribe here for free!

    The proposed site is due to start producing green hydrogen on a commercial scale in 2028. With a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study already initiated, a final investment decision (FID) on the project is due to be taken in late 2024.

    Additionally, Keppel has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Incitec Pivot Ltd (IPL) to explore the development of an industrial-scale green ammonia production facility in Gladstone, Queensland, along with other potential partners. The Singaporean group explained that its participation in the CQ-H2 project will provide a reliable source of green hydrogen that will be used in the ammonia production process. The facility’s output of around 850,000 tonnes per year will be supplied to domestic and overseas markets.

    “Through Keppel’s involvement in the CQ-H2 consortium, and our partnership with Incitec Pivot, we are redoubling our efforts in making green hydrogen and ammonia reliable and commercially viable energy sources,” said Cindy Lim, CEO of Keppel’s Infrastructure Division.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 30 mei 2023 12:55
    Revolutionary Hydrogen Generator Harnesses LOHC

    By Strategic Research Institute on May 30, 2023 08:25 am

    In the realm of energy innovation, a team of brilliant scientists of CISRO is spearheading the development of a groundbreaking hydrogen generator that has the potential to transform the way we power our farms and other remote locations. Led by a trio of visionaries - John Chiefari, Christian Hornung, and Vicky Au - this pioneering project aims to efficiently generate hydrogen from liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC), ensuring safe transportation and utilization of this clean energy source.

    Hydrogen, with its emissions-free properties when produced through water electrolysis using renewable energy, has garnered significant attention as a promising fuel for the future. However, challenges surrounding hydrogen storage and transport have hindered its widespread adoption. To overcome these obstacles, researchers worldwide have sought alternative methods, and the integration of LOHC technology has emerged as a game-changer.

    LOHCs are organic compounds capable of absorbing and releasing hydrogen through chemical reactions. This research avenue, explored for over three decades, has gained momentum in recent years as the world endeavors to tackle the net-zero challenge. The process involves producing hydrogen through renewable energy sources and subsequently adding it to the LOHC via hydrogenation. The LOHC, safely stored and transported using conventional fuel tanks and trucks, awaits dehydrogenation to release the hydrogen when needed. It is in this crucial step that the newly developed hydrogen generator comes into play.

    The hydrogen generator employs a patented technology known as the Catalytic Static Mixer (CSM). Constructed as a 3D printed scaffold with a catalyst coating, the CSM optimizes the interaction between reagents, enhancing the catalytic reaction's efficiency. Unlike traditional packed bed systems, the CSM provides superior process control and allows for easy replacement and regeneration of exhausted catalysts. Its scalability is also noteworthy, as additional CSMs can be incorporated in parallel flow to meet varying demands.

    The project encompasses two phases. First, a pilot-scale hydrogen generator will be constructed, capable of producing 5 kg of hydrogen daily. This compact unit, expected to occupy a space of approximately 1m x 2m, serves as a proof-of-concept. Building upon the knowledge gained from the pilot unit, the team will then proceed to develop a demonstration-scale hydrogen generator. Anticipated to produce 20 kg of hydrogen per day, this larger unit resembles a standard 12m shipping container and is well-suited for hydrogen refueling stations and off-grid power supply requirements.

    The applications of this groundbreaking technology are far-reaching. By replacing diesel generators, the hydrogen generator can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide a quieter and more sustainable power solution for off-grid locations such as farms, mine sites, and exploration areas. Additionally, it holds immense potential for hydrogen refueling stations to support the growing fleet of hydrogen-powered vehicles.

    In the pursuit of a low-carbon economy, this hydrogen generator plays a vital role. While achieving net-zero emissions requires multifaceted approaches, this technology offers a tangible solution for off-grid power needs. By facilitating the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure in various sectors, including hard-to-abate industries like agriculture and mining, it paves the way for everyday Australians to access and benefit from the power of hydrogen.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 30 mei 2023 12:59
    SSE Unveils Redevelopment Plans for Sloy Hydro Power Station

    By Strategic Research Institute on May 30, 2023 08:18 am

    In a momentous move towards bolstering energy security and fortifying the UK's net zero power system, SSE Renewables, a subsidiary of SSE plc, has revealed ambitious plans to convert the renowned Sloy Power Station into a state-of-the-art pumped hydro storage facility. With the capacity to deliver up to 25GWh of long-duration electricity storage, the reimagined Sloy scheme could power approximately 90,000 homes for an entire week, ensuring firm and flexible renewable energy supply during periods of low wind and sun.

