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MOR103 (PerC6 inside) PHASE I

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  1. [verwijderd] 9 september 2009 09:45
    MorphoSys gibt klinischen Meilenstein in therapeutischem Krebs-Programm mit Bayer Schering Pharma bekannt

    08.09.2009 / 07.30 Uhr

    Achter HuCAL-basierter Antikörper startet klinische Entwicklung

    Die MorphoSys AG (Frankfurt: MOR; Prime Standard Segment, TecDAX) gab heute bekannt, dass die Bayer Schering Pharma AG alle notwendigen Anträge für den Start einer klinischen Studie der Phase 1 mit einem HuCAL-basierten Antikörperkonjugat (Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Verbindung) im Bereich Krebserkrankungen eingereicht hat. Dies repräsentiert einen wichtigen Meilenstein innerhalb der Kooperation mit Bayer Schering Pharma und löste eine klinische Meilensteinzahlung an MorphoSys aus.

    "Die heutige Nachricht unterstreicht einmal mehr die Bedeutung unserer Kerntechnologie für die Medikamentenentwicklung der Pharma-Industrie", kommentiert Dr. Simon Moroney, Vorstandsvorsitzender der MorphoSys AG. "Auf unserer Kerntechnologie HuCAL basierende Antikörper werden nun von vier unterschiedlichen Pharmakonzernen in klinischen Studien getestet. Die Resultate, die unsere Partner mit unserer firmeneigenen HuCAL-Technologie erzielen, werden nun zunehmend sichtbar und stellen einen wichtigen Werttreiber für unser Unternehmen dar."

    Die Basis des betreffenden Programms bildet ein HuCAL-basierter Antikörper, der gegen das krankheitsrelevante Zielmolekül MN, auch als Carbonische Anhydrase oder kurz CA IX bekannt, gerichtet ist. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Tumor-assoziiertes Antigen, das bei vielen Tumorarten verstärkt vorliegt. Mit der heutigen Meldung kommt das erste vollständig menschliche HuCAL-basierte Antikörperkonjugat in die klinische Entwicklung. Antikörper- oder auch Immunkonjugate bestehen aus einem Antikörper, der mit einem Molekül, hier ein zytotoxischer Wirkstoff, verbunden ist. Damit werden die spezifischen Bindungs­eigenschaften des Antikörpers mit dem zytotoxischen Potenzial des verbundenen Wirkstoffs vereint. Das betreffende Program kombiniert einen HuCAL-Antikörper mit der Immunkonjugat-Technologie des US-amerikanischen Biotechnologie­unternehmens Seattle Genetics, die Bayer Schering Pharma einlizenziert hat.

    Für das Jahr 2009 erwartete MorphoSys, dass bis zu vier Partnerprogramme die klinische Entwicklung erreichen werden. Die heutige Nachricht repräsentiert bereits den dritten Antikörper, der diese Entwicklungsstufe erreicht hat. Zusätzlich geht das Unternehmen davon aus, dass sich am Jahresende 2009 drei mit Partnern verfolgte sowie firmeneigene therapeutische Antikörper in klinischen Phase-2-Studien befinden könnten. Insgesamt handelt es sich um den achten HuCAL-basierten Antikörper, der die klinische Entwicklung beginnt.
  2. [verwijderd] 9 september 2009 11:53

    jolien54 schreef:

    MorphoSys is een onderneming die veel potentie heeft en al winst maakt. Zou mogelijk een goede overname-kandidaat voor Crucell zijn.
    De manier waarop de koers momenteel beheerst wordt wijst niet op "oppompen" van de koers in het kader van de financiering van eventuele aankopen door Crucell.

    Het oogt toch echt meer als het omgekeerde: het bewust controleren van de koers om t.z.t. een bod op Crucell mogelijk te maken met een reële premie. En dat drukken is op dit moment in Europa helaas te goedkoop! Als er tijdens dumps dagelijks 0,5 mln stukken zouden worden opgepikt dan zou het snel afgelopen zijn.

