Pieter11 28 november 2015 23:24 auteur info Pieter11 Lid sinds: 19 aug 2014 Laatste bezoek: 22 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 26 Gegeven: 2 Aantal posts: 54 @ Jan Willem, Accsys gaat haar productie verdubbelen dus zal 40.000 m3/jaar erbij komen, deal met Solvay is een minimale afname van 76.000 m3 van 2016 tot 2020 dus over 5 jaar gemiddeld 76.000/5=15.200m3 en is dus een stuk minder dan de uitbreiding van de productie van Accsys. De productie uitbreiding zal dus niet volledig aan Solvay worden verkocht. Verder heb ik nergens vernomen dat er daadwerkelijk een proefinstallatie in gebruik is door Solvay. Als er al een proefinstallatie is, zal deze niet commercieel uit worden gebaat. Ik denk dan ook dat accoya tot nu toe altijd gewoon uit Arnhem vandaan is gekomen. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 29 november 2015 11:52 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Iemand er al eens aan gedacht dat Solvay uiteindelijk Accsys zou kunnen/willen overnemen? 1 grote fabriek in Arnhem is dan efficiënter dan 2 kleinere.. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Jan Willem 29 november 2015 12:09 auteur info Jan Willem Lid sinds: 04 aug 2015 Laatste bezoek: 20 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 240 Gegeven: 148 Aantal posts: 1.479 Bedankt voor je schrijven Pieter11, Ik waardeer je mening zéér en tenslotte zijn we gewoon een forum waarin wij allen een betrekking met de hout veredelaar Accsys hebben . Wel blijf ik erbij dat Solvay het zonder buffer niet gaat redden in 2019, en is het volgens mij ook niet zo dat een mogelijke nieuwe fabriek met diezelfde installaties als Accsys gaat werken, het kan ook zijn dat er al in de productie techniek een veel modernere versie is ontstaan waarmee er bijvoorbeeld nu ook met volledige stammen gewerkt kan worden . Knappe koppen hebben ze heus voldoende bij Solvay . mvg Jan Willem . Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Jan Willem 29 november 2015 12:47 auteur info Jan Willem Lid sinds: 04 aug 2015 Laatste bezoek: 20 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 240 Gegeven: 148 Aantal posts: 1.479 quote:Wouter139 schreef op 29 november 2015 11:52:Iemand er al eens aan gedacht dat Solvay uiteindelijk Accsys zou kunnen/willen overnemen? 1 grote fabriek in Arnhem is dan efficiënter dan 2 kleinere.. Natuurlijk wel Wouter139 . Hier ging het wat vreemd op de vrijdag . Mocht er in de eerste weken een wat rustiger verloop optreden, is het zelfs mogelijk dat een grootaandeelhouder gestopt is met het dumpen van aandelen en verboden praktijken (schoonmaakploeg) Maar ik weet écht niet te vertellen om welke het gaat . mvg Jan Willem . Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 29 november 2015 16:21 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Dat zou natuurlijk zo maar kunnen. Maat wat wat zijn de cijfers morgen? En welke koers krijgen we op de borden? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 30 november 2015 07:48 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Nog niets gevonden. .... Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 30 november 2015 08:17 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Top cijfers!! De update staat op de website Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
gelukzoeker69 30 november 2015 08:23 auteur info gelukzoeker69 Lid sinds: 20 nov 2014 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 27 Gegeven: 35 Aantal posts: 56 ja geweldig eindelijk kunnen we flink upupupup Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Cementwagen 30 november 2015 08:46 auteur info Cementwagen Lid sinds: 19 mrt 2004 Laatste bezoek: 05 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 95 Gegeven: 33 Aantal posts: 1.522 30 November 2015ACCSYS TECHNOLOGIES PLC (“Accsys” or “the Company”)INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2015Accsys, the chemical technology group, focused on the acetylation of wood, today announces interim results for the consolidated group for the six months ended 30 September 2015.AIM: AXS NYSE Euronext Amsterdam: AXSUnaudited sixUnaudited sixmonths ended months endedTotal Group Revenue Gross ProfitUnderlying EBITDA* Underlying loss before tax* Loss before taxPeriod end cash balance30 Sept 2015€26.3m €9.4m €1.3m€(0.1m) €(0.1m) €7.5m30 Sept 2014€21.8m €5.0m €(1.9m) €(3.1m) €(6.2m) €13.5mChange+21%+88% Improved168% Improved97% Improved98%*Underlying EBITDA and loss before tax are stated before exceptional items of €nil (2014: €3.1m) recorded in