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  1. Joni-2 5 februari 2022 19:59
    's Werelds eerste test op waterstof injectie, is gepland in een gasturbine centrale van Wenen in Oostenrijk.

    Waterstofbijmenging in de elektriciteitscentrale van Donaustadt gepland onder reële omstandigheden - Wien Energie, Rhein-Energie, Siemens Energy en VERBUND AG, onderzoeken gezamenlijk sleuteltechnologie.

    De ombouwmaatregelen aan de gasturbine starten al in het voorjaar van 2022. Na de ombouw van de turbine komend jaar moet de bijmenging van waterstof in 2023 plaatsvinden. De betrokken bedrijven verwachten van deze praktijktest belangrijke inzichten en data over het rendement en de emissies van waterstof bijstook.

    In een eerste stap moet het waterstofgehalte 15 vol.% zijn. De tweede stap is het verdubbelen van het aandeel. Als de test succesvol is, moet het systeem gecertificeerd zijn voor continu gebruik. Zelfs met een bijmenging van 15 volumeprocent groene waterstof in de elektriciteitscentrale van Donaustadt zou jaarlijks zo'n 33.000 ton CO2 worden bespaard.

    De elektriciteitscentrale van Donaustadt in Wenen is een van de modernste warmtekrachtkoppelingscentrales van Oostenrijk. Wien Energie heeft de centrale in 2001 in gebruik genomen en wekt warmte op met een vermogen van 350 megawatt en elektriciteit met maximaal 395 megawatt. In gecombineerd bedrijf is het rendement 86 procent. Het systeem is daardoor bijzonder efficiënt. In 2020 kon de elektriciteitscentrale van Donaustadt het equivalent van elektriciteit produceren voor 850.000 huishoudens en warmte voor meer dan 150.000 huishoudens.
  2. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 6 februari 2022 16:52

    New Catalysts Steer Hydrogen Fuel Cells Into Mainstream
    February 6, 2022

    Cornell chemists have discovered a class of nonprecious metal derivatives that can catalyze fuel cell reactions about as well as platinum, at a fraction of the cost.

    This finding brings closer a future where hydrogen fuel cells efficiently power cars, generators and even spacecraft with minimal greenhouse gas emissions.

    “These less expensive metals will enable wider deployment of hydrogen fuel cells,” said Héctor D. Abruña, the Émile M. Chamot Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences. “They will push us away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy sources.”

    Abruña, with co-authors Francis DiSalvo, the John A. Newman emeritus professor of chemistry; doctoral student Rui Zeng; Yao Yang, Ph.D. ’21; Xinran Feng, Ph.D. ’21, and Huiqi Li, a visiting graduate student from Xiamen University; and Lauryn M. Gibb ‘22, published the findings Feb. 2 in “Nonprecious Transition Metal Nitrides as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts for Alkaline Fuel Cells,” in the journal Science Advances.

    As long as combustion engines rule the streets and fill the skies with smog, it is hard to imagine a sustainable future for transportation. Hydrogen fuel cells, which convert hydrogen directly into electricity with only water and a small amount of heat as byproducts, are promising renewable alternatives.

    A critical part of the fuel cell is the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), an infamously sluggish process – Abruña often calls it “God’s collective punishment to electrochemistry” – that is traditionally sped up by platinum and other precious metals. A model catalyst, platinum conducts electricity, catalyzes the most temperamental reactions with aplomb, and is hardy enough to survive the harsh, acidic environment of a fuel cell. But it can be prohibitively expensive.

    Lately, however, more forgiving alkaline fuel cells have gained prominence, raising the possibility that less expensive metals, once ruled out for their vulnerability to acidic environments, might replace platinum in these gentler, next-generation fuel cells. Abruña and his team set out to engineer an inexpensive material, fit for an alkaline fuel cell, that would conduct electricity and catalyze the ORR reaction just as efficiently as platinum.

    Transition metal nitrides (TMNs) were an obvious choice, and DiSalvo is a world expert on these materials, Abruña said. A class of compounds derived from cobalt, manganese, iron and other transition metals, TMNs conduct electricity and, when exposed to air, tend to form a thin oxygen-based outer shell that provides a perfect surface for catalyzing chemical reactions. After synthesizing a family of TMNs with conductive nitride cores and reactive oxide shells, the team tested each candidate catalyst in a model hydrogen fuel cell.

    Manganese- and iron-based candidates made strong showings. But the cobalt nitride catalyst was “the clear winner,” Abruña said, with near identical efficiency to platinum while costing 475 times less as of Feb. 2.

    Those savings may help finally brings hydrogen fuel cells out of the laboratory and into the mainstream. If affordable, fuel cells could replace combustion engines and car batteries with a sustainable alternative that, fed a steady diet of hydrogen, never needs to recharge and wastes as little as 10% of the energy that goes into making it run. By comparison, a typical car engine wastes about 75% of its energy.