    Gelukkig valt er elders wel geld te verdienen! ;-)
  3. forum rang 8 josti5 9 september 2009 11:54

    jolien54 schreef:

    MorphoSys is een onderneming die veel potentie heeft en al winst maakt. Zou mogelijk een goede overname-kandidaat voor Crucell zijn.
    Sommigen schrikken blijkbaar van deze suggestie, gezien de onmiddellijk volgende koers-duikeling -;)
  4. [verwijderd] 9 september 2009 12:01
    Een onderneming overnemen dat qua resultaat direkt bijdraagt aan het eigen resultaat is goed, zeker als de onderneming wat in haar mars heeft. De koersval van dit moment heeft naar mijn mening als te maken met short-selling. Dit gebeurt elke dag, waarbij men zich gesteund weet door de analisten-uitspreken van de laatste weken. Amerike kent dat probleem niet en je ziet ook elke dag dat daar de koers zich herstelt.
  5. [verwijderd] 9 september 2009 12:09

    josti5 schreef:

    Ik heb hem zojuist even voor de spiegel uitgeprobeerd, die smiley van jou! Kop achterover en kijken of ik die neus boven mijn knipoog kon krijgen. Aanvankelijk wou het niet lukken, maar toen ik ergens een oude feestneus vandaan toverde, model Pinokkio, had ik hem direct!

    Is dat een stille hint van jou?!
  6. aossa 9 september 2009 12:17

    munckf schreef:

    Ik heb hem zojuist even voor de spiegel uitgeprobeerd, die smiley van jou! Kop achterover en kijken of ik die neus boven mijn knipoog kon krijgen. Aanvankelijk wou het niet lukken, maar toen ik ergens een oude feestneus vandaan toverde, model Pinokkio, had ik hem direct!

    Is dat een stille hint van jou?!
    Laat me raden: 'je zag de eenhoorn'...
  7. Procambarus 9 september 2009 14:50
    munckf schreef o.a.: "Het oogt toch echt meer als het omgekeerde: het bewust controleren van de koers om t.z.t. een bod op Crucell mogelijk te maken met een reële premie."

    Mocht dat zo zijn, gaat het in ieder geval zonder medewerking van het MT, anders hadden ze niet een paar dagen geleden de uitgebreide "Investor Presentation" gepubliceerd.
  8. aossa 11 september 2009 13:26
    Proprietary Development
    In June 2009, MorphoSys reported positive results from the phase 1 clinical study for its lead drug MOR103, a fully human HuCAL-derived monoclonal antibody directed against Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF), in healthy volunteers. The results of this study indicate that MOR103 is generally safe and well tolerated at all doses administered. The completed phase 1 trial was designed as a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, single ascending dose study
    to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetic parameters of MOR103 in healthy volunteers.
    In total, 63 volunteers received ascending doses of MOR103 up to a concentration of 3 mg/kg or placebo in seven dose cohorts via intravenous infusion. No maximum tolerated dose (MTD) was reached in the study. Analysis of the pharmacokinetic properties of MOR103 showed a serum halflife typical of a fully human antibody which could translate into a competitive dosing regimen. The overall safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetic properties of MOR103 provide a solid foundation for the Company's development plans, including the forthcoming phase 1b/2a study in patients.
    In conjunction with the presentation of final phase 1 data MorphoSys announced that the Company has submitted an application for the authorization of a subsequent phase 1b/2a clinical study in
    patients with active rheumatoid arthritis. The trial, which will be conducted in multiple centers in several European countries, is expected to enroll 135 patients in total, beginning in the second half of 2009.
    In July 2009, MorphoSys and the University of Melbourne initiated a research collaboration to investigate new therapeutic applications for MorphoSys's MOR103 program. The collaboration will focus on new therapeutic areas in which GM-CSF has recently been implicated in as yet unpublished work of researchers at the University of Melbourne. Under the terms of the agreement, MorphoSys will fund research activities at the University of Melbourne in multiple new indications. The University
    of Melbourne will receive an upfront payment and will be entitled to research funding, clinical milestone and royalty payments.
    And finally, your question relating to production and you mentioned Crucell, so I assume here we are talking about the therapeutic side of the business, which is where our relationship with Crucell and DSM is.
    Thomas Schießle: Yes.
    Simon Moroney: As you know, we are producing both MOR103 and MOR202 with DSM using Crucell's PER.C6 cell line. The production of material for the clinical trials in both of those programs is ongoing and on track as planned. It actually is available at DSM, to achieve what we need, and therefore there is no change in infrastructural capacity in order to meet the needs that we have. We can achieve that through working with DSM.

