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  1. forum rang 10 voda 20 december 2021 08:31
    NTPC Awards Green Hydrogen Vizag Microgrid Project

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Dec, 2021, 5:35 am

    Indian state-run power company NTPC has awarded project involving a standalone fuel-cell based microgrid energy system that includes hydrogen production using an electrolyser in Andhra Pradesh on India's east coast. This would be India's first green hydrogen-based energy storage project and a precursor to large-scale hydrogen energy storage projects. The project will be located at the NTPC Guest House in Simhadri, near Visakhapatnam.

    The hydrogen would be produced using the advanced 240kW solid oxide electrolyser by taking input power from the nearby floating solar project. The hydrogen produced during sunshine hours would be stored at high pressure and would be electrified using a 50kW solid oxide fuel cell. The system would work in a standalone mode from 5pm to 7am."
  2. forum rang 10 voda 20 december 2021 08:56
    ABB & HydrogenPro to Optimize Green Hydrogen Production

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    ABB has signed an order with HydrogenPro, a hydrogen plant company, to provide electrical equipment for the world’s largest single stack high-pressure alkaline electrolyser - a system that generates hydrogen by using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Once deployed, at a specially built test facility in Herøya, Norway in 2022, the system will be capable of producing 1,100 normal cubic metres of green hydrogen per hour. ABB’s scope will include an integrated electrical package comprising transformers, rectifiers, DC Chokes and Busbars. Hydrogen is very energy intensive to produce sustainably - everything in the production process, each little component adds a little bit of inefficiency, so this integrated portfolio approach will ensure that every single, possible improvement in efficiency is made.

    The validation program will include rigorous testing to see how the performance criteria and efficiency of the electrolyser can be optimized. This will enable HydrogenPro to make further improvements to the electrolyser system before introducing similar technology on a long-term, large scale at similar facilities around the world.

    This collaboration follows a two-year partnership with HydrogenPro and represents ABB’s first green hydrogen order in Norway.

    This program into scaling and testing hydrogen technology to enable global decarbonization goals will pave the way for the launch of large green hydrogen plants in the future, which are key to reducing global CO2 emissions.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 20 december 2021 09:27
    Aurizon Hydrogen Powered Trains for Anglo American in Queensland

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Australia’s largest rail freight operator Aurizon and leading global mining company Anglo American have agreed to work together on a feasibility study to assess the introduction of hydrogen-powered trains for bulk freight. Aurizon and Anglo American have entered into an agreement to conduct the Feasibility Study that will explore the application of Anglo American’s proprietary hydrogen fuel cell and battery hybrid power units in heavy haul freight rail operations. If the Feasibility Study is successful, the agreement between the two companies could be extended to further phases of collaboration, which could include detailed engineering and the development of a hydrogen fuelled heavy haul locomotive prototype.

    The Feasibility Study will focus on the potential deployment of Anglo American’s hydrogen power technology on Aurizon’s Moura rail corridor that operates between Anglo American’s Dawson metallurgical coal mine and the Gladstone Port, and the Mount Isa rail corridor that operates between the North West Minerals Province to Townsville Port, via Aurizon’s Stuart Terminal.

    As part of its commitment to carbon neutral mines by 2040, Anglo American has taken a global lead in the development of green hydrogen solutions for its ultra-class 290 tonne payload mine haul trucking fleet. Anglo American’s unique combination of powertrain technologies, designed to operate safely and effectively in real-world mine conditions, will displace the use of the majority of diesel at its mining operations, with an advanced trial of the prototype truck at its Mogalakwena platinum group metals mine in South Africa: Anglo American Hydrogen power.

    Aurizon is Australia’s largest rail freight company, with the decarbonisation of its supply chains at the centre of its target to reach net zero operational emissions by 2050. Aurizon has also commenced research & development for battery-powered trains with a number of industry parties and Australian universities.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 20 december 2021 10:15
    Air Liquide & IVECO to Develop Hydrogen Mobility in Europe

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Dec, 2021, 5:35 am

    CNH Industrial commercial vehicles brand IVECO and world leader in gases Air Liquide have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop hydrogen mobility in Europe. The partnership will contribute to materialize clean mobility by leveraging the two companies’ complementary competencies, in particular Air Liquide’s unique expertise across the entire hydrogen value chain, from production and storage to distribution, and IVECO’s legacy as a provider of advanced, clean sustainable transport solutions.