respect of arbitration relating to the Diamond Wood licence agreement.Highlights? Improved manufacturing margin together with an increase in revenue attributable to licensing and business development activities resulted in first positive EBITDA since restructuring in 2010;? Continued trend of revenue growth in the period, with revenue increasing by 21% to €26.3m;? Manufacturing segment profitability continues to improve, recording EBITDA of €5.0m (2014: €3.1m) as a result of higher prices and improved efficiency; gross manufacturing profit margin increased from 23% to 30%;? Strong balance sheet maintained with cash balance of €7.5m at 30 September 2015;? Cash in-flow from operating activities (before changes in working capital) of €1.8m (2014: out-flow of€0.7m excluding exceptional items) as a result of improvement in profitability;? New agreement with Solvay signed since period end, for licencing, marketing and manufacturing of Accoya, including fees and funding to allow expansion of Accsys manufacturing capacity;? Agreed minimum 76,000m3 off-take commitment from Solvay over next five years; and? Proposed Tricoya consortium negotiations have progressed, with detailed engineering and site feasibilitystudies undertaken.Paul Clegg, Chief Executive commented: “Our latest set of results confirms that our manufacturing process generates increasing returns, giving us greater confidence to progress with our objective of ensuring we maintain a share in new manufacturing capacity. Not only have we seen a significant improvement in profitability in the period, but a number of important strategic steps have been taken in respect of the proposed formation of the new Tricoya consortium and the relationship with Solvay, enabling us to ensure that the ever-increasing demand for our products can be met in the future.” Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Cementwagen 30 november 2015 08:47 auteur info Cementwagen Lid sinds: 19 mrt 2004 Laatste bezoek: 05 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 95 Gegeven: 33 Aantal posts: 1.522 Ziet er goed uit allemaal. Ben benieuwd naar de conference call. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Cementwagen 30 november 2015 08:48 auteur info Cementwagen Lid sinds: 19 mrt 2004 Laatste bezoek: 05 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 95 Gegeven: 33 Aantal posts: 1.522 Chairman’s statementOverviewIt is encouraging to be presenting the first set of results that are EBITDA positive since our restructuring in 2010. Accsys continues to make incremental improvements in manufacturing profitability which has been achieved through margin management. We are also seeing significant strategic developments as we exploit the opportunity that exists for our products and technologies.Revenue increased by 21% to €26.3m in the period reflecting increased prices and an increase in revenue attributable to our licencing and business development activities. Sales volumes were relatively flat as some distributors managed their inventories following price increases that we implemented to improve our profitability and to help manage our capacity utilisation. The increase in prices contributed to the significant improvement in profitability giving rise to a positive EBITDA of €1.3m (2014: €1.9m loss).Improved prices and an on-going focus on operating efficiencies resulted in an improvement in gross manufacturing profit margin which increased from 23% to 30% and with manufacturing segment EBITDA increasing by 62% to €5.0m. The manufacturing profitability continues to indicate the returns which we believe are achievable when producing greater volumes.Our balance sheet remains strong, with a cash balance of €7.5m as at 30 September 2015 (€10.8m as at 31 March 2015). Underlying cash flows from operating activities before changes in working capital improved from a €0.7m out-flow to a €1.8m in-flow with the decrease in cash in the period attributable to an increase in working capital of €3.1m. This included a notable build-up of inventories ahead of our scheduled annual maintenance stop in October such that we expect cash-flow to benefit from a reduction in working capital in the second half of the financial year.We recently announced a new agreement with Solvay Acetow Gmbh (“Solvay”), to refine the relationship between the two parties for the licensing, marketing and manufacturing of Accoya®. This new agreement provides the framework and funding for a significant increase in the manufacturing capacity at our plant in Arnhem.The