    George Zavoico: All right. And regarding MOR103, the Phase 1b/2a clinical presentations with RA, is it too early to provide some details to how you plan to go about performing that trial, conducting that trial and how long it might take?
    Simon Moroney: We will provide that information. We are actually just at the moment waiting for the feedback to our clinical trial applications from the European authorities here because of course there maybe questions; we may need to provide answers and so on. And until that's taken place, we're just kind of holding back on providing that information. But we fully intend to be transparent about the trial design besides the number of patients and so on and so forth, and we hope to be able to provide that information within the next weeks to a couple of months, perhaps.

    Elmar Kraus, DZ Bank: Hello, everybody good afternoon. And I've got two questions that they actually fit nicely together to the questions that we just had. One was, Simon, you said you haven't got an answer yet on your clinical trial application for MOR103. And I would at least expect that you got the conformation that everything went in there in place, and that everything was complete and that they start to review now. So perhaps you can clarify that for me.
    And the other one is when we are looking at the current EUR8.5 million of proprietary drug development, and this is without major let's say clinical trials that you are expecting for MOR103. How do you think this will actually go on over the next quarters to actually reach, and not to exceed your guidance of expenses for clinical trials of the proprietary drug development? Because obviously with clinical trials and patients it gets substantially more expensive. Thanks.
    Simon Moroney: Yes. Elmar, thanks for that. Of course, I should have made clear that we have indeed got the acknowledgement from the regulatory authorities regarding the submission of the clinical trial application. What we're waiting for is the response in terms of confirmation that we can proceed or perhaps more questions. So the acknowledgement has indeed been received as we expected on the schedule that we expected. And to go back to the second part of your question regarding the cost for drug development, we guided at the beginning of the year to proprietary development costs of EUR18 million to EUR20 million. As you had seen, we haven't quite spent half of that through the first six months of the year, but we absolutely expect to fall into that 18 to 20 range through the end of the year.
    So we obviously have a detail plan for all of our proprietary development activities and that plan we are keeping to and the cost for expenditure is somewhere in the range of 18 to 20 and we could expect to lie on that range by year end.
    Elmar Kraus: Thank you for that clarification.
  9. flosz 14 september 2009 10:43

    aossa schreef:

    And finally, your question relating to production and you mentioned Crucell, so I assume here we are talking about the therapeutic side of the business, which is where our relationship with Crucell and DSM is.
    Thomas Schießle: Yes.
    Simon Moroney: As you know, we are producing both MOR103 and MOR202 with DSM using Crucell's PER.C6 cell line. The production of material for the clinical trials in both of those programs is ongoing and on track as planned. It actually is available at DSM, to achieve what we need, and therefore there is no change in infrastructural capacity in order to meet the needs that we have. We can achieve that through working with DSM.

    George Zavoico: All right. And regarding MOR103, the Phase 1b/2a clinical presentations with RA, is it too early to provide some details to how you plan to go about performing that trial, conducting that trial and how long it might take?
    Simon Moroney: We will provide that information. We are actually just at the moment waiting for the feedback to our clinical trial applications from the European authorities here because of course there maybe questions; we may need to provide answers and so on. And until that's taken place, we're just kind of holding back on providing that information. But we fully intend to be transparent about the trial design besides the number of patients and so on and so forth, and we hope to be able to provide that information within the next weeks to a couple of months, perhaps.

