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KPN in mei

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  1. pike 6 mei 2012 21:58

    'Duitse dochter KPN praat over verkoop zendmasten'

    Laatste update: 6 mei 2012 15:21 info.

    FRANKFURT - E-Plus, een Duits dochterbedrijf van KPN, praat met een investeerder over de verkoop van duizenden zendmasten voor mobiele telefonie.

    De onderhandelingen bevinden zich nog in een pril stadium. Dat schreef Der Spiegel zondag zonder zijn bronnen prijs te geven.

    Volgens het weekblad is het de bedoeling dat E-Plus de masten terughuurt van de koper. Een woordvoerder van E-Plus weigerde commentaar op het bericht.

    KPN's dochter is in Duitsland verwikkeld in een hevige strijd om de mobiele beller met marktleider Deutsche Telekom, het Britse Vodafone en het Spaanse Telefónica.
  2. forum rang 6 Bart Meerdink 6 mei 2012 22:08
    Dit schept toch geen waarde. KPN moet erg om cash verlegen zitten om tot dit soort boekhoudkundig gegoochel over te gaan. Lijkt me reden tot bezorgdheid als het klopt.

    Halveer het dividend en get it over with. Zou zelfs goed zijn voor de koers uiteindelijk denk ik. Keuzedividend zou ook kunnen. De aandelen komen dan bij de bestaande aandeelhouders terecht, wie de verwatering niet leuk vindt op deze koers kan voor stock kiezen.
  3. [verwijderd] 7 mei 2012 09:57
    Mijn idee, zo'n halvering van het dividend.
    Op deze koersen moet je toch serieus rekening gaan houden met de wisdom of the crowds, ergo zeer zwaar weer voor de telecomsector in de nabije toekomst. Elke koers is mogelijk.
  4. forum rang 6 Bart Meerdink 7 mei 2012 18:59
    Stof tot nadenken. Zie linkje. Telco's zoals KPN hebben een fysiek netwerk, en daaroverheen een heel scala aan diensten.
    Maar regulering verplicht ze om hun netwerk tegen een bepaalde prijs ter beschikking te stellen aan andere, eventueel virtuele operators (zonder netwerk).

    Dat maakt het in principe mogelijk om een globale virtuele provider te creëren die alle administratieve hobbels overwint en alles wat te automatiseren is automatiseert, en zo de overhead tot een absoluut minimum reduceert. Een enorm karwei natuurlijk, maar je krijgt dan wel een product wat voor de aantrekkelijkste klantencategorie, namelijk de zakenlui die regelmatig de wereld over vliegen op kosten van de zaak.

    Vroeg of laat gaat dit gebeuren, de vraag is of je als bedrijf hier intelligent op inspeelt (na een periode van achterhoedegevechten om nog zoveel mogelijk je 'legacy' verdienmodel te beschermen).

    En voor ons beleggers: wat betekent dit voor de winst van KPN op de langere termijn?

    Alekstra To Disrupt Everything You Hate About Your Mobile Carrier
    By Greg Anderson, May 07, 2012

    A Finnish company is quietly laying the groundwork to disrupt a trillion dollar industry by providing better services for only 10% of the cost.

    Alekstra CEO Toni Toikka got his start in 1998 as salesman at Elisa, a Finnish telecommunications company, where he discovered no one had any idea what they used or paid for when they purchased mobile services. Toikka recalls that everyone argued over the minute price, but the devil was in the details. What he envisioned was not only a transparent system, but a global system updated for the modern era.

    (knip rest)
  5. forum rang 6 Bart Meerdink 7 mei 2012 19:03
    Stof tot nadenken. Telco's zoals KPN hebben een fysiek netwerk, en daaroverheen een heel scala aan diensten.
    Maar regulering verplicht ze om hun netwerk tegen een bepaalde prijs ter beschikking te stellen aan andere, eventueel virtuele operators (zonder netwerk).

