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  1. [verwijderd] 29 november 2011 05:08
    Rio's bid for Hathor gets boost after Cameco drops offer
    BY: JUDY MCKINNON From: Dow Jones Newswires November 29, 2011 8:07AM
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    CAMECO is dropping its hostile pursuit of Hathor Exploration, clearing the way for Rio Tinto's planned $C654 million takeover of the Vancouver uranium company.

    Cameco and mining giant Rio have been battling it out for Hathor, owner of one of the world's largest undeveloped uranium deposits. The ball was returned to Cameco's court earlier this month when Rio Tinto sweetened its latest offer to $C4.70 a share, topping a $C4.50-a-share offer from Cameco.
  2. [verwijderd] 29 december 2011 01:28
    CHINESE-controlled uranium explorer Energy Metals has signed its first local uranium trading contract, agreeing to export third-party uranium from Adelaide to its parent company in Shanghai.

    The Australian-listed Energy Metals is 60 per cent owned by China Guangdong Nuclear Power Co, which is one of two Chinese companies authorised to import and export uranium in China and which is also a potential suitor for Namibian-focused Extract Resources.

    The Perth-based junior would not reveal the seller of the $8 million trial shipment of uranium concentrate, which is thought to be the first deal of its type in Australia.

    Under the binding deal, 150,000 pounds (68 tonnes) of uranium oxide concentrate will be sent to Shanghai, leaving no later than April 30, 2012, at a sale price of $53 a pound, which is roughly in line with current spot prices.
  3. [verwijderd] 15 januari 2012 21:51
    RIO Tinto has taken complete ownership of Canadian uranium company Hathor Exploration.

    Rio announced yesterday that it had compulsorily acquired the remaining 7.9 million shares not offered voluntarily after it had made a $C654 million ($623m) takeover bid in October.

    Hathor, which is based near western Canada's Athabasca Basin, supplies about a fifth of the world's uranium.

    Rio Tinto employs more than 13,000 people in Canada in alumina, aluminium, iron ore, diamond and titanium dioxide operations.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 26 januari 2012 16:28
    Uranium supply crunch by 2016 - Nuclear expert

    A nuclear expert gave uranium supply 3 more years at most before it seriously falls behind demand from the nuclear power industry.

    Mr Thomas Drolet president of Drolet & Associates Energy Services during a presentation at Cambridge House's Vancouver Resource Investment conference said that "2016, We have to have supply in the market or the lights will gradually go out in the nuclear system. A uranium supply crunch is widely anticipated to hit the nuclear industry starting next year as Cold War era sources of uranium dry up.”

    To illustrate the severity of the shortage that the nuclear industry faces, Mr Drolet highlighted 2010 uranium production from mining 118 million pounds versus consumption 190 million pounds.

    Mr Drolet said that "You can do the delta difference yourself referring to how much of a supply gap miners will have to make up for in coming years. That uranium is "going to have to come from somewhere."

    Mr Drolet argued that only delayed the onset of the coming pinch on uranium supply. But even in his downside analysis the uranium deficit still comes by 2015.

    While Japan has idled most of its 50 nuclear reactors in the wake of Fukushima, Mr Drolet wagered that the country would have no choice but to bring online at least 30 of the reactors or suffer brutal economic consequences. If it did not do so industry in Japan would start to fail.

    (Sourced from

  5. sappas 30 november 2012 22:59
    Volgend jaar zou de prijs van uranium wel eens flink kunnen gaan stijgen.

    Zie ook:

    Een van de juniormijntjes in Canada is PTU, voor de ramp in Japan stond de koers op 0,76 en nu momenteel op 0,055



  6. sappas 4 januari 2013 20:28

    sappas schreef:

    Volgend jaar zou de prijs van uranium wel eens flink kunnen gaan stijgen.

    Zie ook:

    Een van de juniormijntjes in Canada is PTU, voor de ramp in Japan stond de koers op 0,76 en nu momenteel op 0,055



    De koers van PTU staat nu op 0,09.


  7. sappas 18 januari 2013 18:40
    PTU stijgt gestaag met een leuk volume.
    Nu 0,12 met een volume van 297,52k.

    Voor de crisis in Japan stond de koers boven de 0,70 en verwachtte men een stijging richting de 1 dollar.


  8. sappas 17 mei 2013 17:46
    Marin Katusa: Time to Invest in Uranium
    Tuesday May 14, 2013, 4:45am PDT

    By Vivien Diniz - Exclusive to Uranium Investing News



  9. sappas 25 februari 2014 22:14

    sappas schreef op 18 januari 2013 18:40:

    PTU stijgt gestaag met een leuk volume.
    Nu 0,12 met een volume van 297,52k.