    Both partners will dedicate means and resources to study the roll-out of heavy-duty fuel-cell electric long-haul trucks coupled with the deployment of a network of renewable or low-carbon hydrogen refuelling stations along the main trans-European transport corridors. In parallel, both companies will jointly promote initiatives to encourage hydrogen mobility by involving all stakeholders along the entire value-chain.

    This partnership is in line with the companies’ ongoing collaboration in the HyAMMED (Hydrogène à Aix-Marseille pour une Mobilité Ecologie et Durable) project in the South of France, to develop the first European fleet of fuel-cell electric 44 tonne trucks associated to the first high-pressure 1 tonne/day hydrogen refuelling station, targeting the decarbonization of long-haul freight mobility in Europe.
  5. Willy B. 20 december 2021 10:19
    Iberdrola en H2 Green Steel hebben een overeenkomst ondertekend voor de bouw van een groene waterstoffabriek met een geïnstalleerd vermogen van 1.000 MW en een geraamde investering van 2,3 miljard euro. De nieuwe installatie zal met de schone brandstof een directe staalreductieoven aandrijven met de capaciteit om ongeveer 2 miljoen ton zuiver groen staal per jaar te produceren, met een vermindering van de CO2-uitstoot met 95%.

    Momenteel worden verschillende mogelijke locaties op het Iberisch schiereiland bestudeerd, met de bedoeling dat de productie in 2025 of 2026 van start gaat. Alle locaties die H2 Green Steel en Iberdrola evalueren, zullen toegang hebben tot hernieuwbare energie, evenals alle infrastructuur die nodig is om een succesvol groen staalbedrijf te runnen.

    De elektrolyse-installatie zal gezamenlijk worden geëxploiteerd door Iberdrola en H2 Green Steel. Iberdrola zal duurzame energie aan de installatie leveren, terwijl het smelten van staal en alle stroomafwaartse metallurgische processen zullen worden geëxploiteerd door en eigendom zullen zijn van H2 Green Steel. Beide ondernemingen zullen ook de mogelijkheid onderzoeken om op dezelfde locatie een staalproductie-eenheid te vestigen die tussen 2,5 en 5 miljoen ton groene staalplaat per jaar kan produceren. Het project zal worden gefinancierd door een combinatie van overheidsmiddelen, groene projectfinancieringsinstrumenten en eigen middelen.

    Het koolstofvrij maken van de staalproductie-industrie biedt voor Iberdrola enorm groeipotentieel. Het zou een extra vraag van ongeveer 5.000 TWh/jaar kunnen vertegenwoordigen, bijna het dubbele van de huidige elektriciteitsproductie in Europa, en 40 miljoen ton groene waterstof. Het bedrijf versnelt dan ook de implementatie van de volledige waterstofwaardeketen.
  6. Willy B. 20 december 2021 10:19
    Future Proof Shipping (FPS) heeft een langetermijnovereenkomst getekend met Air Liquide (AL) voor de levering van koolstofvrije waterstof aan hun containerbinnenvaartschip, FPS Maas. Dat schip vervoert containers tussen Nederland en België. Als onderdeel van de overeenkomst zal Air Liquide koolstofvrije waterstof leveren via speciaal ontworpen multimodale waterstofopslag die geschikt is voor binnenschepen.

    De nieuw ontworpen opslag zal worden gehomologeerd met de steun van de aangemelde instanties en zal de weg vrijmaken om deze nieuwe markt tot een realiteit te maken. De totaaloplossing stelt FPS Maas in staat de CO2-uitstoot met bijna 2.000 ton per jaar te verminderen. FPS noemt het project ‘een mijlpaal op de weg naar het koolstofvrij maken van de binnenvaart’. Het maakt het mogelijk de conventionele brandstof die in de scheepvaart wordt gebruikt te vervangen door waterstof, waardoor de milieuvoetafdruk van de sector wordt verkleind. De oplossing kan gemakkelijk worden gekopieerd naar andere schepen, treinen en andere toepassingen.