    Dat maakt het in principe mogelijk om een globale virtuele provider te creëren die alle administratieve hobbels overwint en alles wat te automatiseren is automatiseert, en zo de overhead tot een absoluut minimum reduceert. Een enorm karwei natuurlijk, maar je krijgt dan wel een product wat voor de aantrekkelijkste klantencategorie, namelijk de zakenlui die regelmatig de wereld over vliegen op kosten van de zaak.

    Vroeg of laat gaat dit gebeuren, de vraag is of je als bedrijf hier intelligent op inspeelt (na een periode van achterhoedegevechten om nog zoveel mogelijk je 'legacy' verdienmodel te beschermen).

    En voor ons beleggers: wat betekent dit voor de winst van KPN op de langere termijn?

    Alekstra To Disrupt Everything You Hate About Your Mobile Carrier
    By Greg Anderson, May 07, 2012

    A Finnish company is quietly laying the groundwork to disrupt a trillion dollar industry by providing better services for only 10% of the cost.

    Alekstra CEO Toni Toikka got his start in 1998 as salesman at Elisa, a Finnish telecommunications company, where he discovered no one had any idea what they used or paid for when they purchased mobile services. Toikka recalls that everyone argued over the minute price, but the devil was in the details. What he envisioned was not only a transparent system, but a global system updated for the modern era.

    (knip rest)
  6. [verwijderd] 8 mei 2012 01:54

    Bart Meerdink schreef op 8 mei 2012 00:51:

    sorry van de dubbelpost, het forum lag een tijd lang plat, min of meer
    Geeft niet Bart.
    Ik heb liever dat de koers van KPN verdubbeld, maar ik denk dat we daar nog heel lang op kunnen wachten.

  7. [verwijderd] 8 mei 2012 11:47

    N. Koerts schreef op 3 mei 2012 12:00:

    @ theo 1

    Echt een zeer goed fundamenteel stuk.
    U heeft een zeer duidelijk stuk geschreven, wat iedereen begrijpt.

    Zelf zit ik short in KPN dus ben ik het er ook mee eens.

    Ik geef nauwelijks aanbevelingen, maar nu wel.

    Niels Koerts
    En zo blijkt de beurs toch altijd weer onvoorspelbaar. Je hedge pakte vandaag niet helemaal fijn uit...
  8. B_B 8 mei 2012 12:01
    Crucell - Johnson & Johnson

    J&J nam een minderheidsbelang in Crucell, anderhalf jaar later overname door J&J.

    Bij ICT gaat het een stuk sneller.

    May 4, 2012, 7:00 a.m. EDT
    Hutchison Whampoa resubmits cash bid for Eircom
    (binnen een week nadat een eerdere bod was afgewezen)

    Het vuurwerk moet nog komen.

  9. forum rang 6 pwijsneus 8 mei 2012 13:27
    Dit wordt geduld oefenen. Het lijkt me dat KPN uiteindelijk overgenomen gaat worden. Tot die tijd heeft KPN een vermogende investeerder aan hun zijde.
  10. [verwijderd] 8 mei 2012 14:15

    Groenvoer schreef op 3 mei 2012 17:58:

    Ironisch genoeg zou deze koersval best wel eens kunnen betekenen dat er op KPN gejaagd wordt door 'private' equity. Die koopt alleen tegen absolute bodemprijzen; al moeten ze de koers er hoogstpersoonlijk voor door het putje stampen.

    Hoezeer ik Blok ook dislike, wat dit betreft is hij wellicht realistisch: overlaadt het bedrijf dan zélf maar met schulden (ipv het aan de overnemende partij over te laten) en financier noodzakelijke investeringen uit desinvesteringen.
    't Was geen private equity. Maar ook geen toeval; dat is wel duidelijk.
  11. Nel 9 mei 2012 16:08

    B_B schreef op 9 mei 2012 16:06:

    Beleggen is vooruitzien.
    dan zie ik nog veel ellende op de markt komen

  12. B_B 10 mei 2012 01:00
    DEALTALK-KPN's options limited in face of Mexican approach

    Wed May 9, 2012 4:13pm EDT
    * America Movil makes tender offer for 28 percent of KPN
    * KPN concerned about losing influence over its future
    * America Movil casts itself as "friendly" but conflict
    * Sale of German unit a possible defence but not simple