    “Hydrogen fuel cells are enormously powerful, enabling you to run at an efficiency that simply does not exist for more traditional engines,” Abruña said. “People recognize that fuel cells are the way to go. The trick is designing stable and affordable catalysts that make it all possible.”

    Funding for this research was provided in part by the Center for Alkaline Based Energy Solutions, an Energy Frontier Research Center supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.

    Author: Joshua A. Krisch

    Source: CORNELL
  3. Rotel74 8 februari 2022 08:19

    Everfuel – Q4 2021: Increased end-user activity and H2 dispensing
    Herning, 8 February 2021 – Everfuel A/S today published its fourth quarter and preliminary full-year 2021 financial results.
    Key events
    • Increased hydrogen sales driven by new H2 stations and a growing FCEV taxi fleet
    • Signed agreement for scale-up of hydrogen taxis in Copenhagen with Toyota and DRIVR
    • To supply excess heat from HySynergy facility to local district heating network
    • Entering the German hydrogen fuel market with long-term supply contracts
    • Awarded SEK 45 million in grants for two refuelling stations in Sweden
    • End of December cash position of EUR 59.3 million after asset investments done in Q4
    • First disbursement from EIB loan facility for HySynergy Phase I project in Q1-2022
    Everfuel’s ambition is to make green hydrogen for zero emission mobility commercially available across Europe. The company is engaging with partners, customers and authorities across the entire value chain from production to distribution and fuelling when executing its long-term strategy for value creation as a leading European green hydrogen fuel company.
    In 2021, the company progressed several strategic initiatives to establish a Scandinavian hydrogen (H2) fuelling network, develop hydrogen production and establish industrial partnerships to position hydrogen as a leading zero-emission fuel and enabler for decarbonised transport at scale. These initiatives position Everfuel as a leading European provider of safe, stable and cost-efficient hydrogen made from renewable solar- and wind energy.
    In the fourth quarter, Everfuel experienced an increase in end-user activity. The growth is a function of the growing fleet of hydrogen taxis in Denmark combined with the opening of a new H2 refuelling site in Copenhagen. Activity was however impacted by new COVID-19 measures implemented late in the quarter which reduced taxi usage and H2 dispensing. These measures have continued into the first month of 2022.
    “We are pleased with the strategic progress Everfuel is making. This is reflected in increased end-user activity at our refuelling stations, the expansion into Germany, strong partnerships and an exciting project pipeline. We remain focused on making hydrogen happen, and I am confident that Everfuel is well on the way to become one of the leading European providers of green hydrogen,” said Jacob Krogsgaard, the founder and CEO of Everfuel.
    Everfuel had total revenue, representing sale of hydrogen and other operating revenue, of EUR 348 thousand in the fourth quarter of 2021. Direct revenue from hydrogen increased compared to the previous quarter with the opening of the new high-capacity station in Copenhagen. However, fuelling activity was negatively impacted by Covid-19 and additional public health measures implemented in December in response to a new virus variant. The measures reduced traffic towards year-end and into early 2022. Other operating revenue is primarily driven by one-off items. EBITDA was negative EUR 2.5 million, reflecting continued ramp-up of activity and organisation during the quarter.
    Total revenue for the full year was EUR 0.83 million, compared with EUR 1.05 million in 2020. The development in revenue is caused by an increased sale of hydrogen and a reduced other operating revenue. EBITDA was negative EUR 6.8 million (EUR -1.1 million). The financial results reflect that the company is still in the initial stages of commercializing the green hydrogen value chain in its target markets.
    Total assets at 31 December 2021 amounted to EUR 83.8 million, compared to EUR 27.1 million at 31 December 2020, of which cash holdings were EUR 59.3 million (EUR 23.4 million). Total equity amounted to EUR 77.2 million (EUR 25.8 million). Changes from year-end 2020 predominantly reflected net proceeds of NOK 600/EUR 58.5 million from the private placement in January 2021 and investments made during the year.
    CEO Jacob Krogsgaard and CFO Anders Bertelsen will present the company's results today at 09:00 CET and invite investors, analysts and media to join the live webcast presentation. The presentation is expected to last up to one hour, including Q&A, and can be followed via live webcast.
    Join the webcast on Teams via the following link:
    Join the results webcast via the following link: Everfuel Fourth Quarter Presentation
    Questions can be submitted through the online webcast during the presentation. A recorded version of the presentation will be made available at after the presentation has concluded.
    For additional information, please contact:
    Anders Bertelsen, CFO, +45 21 35 43 03
    Lea Vindvad Hansen, Investor Relations & Communications Manager, +45 61 83 02 05
    About Everfuel |
  4. Joni-2 9 februari 2022 19:01
    Noorwegen krijgt een project voor de productie van groene waterstof van 24 MW om de ammoniakwaardeketen op te bouwen; ITM Power om de elektrolyser te leveren

    Een nieuwe 24MW demonstratie-installatie voor groene waterstof die vandaag (28 januari 2022) is onthuld, zal door Yara en Linde in Noorwegen worden ontwikkeld als een middel om koolstof neutrale ammoniak te produceren en de industrie van het land koolstofarm te maken.

