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ACCSYS TECHNOLOGIES PLC Terug naar discussie overzicht

Accoya “really is the future of wood”

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  1. [verwijderd] 25 juni 2014 20:35
    FAO: forests vital in sustainable development and reducing poverty

    ....Policies and programmes, both in the forest sector and beyond, must explicitly address the role of forests in providing food, energy and shelter. A new, holistic concept of forests will make them more attractive to donors and investors and ensure that they benefit all people, especially those most in need.”

  2. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2014 09:46
    Andersen Corporation Forest Resources Policy

    As an environmentally responsible citizen of the global community, Andersen Corporation (“Andersen”) recognizes its ongoing responsibility to conserve natural resources. We extend our environmental ethic to the procurement of wood supplies to promote responsible forestry management practices and long-term material supply.

    This policy is initially written to address Andersen Windows, Inc.’s and Renewal by Andersen’s product lines and may be modified from time to time at Andersen’s discretion. This policy is endorsed by our senior management. Should Andersen choose to modify this policy, appropriate stakeholders will be notified in a timely fashion.
    Andersen will not knowingly source wood from genetically modified trees. However, Andersen may consider this resource in the future as more is known about this resource and its value has been determined.

    zo pak maar weer eens ff de telefoon......
  3. [verwijderd] 28 juni 2014 12:12


    Newsletter Juni 2014


    Nachfrage und Preise steigen

    Terrassen aus Accoya erfreuen sich immer grösserer Beliebtheit. Die Nachfrage nach dem acetylierten Kiefernholz mit hervorragenden Eigenschaften steigt und steigt. Gestiegen sind auch die Preise für den Rohstoff, die unser Lieferant erhöht hat. Die für uns entstehenden Mehrkosten von ca. 15% müssen wir ab dem 1. August 2014 leider weiterverrechnen. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie dies schon jetzt in Ihren Offerten.

    Mehr Dielenbreiten

    Als neuen Service bieten wir Ihnen Accoya für Terrassen ab sofort auch in den Dielenbreiten 195 mm, 145 mm und 95 mm an. Damit können Sie eine interessante individuelle Optik erzeugen.

  4. [verwijderd] 13 november 2014 11:07
    en Tricoya natuurlijk, btw het "bouwen" met hout gaat nu toch een vlucht nemen denk ik, hoogbouw dan he,

    US$2 million offered for taller timber building designs

    5 November, 2014
    A competition run by the United States Department of Agriculture is offering a US $2 million prize (about AU $2.2 million) for new design ideas that will allow taller wood structures to be built in the country.

    waarover gesproken word (project in Noorwegen),Artec’s 49 metre Treet (‘The Tree’), daar zijn de zijgevels bekleed met Tricoya

  5. [verwijderd] 14 november 2014 17:02

    Masisa lanza nueva colección de productos 2014-2015

    Publicado el 12 de noviembre del 2014


    Uno de los productos más novedosos que se presentó fue Súper MDF uso exterior, un tablero de fibras de madera para uso exterior extremo que cuenta con tecnología Tricoya.

    Casi en forma simultánea en Santiago y Concepción, Masisa presentó su nueva colección de productos 2014-2015.

    Se trata de una nueva colección de tableros Melamina que consiste en tres colores: verde oliva, coñac y rosado, además de tres diseños maderados: roble santana, fresno humo y canela. Algunos de estos diseños tienen, además, una nueva textura llamada Naturale, que asemeja a la madera natural.

    “Estos lanzamientos forman parte de nuestra permanente búsqueda de innovación en el desarrollo de diseños y productos de estándares de clase mundial, amigables con el medio ambiente, y que están en sintonía con las últimas tendencias en la industria del mueble y arquitectura de interiores del mundo”, comentó Ignacio González, gerente de Marketing de Masisa Andina.

    Uno de los productos más novedosos que se presentó fue Súper MDF uso exterior, un tablero de fibras de madera para uso exterior extremo que cuenta con tecnología Tricoya, líder en procesos de alta duración para madera, que excede la duración y estabilidad de tableros de madera convencionales.

    Para su fabricación se utiliza un proceso de acetilación patentado, que le permite caracterizarse por su durabilidad, estabilidad dimensional y resistentes propiedades, con lo que ofrece nuevas oportunidades y soluciones de uso para arquitectos, diseñadores y la industria de la construcción.
  6. [verwijderd] 19 november 2014 10:12

    Japan to promote use of wood in high-rise buildings

    Japan's Forestry Agency and land ministry announced a roadmap to produce an annual 500,000 cubic meters of cross-laminated timber by fiscal 2024 with the aim of promoting the use of wood in buildings of medium height.
    CLT is multi-layered lumber with excellent strength and heat resistance.

