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Shell nieuwtjes.

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 18 april 2007 17:25
    Persbericht Shell - afronding aandelenoverdracht Sakhalin
    AMSTERDAM ( - Hier volgt de tekst van een persbericht van Royal Dutch Shell.

    Gazprom Enters Sakhalin II Project

    The Hague 18 April 2007

    The shareholders of Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. (Sakhalin Energy),
    operator of the Sakhalin II project, today signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement
    with OAO Gazprom (Gazprom) to trigger the transfer of shares in Sakhalin

    This transaction implements a protocol signed on December 21, 2006 in Moscow.
    Under its terms Gazprom acquires a 50% plus one share stake in Sakhalin Energy
    for $7.45 billion in cash. The other three shareholders, Royal Dutch Shell plc
    (Shell), Mitsui & Co. Ltd (Mitsui) and Mitsubishi Corporation (Mitsubishi),
    each dilute their stakes by 50%, to receive a proportionate share of the
    purchase price.

    Gazprom will now hold 50% plus one share, Shell 27.5%, Mitsui 12.5%, and
    Mitsubishi 10%.

    With LNG capacity effectively sold, Sakhalin II is moving to firmly establish
    its position on the global energy map as a reliable new energy source for
    customers. Through the Area of Mutual Interest (AMI) arrangement with Gazprom,
    the prospects for expansion of Sakhalin II through further LNG processing
    trains are enhanced.

    In addition, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation has
    announced its approval of the revised Environmental Action Plan (EAP).

    Gazprom Deputy Chairman Alexander Medvedev said, 'Gazprom's entry into Sakhalin
    II is a powerful impetus for implementation of this large scale development in
    the area of energy export to Asia Pacific and North America. In turn, it will
    facilitate the company's strategy of phased entry into the global LNG market.'

    Shell's Executive Director, Exploration and Production, Malcolm Brinded said:
    'Gazprom's entry into the Sakhalin Project is warmly welcomed. Combined with
    the government acceptance of the Environmental Action Plan, this is another
    important step for Sakhalin II. The AMI should create additional growth
    opportunities for the partners in the future.'

    Mitsui's Executive Director and Executive Vice President, Hiroshi Tada said:
    'Mitsui is pleased to welcome Gazprom to the Sakhalin II team. With the entry
    of Gazprom as Sakhalin Energy major shareholder, we are confident that in
    cooperation with the Russian Government, can bring this first Russian frontier
    LNG project to completion, as scheduled, for delivery of LNG to out customers
    in Japan, Korea and the United States. The milestone achieved today will no
    doubt contribute to further strengthening of the relationship between Russia
    and Japan, and will pave the way towards future development in Sakhalin

    Mitsubishi's Senior Executive Vice President, Hisanori Yoshimura said:
    'Mitsubishi welcomes Gazprom into the Sakhalin II Project as a majority
    shareholder. I trust that this new combination of shareholders is the best team
    to accomplish timely start-up of LNG delivery to important customers in Japan,
    Korea, and North American West Coast. This is an important step towards
    Sakhalin Energy becoming the key LNG supplier for Asia Pacific market.'

    (c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: 020-5928456)

  2. [verwijderd] 18 april 2007 17:36
    Olievoorraden in VS dalen onverwacht
    18-04-2007 16:55:49

    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - In de Verenigde Staten zijn de wekelijkse voorraden ruwe olie onverwacht gedaald. Dit blijkt uit cijfers die het Amerikaanse ministerie van Energie woensdag heeft vrijgegeven.

    De voorraden ruwe olie namen met 994.000 miljoen vaten af tot tot 332,405 miljoen vaten. Analisten gingen uit van een stijging met 650.000 vaten. De benzinevoorraden daalden de afgelopen week met circa 2,7 miljoen vaten tot 197,007 miljoen vaten. Analisten gingen uit van een daling van 1,9 miljoen vaten.

    De voorraden stookolie en diesel daalden met 795.000 vaten tot 117,327 miljoen. Analisten hadden een daling van 925.000 vaten voorzien.