    Voor de crisis in Japan stond de koers boven de 0,70 en verwachtte men een stijging richting de 1 dollar.


    PTU was afgezakt richting 0,05.

    De laatste weken is uranium weer hot.

    Vandaag is PTU gestegen met 24% tot 0,13 met een volume van 800k.


  10. Pingu 9 maart 2014 15:38
    Dag lezers,

    Ik heb mij de afgelopen dagen stevig ingelezen in het onderwerp 'uranium'.

    Als we kijken naar de potentie, dan is die naar mijn mening zeer groot

    De daling van uranium-aandelen sinds Fukushima is enorm(soms tot wel 80%-90%), met inmiddels een rebound van ongeveer 50%.

    De grote spelers Cameco en Areva zijn de meest constante spelers, waarbij Cameco beschikt over mijnen in Canada die een zeer hoge graad hebben (14-16% gemiddeld). Het wereldgemiddelde ligt rond de 2%.

    Kleinere uranium aandelen als Denison en Purepoint Uranium Group bieden wellicht kansen.

    Hoe zijn jullie meningen over uranium?
  11. Ghostly 14 maart 2014 11:06

    Japan gaat beginnen met het opstarten van kerncentrales tevens worden er wereldwijd een hoop bijgebouwd

    Denk aan
    zie de grafieken van voor de ramp en nu.

    Zit hier reeds vanaf midden 2012 in en geregeld plukjes bijgekocht.

    Global uranium demand will probably rise by 48 percent by 2023, according to the World Nuclear Association. Sixty-eight reactors are under construction, including 28 in China, 10 in Russia, seven in India and five in South Korea, according to the WNA. About 435 reactors around the world with a combined capacity of more than 370 gigawatts already consume about 78,000 tons of uranium concentrate annually, the association said.

  12. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 9 mei 2014 18:07
    Een prachtkans om (bij) te kopen
    Geschreven door Jack Hoogland

    De uraniumprijs is afgelopen maand weer gedaald. En daarmee uiteraard ook de aandelen uit ons uranium-rapport.

    Forse koersdaling
    Eén aandeel is zelfs fors in koers gedaald. Dit omdat de CEO van dit bedrijf heeft besloten dat hij geen zin heeft om nog langer uranium onder de kostprijs te blijven verkopen. Dan maar even geen omzet. Wij houden het wel uit. Zo luidde de boodschap.

    Vind ik een zéér verstandige beslissing. Andere beleggers schoten blijkbaar gelijk in de stress en verkochten hun aandelen. Vervelend!

    Tijdelijk vervelend. Maar ook een prachtkans!
    Het paradoxale is dat ik u vorige maand nog de harde feiten gaf, waaruit blijkt dat de voorwaarden voor een forse, jarenlange stijging van de uraniumprijs nu nóg sterker zijn dan een half jaar geleden.

    Maar de beurs is altijd paradoxaal. En daarom is deze daling van de uraniumprijs slechts tijdelijk vervelend. En voor beleggers die zich op de feiten blijven richten een prachtige kans om bij te kopen.

    Ik ga vandaag zelf een behoorlijke portie aandelen bijkopen!

    Denk aan de uitspraak van grondstofgoeroe Rick Rule bovenaan deze nieuwsbrief. Want dat is de harde, onontkoombare realiteit!

    Laatste kans
    We zitten nu écht zo ongeveer op de bodem voor wat betreft de uraniumprijs. En dus is juist nu het winstpotentieel het allergrootst.

    Tegelijk hebt u deze week voor het laatst de kans om van deze unieke situatie te profiteren. We gaan de inschrijving zeer binnenkort sluiten.

  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 mei 2014 15:46

    US utilities purchase 57Mlbs uranium in 2013
    13 May 2014 by Caroline Peachey

    Uranium purchased by owners and operators of U.S. civilian nuclear power reactors by origin and delivery year, 2009-2013 (thousands of pounds)

    Owners and operators of US civilian nuclear power reactors purchased a total of 57.4 million pounds U3O8 equivalent from US suppliers and foreign suppliers during 2013, a weighted-average price of $51.99 per pound U3O8e, according to new figures released by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).

    The quantity of uranium delivered fell slightly from 57.5 million pounds U3O8 in 2012. The weighted-average price also decreased by 5% from $54.99 per pound U3O8e in 2012.

    Deliveries in 2013 comprised uranium concentrate (55%) natural UF6 (33%) and enriched UF6 (12%), EIA reports.