    Linde Plc de grootste wereldleverancier van alle soorten gassen (industrieel- medisch- voeding- technologie) is met 18,5% de grootste aandeelhouder van ITM Power

    De groene waterstof die in deze fabriek wordt geproduceerd, zal worden omgezet in ammoniak in de productiefabriek van Yara in Porsgrunn, terwijl het bovendien wordt ondersteund door een subsidie ??van 283 miljoen NOK ($ 31 miljoen) van Enova.

    Dit zal de ontwikkeling van het project mogelijk maken en de vraag naar waterstof en ammoniak in Noorwegen helpen creëren.

    Met behulp van een protonen uitwisselingsmembraan (PEM) waterelektrolysesysteem, wordt dit de tweede 24MW-fabriek die door Linde is ontworpen en gebouwd en ongeveer 10.000 kg waterstof per dag zal produceren.

    Hierdoor zal het project aanzienlijk bijdragen aan de Noorse waterstofeconomie.

    Ter ondersteuning van de totstandkoming van dit project zal het in Groot-Brittannië gevestigde ITM Power het 24MW-elektrolysersysteem voorzien van de apparatuur die klaar is voor verzending in het vierde kwartaal van 2022.

    Dr. Graham Cooley, CEO van ITM Power, zei: “Het koolstofvrij maken van de industrie is van cruciaal belang om de toezeggingen van landen om de uitstoot van broeikasgassen te verminderen, na te komen. Wereldwijd wordt tegenwoordig het meeste gebruik gemaakt van waterstof uit koolwaterstoffen bij de productie van ammoniak voor meststoffen.

    “Dit gebruik moet worden beperkt en uiteindelijk worden geëlimineerd. We zijn erg verheugd om samen te werken met vooruitstrevende producenten zoals Yara en de Noorse regering om dit probleem aan te pakken."

    De elektriciteit wordt geleverd uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen en levert voldoende waterstof om 20.500 ton ammoniak per jaar te produceren, wat kan worden omgezet in 60.000 tot 80.000 ton groene mest.

  5. forum rang 10 voda 14 februari 2022 07:49
    Eni UK Signs 19 MoUs signed for CCSU at HyNet North West Project

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    14 Feb, 2022, 7:15 am

    Eni UK announces that it has reached a total of 19 MoUs signed with as many companies interested in the opportunity to have their emissions captured, transported and stored in Eni UK’s depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs as part of HyNet North West project.

    In January 2022 alone, Eni UK has signed 6 of these agreements, demonstrating the outstanding interest that UK industry has shown for the decarbonisation potential offered by the HyNet project, which benefits from the expertise and ideal location of Eni UK’s infrastructure for transportation and storage.

    Once operational, the HyNet North West project will transform one of the most energy-intensive industrial districts in the UK into the world’s first low carbon industrial cluster. In particular the project will provide important support to the UK's decarbonisation process by contributing 100% to the 10 million tons per year of CO2 storage capacity and 80% to the 5GW of low carbon hydrogen Government’s UK-wide targets set for 2030.

    The agreements signed to date include hard-to-abate sectors and will play a crucial role enabling decarbonisation initiatives in the North West of England and North Wales industrial cluster.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 15 februari 2022 08:27
    Cactus Energia to Build Green Hydrogen Plant in Ceará in Brasil

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

    The government of Ceará in Brazil & Cactus Energia Verde signed a memorandum of understanding for the production of green hydrogen H2V at the Pecém Port Complex. These are investments estimated at 5 billion euros, to produce 10.5 thousand tonnes of H2V monthly, in addition to 5.25 thousand tonnes of green oxygen. The intention is to start operation in 2023.

    To produce green hydrogen and oxygen, it intends to use energy produced by two parks, one solar and one offshore wind, with a total power of 3.6 GW. Part of the electricity supply will come from the Uruquê Photovoltaic Park of 2.4 GW, to be installed in the municipalities of Jaguaretama and Umari. The other part will be supplied by an offshore wind farm, which also had its memorandum of understanding signed – of 1.2 GW, under development in Camocim.