    Corina Ruhe

    (c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)

  3. [verwijderd] 19 april 2007 07:42
    RTRS-Milieudefensie daagt Shell uit milieuvriendelijke koers
    AMSTERDAM (ANP) - Milieudefensie wil multinational Shell met
    een mediacampagne overhalen een milieuvriendelijkere koers te
    gaan volgen. Via advertenties donderdag in de Volkskrant en de
    Pers en spotjes op de radio vraagt Milieudefensie aandacht voor
    de problemen die Shell met de oliewinning veroorzaakt in

    Het initiatief van de milieuorgansiatie is een persiflage op
    de manier waarop Shell volgens de milieugroepering probeert een
    milieuvriendelijk imago te krijgen. ,,Shell profileert zich als
    een creatieve en duurzame oplosser van energieproblemen. Wij
    willen Shell aanmoedigen dit in daden om te zetten door haar
    problemen in Nigeria op te lossen'', aldus Anne van Schaik.

    Volgens Milieudefensie zijn olielekkages en het affakkelen
    van gas al jaren grote problemen voor mens en milieu in de
    Nigerdelta. ,,Mensen hebben gezondheidsklachten, drinkwater en
    landbouwgronden zijn vervuild, tropische bossen worden verwoest.
    Shell is de grootste buitenlandse oliemaatschappij in Nigeria.
    Toch blijft de mulitinational het oplossen van deze problemen

    De mediacampagne van Milieudefensie duurt tot 15 mei, de dag
    van de aandeelhoudersvergadering van Shell.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  4. [verwijderd] 19 april 2007 07:42
    RTRS-Protesten tegen Shell in Bolivia
    LA PAZ (ANP/AFP/RTR) - Honderden betogers hebben woensdag in
    het zuiden van Bolivia burelen van oliemaatschappij Shell
    aangevallen. De demonstranten plunderden kantoren van
    Transredes, een dochtermaatschappij van Shell in het
    Zuid-Amerikaanse land.

    Bij gewelddadige confrontaties tussen bewoners van de regio
    en de politie raakten meerdere personen gewond. Dinsdag was bij
    vergelijkbare rellen een dode gevallen. De menigte slaagde erin
    ruim veertig agenten te ontwapenen en te gijzelen, meldden de
    autoriteiten. Een protestleider claimde dat zestig agenten
    zouden zijn overmeesterd.

    De betogers vinden dat een groter deel uit de
    belastingopbrengst van de gaswinning aan de bevolking ten goede
    moet komen. Zij bezetten een gaspompstation van Transredes.

    In verband met de ongeregeldheden en de gijzeling hield
    president Eva Morales spoedberaad met zijn kabinet. Hij
    nationaliseerde de energie-industrie een jaar geleden.
    Buitenlandse exploitanten kregen fors hogere belastingheffingen

    Volgens regeringsfunctionarissen is de export van gas naar
    Argentinië en Brazilië gegarandeerd.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  5. [verwijderd] 19 april 2007 10:38
    Transredes kan niet echt als dochter onderneming genoemd worden van Shell. Shell heeft een aandeel van 25% in Transredes. Totale waarde Transredes slechts 1,3 miljard dollar.
  6. [verwijderd] 20 april 2007 20:11
    Shell Highest Bidder in MMS Beaufort Sea Oil, Gas Lease Sale
    in 4/20/2007
    Source: Dow Jones

    Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA) was the highest bidder and winner of the most oil and gas exploration blocks in the the U.S. Minerals Management Service Beaufort Sea lease sale, according to details posted by the MMS Wednesday.

    Shell won 49 of the 92 blocks auctioned off in the Alaskan oil and gas lease, paying roughly $39.3 million of the total $42 million the MMS garnered from all of the blocks. The Beaufort Sea Sale offered 254 blocks totaling 8.7 million acres offshore Alaska`s northern coast.

