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  1. forum rang 10 voda 11 oktober 2013 16:06
    Kumba and ArcelorMittal South Africa start supply talks

    Anglo American Plc’s Kumba Iron Ore unit and ArcelorMittal South Africa Limited the continent’s biggest steelmaker known as AMSA said they’re in talks to secure a permanent deal for delivery of the raw material.

    Kumba in December agreed to 1 year deal with AMSA to supply as much as 4.8 million tonnes of iron ore from its Sishen mine, Africa’s largest iron ore operation, to the local unit of the world’s biggest steel producer at an average price of USD 65 per tonne. The arrangement ends on December 31st 2013.

    AMSA, based in Vanderbijlpark, 70 kilometers (44 miles) south of Johannesburg, said that “Discussions are under way on the possibility of a new supply agreement for iron ore from Kumba’s mines, including Sishen and Thabazimbi.”

    Kumba in March 2010 canceled a 2001 agreement to supply AMSA with 6.25 million tons of ore a year at cost plus three percentage points from Sishen after the steelmaker’s partial mining right over the operation expired the previous year. They delayed arbitration until court proceedings over the right are concluded.

    South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal in March dismissed an appeal by the state and Imperial Crown Trading 289 (Pty) Ltd. to have rights to the complex reinstated. A former shareholder of ICT, Jagdish Parekh, was a business associate of President Jacob Zuma’s son, Duduzane. The case continues in the Constitutional Court. Duduzane Zuma is not a shareholder in ICT.

    Source – Bloomberg
  2. forum rang 10 voda 12 oktober 2013 16:37
    US Weekly raw steel production update

    In the week ending October 5, 2013, domestic raw steel production was 1,873,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 78.2%. Production was 1,709,000 net tons in the week ending October 5, 2012, while the capability utilization then was 68.7%. The current week production represents a 9.6% increase from the same period in the previous year.

    Production for the week ending October 5, 2013 is up 1.1% from the previous week ending September 28, 2013 when production was 1,852,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 77.3%.

    Adjusted year-to-date production through October 5, 2013 was 74,026,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 77.2%. That is a 3.0% decrease from the 76,353,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 76.8%.

    Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending October 5, 2013 in thousands of net tons:
    North East – 211
    Great Lakes – 676
    Midwest – 220
    Southern – 678
    Western – 88

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 12 oktober 2013 16:38
    Iron ore holds near USD 132 as Chinese mills replenish

    Reuters reported that spot iron ore prices held just under USD 132 per tonne staying within recent trading ranges as some Chinese steel producers replenished stockpiles amid faint signs that steel demand remained healthy.

    The price of iron ore, China's top import commodity by volume, has held steady since the Chinese returned from the Golden Week holiday with buyers not pressed to chase costly cargoes.

    A Shanghai-based iron ore trader said that mills are restocking cautiously. Prices for downstream steel products are still under pressure although sentiment is a bit better. There were also plenty of cargoes on offer in the spot market, limiting price gains.

    According to data provider Steel Index, Benchmark 62% grade iron ore .IO62-CNI=SI rose 10 cents to USD 131.80 per tonne. Global miner BHP Billiton offered a 90,000 tonne cargo of 62.7% grade Australian Newman iron ore fines in a tender on Thursday.

    Traders said that there is market talk the cargo was sold at USD 133.59 a tonne. That would be higher than Wednesday's USD 132 for a same grade cargo sold via the globalORE platform which should keep the benchmark index around current levels.

    Mr Jamie Pearce head of iron ore broking at SSY Futures said that "Most people are thinking that the swaps market is not going down so they are buying into the discount."

    Traders said that Chinese steelmaker Yangang sold billet at CNY 3,011 per tonne in a tender on Wednesday, down only CNY 6 from a prior tender. The previous drop between tenders had been more than CNY 50.

    Source – Reuters

  4. forum rang 10 voda 12 oktober 2013 16:40
    EU flat market levels after Ilva resumes production

    It is learnt that after resumption of regular production at Ilva there has been remarkable improvement in deliveries bearing a positive impact on the domestic market raising the barriers on imports.

    Spanish dealers are trying to get rid of excessive stock offering to Central Europe buyers evoking little interest. Some interest has been shown by Polish distributors, but business remains subdued.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 12 oktober 2013 16:40
    ArcelorMittal to provide axles for new Skoda tramways

    ArcelorMittal’s Ostrava based engineering products entity and Škoda Transportation have entered into a three-year agreement to supply around 500 axles for Skoda’s 26T and 28T trams which will soon be seen on the streets of Miskolc in Hungary and Konya in Turkey.

    What won ArcelorMittal the contract with the transport vehicle manufacturer was the high level of expertise and skills of its employees, as well as the plant’s reputation in the supply of highest quality products and its manufacturing capacity.

    Collaboration between the two companies began in early 2012 with the research and development and the initial design phases. The first trial orders followed soon after that, at the end of 2012.

    Delivery of the axles started in early 2013, and will extend to 2015.