    It is the 15th memorandum for the production of green hydrogen signed by the government of Ceará, the state that leads the projects of this modality. In addition to Cactus, the government of Ceará signed agreements with AES and Total Eren, among other companies.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 15 februari 2022 08:27
    Essar Oil UK to Build Refinery-Based Hydrogen Furnace in UK

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

    Leading UK-focused downstream energy company Essar Oil UK has announced plans to install a new GBP 45 million furnace at Stanlow that’s capable of using hydrogen as its fuel source, a UK first. This marks another significant milestone in Essar’s continued commitment to becoming the UK’s first low carbon refinery. It follows the launch of Vertex Hydrogen last month, a new Essar-led joint venture, in which the company will invest GBP 1 billion over the next five years to drive down emissions, including the development of new hydrogen production plants at Stanlow, forming a central part of the HyNet North West decarbonisation cluster.

    The scheme, which is subject to planning approval, comprises the decommissioning of three existing furnaces, which include a chimney of approximately 140 meter in height and their replacement with a single, highly efficient furnace, which includes a chimney of approximately 71 meter in height.

    The scheme will provide a number of improvements that will lead to benefits for Stanlow and the surrounding area, including lower carbon emissions due to gas-only firing and new burners that emit lower levels of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and futureproofing to enable the use of sustainable fuel types in the future such as hydrogen. The furnace is currently being fabricated in Thailand. The largest single module is 26.5 metres long, by 18.5 metres tall, by 14.5 metres and the furnace will be delivered on site almost fully constructed.

    With an investment of GBP 45 million, the new furnace forms a key part of the company’s strategy to reduce its own carbon emissions. The furnace is unique in that it will have the capability to run entirely off hydrogen, becoming the first of its kind based at a UK refinery. It has an improved energy efficiency of 4% compared to existing furnaces, which will save 16,600 tonnes of CO2 per annum, as well as reducing ongoing maintenance costs.

    Set to be installed in 2022, the furnace will become fully operational next year. From 2026 onwards it will be fuelled by hydrogen produced at Stanlow as part of the HyNet North West decarbonisation cluster. Essar’s new joint venture, Vertex Hydrogen, will develop the world’s first and largest blue hydrogen production plant at Stanlow. Hydrogen will be used at the site and will be distributed to industrial businesses in the region to support their own transition to low carbon.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 15 februari 2022 09:04
    Destinus Secures USD 29 Million for Hydrogen Engines for Aircrafts

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

    Vaud Switzerland based Destinus SA, whose mission is to build near-space vehicles and infrastructure to power the world’s fastest and cleanest transportation network, announced the closing of a seed round of USD 29 million. Various venture funds and family offices from Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia participated in the financing round. Conny & Co, Quiet Capital, One Way Ventures, Liquid2 Ventures, Cathexis Ventures, ACE & Company, among others. Leading Swiss law firm Walder Wyss acted as legal advisor on the transaction.

    Destinus plans to use the funding to continue the development of our hydrogen air breathing and rocket engines and test the first supersonic flights powered by hydrogen engines in the next 12-18 months. Destinus has already made significant progress and have designed and filed patents for the unique subsystems, such as a hydrogen active cooling system, enabling a highly reusable hyperplane flying at almost the speed of a rocket.

    Destinus is headquartered in Canton Vaud, Switzerland, and has offices and facilities in Munich, Madrid, and Toulouse. The company has a team of more than 50 motivated and qualified engineers and managers from Arianespace, Boeing, Airbus, ESA, DLR, Dassault Aviation, Rolls-Royse, Safran, and other aerospace companies. The company plans to grow up to 100 people in 2022 to complete an extensive R&D and flight program.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 15 februari 2022 09:04
    Airbus, Air Liquide, Korean Air & Incheon Airport to Use Hydrogen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

    Airbus, Air Liquide Korea, Korean Air and Incheon International Airport Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the use of hydrogen at Seoul’s Incheon Airport. The collaboration will also study the development of a Korean domestic airport infrastructure to support the deployment of hydrogen-powered commercial aircrafts. This partnership reflects a shared ambition to drive the emergence of an innovative aviation sector dedicated to supporting the Korean government's goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

    Under the MOU Airbus will provide characteristics of hydrogen-powered aircraft ground operations, as well as aircraft characteristics and fleet energy usage. Partners will prepare a roadmap to first develop hydrogen usages at and around Incheon Airport and then build scenarios to support the deployment of hydrogen ecosystems connected to other Korean airports.

    The partnership will also focus on carrying out studies aimed at defining and developing the required liquid infrastructure at Incheon Airport to prepare the arrival of the first hydrogen-powered aircraft.

    Each partner will leverage their complementary expertise to help define the potential opportunities that hydrogen offers, and support the decarbonization of the aviation industry. Air Liquide will bring its extensive expertise in mastering the entire hydrogen value chain (production, liquefaction, storage and distribution, in particular liquid hydrogen supply while Korean Air will provide expertise on ground aircraft operations and aviation management and operations.