    The announcement, made during a visit by Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf to the iconic power station on the picturesque Loch Lomond in Argyll and Bute, pays homage to the 80th anniversary of the 1943 Hydro Electric Development (Scotland) Act. This landmark legislation marked the advent of hydro-electric power in the Scottish Glens eight decades ago, a legacy that SSE Renewables aims to uphold and amplify with its conversion plans for the Sloy Power Station.

    The converted Sloy scheme, subject to final design and approval, has the potential to provide uninterrupted renewable energy for up to 160 hours. With the flick of a switch, it could offer reliable and flexible power to meet the demands of 90,000 homes, ensuring energy security and bolstering the stability of the renewables-led energy system.

    SSE's decision to embark on additional pumped hydro storage capacity at the existing Sloy Power Station aligns with its commitment to the UK Government's British Energy Security Strategy. As the nation transitions to a net zero power system, the development of pumped hydro storage projects assumes paramount importance in maintaining a balanced and secure electricity supply.

    Director of Onshore Europe at SSE Renewables, Finlay McCutcheon, expressed delight at the redevelopment plans for the Sloy Power Station, coinciding with the 80th anniversary of hydro power's contribution to Scotland and Britain's homegrown power supply. The transformed facility will play a pivotal role in the country's future energy mix, providing large-scale, long-duration electricity storage to enhance energy security and flexibility.

    SSE's pumped storage vision for Sloy aligns with its plans for another pumped hydro storage project at Coire Glas, potentially the largest of its kind in four decades with an investment exceeding £1.5 billion. A positive decision from the UK Government regarding supports for long-duration electricity storage, including revenue stabilization mechanisms and adaptations to the electricity market, will be vital to realizing these projects.

    Over the coming months, SSE Renewables will refine the project design for the Sloy conversion and initiate a period of public consultation. Pending a favorable consenting outcome and supportive policies, a planning application is anticipated to be submitted to the Scottish Government in late 2023 or early 2024. SSE aims to make a final investment decision on Sloy in late 2025, with the goal of
  12. forum rang 10 voda 30 mei 2023 13:02
    Komatsu Unveils Excavator Empowered by Hydrogen Fuel Cell

    By Strategic Research Institute on May 29, 2023 08:00 am

    Komatsu, a leading provider of cutting-edge technologies and equipment in various industries, has recently unveiled an extraordinary concept machine, a medium-sized hydraulic excavator fueled by a hydrogen fuel cell. This innovative development, incorporating Komatsu's own key components, represents a significant stride towards achieving carbon neutrality in the realm of construction equipment. Komatsu's commitment to environmental sustainability is underscored by their mid-term management plan, which aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% from product use and equipment production by 2030, ultimately striving for carbon neutrality by 2050.

    To fulfill their commitment, Komatsu has been actively introducing products, services, and solutions that minimize environmental impact. Their portfolio already includes hybrid hydraulic excavators and electric mini excavators. However, the concept excavator takes their efforts to an entirely new level. By harnessing the power of a hydrogen fuel cell system, provided by Toyota, alongside Komatsu's comprehensive control technology and key components, this groundbreaking machine achieves zero exhaust emissions, significantly reduces noise and vibration, while delivering exceptional digging performance and operational efficiency equivalent to traditional engine-driven excavators.

    While smaller construction equipment has seen a shift towards battery-powered electrification, medium-sized and large construction machinery necessitate a power source with higher energy density. Hydrogen, with its superior energy density and rapid refueling capability, has emerged as a promising option for electrification in these domains. Komatsu recognizes this potential and has devoted substantial research and development efforts to explore the application of hydrogen fuel cells in their medium-sized and large models. The unveiling of the concept excavator represents a crucial milestone in their journey towards a hydrogen society and carbon neutrality, as they embark on proof-of-concept tests to pave the way for future commercial production.