    Prasanna Colluru, directeur bedrijfsstrategie bij Future Proof Shipping: ‘Dit was voor FPS een van de laatste hindernissen die we moesten nemen in ons streven om de FPS Maas emissievrij te krijgen. Nu we onze waterstoftoevoer hebben veiliggesteld, zullen we eraan werken om ervoor te zorgen dat er nog meer emissievrije schepen en emissievrije containerslots beschikbaar zullen zijn voor vrachteigenaars om hun goederen koolstofvrij te verschepen.’

    De waterstof zal worden gebruikt in een PEM-brandstofcel om elektriciteit te produceren die zo’n 825 kW levert voor de voortstuwing van het schip en voor hulpvermogen. Het PEM brandstofcelsysteem is nodig voor het omzetten van waterstof in elektriciteit en zal worden geïnstalleerd in de laadruimte van FPS Maas. Het is nog niet duidelijk hoe en waar de waterstof geproduceerd zal worden.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2021 08:15
    ENGIE & Equinor Launch H2BE Project for Hydrogen in Belgium

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    In February, energy groups ENGIE and Equinor announced an MoU to develop low carbon hydrogen projects together. Now the two companies move forward and announce the H2BE project which aims to develop production of low-carbon hydrogen from natural gas in Belgium. ENGIE and Equinor now launch a feasibility study to assess the technical and economic suitability of a site in the Ghent area. Commercial talks with potential hydrogen offtakers, predominantly large, hard-to-abate industries, continue simultaneously.

    Moreover, discussions are ongoing with North Sea Port on integration with port infrastructure. The H2BE project fits within “Connect 2025”, the recently published strategic plan of North Sea Port, by accelerating the transition towards carbon neutrality and the development of the required hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure.

    The Belgian federal government released its Hydrogen Strategy on 29 October and the H2BE project will help Belgium deliver on the strategy. The H2BE project aims at producing hydrogen from natural gas using autothermal reforming technology combined with carbon capture and storage.

    The ATR technology allows for decarbonization rates above 95% and for producing hydrogen at large scale at competitive cost levels. The captured CO2 is planned to be transported in liquid form and to be permanently and safely stored at a site in the sub-surface of the Norwegian North Sea.

    The H2BE project fits well the Belgian and Flemish hydrogen strategies. Focused on renewable hydrogen, these also emphasize the key role of low-carbon hydrogen to reach decarbonization targets and to swiftly ramp-up a clean hydrogen market and infrastructure in the coming years.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2021 08:17
    5 Green Hydrogen Storage Tanks arrive in Puertollano in Spain

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    21 Dec, 2021, 5:31 am

    The transport and supply of 5 of the 11 renewable hydrogen storage tanks to the largest plant in Europe for the production of this gas by water electrolysis that Iberdrola is building in Puertollano has begun. The storage of green hydrogen is essential to guarantee the stability of supply required by industry and to make efficient use of renewable energy production. These tanks manufactured in Asturias allow the storage of 2,700 kg of green H2 at 60 bars. Each tank has a volume of 133 ctersubic m3 and dimensions of 23 metres high and 2.8 metres in diameter. Each tank weighs 77 tonnes empty and two cranes will be used to assemble it, a main crane with a capacity of 600 tonnes and a smaller auxiliary crane. The tanks are made of special steel to contain hydrogen given the small size of this particle and the thickness of the sheet metal is 47mm.

    Green hydrogen has a very high potential as an energy vector, mainly for the electrification of industrial processes and heavy transport. It has also been identified as a key solution for the decarbonisation of the economy and for developing innovative industrial chains with high added value in Spain and the European Union.

    Iberdrola has developed a project for the construction of more than 800 MW of electrolysers to produce green hydrogen and later green ammonia and fertilisers in four phases, in Puertollano (Ciudad Real) and Palos de la Frontera (Huelva), until 2027.
  9. cdbe 21 december 2021 12:00
    Herning, Denemarken, 21 december 2021 – Everfuel A/S kondigt met genoegen de ondertekening aan van een warmteafnameovereenkomst met TVIS waarbij overtollige warmte uit de productie van groene waterstof bij de HySynergy-elektrolysers zal worden gebruikt om huizen en bedrijven die zijn aangesloten op de lokale stadsverwarming op te warmen netwerk. De samenwerking levert in eerste instantie groene warmte aan het equivalent van 500-600 woningen.

