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Campbell Resources

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  1. [verwijderd] 19 mei 2009 20:33

    Amor Arrows schreef:

    weer bijgekocht vandaag op .05
    Wat nou zo duidelijk als wat...

    Investeren in Campbell was volkomen begrijpelijk, gezien de koers van het aandeel. Een junior met eigen mill, twee producerende mijnen en een een derde mijn, de Corner Bay, die tegen commerciële produktie aan zat, én een ceo (+ officiële presentaties) die klip en klaar verklaarde dat er zoveel koper/goud geproduceerd zou gaan worden.

    Daar waren er niet veel van op de venture, en daarmee was er was alle reden om te investeren, wat je overigens zelf ook deed; dat in later stadium duidelijk werd dat Fortier zo niet te kwader trouw, dan toch zeker incapabel was/is, doet daar niet aan af.

    Overigens, omdat ik weet dat je nogal van het foutloze schrijven bent, het is 'desalniettemin'.
  2. forum rang 7 lucas D 1 juni 2009 18:24
    Even een positief berichtje van de andere kant, hoewel niemand hier het waardevol vind.

    Gezien een enkele tendentieuze reactie is Campbell behalve door ondergetekende hier namelijk al afgeschreven.

    Laten ze zich straks ook niet roeren wanneer de koers plostklaps op een voor hen onmogelijke hoogte staat.

    The CCH bid is now size-larger than the ASK
    We had no Bid at all for over 3 months.

    On Friday, we saw the first Bid level at 0.005 form (the share price was a 0.01 for part of the day). But on Friday, we closed with an ASK size still up around 2.7 million shares.

    Here we are on Monday morning, and that same ASK price (0.01) now has a size of only 1.2 million, while the pre-market bid has now doubled to 1.5 million (it was about 750,000 at the close on Friday.

    So between Friday close and Monday pre-market, the Bid has doubled, and the ASK size is less than half.

    For anyone who has been “finding new Face book friends” and recommending this stock on other message boards and blogs, make sure your new friends are watching for the breakout the second it happens.

    The real money of made by those people who get in at the lowest price. Breakouts happen quickly, and leave many “hesitant” people behind.

    Are you worried about paying 0.01? Don’t be worried… Insiders were paying 0.17 (sixteen times higher) one year ago.

    Message to the Cabal:

    If you guys want to lay out some more sausage at 0.01, that’s OK. You can do that – we will feast on that sausage in the coming days. If you lay out another 2 million in ASK, you will be 2 million shares poorer very quickly.

    There are Investors on the CCH public message board who are begging you guys (The Cabal) to drag this out to the end of June. These guys all they are getting checks (bonus or commission type checks) at the end of June, and they are committing to purchases of additional 1,000,000 share or 500,000 share blocks.

    lucas D

  3. [verwijderd] 1 juni 2009 19:50


    Ik heb nog koffers vol en volg het elke dag. Mijn break-even is niet ver weg, en is < 0.01

    Geen bids: is niet waar

    koers op 1c: zal wel fout zijn geweest, want op de Amerikaanse CBLRF.ob nog niet hoger dan .0055 geweest vorige week.

    Benson liegt alsof het gedrukt staat.

    Evengoed, ziet er iets beter uit, het marktgedrag tenminste.


  4. forum rang 7 lucas D 1 juni 2009 20:13
    Hoi AA,

    Bedankt voor je reactie.

    Wat betreft die 0,01 op de CCH.H die is er vrijdag wel degelijk geweest, ik heb het zelf geconstateerd en daarna de link geplaatst, als je van het weekend op die site gekeken had, had je het zelf ook nog kunnen zien.

    Dus Benson is wat "dat" betreft in ieder geval geen leugenaar, en mogelijk in meerdere gevallen niet, bovendien zitten we er allemaal wel eens naast.

    Ik heb trouwens wel wat met iemand die tegen windmolens vecht, zijn doorgaans gedreven en vooral volhardende mensen.

    Mijn breakeven is overigens minder 0,03, maar daarvoor verkoop ik ze natuurlijk niet.:~)

    lucas D
  5. [verwijderd] 1 juni 2009 22:22

    lucas D schreef:

    In onderstaande lijst is te zien dat op 29 mei de hoogste koers 0,01 was.

    lucas D
    Ja dat die .01 geregistreerd was wist ik wel, maar ik doel er op, dat dat 'n fout was van de broker of mm, want op de Amerikaanse markt was de hoogste verkoop op .0055 zo'n 80% verschil.

    Ik bedoelde ook niet, dat Benson over die prijs loog, maar hij neemt het als waarheid aan, ik beschouw het als op z'n allerbest 'n vraagteken.

    Hij liegt(fantaseert ?) wel over andere zaken.

    Maar ik ben niet meer geinteresserd in Campbell als bedrijf, alleen als penny stock, want je kunt aan die company geen touw vast knopen.