enhanced relationship with Solvay will benefit both parties, with the increased manufacturing capacity and resulting sales expected to be achieved for Accoya in a faster timescale than would otherwise have been possible.A combination of loans and fees from Solvay, in addition to those due under a new offtake commitment, will fund the majority of the initial increase in manufacturing capacity at Arnhem, with the balance to be met by Accsys’ own resources, including the possible sale and leaseback of land at Arnhem.Following the acquisition of the remaining 50% in Tricoya Technologies Limited (‘TTL’) in March 2015, and the agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding with a large international chemical group (the ‘Chemical Group’) we have continued to progress towards the creation of a new consortium to fund, build and operate the world’s first Tricoya® acetylation plant. In addition to detailed negotiations with the proposed consortium partners, which also include Medite, we have completed the Front End Engineering and Design (‘FEED’) study necessary to progress to the construction stage. Detailed discussions continue between the parties with an intention of finalising the consortium ahead of the plant becoming operational by 2018 however further work is expected to be jointly funded before final consortium agreements are put in place.?3Chairman’s statement OutlookThe progress made with our key partners and the improvement in profitability represent significant developments for the Company as we continue towards our ambition of maximising the value associated with our technologies.In the immediate term we will continue to carefully manage the increasing demand for Accoya prior to additional capacity coming on stream in 2017, such that we expect revenue to continue to grow but at a smaller rate than that recorded in previous financial years.The new agreement with Solvay is particularly exciting and marks a significant step in the evolution of Accsys. It will enable us to significantly increase manufacturing capacity and to continue to develop markets on a global scale, whilst allowing us to take advantage of new opportunities and generate substantial group profits as production is ramped up.I am pleased with the progress being made in forming the proposed new Tricoya consortium and I am hopeful that the progress and efforts made by all of the proposed consortium partners will culminate in the new plant, further increasing manufacturing profits for the benefit of Accsys shareholders.Overall, I remain confident that we are in a strong position to continue our transition into a sustainable and profitable group focussed on commercialising our technologies through a balance of our own manufacturing capability and ongoing cooperation with strong industry partners.Patrick Shanley Chairman27 November 2015 Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Buts 30 november 2015 08:49 auteur info Buts Lid sinds: 04 jun 2012 Laatste bezoek: 22 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 269 Gegeven: 29 Aantal posts: 6.324 quote:gelukzoeker69 schreef op 30 november 2015 08:23:ja geweldig eindelijk kunnen we flink upupupupDat moeten we maar afw8en of dat gebeurd!! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Cementwagen 30 november 2015 08:58 auteur info Cementwagen Lid sinds: 19 mrt 2004 Laatste bezoek: 05 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 95 Gegeven: 33 Aantal posts: 1.522 Chief Executive’s statementSolvay and new manufacturing capacity in ArnhemWe recently announced details of a new agreement with Solvay Acetow Gmbh (“Solvay”), to refine the relationship between the two parties for the licensing, marketing and manufacturing of Accoya®. This new agreement provides the framework and funding for a significant increase in the manufacturing capacity in Arnhem.Solvay will purchase a minimum 76,000m3 of Accoya from the Arnhem plant over the period from 2016 to 2020 (the “offtake commitment”) and as a result of the increased manufacturing capacity in Arnhem and consequent greater sales capacity, under the new agreement Solvay will review the optimal timing to construct its 63,000 m3 Accoya manufacturing plant.The enhanced relationship with Solvay will benefit both parties, with the increased manufacturing capacity and resulting sales expected to be achieved for Accoya in a faster timescale than would otherwise have been possible.Accsys will double the existing manufacturing capacity at its Arnhem site in stages, up to 80,000m3 per annum