    Finally, Incheon International Airport Corporation will provide an airport development plan outlook, along with air traffic characteristics and distribution among terminals.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 15 februari 2022 09:05
    Reliance Industries to Repurpose Jamnagar Plant for Blue Hydrogen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

    India’s Reliance Industries Ltd is targeting to become one of the largest producers of blue hydrogen globally, producing the zero-emission fuel at costs that will be half of the global average, by repurposing INR 30,000 crore Jamnagar plant that currently converts petroleum coke into synthesis gas to produce blue hydrogen for USD 1.2-1.5 a kilogram.

    Hydrogen is labeled blue whenever the carbon generated from steam reforming is captured and stored. Blue hydrogen is, therefore, sometimes referred to as carbon neutral as the emissions are not dispersed in the atmosphere.

    Green hydrogen, also referred to as 'clean hydrogen, is produced by using clean energy from renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to split water into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom through a process called electrolysis. According to the European Commission's July 2020 hydrogen strategy, green hydrogen produced with renewable resources costs between USD 3-6.55 per kg
  11. forum rang 10 voda 15 februari 2022 09:05
    Talgo’s Hydrogen Train will be ready in 2023

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

    Talgo has announced the timetable for the manufacture and launch of its hydrogen train, a green, innovative and efficient alternative to replacing diesel engines, which will be ready in 2023. The train will be named Talgo Vittal-One, as a reference to the place of the hydrogen in the periodic table, the first one. The details were presented during the event "Renewable hydrogen: an opportunity for Spain", organised by the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic challenge. The first phase of the validation tests of the hydrogen technology will be conducted in 2021. After the validation process, the hydrogen technology will be installed in the new train during a second manufacturing phase that will take place between 2021 and 2023.

    This system is configured as a modular solution that can be installed on all types of trains, as well as in upgrades from diesel to hydrogen. However, it has been specifically designed for the Vittal platform for Commuter and Regional trains, which Talgo has presented in the bidding process for various tenders in Spain and other countries.

    This innovative system uses hydrogen batteries that provide the energy for the train's electric motors. It is powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar photovoltaic or wind, which produce hydrogen that is stored and then used to power fuel cell-based propulsion systems, such as the one designed by Talgo. The system is complemented by batteries that increase the speed of the train when it starts, taking advantage of the braking system to recharge it.

    Unlike the extended battery systems in the automotive industry, hydrogen technology is the logical answer to the needs of heavy transport and, in particular, of those railway lines that do not have catenary electrification systems, and which today depend on trains powered by diesel engines. The hydrogen system designed by Talgo enables conventional network lines to be "electrified" without the need for costly and lengthy adaptation operations, and without the use of fossil fuels.

    Talgo is a Spanish manufacturer of intercity, standard, and high-speed passenger trains. The company was first incorporated in 1942.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 15 februari 2022 09:06
    Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council Welcomes Loop Energy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    14 Feb, 2022, 10:45 am

    Loop Energy has joined the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council, a coalition dedicated to advancing the use of hydrogen fuel cell technology in the transit bus sector. The decision to join the HFC Bus Council comes as Loop focuses its efforts on delivering its fuel cell technology to the transit bus sector. Loop continues to see buses benefit from improved fuel efficiency, extended power range and trusted durability that its fuel cells provide. With its fuel cells powering buses in Asia and Europe, Loop is excited to share its experience in vehicle integration, scaling production and fleet deployment.

    Amongst Loop’s bus portfolio is the 11-bus fleet operated by the Lishui Economic Development Zone in Nanjing. Delivered in April 2021, the fleet has completed over 300,000 kilometres in revenue service and is achieving a 96% uptime for the fuel cell systems. Loop partnered with Chinese OEM, Skywell New Energy Vehicles Group, to develop the fleet.

    The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council is a coalition of public transit agencies, manufacturers, and suppliers working together to advance the hydrogen fuel cell electric bus economy and its applications in the public transit sector. The Council works to enhance the profile of hydrogen fuel cell technology and serves as an authority on best practices to advance safe, clean, and efficient hydrogen fuel cell electric bus networks. The Council includes leading organizations committed to the hydrogen electrification of the transit bus sector, such as New Flyer Group, Sun Line Transit Agency, Nel Hydrogen, Trillium and Ballard Power Systems.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2022 07:38
    US Preparing Funding Plans for Green Hydrogen for Decarbonization

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Feb, 2022, 5:35 am

    US Energy Department is taking steps to distribute billions of dollars from last year's USD 1 trillion infrastructure law to support hydrogen production and reduce carbon emissions related to heavy industry. The US Energy Department has launched a public input process to guide how it should spend up to USD 9.5 billion the 2021 infrastructure law set aside for funding clean hydrogen projects over the next five fiscal years. The US Transportation Department is separately working on an effort to encourage federal transportation projects to make use of low-carbon concrete, asphalt and other construction materials.