    "We are pleased with the sale results," said MMS Regional Director John Goll. "The oil and gas resources present in the Beaufort Sea are vital to our nation`s and Alaska`s economy, and we hope this will boost future supplies into the Trans-Alaska pipeline."

    Shell`s primary focus was on blocks around Flaxman Island.

    France`s Total SA (TOT) won 32 blocks, paying $2.2 million. Italy`s Eni SPA (E) won seven, paying $466,000. ConocoPhillips (COP) and BP PLC (BP) won a block each.

  7. [verwijderd] 20 april 2007 20:57
    Shell clings to China refinery investment hope

    By Felicia Loo and Jonathan Leff

    5:04 a.m. April 20, 2007

    SINGAPORE – Oil major Royal Dutch Shell is working hard to gain a foothold in China's refining sector after hopes for taking a share in a new CNOOC refinery was dashed, a top company executive said on Friday.
    But its eagerness to own a share of capacity in the world's second-largest oil consumer is not matched in India, where a huge wave of new refining capacity should provide more than enough fuel to supply its plans to expand into the retail sector.

    Shell, the world's third-largest listed oil firm by market value, and China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) ended talks late last year about investing in a $2.5 billion, 240,000 barrels per day (bpd) refinery CNOOC is building in southern China.

    “It's not a question of not wanting to,” Rob Routs, Shell's global head of refining, said of the failed talks.

    Shell already partners CNOOC Group, parent of Hong Kong and U.S. listed CNOOC Ltd., in the $4.3 billion Nanhai naphtha cracker in Guangdong province, next to the planned refinery, from where it could get oil product feedstocks.

    He told Reuters in an interview that Shell was talking to all the major players in a market dominated by Asia's biggest refiner Sinopec and rival PetroChina, but competition for partnerships was tough.

    “It will be more of a joint venture as China is not an open market at this point. We are trying very hard,” he said, declining to give any details.

    Although Exxon Mobil Corp. this year put the finishing touches on a $5 billion joint-venture with Sinopec and Saudi Aramco for a major refining and petrochemical venture, oil majors are facing an increasingly uphill task in entering China.

    Beijing is showing a clear preference toward teaming up with state-owned firms who can offer supply guarantees from producers such as Kuwait and Venezuela, with less need for the technology or financing offered by the majors, analysts say.

    Despite the allure of China's huge retail market and double-digit economic growth, foreign firms have been put off by state-controlled retail prices that often crush margins.

    Routs linked the importance of owning capacity to its plan to expand Shell's modest retail presence in China.

    “That's tiny... 400 stations will not do in a country like that,” he said.


    Shell is taking a different approach in India, Asia's third-largest fuel consumer, where it figures the rush to build export-oriented refining capacity will ensure more than enough supplies to support its small but growing retail business.

    India plans to expand its refining capacity by 62 percent to 4.82 million bpd over the next five years as it steps up effort to become a major global fuel exporter.

    “All the (refinery) expansions in India are export-oriented,” said Routs. “There's no real need for supply there.”

    Instead, Shell is keen to expand its retail presence from the current 22 service stations after getting government clearance three years ago to build a network of up to 2,000 stations.

    “We are going as aggressively as we can in India,” he said.

    Big oil companies have also proved more reluctant than Indian refiners or major OPEC producers to invest in new refining facilities, fearing that the upcycle may crash when new capacity comes online at the end of the decade.

  8. Vlaming 21 april 2007 17:05
    Verzekeraars weer bereid tot dekkingIraakse anarchie houdt Shell niet bij olie weg
    21 Apr 07, 09:08
    door Theo Besteman
    AMSTERDAM (DFT) - Bomaanslagen en moordpartijen hebben bijna vier miljoen Irakezen op de vlucht gedreven en het land in permanente chaos gestort. Toch onderzoekt Shell als eerste oliemaatschappij een terugkeer. Vooral de olievelden rond Kirkoek, in noordelijk Irak, blijven met wereldwijd krimpende voorraden interessant, zo bevestigt het bedrijf de interesse. Verzekeraars zien in Shell een voorbode: voor het eerst is in Irak– zij het tegen torenhoge tarieven – weer afdoende dekking tegen schade en faillissementen mogelijk.
    „Verzekeraars en herverzekeraars staan er weer voor open om het risico te nemen”, bevestigt een woordvoerder van verzekeringsmakelaar Aon de trend. Aon koppelt per klus lokaal gespecialiseerde assuradeurs aan bedrijven. Vanuit Bagdad zijn acht verzekeraars, met instemming van de staatspartij Iraq Re, actief, meldt Aon. Ook Arabische herverzekeraars hebben zich al gemeld.