    De een ziet 'n mijn die miljarden waard is, anderen zien alleen 'n failliete troep, en 'n management die in een coma verkeren, of in de bajes zitten ?

    Ik ben ook niet van plan mijn aandelen te verkopen op verlies, of break-even, want ik denk dat de kans on wordt geboden nog wat geld te verdienen, tenminste die aandeelhouders doe er veel hebben bijgekocht tusse de .001 en .01 cent.

    Ik weet niet of 't nog ooit naar de 1c gaat, maar wie weet ?

    Succes en geduld.


  6. forum rang 7 lucas D 4 juni 2009 21:23
    Met de prijzen van grondstoffen is niets mis.

    Hoe lang kan het nog duren voor de eerste mine heropend word, de herstart van Campbell.

    Want hoe je ook over Campbell denkt, feit blijft dat enkele minen momenteel niet productief zijn, zij deze wel in bezit hebben, dit wetende met het gegeven dat grondstoffen duurder en duurder worden, zal zich dit vroeg of laat uitbetalen.

    lucas D
  7. [verwijderd] 5 juni 2009 05:00


    Dat hele Campbell-gedoe is me 'n raadsel, maar ik verdiep me daar niet in.

    Ben alleen geinteresseerd in de koers, en daar begint beweging in te komen.

    Succes alle Campbellhouders.

  8. forum rang 7 lucas D 8 juni 2009 18:04
    Een bericht van de andere kant van de wereld, zie er in wat je er in wil of kan zien.

    Secret Merrill Island Document now on Shareholder website
    CRSA members have acquired a “secret” document about Merrill Island, and it has been published on the shareholder website.

    This document is “one more piece of proof” to what Activist shareholder have been saying all along.

    Watching a Management Team “walk away” from an opportunity for $5 - 7 million in cash flow, while crying “poor mouth” and laying off miners, and screwing the Québécois Pension funds and mine workers (who also invested in Campbell) is shocking to consider.

    Oh… and the same thing is happening at Corner Bay.

    lucas D

  9. forum rang 7 lucas D 9 juni 2009 17:39
    I invite Shareholders and Creditors to take a look at this newly uncovered document that describes the Merrill Island property. This document described the “opportunity” for any interested party to buy the Merrill Island property from Campbell:

    click here (this is a PDF file):

    Our source indicates that this document was created and circulated in mid-2008. The Merrill Island property was never sold and Campbell still owns the property (Jun 2009).

    What is important here is the following:

    The true size of the copper resource at Merill.

    The fact that the higher grade portion of the resource is listed as a “measured resource”. That is a technical term for a fairly high level of certainty that the resource and grade exists exactly as stated (measured).

    In this document, you will see that Campbell admits to producing only the smallest amount of copper, and only the lowest possible grade, in the time that they operated the mine. I believe they operated the Merrill Pit for about a year (up until mid-2008). Operations have now been "suspended".

    Google Search for the publicly filed documents:,000+tons

    This documents shows that Campbell [paraphrase] “only mined the lowest grade stuff”, and “all the good stuff is just sitting there”, and “this property should be of interest to any outside group that wants to buy it”.

    This document clearly shows that the Merrill Pit asset was never properly exploited, even after shareholders had been told how well thing were going (in quarterly reports). According to Campbell’s own internal documents:

    Yes, the copper is still there

    The grades are very, very good for an open pit operation, and should be able to generate an immediate profit

    The document suggest some degree of Insider "planning and knowledge" in Management’s failure to Execute. I could never prove exactly how deep that goes (I can not prove intent).

    Take note that Nuinsco was provided “Operational Consulting” during some of this time, and Nuinsco’s top two Executives were on Campbell’s the Board of Directors during some or all of the time that this transpired. I am referring to the time period (the months of operation) when the mine was operated at no where near the level that it should have been operated at.

    So it looks like Campbell Management is just sitting there, “bitching and moaning” that they don’t have any funds, and the company is in the poor house (under CCAA protection), and maybe they have to bring in Nuinsco or Sprott (or other Investment groups) for a low proved private placement, when it is a fact that Campbell could just put some diesel fuel in their mining equipment, and produce from Merrill Island right now.

    Emphasis: what is new in the document is that the higher grade copper ore is clearly shown (known to everyone), the document reveals that Campbell never touched this higher grade material (why?), and that the mine has no operational handicaps or impediments that would prevent a new owner from immediately generating a profit from copper production.

    Why is this happening? Why do we have a property that could easily be exploited for immediate cash just sitting there, when the company needs cash so badly? And Campbell did operate the mine not to long ago, and then Operations mysteriously stopped.

    And what about unemployment in Chibougamau? Wasn’t the reason that the local governments made investments in Campbell and granted operating licenses - so that mine development and mine operations would generate jobs?

    How many miners were laid off from the Merrill Pit operation? Does anyone give a damn about the Miners?