    “We zorgen voor een goede sectoroverschrijdende integratie en mogelijk lagere productiekosten door de waterstofproductie van de PtX-faciliteit te verbinden met stadsverwarming. Hoewel de technologie zich heeft bewezen, bouwen we stap voor stap aan een nieuw energiesysteem dat een echt duurzaam alternatief biedt voor fossiele brandstoffen. We bevinden ons in de vroege fase van een markt die zich in één richting zal bewegen, en we kijken ernaar uit om met TVIS groene energie te ontwikkelen”, aldus Jacob Krogsgaard, CEO van Everfuel.

    TVIS, dat gemeenten in het Triangle-gebied van Denemarken vertegenwoordigt en het lokale stadsverwarmingssysteem exploiteert, zal een 1,2 kilometer lange warmtetransmissie bouwen die de HySynergy-elektrolysers naast de Crossbridge-raffinaderij in Fredericia verbindt met de huidige verwarmingslijn tussen Vejle en Fredricia. De transmissielijn zal in eerste instantie koeling leveren aan acht elektrolyse-eenheden in de HySynergy-faciliteit, waarbij water dat tot ongeveer 70ºC is verwarmd, wordt teruggevoerd naar het stadsverwarmingssysteem.

    “Onze overeenkomst is wederzijds voordelig. Stadsverwarming stelt Everfuel in staat om zijn productiefaciliteiten te koelen, waardoor overtollige warmte wordt gegenereerd die wordt omgezet in een bron voor de stadsverwarmingsgebruikers in de Triangle Area, "zei Lars Schmidt, de voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van TVIS.

    “Dit is waarschijnlijk de eerste overeenkomst voor overtollige warmte voor een PtX-faciliteit in Denemarken en de hele Scandinavische regio, waardoor we de algehele energie-efficiëntie van de HySynergy-faciliteiten kunnen verhogen en lokale gemeenschappen kunnen ondersteunen met emissievrije warmte-energie. Het weerspiegelt de toewijding van Everfuel om het volledige waardecreatiepotentieel van de productie van groene waterstof op industriële schaal te realiseren”, zegt Jesper Veilstrup, senior projectmanager bij Everfuel.

    Volgens de overeenkomst zal TVIS Everfuel compenseren voor het warme water dat wordt teruggevoerd naar het stadsverwarmingssysteem. Dit zal naar verwachting geen materiële inkomsten vertegenwoordigen voor Everfuel in de beginfase. De twee bedrijven werken samen om meer warmtebronnen uit de waterstoffabriek te integreren in het stadsverwarmingssysteem.

    Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:

    Lea Vindvad Hansen, Investor Relations & Communications Manager, Everfuel, +45 61 93 02 05

    Over Everfuel |
  10. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 21 december 2021 18:39
    Die Chinezen begrijpen het dus ook niet, DZR?

    Shanghai plans to lead in hydrogen

    Visitors check out a hydrogen fuel cell bus at the 2021 Shanghai auto show, held from April 19-28. [Photo by Long Wei/For China Daily]
    Shanghai is aiming to lead the development of the country's hydrogen industry with more refueling stations and fuel cell electric vehicles in the next three years, said officials and industrial insiders at a summit held in the city last week.

    Liu Ping, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, said that by 2023 the city will build 10,000 hydrogen cars and more than 30 hydrogen stations-with another 70 stations in the pipeline.

    "Shanghai will push forward collaborative fuel cell projects to put 5,000 hydrogen cars in use in Suzhou, Nantong, Jiaxing, Zibo, Erdos and the Ningdong Energy Chemical Industry Base by 2025," Liu said at the summit.

    "Hydrogen power is a strategic direction for China's energy transition, and developing hydrogen-powered vehicles are an important path to achieve that mission," he added.

    The summit was held by the Shanghai Partnership of Fuel Cell Vehicles, Shanghai-Yangtze River Delta Hydrogen Technology Center, and Jiading Hydrogen Energy Hub to mark the two decades of development of new energy vehicles in China.