    Shell zou als eerste buitenlandse oliemaatschappij actief willen worden. Kredietverzekeraar Atradius houdt de boot voor Shell in Irak nog af. „Er is geen dekking mogelijk, op korte en lange termijn”, aldus de woordvoerster. „Maar we zullen zo’n aanvraag telkens individueel beoordelen.”

    „We bekijken de mogelijkheden om terug te gaan, voor olie en gas”, reageert de Shellwoordvoerder. „We zijn zeer geïnteresseerd, al is het nog vroeg. Vooral de onveiligheid voor personeel was tot nu toe de reden om er van af te zien”, zegt hij, doelend op de executies en ontvoeringen van buitenlandse werknemers. „We bekijken nu de mogelijkheden in het Koerdische gedeelte, dat relatief veiliger is.”

    Shell werd met de nationalisatie van de olie-industrie in 1972 geweerd uit Irak. In 2005 had het nog een intentieverklaring ondertekend om een gasnetwerk aan te leggen. verzekeraars kunnen een partij als Shell ondanks de grote gevaren binnenhalen door de risico’s onderling te spreiden en af te dekken, zegt een woordvoerder van de kredietverzekeraar Euler Hermes.


    Olie is in het door geweld verwoeste Irak nog altijd de allergrootste lokker, zegt een Nederlandse verzekeraar op basis van anonimiteit, net terug uit Bagdad. Hij zag daar dat Amerikaanse oliereuzen Shell op de hielen zitten. „Zij hebben via de Amerikaanse overheid en hun leger dé entree.” Chevron zou vooroplopen, maar dat bedrijf wil hier niet op reageren.

    Als Shell terugkeert, gaat het om een „aanzienlijke” investering, zegt de woordvoerder. Irak bezit een van de grootste olievelden ter wereld. De oliereus tekende volgens The Times een overeenkomst met de Turkse staatsoliemaatschappij voor aanleg van een enorme oliepijpleiding vanuit Kirkoek naar Ceyhan, aan de Middellandse Zee.

    Het onderzoeksbureau IHS maakte dinsdag bekend dat Irak meer olie bezit dan gedacht. IHS schat de voorraad op 100 miljard vaten ruwe olie extra, bijna een verdubbeling. De huidige productie ligt op twee miljoen vaten per dag.

    Bovendien maakt nieuwe wetgeving het voor bedrijven interessant om de oliemarkt te betreden, hoewel uitsluitend met een Iraakse partner. Shell zou daarover vorige maand in Bagdad overeenstemming hebben bereikt. Van de 78 officiële olievelden in het land zijn er 27 in bedrijf. Ondanks aanslagen worden er 25 operationeel gemaakt. Oliewinning in Irak is, ondanks de risico’s, relatief goedkoop ten opzichte van offshorewinning.

    De verzekeraars willen voor de terugkeer van Shell alleen met losse kortetermijncontracten werken. De premies per dag zijn extreem hoog, aldus Aon. „Bij ons valt Shell vanwege de premies buiten dekking”, reageert de kredietverzekeraar Euler Hermes, dat bedrijven tegen faillissementen van toeleveranciers indekt. „Maar dat kan morgen weer veranderen. Irak is buitengewoon instabiel.”