    In 2008, Campbell issued a press release that basically said that things were going so well at the Merrill Pit that Campbell would immediately increase production from 20,000 tons per month to 30,000 tons per month.

    Google Search for the publicly filed documents:,000+tons

    30,000 tons per month come out to 552,000 lbs at a 0.92% grade
    (Campbell uses U.S. “ton” measurement – 2,000 lbs per ton, not 1,000 kg per “tonne”)

    Campbell’s comment [in a press release] about “Merrill ore being profitable above a 0.30% copper grade] means that Merrill Island production costs are at roughly $1.00 per pound copper. That number is quite reasonable for an open pit – costs might actually be lower.

    So at a $2.00 copper price, we are well above $5 million a year in profits. This calculation shows $6.6 million in USD profits (or over $7 million in Canadian dollars).

    And then all of a sudden, “poof” – Operation at the Merrill Pit were suspended (closed) with NO sufficient excuse presented by Management. There was one reference to a problem with the Contractor, but that was 6 – 12 months ago. Fine – get a new Contactor!

    So what I (Benson) am concluding here (this is personal opinion, based on an actual company documents) us that this is "Downplay" happening right in front of us.

    The “Downplay” is extremely destructive to shareholder value. I am a shareholder; I have a legal right to present this information to the public. My goal is to encourage affected parties to pressure Management and pressure Regulators to put an end to these questionable practices.

    I have calculated that at 30,000 tones per month production, The Merrill pit could be producing cash profits of at least $5 million USD a year (actully, over $7 million Canadian Dollars).

    Campbell could hire a new Contractor if they needed to, start up the excavators and dump trucks, and Campbell would have immediate cash in their hands right now (Jun 2009).

    And here is some more evidence… In one of Campbell’s reports (I think it was 2008), Campbell wrote in the report that ore above a grade of 0.30% was profitable at the copper price at the time (the copper price was a little higher than today’s price when that was written).

    So if the measured resource her is 0.92%, then clearly the ore would still be profitable at today's copper price. The “margin of profitability” easily allows for a lower selling price (with profits still seen).

    So what I am saying is that I believe Management has known for over a year that they were NOT exploiting the Merrill Pit according to its real potential – potential that they documented for “offered” to shareholders.

    In doing so, manager was depriving the company and shareholders of a cash flow / profit stream that the company badly needs right now.

    This is happening right now – Jun 2009. The Merrill Pit is just sitting there. Campbell own documents say that the pit would be profitable right now.

    I repeat – the Merrill Island mine was never sold. And it should not be sold. The Courts should issue an order to restart production at Merrill Island immediately. The Creditors should demand it.

    The same document says something about the Joe Mann mine. I will refrain from any large discussion of the Joe Mann mine on this page, but I have shown that a similar situation exists at Joe Mann.

    The key thing with Joe Mann is that Campbell’s decision to close the Joe Mann mine seemed to go against the technical recommendation of the Consulting Geologist – as revealed in the message board posts links I have posted on the “Serious Message Board". B
  10. forum rang 7 lucas D 9 juni 2009 17:41

    Both mines together could be generating $30 - $40 million in CASH PROFITS right now for Campbell, if they only decided to operate the mines according the plans that they have already published in SEC filed documents.

    I repeat… Right now, Jun 2009, Campbell could be just basically “rolling in cash” if Management wanted that to happen. That is my strong opinion.

    lucas D
  11. forum rang 7 lucas D 10 juni 2009 17:49
    CCAA Court Document posted
    “TJTHEMAN” posted this on the public message board:

    Campbell CCAA Court Document - Available to the Public - Filed on March 26,2009

    Holy sh*t! They way I read is that one group has purchased shares and those shares are most likely Campbell shares.

    Does anyone have a different interpretation?

    That would have to come with an iron-clad agreement that the shares will be worth much more than they are trading at right now. (production startup?)

    The court filing is deliberately avoiding details. Exhibit R-1 is “under seal”.

    But every time something has been hidden from us, it’s been good news they are trying to hide, not bad news.

    If anyone is worried about dilution – don’t be. We are at the lowest share count in over 2 years right now, because the warrants expired. It looks like the Debentures will expire too (I think the date is in July, not June – the share price is moving up now).

    I wish I saw this post (thank you TJ) last night – I would have more thoughts to write, but I need to catch a Train. I hope other people can add their own thoughts.

    lucas D
  12. forum rang 7 lucas D 15 juni 2009 19:10
    Even een kopie neerzetten van maandag 15 juni.
    Het is namelijk moeilijk vergelijken met een site die zich automatisch aanpast.:~)

    Orders -- Volume --- Price ---Range
    15 ----3,628,000 ----0.005----0.005

    Price ---Range ---Volume --- Orders
    0.010----0.040---- 5,064,000---- 37

    lucas D

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