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Shell nieuwtjes.

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  1. [verwijderd] 8 maart 2007 13:05
    Shell still studying Texas JV refinery expansion
    HOUSTON, March 7 (Reuters) - Shell Oil Co. President John Hofmeister said on Wednesday the company continues to study expanding a joint-venture refinery in Port Arthur, Texas. Shell hopes to decide this year if Motiva Enterprises 285,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery will expand to 600,000 bpd, Hofmeister said.
    Shell and Saudi Refining are partners in the refinery. The expansion could cost as much as $5 billion.

  2. forum rang 10 voda 13 maart 2007 21:33
    RTRS-Hogere bonus Shell-topman
    DEN HAAG (ANP) - De topman van Shell, de Nederlander Jeroen
    van der Veer, heeft een bonus van ruim 2 miljoen euro ontvangen.
    De hoogte van de bonus is gebaseerd op zijn prestaties in het
    afgelopen jaar. Het bedrag komt bovenop zijn basissalaris van
    1,63 miljoen euro.

    Dat blijkt uit stukken die de oliemaatschappij dinsdag bij
    de Amerikaanse beurswaakhond SEC heeft gedeponeerd. In totaal
    ontvangt Van der Veer over 2006 3,68 miljoen euro. Dat was over
    2005 nog 3,48 miljoen euro, waarin een bonus van bijna 1,94
    miljoen euro is verwerkt.

    Van der Veer volgde in maart 2004 de Brit Philip Watts op,
    die het veld moest ruimen wegens een schandaal rond de bewezen
    olie- en gasreserves. Onder leiding van de Nederlander sloeg het
    Brits-Nederlandse concern de weg naar herstel in.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  3. forum rang 10 voda 14 maart 2007 21:10
    RTRS-Qatar Airways wil aardgas gebruiken voor vliegtuigen
    LONDEN (ANP) - Qatar Airways wil zijn vliegtuigen laten
    vliegen op een synthetische dieselbrandstof die wordt gewonnen
    uit aardgas. De luchtvaartmaatschappij zou de eerste ter wereld
    zijn die een andere brandstof dan kerosine gebruikt.

    Volgens topman Akbar al-Bakar vindt er overleg plaats met de
    oliemaatschappij Shell en een aantal fabrikanten van motoren.
    Zodra de eerste vliegtuigmotoren geschikt zijn voor de speciale
    brandstof wil Qatar Airways deze inzetten, zei de
    bestuursvoorzitter woensdag. Dat zou tegen het einde van dit
    jaar al kunnen gebeuren.

    Shell heeft tot nu toe de enige volledig operationele
    fabriek ter wereld die synthetische diesel uit aardgas wint.
    Deze staat in Maleisië. Een tweede centrale is gepland in Qatar.
    Traditionele vliegtuigbrandstof wordt gemaakt van olie. De
    aardgasvariant is milieuvriendelijker.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  4. [verwijderd] 18 maart 2007 13:23
    business news
    Saturday, Mar 17, 2007

    Europe's Royal Dutch Shell acquires another 97M shares of Shell Canada

    CALGARY (CP) - European oil giant Royal Dutch Shell PLC has acquired another 97 million shares of its Shell Canada Ltd. (TSX:SHC) subsidiary and is on the road to taking its Canadian unit private under an C$8.7 billion bid announced in January.
    Royal Dutch, which already holds 78 per cent of Shell Canada, announced early Saturday that just under 97 million shares were tendered to its C$45 a share offer. That amounted to about 53 per cent of Shell Canada's minority stake, meeting a key condition of the privatization bid.

    The parent company had made the going-private offer contingent on attracting more than half of the 22 per cent of Shell Canada it did not own. Achieving that goal wasn't a sure thing since some large shareholders had called the offer too low and said they would reject it.

    Royal Dutch's offer expired at 8 p.m ET Friday night, but the company extended the bid until the same time March 30 for stockholders who have not sold their shares.

    With the additional stock in hand, Shell Canada appears in a position to acquire the rest of the company, though some legal hurdles may remain.

    "This is a positive outcome, and a further step towards building on our strong position in Canada, using the strengths that only a company of our global scale can bring," Royal Dutch Shell CEO Jeroen van der Veer said in a news release early Saturday from the company's European headquarters.

    "This is an opportunity to create an integrated unconventional oil business on an international scale."

    Royal Dutch, which has been desperately seeking to secure new sources of oil since it was forced to cut proved reserves repeatedly in a 2004 accounting scandal, announced in October a $40 a share bid worth about $7.7-billion for the part of Shell Canada it didn't own.

    However, that bid was rejected by the Canadian unit's board and the two companies negotiated a sweeter bid of $45 a share announced in January and backed by the Shell Canada board.

    At the time, dissident minority shareholders warned they might go to court to force a higher offer.

    Shell Canada, set up 96 years ago as a gasoline retailer in Montreal, is now a major natural gas producer and oilsands operator and runs a national network of Shell branded gasoline stations.

    The company, which left the conventional oil business in Canada years ago, has also been one of the pioneers in Canada's offshore energy exploration and helped develop the Sable Island natural gas project off the coast of Nova Scotia.

    However, its future lies in the Northern Alberta oilsands, where the Calgary company operates and owns 60 per cent of the Athabasca oilsands development. That project began operations in 2003 and is designed to produce 155,000 barrels of tar-like bitumen a day.