  9. scrumple 23 april 2007 19:45
    LONDON, April 23 (Reuters) - Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L: Quote, Profile , Research) reiterated on Monday it expected production to resume at its 380,000-barrel per day Forcados oilfields in Nigeria within months, but declined to provide a specific date.

    "As we said last week, we don't comment on the little milestones. We are looking to resume production in the next months," said Shell spokeswoman Eurwen Thomas.

    Last week, Nigerian Energy Minister Edmund Daukoru echoed widespread market talk that Forcados would resume operations by the end of May. The major crude stream was shut down in February 2006 due to repeated militant attacks.

    Forcados oilfields were expected to load 3.8 million barrels in June, according to its loading programme. Half of the amount will be from storage, the other from new production, traders said.

    Traders believed Shell was ready to restart production, but wanted to wait until after the Nigerian elections were over.

    Nigeria elections were held over the weekend, but were not considered credible by international observers.

    News of the possible restart has pressured oil prices, pushing London Brent futures <LCOc1> down more than a dollar when word first broke last Monday. Prices have since rebounded on geopolitical tensions.
  10. [verwijderd] 25 april 2007 09:20
    Shell insider likely to be next CEO
    By Ed Crooks and Carola Hoyos

    Published: April 24 2007 22:09 | Last updated: April 24 2007 22:09

    Royal Dutch Shell is likely to appoint an insider as its next chief executive, the company’s chairman said on Tuesday , raising the prospect that Linda Cook, its head of gas and power, could become the first female head of a big international oil group.

    Ms Cook is seen as a leading internal candidate to succeed Jeroen van der Veer, the chief executive who recently put back his retirement by a year to June 2009. The other leading contender is Malcolm Brinded, the head of exploration and production.

    In his first interview as chairman since being appointed last year, Jorma Ollila, the former chief executive of Nokia, said it was highly recommended that companies appointed chief executives from within.

    “The company DNA, when it’s strong, has inherent strong elements,” he said. “That kind of company always benefits when you have a CEO groomed from within.

    “When there’s a crisis, and you need to change the corporate culture, and there’s something wrong with the DNA, then you typically might look to hire [outside],” he said. “But Shell is not in that kind of situation.”

    Mr Ollila praised Mr Van der Veer, saying the board felt very good about giving him an additional year to implement his strategy. He said it was much too early to start putting a succession procedure in place. He expected this to begin next year, with a decision in 2009.

    But his strong preference for an internal appointment suggests that Ms Cook and Mr Brinded are the early front-runners.

    Mr Brinded, as head of E&P, runs what is traditionally the most important division in an oil company.

    Ms Cook also spent much of her career in E&P, and spent a year at the head of Shell Canada, which is developing the oil sands that are a vital part of Shell’s future.

    William Claxton-Smith of Insight, a Shell investor, said: “I am sure succession is on the top of Mr Ollila’s agenda and it will be one of the things we will be discussing with him.”

    Neil McMahon, analyst at Sanford Bernstein, the financial services company, said Ms Cook was a likely successor. “She ...  has been doing many investor events and comes across well,” he said.

    Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

  11. [verwijderd] 26 april 2007 08:33

    -[Shell betaalt Moskou elk jaar fors dividend]
    Shell en de twee Japanse partners in het Sakhalin-2 project hebben niet alleen de controle over het omvangrijke olie- en gasexploratieproject in het verre Oosten van Rusland afgestaan aan Gazprom , maar daarnaast in het geheim afgesproken de Russische staat jaarlijks een superdividend te betalen. Dat zeggen goed ingevoerde bronnen.
    (pagina 32)
  12. scrumple 26 april 2007 14:45
    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Exxon Mobil, het grootste olieconcern ter wereld, heeft in het eerste kwartaal van 2007 een nettowinst gerealiseerd van USD 9,28 miljard, een stijging van 10% ten opzichte van het eerste kwartaal van 2006. 'Hoger raffinage-, marketing- en chemiemarges werden deels tenietgedaan door een daling in de realisatie van ruwe olie en LNG', aldus het concern.