    Through the move, the government hopes to boost demand for lumber and promote Japan's forestry as a growth industry, officials of the agency and ministry said.

    Japan is expected to use the material mainly for buildings with three or four stories. CLT is already used in apartment buildings of up to nine stories in Europe and the United States.

    According to the roadmap, production capacity will be increased from the current 10,000 cubic meters per year to 50,000 by the beginning of fiscal 2016.

    Some 500,000 cubic meters of CLT can be used to build some 4,000 three-story buildings.

    CLT costs more than CONCRETE. However, the government plans to reduce the cost through mass production. It will also encourage the use of the timber by developing related building standards and support model projects.

    Technologies to utilise the material in the flooring and walls of steel-framed housing will also be developed, according to the roadmap.

    ps,zou het niet eens tijd worden dat ome Geert deze Parel gaat ontdekken...
  7. [verwijderd] 19 november 2014 10:48
    Leading the way with Wood Policy

    Latrobe, a town in Victoria, is taking a bold step in its support for wood.

    The Latrobe City Council released a unique draft, “Wood Encouragement Policy.” for community consultation. The policy is the town’s way to express its support in promoting the use of wood as the preferred material.

    "It's created quite a ferment of excitement around Australia across the forestry and forest product industry as it became known that council was considering how it might take forward a Wood Encouragement Policy and it would become the first government in Australia to do so," Australian Forest Products Association chief executive Ross Hampton said.

    "There's lots of councils that have aspirational views about forestry, but Latrobe is a pathfinder for the rest of Australia in having done the hard work in getting a policy onto paper."

    Residents of the town have until December 5 to comment on the policy.

    The policy also involves cost comparisons taking into account the long-term benefits of wood, and where possible, sourcing locally produced wood.

    Mayor Sharon Gibson said trees, wood and fibre provided for 1325 jobs in Latrobe City, either directly or indirectly.

    "Wood is the most environmentally friendly, carbon friendly resource available and we are one of the mainstays of the industry nationally," Councillor Gibson said.

    "This draft policy will allow us to drive hard to attract wood-related development and research into our community."

    Cr Sandy Kam, who initiated the policy in February, said it came after several meetings with industry representatives, during which some issues were identified, but nothing insurmountable.

    "The Wood Encouragement Policy helps us recognise and embrace a resource that is available in our region, it is sustainable, it helps open up new venues that we have not considered in the past," Cr Kam said.

    "During this community consultation we will strive to educate our community about the full potential about what this policy can bring to our region."
  8. [verwijderd] 19 november 2014 10:55
    Italian Builders Say Wood is Cheaper, Safer than Concrete -

    Architects and builders in Italy have been utilizing wood in new construction with developments such as the L’Aquila project, a series of three-story residential apartment buildings, which provided housing for more than 15,000 people in the wake of a massive earthquake in 2009.

    Over the course of five months, building crews were able to construct the seven buildings, each with an approximate 75-day delivery. Paolo Lavisci, Ph.D. Industrial Technology Timber and CEO of Legnopiù srl, says the deciding factors in working with wood as a material in the project were time, quality and cost.

    Lavisci says timber buildings are more ductile and safe in respect to seismic action.

    He also discusses the construction of the Via Cenni Project, a 9-story building in Milan, which utilizes cross-laminated timber throughout its structure, including elevator shafts and staircases.

    “In Italy, the culture of constructing with wood has very old roots,” Lavisci says. “In Florence, for instance, one of the most traditional towns in Italy, the City Council is a salone which was constructed 450 years ago using timber trusses and a timber ceiling. Experience in carpentry was there many years ago and we are just recovering these experiences starting from that and turning it into new designs.”

    je ziet, alhoewel Accsys niet met name genoemd word, de shift naar Eco-bouwen (m.n Wood) over de hele breedte dus ook steeds meer Overheden nemen dit op, en dan maak je me niet wijs dat dit geen vruchten zou kunnen afwerpen voor Accsys Technologies....
  9. [verwijderd] 19 november 2014 11:12
    Evolving timber production and marketing in China

    In tandem with China's economic development and as living standards rise, consumer preferences for quality wood products is growing. In recent years domestic demand for wood products has shifted from low cost to quality. This change has meant manufacturers servicing the domestic market have had to pay more attention to workmanship and appearance.

    Chinese consumers are also becoming more conscious of environmental and conservation issues and there is a growing interest in wood products that reflect cultural values.

    Another change has been with the location of the wood processing enterprises. Many have transferred from the developed and high cost eastern coastal regions to less developed areas in central and western China. The most recent development has been the rapid growth in online sales of wood products.