    Yu Zhuoping, professor of automotive engineering at Tongji University, said China established three development directions for new energy vehicles, namely plug-in hybrids, battery electrics, and fuel cell electric vehicles in 2001. Shanghai made the country's first hydrogen car in 2003.

    "We've seen remarkable progress in fuel cell technology over the past two decades, and China is close to the most advanced leading peers in fuel cell technology," said Yu, who is also the director of China Hydrogen Alliance's experts committee.

    Yu pointed out that the Ministry of Science and Technology has listed hydrogen energy as a standalone project for the first time in its key research and development program of the country's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25).

    "China's advantage in developing fuel cell electric vehicles is its big market. Shanghai is among the three major national demonstration city clusters for the use of fuel cell vehicles," he said. "It's important to increase the number of hydrogen cars to achieve economies of scale."

    Gan Yong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said Shanghai has an ideal scenario for hydrogen-powered vehicles: heavy-duty trucks at ports.

    "In the future, hydrogen produced by offshore wind farms can be piped to ports, making it convenient to use," he said. "It's also more environmentally friendly to replace trucks run on diesel with ones using clean hydrogen."

    Gan said ports in Tangshan, Hebei province, and Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu province, have started hydrogen truck pilot programs.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 22 december 2021 07:30
    Siemens Gamesa Commissions Hydrogen Service Operation Vessel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    22 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Siemens Gamesa is deeply committed to sustainability and has set the ambitious target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2040. This includes emissions produced by the company’s entire value chain. The company is taking another step towards a sustainable future. The latest member of Siemens Gamesa's fleet of ships is equipped with environmentally friendly propulsion technology. The vessel is ready for the addition of a 12-MW battery which would reduce energy consumption during operation. The REM Energy is also capable to run emissions free on green hydrogen or with batteries and offshore charging. This puts the SOV ahead of its time. Until a green hydrogen economy is established in Germany, the ship will be conventionally powered by efficient diesel generators.

    The REM Energy is almost 90m long and almost 20m wide. It will be the workplace and living quarters for up to 75 offshore service technicians and 24 crew members.

    Worldwide marine traffic accounts for more than 900 million tons of CO2 emissions which is more than the entire nation of Germany emits. Shipping is a sector that is difficult to electrify. Green hydrogen and other power-to-X fuels produced with renewable energy are a key building block for reducing emissions. With the Brande Hydrogen pilot project and the development of an offshore-wind-to-hydrogen-turbine with integrated electrolyzer, Siemens Gamesa is leading the way to unlock a green hydrogen revolution.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 24 december 2021 07:27
    RWE is Driving Hydrogen Plans Forward in Wales

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Dec, 2021, 4:49 am

    RWE has announced the signing of a contract with professional services firm Jacobs to investigate the production and supply of green hydrogen at the Pembroke Power Station site. The study will take four months, completing in March 2022, and include investigations into the feasibility of initially installing a 100 megawattelectrolyser to produce green hydrogen from local and grid connected renewable energy. The project has the potential to grow to several gigawatts in scale, linked to floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea, and would become one of the UK’s largest green hydrogen plants in development.

    The feasibility study will also look at the possibility of supplying green hydrogen for various transport and decarbonisation uses in Pembrokeshire.

    The knowledge and experience gained from this study will enable a better understanding of the practicalities and economics of the entire RWE project, and will be an important precursor to a funding application under the UK Government’s Net Zero Hydrogen Fund next Spring.

    The feasibility study has been partly funded by South Wales Industrial Cluster; a consortium of Wales’ major industry, energy, infrastructure, law, academic and engineering organisations of which RWE is a key member. The cluster was successful in securing support from the public and private sector to develop a range of partner decarbonisation deployment projects for the region.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 24 december 2021 07:28
    Wilhelmsen Topeka’s to Build 2 Hydrogen Vessels for Enova

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Dec, 2021, 4:40 am

    Zero-emission shipping company Topeka, part of the Wilhelmsen group, has been awarded USD 25 million by Enova to build two zero-emission hydrogen powered vessels. The grant was approved by the EFTA Surveillance Authority meaning all necessary approvals for funding have been cleared. What remains is for the production of hydrogen to begin.