    By Leila Abboud and Sophie Sassard
    PARIS/LONDON, May 9 (Reuters) - Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim
    looks set to succeed in using KPN as a stepping stone into
    Europe unless the Dutch telecoms group can swiftly come up with
    a shrewd plan to derail his bid, sources familiar with the
    situation said.
    KPN said on Tuesday that the unsolicited tender
    offer from America Movil, controlled by billionaire
    Slim, to pay 8 euros per share for a 28 percent stake
    undervalued its business. It hired Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan
    to help it weigh its "strategic options."
    KPN is concerned that Movil would gain too much power over
    its strategy, especially a long-mooted sale of its German
    business worth 8-10 billion euros, without offering enough of a
    premium for the privilege, said a person close to the situation.
    But since Slim's tender offer will be made in early June
    directly to shareholders, many of whom have watched in dismay as
    KPN's shares slid 35 percent in the past year, KPN's management
    and board cannot just refuse it or hold out for a higher price.
    The tender offer, which America Movil said it aimed to carry
    out by early June, came in at roughly 24 percent above KPN's
    share price before the announcement.
    KPN has a few options from here, none of which are simple to
    pull off, analysts and bankers say. It can try to negotiate a
    higher valuation for its shares with America Movil or more
    favourable terms that would protect its management independence
    perhaps via a shareholder pact. It could also lobby its major
    shareholders not to sell their shares to Movil.

    One person familiar with the situation said KPN's best
    chance to counter Slim's stake-building plan would be to do
    something that would push its share price above 8 euros or
    somehow invalidate the conditions attached to the tender offer.
    KPN shares closed at 7.72 euros on Wednesday after jumping 17
    percent on the Movil announcement.
    For example, KPN could search for a buyer or a joint-venture
    partner for its German business, E-Plus, which it could then
    argue would deliver more upside to shareholders in the form of
    buybacks or a special dividend than America Movil's offer, said
    another person close to the situation.
    "They could do something around E-Plus but they need to be
    quick," the first person said.
    Telefonica or Vodafone have long been seen
    as good candidates to buy E-Plus since both would benefit from
    boosting their presence in Europe's biggest market.
    Whether Telefonica or Vodafone would be able to bid high
    enough to tempt KPN now is far from certain since prior
    negotiations over the third-place German player have always
    foundered on price.
    Telefonica is struggling with a heavy debt load and a weak
    domestic market in Spain, so might not have the firepower to buy
    now unless it cut its dividend or sold other assets, analysts
    say. Vodafone is in a stronger financial position.
    Slim's Movil would not likely want to sell KPN's German
    business, sources said, given its attractive growth prospects
    and role as a beachhead for Movil's European ambitions.
    Guy Peddy, telecoms analyst at Macquarie Securities, said
    that either way KPN needed to engage in talks with the
    Slim-Movil camp to see what the new shareholder would support in
    terms of strategy, investments and asset sales.
    "KPN's strategic options are limited," said Peddy. "Selling
    assets in Germany and Belgium sounds easy but you need buyers.
    And Slim's offer has been the best thing for KPN's shares in the
    past 18 months, so it's hard to see how they would go out to
    their shareholders and argue against it."
    Asked to comment on Wednesday, a KPN spokeswoman reiterated
    that it was exploring all strategic options.
    KPN cannot turn to the Dutch state for help, because it is
    no longer a shareholder and is not expected to block the deal
    due to the Netherlands' open economy. The government declined to
    comment on the deal itself and labour unions are reserving
    judgment until more is known about Movil's intentions.