    Building an image of credibility

    Recently the government has been encouraging enterprises to pay more attention to building an image of „good faith and credibility? in the minds of consumers. The government has adopted a policy on credibility building and this is outlined in a document entitled "Planning the Construction of a Social Credibility System".

    Through this policy efforts will be directed at promote greater credibility in many areas especially business management. The aim is to achieve a high level of self-regulation and credible market mechanism for industry and to cultivate awareness of the benefits of reliable market services.

    As early as 2004, the China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association (CTWPDA) took the lead in setting up a working committee of timber enterprises to design ways to improve credibility in the timber sector and the committee developed a system for credibility evaluation in the timber industry.

    Currently more than 30 large timber processing enterprises have been assessed as AAA after evaluation and have registered with the Ministry of Commerce as „pacesetter? in the wood products industry.

    A decision had been made by the CTWPDA to conduct a survey to assess companies in terms of legality to promote trust and integrity in the eyes of global consumers.

    kansen genoeg...
  10. [verwijderd] 21 november 2014 10:26
    ga ik wat verder in de "toekomst" kijken,de laatste tijd is er weer veel belangstelling voor Nanotechnology en dan met name "nanocellulose", ik vraag me af in hoeverre Acc met Solvay hierin is en dat daarmee ook bedoelt word in hun persbericht, toekomstige projecten,in 2013 is er onderzoek geweest naar acetylation in cellulose,

    1) Acetylation: is beneficial in reducing the moisture absorption of natural fibers. Acetylation of cellulose is one of the best
    methods for modifying the properties of cellulose fibers. To introduce plasticization to cellulosic fibers, acetylation of
    natural fibers is a well-known esterification method. Acetylation is originally applied to wood cellulose to stabilize the
    cell walls against moisture, improving dimensional stability and environmental degradation. Pretreatment of fibers with
    acetic anhydride substitutes the polymer hydroxyl groups of the cell wall with acetyl groups, modifying the properties of
    these polymers so that they become hydrophobic. Homogeneous and heterogeneous acetylations of CNFs of Bacterial Nanocellulose (BNC) are possible by using acetic anhydride in acetic acid. In the case of homogeneous acetylation, the
    partially acetylated molecules immediately partitioned into the acetylating medium as soon as they were sufficiently
    soluble, while in heterogeneous conditions, the cellulose acetate remained insoluble and surrounded the crystalline core of
    unreacted cellulose chains. The simultaneous occurrence of cellulose hydrolysis and acetylation of hydroxyl groups has
    been also reported. Fischer esterification of hydroxyl groups simultaneously with the hydrolysis of amorphous cellulose
    chains has been introduced as a viable one-pot reaction methodology that allows isolation of acetylated CNFs in a singlestep
    process [7]. The degree of acetyl substitution had a crucial influence on material properties. Ifuku et al. found that
    acetylation improved the transparency and reduced the hygroscopicity of BNC/acrylic resin composite materials.
    However, the composites had an optimum degree of substitution and excessive acetylation reduced their properties.
    Acetylation has also been reported to improve the thermal degradation resistance of BNC fibers [2].

    de vraag is interpreteer ik het allemaal goed,misschien iemand hier..

    ps, Nanocellulose word in de toekomst gezien als de vervanger voor IJZER
  11. [verwijderd] 22 januari 2015 09:46
    dat snappen ze nu ook bij "VolkerRail"

    Houten scherm vangt spoorgeluid af

    Den Haag - Een compleet houten geluidsscherm dat het langs spoorwegen zeker vijftig jaar uithoudt en 20 decibel afvangt. De SoundSafe die VolkerRail ontwikkelde heeft inmiddels de zegen van ProRail. Ad Tissink

    Hij staat prominent in hal 1 van het Ahoy-complex. Zo prominent dat je er bijna aan voorbij loopt in de overtuiging dat het om een scheidingsmuur gaat die een kamer of keukentje voor de standhouders van InfraTech aan het oog onttrekt. Maar wie een stap in de stand zet van VolkerRail en Accoya ziet achter de massieve wand met houten onbewerkte houten stijlen plots een stuk rails opdoemen en een foto van een aanstormende trein. De wand blijkt een nieuwe houten geluidswal: SoundSafe.

    Jeroen Nijhof van de spoorbouwer meldt zeker twee jaar mee bezig te zijn geweest met de ontwikkeling van het geluidsscherm. Uitgangspunt was een constructie van accoya-hout, het door acetyleren verduurzaamde hout waaruit al een tijd hele bruggen, woongebouwen en andere zware constructies worden opgetrokken. “Want stalen, glazen en betonnen geluidsschermen hebben zo’n harde uitstraling. Wij wilden een vriendelijke product gemaakt van biobased materialen.”
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