    Elmar Kraus, DZ Bank: Hello, everybody good afternoon. And I've got two questions that they actually fit nicely together to the questions that we just had. One was, Simon, you said you haven't got an answer yet on your clinical trial application for MOR103. And I would at least expect that you got the conformation that everything went in there in place, and that everything was complete and that they start to review now. So perhaps you can clarify that for me.
    And the other one is when we are looking at the current EUR8.5 million of proprietary drug development, and this is without major let's say clinical trials that you are expecting for MOR103. How do you think this will actually go on over the next quarters to actually reach, and not to exceed your guidance of expenses for clinical trials of the proprietary drug development? Because obviously with clinical trials and patients it gets substantially more expensive. Thanks.
    Simon Moroney: Yes. Elmar, thanks for that. Of course, I should have made clear that we have indeed got the acknowledgement from the regulatory authorities regarding the submission of the clinical trial application. What we're waiting for is the response in terms of confirmation that we can proceed or perhaps more questions. So the acknowledgement has indeed been received as we expected on the schedule that we expected. And to go back to the second part of your question regarding the cost for drug development, we guided at the beginning of the year to proprietary development costs of EUR18 million to EUR20 million. As you had seen, we haven't quite spent half of that through the first six months of the year, but we absolutely expect to fall into that 18 to 20 range through the end of the year.
    So we obviously have a detail plan for all of our proprietary development activities and that plan we are keeping to and the cost for expenditure is somewhere in the range of 18 to 20 and we could expect to lie on that range by year end.
    Elmar Kraus: Thank you for that clarification.
    Perhaps the biggest highlight was the positive conclusion of the phase 1 study of our lead compound MOR103. This healthy volunteer study was designed to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of the drug. The trial confirmed that MOR103 is generally safe and well-tolerated at all doses tested, and in our view supports a clinical trial application for a phase 1b/2a study in rheumatoid arthritis patients, which was filed as planned during the quarter. We have yet to hear back from the European regulatory authorities regarding this application, but continue to expect that the trial will start later this year.

    While rheumatoid arthritis is our primary focus, we are investigating the development of MOR103 in other inflammatory indications. As we conduct preclinical experiments in multiple sclerosis and respiratory diseases, we have expanded our research agreement with the University of Melbourne to investigate yet further therapeutic applications for MOR103. We have also filed additional patent applications in these new indications, potentially increasing the value of the MOR103 program significantly.

    Regarding our next most advanced program, MOR202 for multiple myeloma, preclinical development continues as planned while the broadening of our pipeline continues. As a part of our commitment to building our proprietary pipeline, we have commenced three additional, fully-owned discovery programs to add to MOR103 and MOR202. During the second quarter, work on MOR205, our newest oncology program started as planned and lead identification for MOR203 continues. In the inflammation area, a disease-related target molecule for a new program, MOR104, was selected.

    Within the Proprietary Development segment, costs in the amount of € 7.8 million were incurred for the development of the Company’s proprietary products by the end of Q2. Of that amount, approximately € 5.7 million was directly spent for MOR103 and MOR 202.
    With the goal of broadening our proprietary product pipeline in mind, we continue to expect that investment in proprietary product development will end up somewhere between € 18 million and € 20 million, with the majority of these expenses linked to our most advanced programs MOR103 and MOR202. With the phase 2 trial for MOR103 starting in the second half of 2009, proprietary R&D expense should continue at a slightly higher clip in the second half of the year.