    The majority of uranium delivered was from foreign suppliers, with just 17% of the 57 million pounds U3O8e delivered in 2013 originating in the United States. EIA reported that a total of 9.484 million pounds of US-origin U3O8e was delivered to US owner-operators in 2013, at a weighted-average price of $56.37 per pound.

    Foreign-origin uranium accounted for 83% of deliveries to US civilian owner/operators in 2013, at weighted-average price of $51.13 per pound. Uranium originating in Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan accounted for 35% of total US deliveries in 2013. Australian-origin and Canadian-origin uranium together accounted for 32%. The remaining foreign-owned uranium delivered to US nuclear power plant owners in 2013 came from Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Malawi, Namibia, Niger, Portugal, and South Africa.
    "Foreign-origin uranium accounted for 83% of deliveries to US civilian owner/operators in 2013, at weighted-average price of $51.13 per pound."

    Deliveries from Russia increased year-on-year, with 10.58 million pounds U3O8e delivered in 2013, up from 7.643 million pounds in 2012. The amount of Canadian-origin uranium delivered to US owner-operators fell significantly from 13.584 million pounds in 2012 to 7.808 million pounds in 2013, according to EIA figures.

    EIA said that during 2013, 20% of the uranium was purchased under spot contracts at a weighted-average price of $43.83 per pound, with the remaining 80% purchased under long-term contracts at a weighted-average price of $54.00 per pound.

    EIA also reported that uranium in fuel assemblies loaded into US civilian nuclear power reactors during 2013 contained 43 million pounds U3O8e, compared with 49 million pounds U3O8e loaded during 2012. Eight percent of the uranium loaded during 2013 was US-origin uranium, and 92% was foreign-origin uranium, EIA said.

    US inventories increase by 16%
    Commercial uranium inventories owned by nuclear power plant owners/operators totalled 113 million pounds U3O8e at the end of 2013, an increase of 16% from year-end 2012, according to EIA.

    Uranium inventories owned by US brokers and traders stood at 8 million pounds U3O8e, while US converter, enrichers, fabricators and producers owned 13 million pounds U3O8e of inventories at the end of 2013.

    More details and statistics can be found in EIA's 2013 Uranium Marketing Annual Report
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 mei 2014 16:54
    Athabasca: More Land, More Uranium, More Profit
    Declan Resources to Leave Other Juniors Behind by Q4 2014
    May 15, 2014 12:58 | Source: Declan Resources

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 15, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nuclear power generation is approximately 12% of total world generation. There are currently 434 operable reactors in the world in over 30 countries (including 50 in Japan) with an additional 71 reactors under construction, 173 planned and 314 proposed.

    The overall demand for uranium to feed those reactors in 2013 was ~170m pounds. However, uranium, as a commodity, has under-performed for the last 10 years.

    There are two major reasons for this. First, the Russian Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Agreement to use old missile fuel to feed reactors was extended to 2014, adding 24m pounds per year to supply. Second, the events at Fukushima in Japan led to 50 reactors being taken offline and approximately 12% of fuel demand being pushed onto the market as supply.

    There are three major events that occurred or will occur in 2014 that will radically alter the current paradigm. First, Japan is restarting its reactors. Japan's rapid switch to gas, post Fukushima, has destroyed its balance of payments and is bankrupting the government as it is paying $14 per Mcf for gas. In February the Japanese government issued a draft energy plan that categorically stated that uranium will be a part of their future. Three reactors are expected go back online by year end at the latest, with at least 28 more coming back online over the next 3 years. Second, HEU is officially over with 24m pounds of supply from decommissioned warheads disappearing with no plans to be replaced. Third, there are 71 reactors under construction, following decades of inactivity, which will increase uranium demand by 4% every year until 2020.

    Uranium investors over the last five years have been seriously disappointed with the plunging prices. Over the next year, that should change as the pendulum of demand and supply swings from oversupply to deficit. The negative sentiment in both mining and uranium has combined to create a situation where traditional mining investing institutions are ignoring the uranium world right as a result of the historic losses in the sector. It is likely they will not 'buy back-in' until the price has recovered. Interestingly, the average price most analysts are using is $65 a pound compared to the 'current' price of $30. Analysts have also identified a supply deficit in 2016, which could mean prices potentially skyrocket past $65.

    To gain exposure to uranium, investors should be in the place most likely to recover first when the prices do change. Arguably, that would be in Canada's Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, responsible for 15% percent of global production and the highest grades in the world. Average grades of 1-15%, vs. the global average grade of 0.2-0.3%. Investors should as well look to management with a track record of creating significant shareholder value. Also junior exploration uranium plays are more exposed to the long-term positive fundamentals of the uranium market driven by strong Chinese demand and the continued deferral of production on the supply side.