    Komatsu's enduring commitment to sustainable innovation has solidified its position as a global leader in providing cutting-edge solutions for the construction, mining, forklift, industrial, and forestry sectors. For over a century, the company has remained at the forefront of manufacturing and technological advancements, collaborating with partners to build a sustainable future where people, business, and the planet thrive in harmony. Komatsu's solutions empower industries worldwide to develop modern infrastructure, extract essential minerals, maintain forests, and create consumer products. Through their global service and distributor networks, they continue to support customer operations, ensuring safety, productivity, and optimal performance.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2023 08:26
    Plug Power's Unprecedented Industrial Scale Steel Projects

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Jun, 2023, 7:51 am

    Plug Power, an eminent provider of comprehensive hydrogen solutions, has recently secured three pioneering projects that harness industrial-scale green hydrogen. These projects involve collaborations with Ardagh Glass Limmared AB, Hydro Havrand, and the APEX Group, aiming to introduce green hydrogen into the realms of glass manufacturing, aluminum recycling, and steel production.

    A significant demonstration of Plug Power's commitment to sustainability can be witnessed in Bremen, Germany, where Plug and their esteemed partner, APEX Group, are embarking on a groundbreaking endeavor. They aim to showcase the feasibility of producing green steel by decarbonizing ArcelorMittal's local blast furnaces.

    By the year's end, Plug will deliver two 5MW electrolyzer modules to SWB, the city's public utility company, capable of producing 4.2 metric TPD of green hydrogen. The ultimate goal is to achieve complete decarbonization of the steel industry in northern Germany and across Europe.

    To align with the European Union's ambitious plan of producing 10 million metric tons of green hydrogen annually by 2030, Plug Power's deployment of electrolyzers plays a pivotal role in decarbonizing European industries and the mobility sector. These ventures contribute significantly to the EU's decarbonization roadmap, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the green hydrogen landscape.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2023 08:28
    POSCO To Start Construction of Hydrogen Based Pilot Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Jun, 2023, 7:53 am

    Renowned South Korean steelmaker, POSCO, is about commence the construction of a cutting-edge pilot plant at its Pohang steel complex, suggest reports in local media. This pioneering plant, set to utilize hydrogen as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels, represents a groundbreaking step towards achieving carbon neutrality within the steel industry.

    With a projected annual capacity of 300,000 metric tons, the pilot plant will employ HyREX, an advanced technology that utilizes hydrogen as a reduction agent to produce iron from iron oxide. POSCO's ambitious aim is to reduce carbon emissions by a staggering 90%, showcasing the company's commitment to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

    POSCO's collaboration with UK-based Primetals Technologies for the design of a hydrogen-reduced steelmaking pilot plant demonstrates the company's proactive approach to harnessing technological advancements. By capitalizing on innovative methods such as the FINEX process, which reduces carbon footprint by employing a fluidized reduction furnace, POSCO has already achieved remarkable success in lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

    POSCO's ability to translate extensive research into practical application exemplifies its exceptional capacity to drive innovation within the steel industry. Over the years, the company's FINEX process has enabled the production of an astounding 34 million metric tons of molten metal since its introduction in 2007.

    By skillfully navigating the challenges of technology development, POSCO has positioned itself as a leader in fostering low-carbon competitiveness and working towards carbon neutrality by 2050. The integration of hydrogen-based steelmaking technologies, such as HyREX, holds tremendous potential for revolutionizing the industry's environmental impact and shaping a more sustainable future.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2023 08:28
    Steel Ministry Invites R&D Proposals for Green Hydrogen for Steel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Jun, 2023, 7:54 am

    The steel ministry of India has embarked on a prodigious endeavor, soliciting research and development proposals for the integration of green hydrogen into the realm of iron and steel production. With an allocated budget of 4.55 billion rupees under the National Green Hydrogen Mission, the ministry envisions utilizing these funds for pioneering research, development, demonstration, and the establishment of pilot plants to facilitate the production and utilization of hydrogen within the iron and steel manufacturing processes.

    Potential initiatives that could benefit from the available funding include the implementation of hydrogen-based direct reduced iron (DRI), the reimagining of electric arc furnaces (EAF) to incorporate hydrogen-based DRI, including the transfer of hot DRI to EAF. Additionally, the adaptation of existing DRI plants to partially or entirely replace the current energy and reduction sources with hydrogen, as well as the modification of design, technology, and machinery to accommodate hydrogen usage in blast furnaces, are considered viable projects for support.