    Mr Daniel Doležal head of sales and marketing at ArcelorMittal Engineering Products Ostrava said that “This first collaboration is just an initial step, and we are working hard both in terms of product development and manufacturing to make sure we maintain the trust of the customer, to be able to continue our partnership well beyond 2015.”

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 13 oktober 2013 15:28
    Hungary sticks to plan to take over steel works Dunaferr

    Hungary’s Economy Minister Mihály Varga informed ISD Corporation CFO Yevgeny Potapov on October 10 that the government’s intention has not changed and it still wants to buy Dunaferr. They have had a meeting discussing the future of the steel works.

    The cabinet will do its utmost to keep the jobs at Dunaferr, Varga told Potapov, a statement by the National Economy Ministry sent to newswire MTI showed.

    ISD Dunaferr announced on August 12 this year that in line with earlier plans by the owners layoffs will commence soon and 1,500 jobs will be cut. The owners of the steel works came to this decision due to the company’s persistent losses, which were caused by its low operating efficiency compared to its rivals.

    Mr Varga requested in a letter to the management on August 21 to sit to the negotiating table with the owners and discuss the state’s intention to take Dunaferr over. A decision to make a bid for the company was reached on August 19.

    Mr Oleg A Mkrtchan director general of ISD Corporation, one of the largest steel companies in Ukraine, responded that the owners are ready to start consultations with the cabinet on the future of Dunaferr.

    Source -

  7. forum rang 10 voda 13 oktober 2013 15:29
    ArcelorMittal sees growth in Euro autos

    AFP reported that world's largest steel maker ArcelorMittal has expanded its welding plant in Slovakia to supply mostly foreign car manufacturers in the region.

    The announcement highlights the importance of the auto sector to several economies in the region, as well as to several leading auto groups in Europe and Asia.

    Mr Robrecht Himpe CEO of ArcelorMittal's Flat Carbon Europe unit told AFP that "Eastern Europe is still a growth area for us.”

    The company in a statement said that "ArcelorMittal has invested EUR 10 million in a third production facility at our site in Senica, western Slovakia, to better serve our automotive clients who have moved production to eastern Europe.”

    The plant will produce laser-welded blanks, or sheets of flat material of varying thickness and with different mechanical properties.

    This technology of preparing sheets with multiple properties before delivery to car plants reduces production costs, saves weight and therefore reduces fuel consumption.

    The new facility will employ 55 new people by 2014, it added. ArcelorMittal's Slovak unit already employs about 200 people in Senica.

    The plant will supply mostly the PSA Peugeot Citroen group of France and Germany's Volkswagen which have huge production sites in Slovakia, as well as car manufacturers in neighbouring countries.

    Source -
  8. [verwijderd] 14 oktober 2013 16:42
    Leuke quote..;

    We see c.75% upside to ArcelorMittal in the next 12 months." Wat een uitbundige research van Société Générale, dat het aandeel op de premium kooplijst zet. Nou ben ik tegen het afgeven van koersdoelen - als de beurs iets een slechte naam heeft gegeven! - maar het paper heeft meer in petto.

    Voor de goede orde, als er één AEX-aandeel is dat de boot heeft gemist deze bullmarket sinds maart 2009, is het ArcelorMittal wel. Sinds de bodem die maand deed de AEX +88,76% en het staalfonds -23,92% - exclusief dividend. KPN en PostNL deden nog slechter, maar daar spe(e)l(d)en specifieke bedrijfsissues.

    Bij ArcelorMittal is het meer een kwestie van conjuctuur, prijzendruk en vooral hóógovercapaciteit. Alsof de jaren zeventig nooit over zijn gegaan, zeg maar. Juist aan deze fronten ziet SocGen verbetering optreden. En dat heeft veel met - wie anders - China te maken.
  9. Giebee 14 oktober 2013 16:50
    Vandaag in de Wall Street Journal op de voorpagina:

    Better Times for Metals In Europe
    European metals producers and industry analysts are tentatively calling a bottom to the market.
  10. s.lin 15 oktober 2013 08:52
    Ploegbaas stapt uit het leven als aanklacht tegen sluiting ArcelorMittal
    15/10/13, 04u51
    Twee jaar na de aangekondigde sluiting van ArcelorMittal is afgelopen weekend een 45-jarige ploegbaas uit het leven gestapt. Dat schrijven de kranten van de groep Sud Presse en Het Nieuwsblad vandaag. In een afscheidsbrief zegt vakbondsman Alain Vigneron dat 'Meneer Mittal' - eigenaar Lakshmi Mittal van de staalreus - hem alles heeft afgenomen: "Mijn trots en de moed om te vechten voor mijn gezin".

    Twee jaar geleden maakte Mittal bekend dat de Luikse hoogovens zouden sluiten. "Hoeveel families gaat meneer Mittal nog kapot maken?", vraagt Vigneron zich nog af in de brief. Hij benadrukt ook dat zijn vrouw en dochter niets met zijn daad te maken hebben. "Ze zitten hier voor niets tussen. Ik heb hen enorm doen afzien door mijn werk voor meneer Mittal."