    09/14/2009 at 07:30 AM
    MorphoSys AG (FSE: MOR; Prime Standard Segment, TecDAX) announced today that its research and diagnostic antibody segment AbD Serotec has initiated a research collaboration with FIND (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics), a Swiss foundation that develops, evaluates and accelerates the implementation of new diagnostic tools for poverty-related diseases such as TB, malaria and sleeping sickness. The goal of the research alliance is to establish a series of heat-stable HuCAL-based antibodies as key components of novel diagnostic tests that are robust in tropical climates. Using MorphoSys's proprietary HuCAL technology, AbD Serotec will identify heat-stable fully human antibodies specific for rapid diagnostic test applications for parasite detection. Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.
  10. aossa 14 september 2009 11:00
    "In the inflammation area, a disease-related target molecule for a new program, MOR104, was selected."

    Flosz, kan je bevestigen of de molecule MOR104 ook PER.C6 inside is?
  11. bilbo3 14 september 2009 11:37

    aossa schreef:

    "In the inflammation area, a disease-related target molecule for a new program, MOR104, was selected."

    Flosz, kan je bevestigen of de molecule MOR104 ook PER.C6 inside is?
    Ja dus!!!

    bilbo3 schreef:

    uit de AVA van 5 juni
    Er is voor 1 op basis PerC6 ontwikkeld product FDA approval aangevraagd, wie wat wanneer hoe etc , allemaal geheim!

    uit de Needham presentatie van 11 juni:

    Morphosys , alle antibodies op PerC6,
    In Europa , 1 is filing for approval.

    Binnen 1-2 jaar , royaltie inkomsten
    License fees : Royalties
    Minstens 2% van Netto sales oplopend naar 3-4 %
    Ingeval Sanofi Flu: 9-10%
    Echter we are not at the steeringwheel!!!!!!!!!

    Twee intrigerende opmerkingen, die mij nogal bezighouden.
    Wordt hier twee keer hetzelfde produkt bedoeld?
    Is het eerste misschien toch Wyeth?, wordt nogal geheimzinnig over gedaan.
    Hoe kan Morphosys binnen 1 jaar filen?, zover zitten ze nog lang niet in de pijplijn.
    Alle antibodies van Morphosys op?, ook die op dit moment gepartnerd worden, want dat zijn er nogal wat.

    In de discussies komt dit weinig naar voren, wie heeft informatie of een verdere mening?
  12. aossa 14 september 2009 11:55

    flosz schreef:

    uit de Needham presentatie van 11 juni:
    MorphoSys has switched all their antibodies onto a [inaudible] platform.
    Haha wat articuleert die Brus slecht, of is het vermomde censuur?

    Of moeten we het bij 'geheimtaal' onderbengen?
    Overigens interessanter dan het gestoef over behaalde resultaten met optiehandel. AB flosz (de zoveelste).
  13. [verwijderd] 14 september 2009 11:56

    aossa schreef:

    uit de Needham presentatie van 11 juni:
    MorphoSys has switched all their antibodies onto a [inaudible] platform.
    Haha wat articuleert die Brus slecht, of is het vermomde censuur?

    Of moeten we het bij 'geheimtaal' onderbengen?
    als er maar wat te zeuren valt..
  14. aossa 14 september 2009 19:01

    flosz schreef:

    uit de Needham presentatie van 11 juni:
    MorphoSys has switched all their antibodies onto a [inaudible] platform.

    Geluid erbij...25:30.
    Dus alle MOR-antibodies op PER.C6

    Capaciteit Korea fabriek(en):
    75M doses QV in de oude fabriek
    120M doses in de nieuwe fabriek hetzij QV, hetzij HV
    200M doses Hib vaccine.
  15. [verwijderd] 14 september 2009 20:27

    aossa schreef:

    uit de Needham presentatie van 11 juni:
    MorphoSys has switched all their antibodies onto a [inaudible] platform.

    Geluid erbij...25:30.
    Dus alle MOR-antibodies op PER.C6

    Capaciteit Korea fabriek(en):
    75M doses QV in de oude fabriek
    120M doses in de nieuwe fabriek hetzij QV, hetzij HV
    200M doses Hib vaccine.
    Volgens mij geen Hib maar Hepavax-Gene.
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