    De winst per aandeel nam in het afgelopen kwartaal toe met 18% naar USD 1,62, waar analisten geraadpleegd door Bloomberg gemiddeld uitgingen van USD 1,52. Exxon Mobil gaf in het eerste kwartaal USD 4,3 miljard uit aan kapitaalinvesteringen, ten opzichte van USD 4,8 miljard in het eerste kwartaal van 2006.

    Het resultaat uit exploratie en productie nam af van USD 1,28 miljard tot USD 1,18 miljard terwijl het resultaat uit raffinage en marketing, ofwel 'downstream', toenam van USD 679 miljoen tot USD 839 miljoen.
  13. scrumple 26 april 2007 15:51
    OTTAWA, April 26 (Reuters) - Western Oil Sands Inc. (WTO.TO: Quote, Profile , Research) swung to a first-quarter profit on increased production at the Athabasca Oil Sands project and higher selling prices, the company said on Thursday.

    Western, which has a 20-percent stake in the Athabasca project operated by Shell Canada Ltd. (SHC.TO: Quote, Profile , Research), said it also benefited from a weaker Canadian dollar versus the U.S. currency.

    Gains were partly offset by lower underlying crude oil prices, it said.

    The company reported net profit of C$31.6 million ($28 million), or 19 Canadian cents a share, in the quarter ended March 31. That compares to a year-prior loss of C$24.8 million, or 15 Canadian cents a share.

    In the first quarter of 2007, net earnings included C$12.8 million in unrealized foreign exchange and risk management losses, compared to losses of C$68.3 million in the first quarter of 2006.

    Cash flow, a view of a company's ability to fund development, rose 32 percent to C$63 million, or 39 Canadian cents a share, from C$47.8 million, or 30 Canadian cents a share.

    Revenue grew 29 percent to C$179.2 million.

    The company said production increased 25 percent in the quarter, averaging 32,325 barrels per day, compared to 25,945 barrels per day in the same period last year.

    Western's share of synthetic crude sales was 40,555 barrels a day during the quarter, up 9 percent from the same period last year.

    The company said its realized price increased to C$58.49 per barrel from C$55.31 per barrel the prior-year period.

    ($1=$1.12 Canadian)
  14. [verwijderd] 30 april 2007 17:15
    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Shell heeft zijn propaandistributieactiviteiten onder de naam Shell Gas USA verkocht aan AmeriGas Partners. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van Shell maandag desgevraagd bevestigd tegenover Betten.

    Een overnameprijs is niet bekendgemaakt. Het verkochte Shell-onderdeel verkoopt jaarlijks circa 13 miljoen gallons propaan aan circa 20.000 klanten, vanuit twaalf locaties in de Amerikaanse staat Michigan.
  15. scrumple 1 mei 2007 10:18
    Royal Dutch Shell's U.S. arm said Monday it has joined a corporate/environmental coalition urging Congress to require limits on greenhouse gases tied to global warming, the third oil major to do so.

    The Anglo-Dutch company said it has joined the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, an alliance of big business and environmental groups that in January sent a letter to President Bush stating mandatory emissions caps are needed to reduce the flow of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.

    Shell joins London-based oil company BP (nyse: BP - news - people ) PLC and Houston-based ConocoPhillips (nyse: COP - news - people ) among the partnership's ranks. Other members include General Electric Co. (nyse: GE - news - people ), Alcoa Inc. (nyse: AA - news - people ), DuPont (nyse: DD - news - people ) Co., Caterpillar Inc. (nyse: CAT - news - people ) and Duke Energy Corp. (nyse: DKE - news - people )

    In a brief statement, Shell Oil said it fully supports the partnership's goal of enacting legislation that would place mandatory limits on greenhouse gases.

    "Shell was one of the first energy companies to acknowledge the threat of climate change and is playing a leading role in demonstrating ways to manage CO2 responsibly," the company said.

    Shell says it has invested more than $1 billion in renewable energy and hydrogen projects, and it's working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 5 percent below 1990 levels by 2010.