from 40,000m3. The initial incremental 20,000m3 capacity is expected to come on stream in mid-2017.The licence agreement covering Europe has been amended to provide increased royalties to Accsys and the return to Accsys of the selling rights for more than 20 European countries.Accsys will provide sales and marketing services to Solvay on agreed terms in respect of Solvay’s exclusive European territories.A combination of loans and fees from Solvay, in addition to those due under the offtake commitment, will fund the majority of the initial increase in manufacturing capacity at Arnhem, with the balance to be met by Accsys’ own resources, including the possible sale and leaseback of land at Arnhem.These agreements allow the market development of Accoya to continue and optimise the roll out of manufacturing capacity under its partnering program with Solvay, increasing the certainty of supply for Accoya customers and users. It also enables Accsys to continue to develop global markets effectively, building on the expertise that it has developed over the last few years.Tricoya® Technologies Limited (‘TTL’)In March 2015 we announced our intention to form a consortium to fund, construct and then operate the world’s first Tricoya® chip acetylation plant, following Accsys’s acquisition of the remaining 50% share in TTL from our former joint venture partner, Ineos.Since then, we have progressed detailed discussions with the proposed consortium partners, being the Chemical Group, with whom we signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in March 2015, and Medite, TTL’s joint development partner since 2009. A site feasibility study has been undertaken to determine that the proposed plant can be located on one of the Chemical Group’s existing production sites, which is expected to provide significant operational and construction benefits to the consortium.TTL engaged an engineering house to complete the Front End Engineering and Design study which will enable the next stage of detailed design and construction to commence, immediately after the consortium is formally put in place.During this period, Medite Tricoya® has continued to be manufactured using Accoya sold by Accsys to Medite using a temporary process, pending construction of the dedicated Tricoya plant. However this has enabled sales of Medite Tricoya to grow, with sales volumes of Medite Tricoya panels increasing by 14% in the calendar year to October .Masisa, TTL’s licence option holder in Latin America, has also continued to progress its market development activities, with Masisa Tricoya XB being specified in an increasing number of projects.?6Accsys Technologies PLC Chief Executive’s statement Intellectual propertyAccsys has considerably increased its number of patent applications in the recent period by expanding its patent families to 22, including those relating to Tricoya®. Applications filed now number 191, filed in 43 countries. To date 42 patents have been granted in various countries throughout the world.Our principal trademark portfolio remains unchanged with our brands Accoya®, Tricoya®, the Trimarque device and Accsys®, including transliterations in Arabic, Chinese and Japanese, protected by registration in 56 countries. The Company’s patents and trademarks cover the products we and our distributors and licensees sell, and the processes by which these products are made, throughout the world.In addition to Accsys’s extensive patent and trade-mark portfolio, the Company continues to invest in the generation and protection of valuable know-how and confidential information relating to its products and processes, protected by way of confidentiality protocols and contractual agreements.OutlookWe are pleased to be able to cement our relationship with Solvay to expand our Accoya manufacturing capacity and Solvay’s commitment to purchase significant volumes from Accsys over the coming years. This is an exciting step in the development of our business and is further evidence of the execution of our strategy to maximise returns from our technology platform and our innovative products.The proposed consortium with the Chemical Group and Medite, for the funding, construction and operation of the first Tricoya® chip acetylation plant is progressing well and I remain confident that Tricoya® remains a substantial and exciting opportunity for us.Both developments represent a way for Accsys to participate directly in the manufacture of higher volumes of our products than we have previously envisaged. I believe this