    The hydrogen funding in the infrastructure law consists of USD 8 billion to support the building of regional hubs for hydrogen, USD 1 billion for cost-efficiency improvements in making hydrogen with electricity and USD 500 million for manufacturing and reuse of hydrogen equipment components. The infrastructure law seeks to support clean hydrogen, such as hydrogen produced from renewable power or that can capture carbon emissions. The Energy Department has released requests for information that it will use to guide its funding.

    The low-carbon construction effort is managed by the Transportation Department, which is starting a pilot project to use low-carbon materials in federal transportation projects. The General Services Administration is also seeking information on low-carbon concrete and asphalt that it will use for port projects funded under the infrastructure law.

    Emissions from the US heavy industrial sector must be reduced to protect communities and help meet the Biden administration’s goal of cutting carbon pollution nationwide from all key sources 50-52% by 2030. The injection of billions of dollars in funding will encourage the innovations needed to cut emissions in hard-to-decarbonize sectors like steel production and cement. US industry is the third largest source of US greenhouse gas emissions with 23% of emissions in 2019.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2022 07:43
    World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Hub HyDeal Spain Progressing

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Feb, 2022, 5:36 am

    According to International Renewable Energy Agency, the first industrial implementation of the HyDeal Ambition platform HyDeal Spain will become the largest renewable hydrogen giga-project on a global scale. This initiative, promoted by companies such as ArcelorMittal, Enagás, Grupo Fertiberia and DH2 Energy, HyDeal Spain was established as an industrial joint venture in November 2021 after a one-year pre-feasibility study and will now give way to the development, financing and construction of an entire set of infrastructures for the production and transport of green hydrogen in our country. The first stage of the project will supply a major industrial complex located in Asturias, producing renewable hydrogen through electrolysis and at a competitive price compared to other fossil fuels thanks to solar plants located in different parts of the northern half of Spain. The start of production is planned for 2025, and it expects to have a total installed capacity of 9.5 GW that will supply electrical energy to 7.4 GW of electrolysis capacity by 2030.

    ArcelorMittal and Grupo Fertiberia, along with other organizations that will join HyDeal Spain, will be the major buyers of this clean energy, with a plan to acquire 6.6 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen over the next 20 years, which would mean avoiding the 4% of current CO2 emissions in Spain. In this way, the purchasing companies will advance in the production of green steel, green ammonia, green fertilizers and other low-carbon industrial and energy products, positioning themselves as European leaders in their respective markets.

    HyDeal Spain will be a reality due to the development of a disruptive industrial and financial model, based on the integration of value chains, solar energy capture, industrial installation of electrolysers, deployment of exclusive gas pipelines for the transport of hydrogen and aggregation of energy demand . In this way, a direct connection will be generated between the production of renewable hydrogen on a large scale and its profitable consumption in the long term, creating a sustainable system. Large-scale renewable hydrogen will sustainably replace fossil fuels in industry, energy, mobility, providing a safe, competitive and carbon-neutral energy production alternative. The contribution to energy independence will be another of the great benefits of this initiative, since HyDeal plans to supply the equivalent of 5% of the natural gas imported by Spain.

    Thus, this platform joins the energy transition in Spain at an important turning point, generating new industrial opportunities and sustainable jobs in collaboration with the different local communities where it will be present. In addition, the objectives of the project are aligned with the institutional ambition of turning the country into a world pioneer in the production of clean energy, in line with the European Green Pact and its "Objective 55" (Fit for 55) for the reduction of emissions by 55% by 2030.

    HyDeal Ambition brings together visionary CEOs and entrepreneurs who share a determination to accelerate the energy transition. This initiative constitutes a complete industrial ecosystem that covers the entire green hydrogen value chain of production, transportation, distribution and financing and is the result of 2 years of research, analysis and modeling, feasibility studies and contract design, with the objective of producing and distributing green hydrogen in Europe at a competitive price.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 16 februari 2022 09:37
    H2Stahl Project to Start at Duisburg Site of thyssenkrupp Steel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Feb, 2022, 5:34 am

    The energy transition that has been granted funding in the amount of EUR 37 million by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action will be implemented by launching the H2Stahl project in Duisburg, the consortium member thyssenkrupp Steel, Air Liquide Deutschland & project coordination VDEh Betriebsforschungsinstitut BFI have now set the course for the first steps. The tasks at hand are the expansion of the use of hydrogen to the entire blast furnace 9, including the construction of a pipeline for testing the large-scale industrial use of hydrogen in steelmaking, as well as the construction and trial operation of a direct reduction pilot plant which will mark the technological leap to hydrogen-based climate-neutral hot metal production. The entire cost of the project to be implemented within a five-year period amounts to a high double-digit million figure.