    The ministry, in its quest for progress, awaits the submission of proposals encompassing the aforementioned initiatives, accompanied by an indicative budget for thorough consideration prior to the commencement of the formal process of issuing a scheme. By fostering collaboration and innovation in the steel sector, the ministry aims to pave the way for the integration of green hydrogen and contribute to the overarching goal of decarbonizing operations within the industry.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2023 08:49
    NEOM Achieves Financial Close for Carbon-Free Green Hydrogen Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    31 May, 2023, 7:22 am

    In a momentous development, NEOM Green Hydrogen Company (NGHC) announced today the successful conclusion of financial agreements with a consortium of 23 local, regional, and international banks and investment firms, achieving the much-awaited financial close for the world's largest green hydrogen production facility. With a staggering total investment value of USD 8.4 billion, this monumental project is poised to revolutionize the energy landscape. Nestled within the region of NEOM in Saudi Arabia, the facility, currently under construction in Oxagon, is set to unleash the potential of carbon-free green hydrogen at an unprecedented scale.

    NGHC, an equal joint venture between ACWA Power, Air Products, and NEOM, has diligently orchestrated the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) agreement with Air Products, appointing them as the designated contractor and system integrator for the entire facility. This momentous achievement further solidifies NGHC's commitment to delivering cutting-edge green hydrogen technology.

    Notably, the non-recourse financing structured for this groundbreaking endeavor has received certification from S&P Global as an exemplary implementation of green loan principles, underscoring its alignment with environmentally conscious practices. This landmark financing scheme, arranged through the collective efforts of various esteemed financial institutions, stands as one of the most substantial project financings to be established within the purview of the green loan framework.

    In a strategic move to secure the future of green ammonia production, NGHC has secured an exclusive 30-year off-take agreement with Air Products. This pivotal agreement ensures that all the green ammonia generated by the facility will find a ready market, unlocking the economic potential of renewable energy across the global transportation and industrial sectors.

    The ambitious NGHC mega-plant will seamlessly integrate an impressive capacity of up to 4GW of solar and wind energy, enabling the production of a staggering 600 tonnes per day of carbon-free hydrogen by the culmination of 2026. Manifesting in the form of green ammonia, this groundbreaking solution promises to provide a cost-effective avenue for addressing the energy needs of the industrial and transportation sectors on a global scale.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2023 10:37
    Plug Power to develop three green hydrogen plants in Finland

    US-based Plug Power says it plans to build three green hydrogen production plants in Finland, unlocking 2.2 gigawatts of electrolyser capacity in the country by 2030, Kallanish reports.

    The plants will be built in the cities of Kokkola and Kristinestad on Finland’s west coast and in Porvoo in southeast Finland. Kokkola will produce 85 short tons/day of liquid green hydrogen and up to 700,000 t/y of green ammonia, Kristinestad will get a 1 gigawatt electrolyser plant to generate green hydrogen for green steel production and Porvoo will produce up to 100 t/d of green hydrogen for local mobility and export to Europe via a pipeline. Partners include Hy2Gen and GravitHy.

    “We are proud to commit our know-how and turnkey hydrogen solutions towards helping Finland deliver on its vision to become a European leader of the green hydrogen economy,” says Plug Power ceo Andy Marsh.

    The three plants will produce up to 850 st/day of green hydrogen or 2.2 gigawatts of electrolyser capacity by 2030. A final investment decision is expected in 2025-2026. The companies are currently working with numerous large investors and financial institutions to secure optimal capital arrangements and industrial partners to negotiate offtake agreements.

    The plants will use Plug Power’s PEM electrolyser and liquefaction technology to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and to help decarbonise Europe. The projects will rely on Finland’s nuclear, wind and hydro power.

    According to Finnish government agency Business Finland, the deal translates into a €1 billion ($1.06 billion) strategic investment in the country. Reuters says the project represents a $6 billion investment.

    Plug Power, which did not put a dollar value on the project in its press release, is yet to respond to a Kallanish request for clarification.