    Going under the concept name “Topeka: base to base”, the vessels will be the first of their kind to enter commercial service in 2024. The two vessels are identical and will be powered by liquid hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cells, emitting zero emissions. The two vessels will sail on a fixed schedule along the Norwegian western coast, providing zero-emission transport service between offshore supply bases, carrying coastwise customer cargo between Stavanger, Haugesund, Bergen and Kristiansund, and containerized liquid hydrogen (LH2) to bunkering hubs along the same route. Norway’s west coast is dotted with bases serving the offshore industries, with base-to-base transport representing a heavy-duty transport route eminently suited to LH2. The bunkering hubs will in the future supply LH2-powered vessels including ferries and seagoing tonnage.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 28 december 2021 07:56
    NLMK & Rosatom Start Cooperation for Hydrogen Production in Russia

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Dec, 2021, 5:04 am

    Russian steel maker NLMK Group and Rosatom’s Rusatom Overseas have signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of hydrogen production and the development of technologies for capturing and using CO2. The agreement provides for joint research and development in the field of hydrogen production technologies, such as water electrolysis, steam reforming of methane with carbon dioxide capture and methane pyrolysis, and the implementation of pilot projects for the production of hydrogen.

    As part of the joint work, the parties plan, among other things, to evaluate the technical and commercial aspects of the production of climate-neutral hydrogen.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 28 december 2021 09:16
    Rusatom & LUKOIL to Explore Hydrogen Production at PETROTEL-LUKOIL

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    Rusatom Overseas and LUKOIL have signed a memorandum of intent on the development of cooperation regarding production and supply of green hydrogen for PETROTEL-LUKOIL SA refinery located in the city of Ploesti in Romania. The parties plan to study opportunities for construction of a green hydrogen production unit at the refinery, thus reducing CO2 emissions, as well as to look into the issue of obtaining government support for the project at both national and European levels.

    ROSATOM has a considerable technological and R&D potential to develop low-carbon hydrogen production technologies including electrolysis and steam-methane reforming using the CO2 capture technology. ROSATOM is developing its own know-how solutions for the entire lifecycle of hydrogen. In the production area, the state corporation is developing a range of electrolysers, steam-methane reforming installations, and a project of nuclear power and technology plant with a high-temperature gas reactor; the company also offers solutions for energy storage and consumption, such as composite cylinders and polymer fuel cells. ROSATOM is one of the leaders of hydrogen energy development in Russia.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 29 december 2021 07:49
    ArcelorMittal Bremen Advances Hydrogen Production with Hybit

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Dec, 2021, 4:45 am

    The next step in the restructuring of Bremen's steel industry has been taken: ArcelorMittal Bremen, swb AG and EWE AG want to jointly implement the largest industrial hydrogen project to date in Bremen. As part of the Hybit, Hydrogen for Bremen industrial transformation, project, the three companies are receiving funding of over 10 million euros from the State of Bremen to build an electrolysis plant, which corresponds to around half of the total investment budget. The project includes the construction of a 12 MW electrolysis plant that will use renewable energy to produce green hydrogen. The electrolysis capacity is to be gradually scaled up to up to 300 MW later. Ultimately, the overall requirement for climate-neutral steel production in Bremen is to be covered by expanding the pipeline infrastructure.

    The construction of the electrolysis plant marks the starting point for the use of green hydrogen in Bremen's steel production and is an important component of the transformation. ArcelorMittal Bremen will use the first hydrogen in the existing plants, the next stage will be the use of new production technologies so that ArcelorMittal Bremen can produce completely climate-neutral steel in Bremen by the mid-30s. A further expansion of the hydrogen capacity will be necessary for this.