    In January, the CEOs of 10 major corporations, as part of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, said in their letter to Bush that the cornerstone of climate policy should be an economy-wide emissions cap-and-trade system.

    The CEOs have said mandatory reductions of heat-trapping emissions can be imposed without economic harm and would lead to economic opportunities if done across the economy and with provisions to mitigate costs.

    Many of the companies already have voluntarily moved to curb greenhouse emissions, but the executives noted they don't believe voluntary efforts will suffice.

    Shell said the task of reducing emissions is complicated and far-reaching and will require significant government action.

    "Several U.S. states are working on a greenhouse gas emission policy to regulate what industry can do and what consumers can do," the company said. "It will be very challenging for a company like ours to operate differently in all 50 states to meet the regulatory requirements of each state. Instead, a national solution is something we consider important to the future."
  16. [verwijderd] 2 mei 2007 08:01
    Mogelijk aanpassing omstreden regels oliereserves
    Op de SEC wordt al enige tijd druk uitgeoefend om de oude richtlijnen over de oliereserves aan te passen. In de nabije toekomst gaat de beursautoriteit de omstreden regels moderniseren. De rapportage van oliemaatschappijen over hun gas- en oliereserves zijn op deze regels gebaseerd. Intern rekenen bedrijven met andere cijfers. Niet de bewezen reserves, maar reserves die waarschijnlijk gewonnen kunnen worden tellen. (FD, p.9)
  17. [verwijderd] 3 mei 2007 12:55
    RTRS-Shell verkoopt gasleverancier aan concurrent
    ROTTERDAM (ANP) - Het energieconcern Shell verkoopt het
    groothandelsbedrijf BK-GAS aan het Nederlandse oliebedrijf en de
    tankstationketen Argos Oil. Dat hebben beide bedrijven donderdag

    Alle 24 werknemers van BK-GAS gaan over naar Argos. Er zijn
    geen financiële details over de verkoop bekendgemaakt.
    Distributie van petrochemisch gas behoort niet meer tot de
    kernactiviteiten van Shell. ,,LPG blijft gewoon te koop bij de
    Shell-stations'', zo verzekerde een woordvoerder van Shell.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  18. [verwijderd] 5 mei 2007 14:36
    Shell may use multi-year LNG deals in IndiaPublished: Saturday, 5 May, 2007, 08:39 AM Doha Time

    SINGAPORE: Royal Dutch Shell, Europe’s largest oil company, said it may sign multi-year contracts for liquefied natural gas shipments to India because increased demand has revived confidence in the market.
    Shell aims to secure long-term supplies for its $600mn terminal in western India in the next 12 months, said Peter de Wit, executive vice president for global businesses at Shell Gas & Power International.
    The terminal would switch partially from spot cargoes that kept the plant operating at no more than one-third of capacity in two years since starting.
    Indian consumers are turning to imported gas, paying as much as five times more than subsidised domestic supply, because declining output from aging fields failed to keep pace with demand.
    The turnaround at the terminal operated by Shell, the world’s biggest non-state LNG producer, reflects soaring demand from power plants and factories.
    “Customers in India are willing to pay for gas,” de Wit said on April 27 in an interview at LNG 15, an industry event in Barcelona. “We are now in talks with suppliers and users for term contracts.”
    Shell started the Hazira terminal to meet a government ruling that requires foreign companies to invest about $450mn in the nation’s oil industry before gaining access to the country’s retail fuel market.
    Shell failed to find enough customers to commit to gas purchases on a term basis and in March 2004 sold Total a 26% stake to recoup part of its investment.
    The Hague-based Shell started operating its 2.5mn metric tonne-a-year port and terminal project in Hazira in April 2005.
    The terminal, Shell’s first-ever LNG import facility, imported three cargoes, or about 175,000 tonne, in the first year of operations ending March 2006.
    Shell is boosting LNG imports because fertiliser, power and petrochemical plants in India are switching from more expensive naphtha, an alternative to gas.
    Shell has imported two cargoes every month this calendar year from countries including Malaysia, Oman, Algeria and Trinidad, said a Shell official, who declined to be identified.
    Each cargo of LNG is typically about 50,000-60,000 tonnes. The company typically imports two-thirds of its spot supplies from LNG projects in which it holds equity, de Wit said.
    The company may give preference to term supplies from such projects, he said.
    Shell has stakes in LNG ventures in Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia, Brunei, Australia and Russia.
    Asian LNG prices have doubled to about $10 a million British thermal units in the past three years after power demand from steelmakers and chemical plants climbed faster than capacity expansions.
    One British thermal unit is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. That is about the same amount of heat from burning one match stick.
    Plans by Shell to boost shipments through its facility may discourage rival Petronet LNG from leasing capacity at Hazira for additional imports of the clean fuel.
    Petronet LNG, India’s biggest liquefied natural gas importer, said it may buy as many as 54 cargoes of LNG in the spot market in the next two years from suppliers in Middle East and Africa, among others, the company’s managing director Prosad Dasgupta said last week in an interview at LNG15. – Bloomberg