    For its part, America Movil has sought to portray itself as
    a "friendly" long-term investor that saw promise in KPN and
    would work with management to create value for shareholders.
    "America Movil doesn't want to run or control KPN," said
    another person close to the situation. "Carlos Slim and America
    Movil believe that KPN's management is best placed to decide on
    the strategy and would likely support it in the future too."
    For America Movil -- which has already achieved huge scale
    in Latin America -- the expansion into Europe would fill a
    long-held aim of Carlos Slim, who once tried to buy Telecom
    Italia before getting pipped to the deal by Telefonica.
    Ultimately, if America Movil does go ahead with its tender
    offer for shares in KPN, it will be up to investors - and not
    KPN's management - to decide whether the price is attractive or
    not and whether to sell their shares.
    The question for KPN shareholders, and the company itself,
    is whether the premium that America Movil is offering is worth
    the influence that they risk losing over the future.
    Capital Research and Management Company, which is KPN's
    biggest shareholder with 15.1 percent has so far declined to
    comment on America Movil's tender offer.
    Other shareholders may view the Movil offer as a lifeline
    for KPN, which faces increasingly tough competition and slumping
    revenue, profits, and market share in its home market.
    Robin Bienenstock, an analyst at Bernstein Research, said
    KPN might just have to get used to having a new influential
    shareholder. "If enough shareholders want to sell at this price,
    then KPN will have to live with Carlos Slim," she said.
  13. [verwijderd] 10 mei 2012 01:32

    B_B schreef op 10 mei 2012 01:00:

    DEALTALK-KPN's options limited in face of Mexican approach

    Wed May 9, 2012 4:13pm EDT
    * America Movil makes tender offer for 28 percent of KPN
    * KPN concerned about losing influence over its future
    * America Movil casts itself as "friendly" but conflict
    * Sale of German unit a possible defence but not simple

    By Leila Abboud and Sophie Sassard
    PARIS/LONDON, May 9 (Reuters) - Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim
    looks set to succeed in using KPN as a stepping stone into
    Europe unless the Dutch telecoms group can swiftly come up with
    a shrewd plan to derail his bid, sources familiar with the
    situation said.
    KPN said on Tuesday that the unsolicited tender
    offer from America Movil, controlled by billionaire
    Slim, to pay 8 euros per share for a 28 percent stake
    undervalued its business. It hired Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan
    to help it weigh its "strategic options."
    KPN is concerned that Movil would gain too much power over
    its strategy, especially a long-mooted sale of its German
    business worth 8-10 billion euros, without offering enough of a
    premium for the privilege, said a person close to the situation.
    But since Slim's tender offer will be made in early June
    directly to shareholders, many of whom have watched in dismay as
    KPN's shares slid 35 percent in the past year, KPN's management
    and board cannot just refuse it or hold out for a higher price.
    The tender offer, which America Movil said it aimed to carry
    out by early June, came in at roughly 24 percent above KPN's
    share price before the announcement.
    KPN has a few options from here, none of which are simple to
    pull off, analysts and bankers say. It can try to negotiate a
    higher valuation for its shares with America Movil or more
    favourable terms that would protect its management independence
    perhaps via a shareholder pact. It could also lobby its major
    shareholders not to sell their shares to Movil.

    One person familiar with the situation said KPN's best
    chance to counter Slim's stake-building plan would be to do
    something that would push its share price above 8 euros or
    somehow invalidate the conditions attached to the tender offer.
    KPN shares closed at 7.72 euros on Wednesday after jumping 17
    percent on the Movil announcement.
    For example, KPN could search for a buyer or a joint-venture
    partner for its German business, E-Plus, which it could then
    argue would deliver more upside to shareholders in the form of
    buybacks or a special dividend than America Movil's offer, said
    another person close to the situation.
    "They could do something around E-Plus but they need to be
    quick," the first person said.
    Telefonica or Vodafone have long been seen
    as good candidates to buy E-Plus since both would benefit from
    boosting their presence in Europe's biggest market.
    Whether Telefonica or Vodafone would be able to bid high
    enough to tempt KPN now is far from certain since prior
    negotiations over the third-place German player have always
    foundered on price.
    Telefonica is struggling with a heavy debt load and a weak
    domestic market in Spain, so might not have the firepower to buy
    now unless it cut its dividend or sold other assets, analysts
    say. Vodafone is in a stronger financial position.
    Slim's Movil would not likely want to sell KPN's German
    business, sources said, given its attractive growth prospects
    and role as a beachhead for Movil's European ambitions.
    Guy Peddy, telecoms analyst at Macquarie Securities, said
    that either way KPN needed to engage in talks with the
    Slim-Movil camp to see what the new shareholder would support in
    terms of strategy, investments and asset sales.
    "KPN's strategic options are limited," said Peddy. "Selling
    assets in Germany and Belgium sounds easy but you need buyers.
    And Slim's offer has been the best thing for KPN's shares in the
    past 18 months, so it's hard to see how they would go out to
    their shareholders and argue against it."
    Asked to comment on Wednesday, a KPN spokeswoman reiterated
    that it was exploring all strategic options.
    KPN cannot turn to the Dutch state for help, because it is
    no longer a shareholder and is not expected to block the deal
    due to the Netherlands' open economy. The government declined to
    comment on the deal itself and labour unions are reserving
    judgment until more is known about Movil's intentions.