    In the first phase of decarbonization, ArcelorMittal Flachstahl Deutschland intends to replace two blast furnaces in Bremen and Eisenhuttenstadt, thereby replacing the technology for the production of 3.6 million tonnes of steel with a process with a direct reduction system and a subsequent electric arc furnace. The complete conversion of this production to green hydrogen will result in savings of more than five million tons of CO2 per year. To this end, ArcelorMittal has submitted further applications for subsidies as part of the IPCEI program for large-scale hydrogen projects.

    swb and EWE are building the electrolysis plant in the joint venture Hydrogen Bremen GmbH at the Bremen-Mittelbüren power station, initially with an output of 12 MW. The installation takes place in an empty machine hall and in series of modules in order to guarantee the flexibility for an adaptation to future requirements.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 29 december 2021 07:50
    RWE & Linde to Develop 200 MW Electrolyser Plant in Lingen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    As part of its “Growing Green” strategy, RWE announced in November that it aimed to create electrolyser capacity of at least 2 gigawatt to generate green hydrogen by 2030. By preselecting the technical provider for two 100 megawatt (MW) electrolyser plants in Lingen, RWE is now taking an important step in this direction: It has signed an agreement with Linde, the leading global industrial gases and engineering company, to deliver the permit planning for the project.

    The permit planning is part of the pre-project development phase. The subsequent detailed engineering, procurement and construction phases are expressly subject to the award of state aid through the Federal Republic of Germany.

    The envisaged 200 MW plant is part of RWE’s ambition to erect a 300 MW electrolyser by 2026 at the Lingen location within the framework of the project GET H2. RWE plans to scale the total electrolyser capacity at Lingen to potentially 2 GW by 2030. The ambition of the GET H2 project is to create – together with national and European partners – the critical mass required to kick-start the creation of a cross-regional European hydrogen infrastructure and to develop a strong European hydrogen market.

    In the initial stage the proposed new plant will consist of two 100 MW Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysers and will be powered by offshore wind power from the North Sea to produce green hydrogen. It is anticipated the green hydrogen produced at Lingen will help avoid the emission of significant volumes of carbon dioxide. The first 100 MW electrolyser is planned to be operational in 2024, with the second due to be completed by early 2025 provided that public funding under the IPCEI mechanism is awarded in due time.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 29 december 2021 13:56
    Tegenwind voor FuelCell
    Resultaten in laatste kwartaal stevig onder druk.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) FuelCell Energy heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal de omzet stevig zien dalen en daardoor het verlies zien oplopen. Dit bleek woensdagmiddag uit de resultaten van de specialist in brandstofceloplossingen.

    De omzet daalde in het vierde kwartaal, dat op 31 oktober eindigde, op jaarbasis van 17,0 miljoen naar 13,9 miljoen dollar. Daardoor liep het operationele verlies op van 17,1 miljoen naar 22,6 miljoen dollar.

    In het hele boekjaar daalde de omzet ook, maar met 2 procent minder hard, tot 69,6 miljoen dollar. Het verlies steeg met 13 procent van 89,1 miljoen naar 101,0 miljoen dollar.

    Ondanks de omzetdaling meent CEO Jason Few dat zijn bedrijf wel degelijk vooruitgang heeft geboekt. Ook wees de topman op de eerder deze week aangekondigde overeenkomst met Posco, waardoor vrijwel alle claims tussen de twee bedrijven van tafel zijn.

    Komend jaar staat volgens Few in het teken van groei, schaal, innovatie en uitvoering.

    FuelCell heeft een orderportefeuille van 1,3 miljard dollar.

    Het aandeel lijkt woensdag bijna 9 procent lager te gaan openen. Beleggers hadden in het vierde kwartaal gerekend op een omzetgroei en een kleiner verlies.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.119
AB InBev 2 5.538
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 52.173
ABO-Group 1 25
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 267
Accsys Technologies 23 10.857
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 192
Adecco 1 1
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.839
Aedifica 3 926
Aegon 3.258 323.075
AFC Ajax 538 7.089
Affimed NV 2 6.305
ageas 5.844 109.905
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.063
Ahold 3.538 74.353
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.290
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.050
Alfen 16 25.276
Allfunds Group 4 1.517
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 420
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.901
AMG 971 134.353
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.745
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 496
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.056
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 386
Arcadis 252 8.806
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.983
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 287
arGEN-X 17 10.352
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.751
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.614
ASML 1.766 110.152
ASR Nederland 21 4.512
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.937
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 67
Azerion 7 3.449