    On November 11, 2019, thyssenkrupp Steel was the first company globally to inject hydrogen into a blast furnace during operation. Hydrogen replaces pulverized coal as additional reducing agent. The goal is to reduce CO2 emissions for unlike carbon, hydrogen does not react in the blast furnace to form CO2, but water. The first series of tests funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia performed on one tuyere of blast furnace 9 in Duisburg was successfully completed. The focus of the project was in particular to gain knowledge about the plant technology when using hydrogen.

    Within the scope of the real-world laboratory H2Stahl funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the use of hydrogen will now be expanded to all 28 tuyeres of the blast furnace. The objective of the research is – amongst others – investigating the influence of the industrial use of hydrogen on the metallurgical processes in the blast furnace and determining parameters for the efficient use of reducing agents. The overall aim is to establish the use of hydrogen as bridging technology for the technical CO2 reduction in existing blast furnaces. Provided that sufficient quantities of green hydrogen are available, CO2 emissions can be reduced by up to 20 percent on one plant. The funding is based on the conviction that on the road to the transformation of the energy system the large-scale industrial use of hydrogen will help make the German steel industry not only climate-friendly, but also competitive in the future.

    Along with the expansion of the use of hydrogen to all 28 tuyeres of blast furnace 9, the internal infrastructure of the plant will be prepared for the large-scale industrial supply with hydrogen. This includes also the link to the existing hydrogen infrastructure of Air Liquide. To secure the continuous hydrogen supply of the blast furnace, the project partner Air Liquide will build an about six kilometers long pipeline linking the steel plant in Duisburg with Air Liquide’s production network. Gilles Le Van, Vice-President Large Industries and Energy Transition Air Liquide Central Europe: “By using hydrogen at Europe's largest steel site in Duisburg, thyssenkrupp and Air Liquide are advancing the decarbonization of steel production. It is a great pleasure for Air Liquide to contribute its know-how thus helping to reconcile effective climate protection and international competitiveness in steel production”.

    As part of the H2Stahl project, a direct reduction pilot plant will also be built in order to prepare the technology changeover from the conventional blast furnace route to the hydrogen-based direct reduction process. The use of hydrogen-containing process gases in combination with natural gas and pure hydrogen is to be tested in the new plant to be designed, which will be operated and scientifically supervised by BFI. Aside from the commonly used feedstock for direct reduction plants, other materials containing iron oxide, including potentially suitable waste materials, will be used. The direct reduction pilot plant will be equipped with additional measurement equipment enabling scientific evaluation. The tests in the direct reduction pilot plant will be accompanied by modeling and special studies in the Technical Center of BFI. The planned research work will focus on the investigation into the reduction processes and process parameters in order to ensure the smooth transition to the future large-scale plants.
  16. Willy B. 16 februari 2022 09:48
    Het Belgisch consortium Hyoffwind, een samenwerking tussen Virya Energy (het energiebedrijf van Colruyt) en gasnetbeheerder Fluxys, heeft een overeenkomst getekend met John Cockerill en BESIX voor het ontwerp en de realisatie van een productie-eenheid voor groene waterstof in Zeebrugge. De bedoeling is om waterstof te produceren met elektriciteit van de offshore windparken.

    Het was lange tijd stil rond de plannen van Colruyt en Fluxys om een waterstoffabriek te bouwen, maar nu lijkt er toch echt schot in de zaak te zitten. De twee bundelden in 2018 de krachten om de duurzaamheid van het energielandschap in België en Europa te versterken. Ze lieten, met steun van het Federale Energietransitiefonds, een haalbaarheidsstudie opmaken en startten daarna een aanbestedingsproces op met verschillende partijen.

    Met de keuze voor John Cockerill en BESIX als technologie partner, en als partner voor het ontwerp en de realisatie, is een volgende belangrijke stap gezet door het consortium. De vergunningsaanvraag werd eind 2021 opgestart en het consortium verwacht een vergunning tegen midden 2022. De finale investeringsbeslissing, die ook onderhevig is aan de toekenning van subsidies door de Vlaamse Overheid in het kader van het relance-plan, zal worden genomen in de loop van 2022.

    De bedoeling is om een “power-to-gas installatie” te ontwikkelen die hernieuwbare elektriciteit kan omzetten in groene waterstof. In een eerste fase zal het geplande project bestaan uit een installatie die 25MW elektriciteit kan omzetten in groene waterstof, maar in tweede fase beogen de partners een opschaling tot 100MW. Dit pioniersproject, gecombineerd met de ontwikkeling van waterstof-infrastructuur, moet een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de Vlaamse, maar ook Belgische en Europese waterstof strategie door een eerste stap te zetten richting de uitbouw van Vlaanderen en België als Europese draaischijf voor groene waterstof
  17. cdbe 16 februari 2022 10:24
    DOE zoekt publieke input over nieuwe waterstofhubs, schone waterstofproductieprogramma's om de industrie en transportsectoren koolstofarm te maken en gezondere lucht voor iedereen te bieden