    Eerder stapte een collega van de man uit het leven.

    Bron: Belga
  11. [verwijderd] 15 oktober 2013 11:13
    helpt dit ook ? ;-)

    LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De ijzerertsproductie van Rio Tinto heeft vorig kwartaal mede dankzij een sterke vraag uit China een recordomvang bereikt. Dat maakte het op een na grootste mijnbouwbedrijf ter wereld dinsdag bekend.

    Rio Tinto produceerde in het derde kwartaal 53,4 miljoen ton ijzererts. Een jaar eerder bedroeg de totale productie 52,6 miljoen ton. De prijs van de grondstof steeg in dezelfde periode aanzienlijk, tot gemiddeld 132,55 dollar per ton. Een jaar eerder werd gemiddeld nog 112 dollar per ton betaald.

    Rio Tinto profiteerde vooral van het herstel in de Chinese industrie, waar producenten hun voorraden weer aanvulden. Die krompen in maart nog tot het laagste niveau sinds 2009.

    De productie van kopererts steeg vorig kwartaal met bijna een kwart tot 162.300 ton. De productie van verwerkt koper zakte met 2 procent tot 68.300 ton. Rio Tinto verhoogde zijn verwachting voor de productie van verwerkt koper in 2013 wel met 17 procent, tot 270.000 ton.
  12. [verwijderd] 15 oktober 2013 13:56
    De productiecapaciteit van Arcelor Mittal - 119 miljoen ton staal - in Europa is door de stagnerende economische ontwikkeling maar voor de helft in gebruik. Als de Europese economie verbetert, dan leidt dit tot meer investeringen in de staalverwerkende sectoren infrastructuur en bouw.

    En dat is gunstig voor Arcelor Mittal. Bovendien is het staalconcern goed gepositioneerd voor sectorconsolidatie en zal het bedrijf door de aankoop van ijzer - en kolenmijnen de marktpositie verder kunnen versterken.

    Mijn collega, aandelenanalist Tom Muller, ziet Arcelor Mittal dan ook als een Nederlandse toppick met een koersdoel van 13,50 euro
  13. forum rang 10 voda 15 oktober 2013 16:19
    Nu al 7.7% erbij!

    Aperam koersdoel omhoog bij Exane BNP - Market Talk

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Exane BNP Paribas heeft het koersdoel op Aperam (056997440.LU) verhoogd naar EUR14,00 van EUR12,00, terwijl het advies outperform blijft. Het aandeel is in de afgelopen maanden reeds gestegen, maar de analisten denken dat de koers nog verder omhoog kan omdat groeidrijvers intact blijven en de macro-economische omstandigheden verbeteren. Ze merken op dat het aandeel met een korting van 24% wordt verhandeld ten opzichte van sectorgenoot Outokumpu, het grootste roestvast staalconcern in Europa. De desinvestering van Outokumpu's staalfaciliteit Terni in Italie is volgens hen uitgesteld tot begin volgend jaar. Ze denken nog steeds dat het Aperam consortium de beste papieren in huis heeft om de fabriek over te nemen. Omstreeks 9.20 uur noteert het aandeel 4,4% hoger op EUR12,62, terwijl de Midkap met 0,3% stijgt. (LDF)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

  14. forum rang 10 voda 15 oktober 2013 16:51
    China Steel Imports and Exports in September 2013

    Customs reported that China imported steel products of 1.24 million tonnes in September, increasing by 10,000 tonnes or 4.2 percent month on month.

    Steel products exports attained 4.92 million tonnes, down 1.22 million tonnes or 17.3 percent from a month earlier.

    Source -
    China steel information centre and industry database
  15. forum rang 10 voda 15 oktober 2013 16:52
    China iron ore imports at record high

    The News reported that China’s iron ore arrivals surged to a record high of more than 74 million tonnes as mills ramped up production while copper shipments jumped up by 18% from August to hit their highest in 18 months as end users rebuilt inventories on a brighter economic outlook.

    The daily imports of crude also rebounded in September from the previous month to a fresh record high, bearing out forecasts for the country to overtake the United States as the world’s largest oil importer, as refineries restarted following maintenance.

    Mr Li Yan analyst at industry website said that “The recent upswing in China’s economic activity has significantly boosted import demand for oil and other commodities. But there are now concerns on whether the recent improvement in the economy is going to fade.”

    China’s export growth fizzled in September to post a surprise fall a disappointing end to a recent run of indicators that had signalled the world’s No. 2 economy was gaining strength.

    The Customs Administration said that China’s exports dropped 0.3% in September on the year, sharply confounding market expectations for a rise of 6% and marking the worst performance in three months.

    Beijing has a growth target of 7.5% for 2013, which would be the weakest rate in more than 20 years and has vowed to accept slower growth as it tries to reshape the economy so that it is driven by consumer demand, rather than investment, credit and exports.

    Source - The

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