    The company that checks all those boxes is Declan Resources (TSX-V:LAN). In 2011 Fission paid back handsomely despite a declining uranium market. Declan could well do the same.

    To explain how Declan will do that, investors need to understand a bit about its model. It's a prospect generator in the uranium space. A Prospect Generator is a team of people who exhibit substantial geological, political and/or commercial expertise in a given value proposition (like uranium in the Athabasca, or Gold in West Africa), and target geological concepts and targets rather than projects.

    Rather than financing and drilling those targets themselves, they farm in or bring in JV partners to finance the drilling. Exploration is really a knowledge business and a risky one at that. Project generators maintain an interest in the knowledge base by farming out an interest in the project base.
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 22 september 2014 01:19
    Below, for your information, is an article from Bloomberg News entitled 'Uranium Enters Bull Market Amid Russian Sanctions, Strike'.

    A link to the article can be found here.

    Uranium Enters Bull Market Amid Russian Sanctions, Strike

    By Ben Sharples and Heesu Lee Sep 16, 2014 1:24 AM PT

    Uranium entered a bull market amid new sanctions against Russia over its conflict with Ukraine and a labor strike at the world's biggest mine in Canada.
    The atomic fuel has advanced 21 percent in New York from a May 20 low of $28 a pound, according to data from Ux Consulting Co. in Roswell, Georgia, which provides research on the nuclear industry. Prices closed 1.8 percent higher at $34 yesterday and have averaged $31.87 in 2014.
    The U.S. and European Union stepped up their sanctions last week on Russia, which provides enrichment services to western utilities, stoking concern the Ukraine crisis may deepen. In Canada, the United Steelworkers union said Sept. 12 that it had reached a "tentative" agreement withCameco (CCO) Corp. to end a two-week strike at McArthur River.
    "The market may need some more time to digest the recent announcements about McArthur River and additional Russian sanctions to determine any additional impacts on price," Ux Consulting said in a note dated Sept. 15.
    Uranium declined as much as 60 percent since March 2011 when an earthquake and tsunami caused the meltdown of Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant and led to the shutdown ofJapan's nuclear fleet. The nation is seeking to restart reactors as it conducts safety checks, while producers from Kazakhstan to Australia cancel projects and close mines.

    Russian Sanctions
    The U.S. on Sept. 12 expanded sanctions against Russia to include OAO Sberbank, the country's largest bank, because of the fighting in eastern Ukraine. The EU added 15 companies such as Gazprom Neft and OAO Rosneft, and 24 people to its own list of those affected by its restrictions.

    In Canada, voting on Cameco's new labor agreement will happen once workers are back on the job, the United Steelworkers said Sept. 12. The Saskatoon, Saskatchewan-based producer said Aug. 27 it had started shutting down the mine after receiving a strike notice from the union.

    An agreement to end the strike will be negative for the uranium sector, Rob Chang, the head of metals and mining at Cantor Fitzgerald in Toronto, said in a Sept. 12 note. The brief shutdown may affect about 900,000 pounds of supply, he said.

    Uranium prices may average $32.50 a pound during the fourth quarter, according to the median estimate of five banks compiled by Bloomberg since May.
  16. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 29 september 2014 17:25
    Globe and Mail Article today on Uranium Plays
    Time to buy uranium? The best ways to play it...

    Brenda Bouw

    Special to The Globe and Mail

    Last updated
    Sunday, Sep. 28 2014, 4:38 PM EDT

    Patience could finally start to pay off for investors waiting for a revival of the uranium market that imploded in the aftermath of Japan’s nuclear disaster in 2011.

    After the spot price hit a nine-year low of $28 (U.S.) this spring on oversupply concerns, dragging uranium equities down with it, many investors believe the commodity used to fuel nuclear power plants has finally hit bottom, as the demand picture brightens.
    The price has risen about 30 per cent in recent weeks, to $36.50, driven by additional U.S. and European sanctions against Russia, a major uranium supplier, in its conflict with Ukraine. That threatens to put pressure on the global uranium supply, alongside a recent two-week strike at Cameco Corp.’s McArthur River and Key Lake operations in Saskatchewan.

    Meantime, Japan is readying the restart of its nuclear program, while China continues its aggressive nuclear plant build-out as part of its strategy to cut pollution by developing cleaner energy sources.

    “I think the worst is behind us in the uranium space,” said BMO Nesbitt Burns analyst Edward Sterck.