    WASHINGTON, DC - Het Amerikaanse ministerie van Energie (DOE) heeft vandaag twee verzoeken om informatie (RFI) aangekondigd om feedback van belanghebbenden te verzamelen om de implementatie en het ontwerp van de regionale waterstofhub van de Bipartisan Infrastructure Law en de programma's voor elektrolyse en schone waterstofproductie en -recycling te informeren . Dit verzoek zal helpen de vooruitgang te versnellen, de technologiekosten te verlagen en het gebruik van waterstof als schone energiedrager op te voeren. Schone waterstof is cruciaal voor de strategie van DOE om het doel van president Biden te bereiken om tegen 2035 een 100% schoon elektriciteitsnet te hebben en tegen 2050 een koolstofneutrale uitstoot te hebben.

    "Schone waterstof is de sleutel tot het opruimen van de Amerikaanse productie en het verminderen van de uitstoot van koolstofintensieve materialen zoals staal en cement, terwijl ze goedbetaalde banen creëren voor Amerikaanse arbeiders,” zeiAmerikaanse minister van Energie Jennifer M. Granholm . "We zijn op zoek naar feedback van het Amerikaanse publiek over hoe het opschalen van deze schone, betaalbare energiebron een realiteit kan worden voor de Verenigde Staten."

    De investeringen in waterstoftechnologie van de Bipartisan Infrastructure Law vormen een belangrijk onderdeel van het plan van president Biden om de industriële sector, die goed is voor een derde van de binnenlandse koolstofemissies, koolstofarm te maken. Waterstofenergie heeft het potentieel om meerdere economische sectoren koolstofarm te maken, waaronder zwaar transport en staalproductie, goedbetaalde banen te creëren en de weg vrij te maken voor een netwerk dat wordt aangedreven door schone energiebronnen. Tegenwoordig produceert de VS jaarlijks ongeveer 10 miljoen ton waterstof, vergeleken met ongeveer 90 miljoen ton die wereldwijd per jaar wordt geproduceerd. Terwijl het grootste deel van de waterstof die in de VS wordt geproduceerd, afkomstig is van aardgas door middel van stoom-methaanreforming, is elektrolysetechnologie, die elektriciteit gebruikt om waterstof uit water te produceren, een opkomend pad met tientallen installaties in de VS

    De tweeledige infrastructuurwet omvat $ 8 miljard voor regionale schone waterstofhubs die banen zullen creëren om het gebruik van schone waterstof in de industriële sector en daarbuiten uit te breiden; $ 1 miljard voor een programma voor schone waterstofelektrolyse om de kosten van waterstof geproduceerd uit schone elektriciteit te verlagen; en $ 500 miljoen voor initiatieven voor de productie van schone waterstof en recycling ter ondersteuning van de productie van apparatuur en sterke binnenlandse toeleveringsketens. De RFI's zullen input verzamelen van een breed scala aan belanghebbenden, waaronder regionale leiders, lokale groepen, leden van de milieurechtvaardigheidsgemeenschap, onderzoekers, technologieontwikkelaars en bedrijven, onder andere om het ontwerp van programma's voor schone waterstof te informeren. Deze feedback zal ook informatie geven over de effectieve, rechtvaardige en duurzame inzet van technologieën die een veilige klimaattoekomst mogelijk maken,

    Onderwerpen onder de RFI-implementatiestrategie voor waterstofhubs zijn onder meer het aanvraagproces, de financieringsopportunityaankondiging (FOA)-structuur en de implementatiestrategie; Equity, Environmental and Energy Justice (EEEJ) en prioriteiten; en marktacceptatie en duurzaamheid van de waterstofhubs. Onderwerpen onder de RFI voor productie, recycling en elektrolyse van schone waterstof omvatten productie en toeleveringsketen van apparatuur en componenten voor schone waterstof; Benaderingen voor het recyclen van technologieën voor eindgebruik van waterstof, waaronder brandstofcellen; en ontwikkeling, testen en integratie van elektrolyzers.

    Feedback van deze RFI's zal ook de inspanningen van DOE ondersteunen om de kosten van schone waterstof in tien jaar tijd terug te brengen tot $ 1 per 1 kilogram.

    Bekijk de implementatiestrategie voor waterstofhubs RFI . Reacties worden verwacht op 8 maart 2022 om 17.00 uur Eastern Time.

    Bekijk de RFI voor productie, recycling en elektrolyse van schone waterstof . Reacties worden verwacht op 29 maart 2022 om 17.00 uur Eastern Time.

    Schrijf u in voor een H2IQ-webinar op 24 februari om 12.00 uur om meer te weten te komen over de programma's voor schone waterstof van DOE.
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