    Bob Downing USA
  18. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 2 juni 2023 15:27
    Go on! :)

    Kabinet versterkt basis voor toekomstige import van energie

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-06-2023 | 15:00

    Waterstof is een onmisbare schakel in de transitie naar een duurzaam energiesysteem. Naar verwachting zal Nederland, naast eigen productie van waterstof, ook een aanzienlijk gedeelte van de nodige waterstof moeten importeren. Om ervoor te zorgen dat deze import tijdig, duurzaam, veilig en grootschalig van de grond komt, zet het kabinet actief in op energiediplomatie. Handelsrelaties op het gebied van energie met een brede groep landen zullen bijdragen aan de leveringszekerheid.

    Het kabinet wil met energiediplomatie de ontwikkeling van de import van groene waterstof aanjagen en ondersteunen. Daarmee verminderen we toekomstige afhankelijkheden van een relatief kleine groep landen, zoals dat nu bij olie en gas het geval is. En een wereldwijde waterstofmarkt zal ook bijdragen aan de aanpak van de klimaatcrisis door bij te dragen aan versnelling van de energietransitie. De belangrijkste pijler van de Nederlandse importstrategie is de ontwikkeling van de voorwaarden om de waterstofmarkt van de grond te krijgen, zoals importterminals, infrastructuur en regulering. Het kabinet wil deze voorwaarden snel op orde hebben, waardoor Nederland een leidende positie in de Noordwest-Europese waterstofmarkt kan innemen.


    Nederland versterkt de energierelaties met zowel buurlanden als landen verder weg die een goede uitgangspositie hebben om hernieuwbare waterstof te produceren en exporteren. Nederland is al waterstofsamenwerkingen aangegaan met Noorwegen, Portugal, Chili, Uruguay, Namibië, Canada, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, Oman, Australië, Spanje en Saudi-Arabië. Relaties met buurlanden worden belangrijker door de verdere samenvoeging van onze elektriciteits- en gasnetwerken. Zo hebben Nederland en Duitsland afgesproken dat ze de ontwikkeling van grensoverschrijdende infrastructuur voor waterstof gaan versnellen.

    Om importerende en exporterende regio’s wereldwijd met elkaar te verbinden zijn transportroutes, de zogenoemde ‘strategische corridors’, nodig. Binnen Europa zijn Spanje, Portugal en de Scandinavische landen zoals Noorwegen kansrijk voor export naar Nederland. Buiten Europa richt Nederland zich onder meer op de Golfregio, Noord-Amerika en Afrika. De energiebanden met deze landen worden versterkt door effectieve samenwerking tussen overheden en door het faciliteren van contacten tussen bedrijven om transportroutes op gang te brengen. Voor sommige transportroutes kunnen pijpleidingen op termijn een belangrijke rol spelen, maar voorlopig zal de meeste waterstof internationaal per schip worden vervoerd.

    Kansen voor het bedrijfsleven en IMVO

    De ontwikkelingen op het terrein van waterstof leveren kansen op voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven en kennisinstellingen. Zij worden daarin ondersteund door ambassades en met instrumenten voor handelsbevordering en financiering. Bij de ontwikkeling van een internationale waterstofmarkt zet het kabinet tegelijkertijd in op een zorgvuldige ontwikkeling van gelijkwaardige energierelaties. Bedrijven moeten opereren binnen de internationale kaders voor internationaal maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (IMVO). In opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft Arcadis onderzocht wat de kansen en risico’s hierbij zijn. Belangrijk is dat de productie, opslag en export op een verantwoorde manier gebeuren met aandacht voor mens en milieu.


    Het kabinet blijft letten op de leveringszekerheid van energie en onmisbare grondstoffen die nodig zijn voor de energietransitie. Nederland trekt voor de leveringszekerheid van gas vooral in EU-verband op en zet gezamenlijk in op de versterking van de relaties met gas-producerende landen. Daarbij zet Nederland in op het gezamenlijk inkopen van gas via het recent opgezette Europees inkoopplatform. Onlangs heeft de eerste ronde plaatsgevonden, waarbij voor circa 11 miljard kuub aan vraag en aanbod van gas is gekoppeld.
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