    For its part, America Movil has sought to portray itself as
    a "friendly" long-term investor that saw promise in KPN and
    would work with management to create value for shareholders.
    "America Movil doesn't want to run or control KPN," said
    another person close to the situation. "Carlos Slim and America
    Movil believe that KPN's management is best placed to decide on
    the strategy and would likely support it in the future too."
    For America Movil -- which has already achieved huge scale
    in Latin America -- the expansion into Europe would fill a
    long-held aim of Carlos Slim, who once tried to buy Telecom
    Italia before getting pipped to the deal by Telefonica.
    Ultimately, if America Movil does go ahead with its tender
    offer for shares in KPN, it will be up to investors - and not
    KPN's management - to decide whether the price is attractive or
    not and whether to sell their shares.
    The question for KPN shareholders, and the company itself,
    is whether the premium that America Movil is offering is worth
    the influence that they risk losing over the future.
    Capital Research and Management Company, which is KPN's
    biggest shareholder with 15.1 percent has so far declined to
    comment on America Movil's tender offer.
    Other shareholders may view the Movil offer as a lifeline
    for KPN, which faces increasingly tough competition and slumping
    revenue, profits, and market share in its home market.
    Robin Bienenstock, an analyst at Bernstein Research, said
    KPN might just have to get used to having a new influential
    shareholder. "If enough shareholders want to sell at this price,
    then KPN will have to live with Carlos Slim," she said.

    Het is inderdaad simpel, een koers hoger dan 8 euro en dan heeft slim het nakijken.
  14. viermeiden 10 mei 2012 08:30

    nu gaat het leuk worden!

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Morgan Stanley heeft op 4 mei een belang in KPN genomen van 10 procent. Dat bleek donderdag uit een melding bij de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM).

    Voorheen was er nog geen belang bekend van Morgan Stanley in het telecombedrijf. Op dinsdag 8 mei werd bekend dat América Móvil 8 euro per aandeel wil bieden voor een belang van maximaal 28 procent in KPN.

    Voor een andere partij aan het inkopen?

    Wie weet mag het zeggen!

  15. [verwijderd] 10 mei 2012 08:30
    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Morgan Stanley heeft op 4 mei een belang in KPN genomen van 10 procent. Dat bleek donderdag uit een melding bij de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM).

    Voorheen was er nog geen belang bekend van Morgan Stanley in het telecombedrijf. Op dinsdag 8 mei werd bekend dat América Móvil 8 euro per aandeel wil bieden voor een belang van maximaal 28 procent in KPN.
  16. forum rang 4 JvH 10 mei 2012 08:37

    arjanrulzz schreef:

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Morgan Stanley heeft op 4 mei een belang in KPN genomen van 10 procent. Dat bleek donderdag uit een melding bij de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM).

    Voorheen was er nog geen belang bekend van Morgan Stanley in het telecombedrijf. Op dinsdag 8 mei werd bekend dat América Móvil 8 euro per aandeel wil bieden voor een belang van maximaal 28 procent in KPN.

    Als je nog een duidelijk voorbeeld wilt hebben van voorkennis, corruptie enz...

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