model, where we seek to obtain a greater share of manufacturing margins while continuing to work with strong industry partners through licensing and joint venture activities puts us in a strong position to be able to grow shareholder value.In the immediate future, we will continue to carefully manage operations to ensure optimal management of our existing manufacturing capacity, working capital and costs such that we maintain sufficient resources to meet the demands of the next exciting period of our development.Paul CleggChief Executive27 November 2015 Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Cementwagen 30 november 2015 09:00 auteur info Cementwagen Lid sinds: 19 mrt 2004 Laatste bezoek: 05 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 95 Gegeven: 33 Aantal posts: 1.522 Denk dat het heel belangrijk is dat er nu sprake is van cash in-flow van 1,8 miljoen Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
pardon 30 november 2015 09:17 auteur info pardon Lid sinds: 19 jan 2004 Laatste bezoek: 12 sep 2022 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1387 Gegeven: 2812 Aantal posts: 16.824 quote:gelukzoeker69 schreef op 30 november 2015 08:23:ja geweldig eindelijk kunnen we flink upupupupJe bent wel een gelukszoeker,maar upupup heb je nog niet gevonden. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
pardon 30 november 2015 09:18 auteur info pardon Lid sinds: 19 jan 2004 Laatste bezoek: 12 sep 2022 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 1387 Gegeven: 2812 Aantal posts: 16.824 Een vijfde meer omzet voor AccsysGepubliceerd op 30 nov 2015 om 08:39 |Accsys 27 nov0,99 0,00 (0,00%)AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Houtveredelaar Accsys heeft in de zes maanden tot en met eind september een omzet behaald van 26,3 miljoen euro. Dat is ruim een vijfde meer dan in dezelfde periode vorig jaar. De brutowinst verdubbelde bijna tot 9,4 miljoen euro, meldde de onderneming maandag.Het onderliggend bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) kwam uit op 1,3 miljoen euro, tegen 1,9 miljoen euro negatief een jaar eerder. Accsys boekte nog wel een klein verlies voor belastingen, van 0,1 miljoen euro. Een jaar eerder kwam het tekort nog uit op 6,2 miljoen euro.- See more at: www.debeurs.nl/Beursnieuws/ANP-301115... Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Cementwagen 30 november 2015 09:19 auteur info Cementwagen Lid sinds: 19 mrt 2004 Laatste bezoek: 05 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 95 Gegeven: 33 Aantal posts: 1.522 Accsys behaalt hogere omzet AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Accsys Technologies plc (AXS.LN) heeft de afgelopen zes maanden de omzet zien stijgen en wist het resultaat te verbeteren, onder meer dankzij hogere licentie-inkomsten.De omzet over het eerste halfjaar van het gebroken boekjaar nam toe tot EUR26,3 miljoen van EUR21,8 miljoen een jaar terug. De onderliggende winst voor rente, belasting, afschrijving en amortisatie (EBITDA) verbeterde tot EUR1,3 miljoen positief van EUR1,9 miljoen negatief een jaar terug.Een verbetering van de marge en een toename van de inkomsten uit licenties resulteerden in de eerste positieve EBITDA sinds 2010, aldus Accsys. Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones.com (END) Dow Jones NewswiresNovember 30, 2015 03:08 ET (08:08 GMT)*Binck is niet aansprakelijk voor informatie verschaft door derden Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Cementwagen 30 november 2015 09:21 auteur info Cementwagen Lid sinds: 19 mrt 2004 Laatste bezoek: 05 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 95 Gegeven: 33 Aantal posts: 1.522 Heb nog niets gevonden over Diamond Wood, wellicht bij de conference call. De cijfers en toelichting zien er bemoedigend uit. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 30 november 2015 09:30 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:Cementwagen schreef op 30 november 2015 09:21:Heb nog niets gevonden over Diamond Wood, wellicht bij de conference call. De cijfers en toelichting zien er bemoedigend uit. alleen dat ze daar nog niet veel afzet hebben,lees orders, van DW,maar overall zeer mooi,going up to the next level... Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 30 november 2015 10:01 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Wow, goede cijfers en goede outlook. Ben benieuwd wat de koers gaat doen als london dadelijk opengaat. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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