    While he doesn’t expect a big rally in uranium and is neutral on the overall sector right now, Mr. Sterck sees investors slowly returning to the space.

    Some stocks to consider include Saskatoon-based Cameco, the largest publicly listed producer, and Uranium Participation Corp., which invests in the uranium concentrate known as U3O8.

    Among 16 analysts that cover Cameco, six have a “buy” on it and 10 recommend it as a “hold,” according to S&P Capital IQ.

    Dundee Capital Markets analyst David Talbot has a “hold” on Cameco, calling it “fairly valued.” He cites risks such as delays at its Cigar Lake project and a tax battle it’s having with Canada Revenue Agency related to its Switzerland-based subsidiary.

    Mr. Talbot has “buy” on a handful of other uranium stocks such as Uranium Participation, for its pure exposure to the commodity, and developer Denison Mines Corp., a potential takeover target.

    “There is value in a lot of these stocks that is not being represented in their share prices,” he said. “Off the bottom, there is some money to be made.”

    Both Cameco and Denison are down more than 20 per cent over the past six months, as is the Global X Uranium ETF, which holds a basket of uranium stocks.

    While the uranium price is rising, it’s still far from around $70 where it sat prior to March, 2011, when the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan melted down, triggered by an earthquake and tsunami. Japan eventually shut down all of its reactors amid safety concerns. Other countries, such as Germany, have turned against nuclear power since Fukushima.

    While concerns among investors appear to be waning, some aren’t ready to buy into the sector.

    Robert Sneddon, president and portfolio manager at CastleMoore Inc., doesn’t own uranium stocks in his funds and says he is neutral on the sector right now.

    For investors who do want to get in, he suggests Cameco because it’s the market leader. The Global X ETF is an option for investors looking to play a handful of companies, although Mr. Sneddon notes Cameco accounts for nearly a quarter of that fund. He said investors may be better off buying the stock, thus avoiding Global X ETF’s management fee of 0.69 per cent.

    John Stephenson, chief executive at Stephenson & Co. Capital Management, owns Cameco in his funds for its size in the recovering market and its dividend, which yields about 2 per cent. He believes the uranium market has stabilized, but that growth will be slow.

    “You don’t have to move fast on this one,” he said. “It’s a long-term play.”

    Disclosure: The author owns the Global X Uranium ETF.

  17. pro-zen 30 september 2014 16:52
    Die Global X heb ik onlangs ook aangeschaft.. nu maar wachten want kan nog wel ff duren volgens deze tekst :) Anyhow, als je zoekt op internet zijn meerdere critici er wel over uit dat de uraniumprijs een fikse inhaalslag gaat maken.. we zullen zien
  18. pro-zen 4 oktober 2014 19:49
    24 september uit het technisch weekblad

    Bij maximale productie van alle uraniummijnen wordt er tot 2023 genoeg uranium uit de grond gehaald om te voldoen aan de vraag.

    De ervaring leert echter dat de productie hooguit 85 % van het maximum bedraagt; daarom zijn nieuwe uraniummijnen nodig. Omdat het lang duurt voor nieuwe uraniummijnen in productie genomen kunnen worden, dreigt er over tien jaar een tekort aan uranium als de nucleaire renaissance doorzet. Dat stelt het Nucleaire Energie Agentschap (NEA) te Parijs in het rapport Uranium 2014: Resources, Production and Demand.

    De behoefte aan uranium hangt af van het aantal werkzame kerncentrales. In het rapport gaat het NEA uit van een stijging van het kernenergievermogen van 372 GW nu naar 400 tot 680 GW in 2035. De vraag van uranium neemt dan toe van 60.000 ton nu naar 72.000 tot 122.000 ton in 2035.

    De huidige uraniumproductie van 59.000 ton komt vooral uit Kazachstan (36 %), Canada (15 %) en Australië (12 %). De productie is nu al lager dan de vraag, maar hoger dan de afgelopen jaren het geval was. In 2010 was de uraniumproductie bijvoorbeeld 60 % van de vraag. De rest kwam vooral van uranium uit afgedankte kernkoppen, maar daar is men nu vrijwel doorheen.

    De vraag was vier jaar geleden overigens nog 66.500 ton, maar is nu gedaald door de definitieve sluiting van kerncentrales in Duitsland en de stilstand van alle kerncentrales in Japan na het ongeluk in Fukushima. De uraniumprijs daalde daardoor aanzienlijk en mijnbouwbedrijven stopten uitbreidingsinvesteringen, met als gevolg dat er op termijn tekorten optreden bij sterke groei van de vraag.

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