  19. [verwijderd] 6 mei 2007 06:53
    Shell raises production hopes for Niger Delta
    By Ed Crooks andChris Hughes

    Published: May 4 2007 03:00 | Last updated: May 4 2007 03:00

    Royal Dutch Shell has sent teams into the turbulent Niger Delta in recent months to assess the state of its facilities, raising the prospect that it will be able to re-start production after more than a year.

    Peter Voser, Shell's chief financial officer, said there had been "some improvement in the security situation" in the Delta and the company hoped to restart production there gradually later in the year - if it was safe to do so. However, 20 oil workers were kidnapped by armed men yesterday in Nigeria, although some were later released, emphasising the volatility of the region.

    Mr Voser was speaking as Shell reported a 14 per cent rise in first-quarter earnings to $6.93bn (£3.49bn) on a current cost-of-supply basis, and a 17 per cent rise in earnings per share to $1.10.

    The figures were much better than those for BP, which last week posted a 17 per cent drop in first-quarter net income, and ahead even of ExxonMobil, the world's biggest oil group, which reported a net income rise of 10 per cent.

    Excellent results from the downstream businesses reflected healthy refining margins in the US and Shell's investment in China, where the Nanhai petrochemicals complex opened last year. Earnings from oil products rose 12 per cent to $1.49bn and in chemicals they more than trebled to $480m. The result was also boosted by $404m of gains on the sale of equities from Shell's in-house insurance fund, which is unlikely to be repeated.

    Total production was in line with last year's average at 3.51m barrels of oil equivalent a day, but Mr Voser said he expected it to come in at the bottom end of the predicted range of 3.3m-3.5m boe/d for the year.

    Shell is committed to the biggest capital spending programme of any international energy company, investing $22bn-$23bn this year. It has said it plans to curb its share buy-back programme to fund that investment and to pay a higher dividend.

    The first-quarter dividend will be 0.36 cents, up 14 per cent in dollar terms, although the rise is less in euro terms. Shell is paying dividends in dollars rather than euros from this year.

    Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007

  20. [verwijderd] 7 mei 2007 10:24
    7-5-2007 9:40
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Petercam verhoogt het koersdoel voor Royal Dutch Shell naar EUR29 van EUR27,20 en stelt de verwachtingen voor het hele boekjaar opwaarts bij. Analist Alexandre Weinberg meent dat het aandeel van het oliebedrijf nog altijd goedkoop is in vergelijking tot de overige sectorgenoten. Daarnaast spreekt de analist over "sterke cijfers" over het eerste kwartaal, waarbij het bedrijf voor de vijfde achtereenvolgende keer beter presteerde dan verwacht. Omstreeks 9.25 uur noteert het aandeel 0,5% lager op EUR26,55, terwijl de AEX vrijwel onveranderd staat. (MTI)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31 20 5890270,

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

    May 07, 2007 03:39 ET (07:39 GMT)

    Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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