    The company, and its Athabasca partners, Western Oil Sands and Chevron Canada, are spending an estimated $12.8 billion to boost production by another 100,000 barrels on the way to ultimately generating 700,000 barrels a day from the oilsands.

    Royal Dutch's news release Saturday, in which van der Veer referred to "an integrated unconventional oil business on an international scale" suggests the company may eventually seek to buy out its partners in the Athabasca project. Some speculate it may sell its Canadian natural gas business and could integrate Shell Canada's current oilsands operations with other oilsands prospects controlled by the Shell group in other parts of northern Alberta.

    Last year, Royal Dutch Shell, through its U.S. unit, spent $465 million to acquire energy rights for nearly 900 square kilometres of land about 100 kilometres west of Fort McMurray, the hub of the Canadian oilsands industry.

    The land is largely undeveloped and the provincial energy regulator calls it a carbonate deposit, which means bitumen is essentially trapped in limestone rather than in the sand characteristic of most current viable oilsands mining projects.

    The National Energy Board has estimated that of the 315 billion barrels of potential oil in the Alberta oilsands, about 38 billion barrels are within carbonate deposits, which have been considered uneconomic to develop.

    Royal Dutch Shell is believed to be experimenting with new technologies such as underground combustion techniques to access these so-called carbonate deposits.

    Shell Canada stock closed at $44.68 on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Friday, below the privatization bid. Its all-time high is about $47, reached in January, 2006.

    © The Canadian Press, 2007

  5. [verwijderd] 18 maart 2007 20:00
    LONDON (AFX) - Royal Dutch Shell has made another attempt to participate in developing the 40 bln usd Shtokman gas field in the Russian Barents Sea, one of the world's largest energy projects, weekly magazine the Business reported without citing sources.

    The magazine understands that Shell made contact with Gazprom earlier this year, when the Russian group began scouting once again for international partners to help develop the field.

    Gazprom in September 2005 made a shortlist of five Western energy groups to partner with on the field -- ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Total, Statoil and Norsk Hydro, but not Shell -- but later that year decided to operate alone. In January, though, it sent letters to the same five companies inviting them to restart negotiations.

    The Business claimed Shell has made its own approach to Gazprom, adding that the company has refused to comment on what it called 'market speculation'.
  6. [verwijderd] 19 maart 2007 08:14
    Shell verlengt bod op minderheidsbelang Shell Canada19 mrt 2007, 07:38 uur
    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Shell Investments Limited (SIL), een volledige dochter van
    Royal Dutch Shell, heeft het bod op het resterende belang in Shell Canada verlengd tot 30 maart 2007. Dat heeft het Brits-Nederlandse olieconcern afgelopen zaterdag bekendgemaakt. Op de oorspronkelijke sluitingsdatum van 16 maart 2007 werden volgens Shell 96.985.322 aandelen Shell Canada aangemeld.

    De aandelen vertegenwoordigen ongeveer 53,1% van de uitstaande gewone aandelen van Shell Canada die nog niet in het bezit waren van Shell. Het bod zou gestand worden gedaan bij aanmelding van meer dan 50%. Shell bezit nu 740.294.180 gewone aandelen Shell Canada, ongeveer 89,6% van de
    uitstaande gewone aandelen. De betaling aan de aandeelhouders van Shell Canada zal plaatsvinden op of voor woensdag 21 maart 2007.

    In oktober vorig jaar bracht Shell een bod van CAD 40 per aandeel uit op het resterende belang in Shell Canada. Dit bod werd in januari 2007 verhoogd naar CAD 45 per aandeel. Shell had al een belang van 78% in Shell Canada.

    Door de overname van Shell Canada denkt Shell te kunnen profiteren van een eenvoudigere organisatie, meer schaalvoordelen en een verbeterde portefeuilleontwikkeling.

    Shell Canada heeft een belangrijke positie op het gebied van de ontwikkeling van oliezanden. Shell ziet dit Noord-Amerikaanse land als een belangrijk groeigebebied en verwacht er de komende jaren nog behoorlijk in te gaan investeren.

    (c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1755; fax: +31 20 710 1875)

  7. Saartje 19 maart 2007 11:52
    Doe me een lol en start een nieuw draadje met RDS nieuws tegelijkertijd met het bizarre moment dat het aandeel stijgt.
  8. matin 19 maart 2007 12:49
    Ben ik het absoluut niet mee eens !
    Of het aandeel nu stijgt of daalt dit nieuws draadje is enorm waardevol, dus gewoon doorgaan.
    Ook met RDS aan het dalen is geld te verdienen !!
  9. [verwijderd] 19 maart 2007 15:03
    Western seen as next Shell target
    Takeover successful: More deals for Royal Dutch in oilsands: analyst

    Jon Harding
    Financial Post

    Monday, March 19, 2007

    CALGARY - With Royal Dutch Shell PLC well on its way to consolidating its Canadian oilsands assets, the Anglo-Dutch super major's next step could involve deals or takeovers of oilsands players in need of refining access.

    A logical target, one analyst said yesterday in the wake of Royal Dutch's successful takeover of Shell Canada Ltd. late on Friday, could be Athabasca Oil Sands Project partner Western Oil Sands Inc., a company now looking for exactly what Royal Dutch's oilsands strategy offers.

    "I don't think for a second that Royal Dutch is done buying assets in Western Canada," said the Calgary-based analyst. "They were able to pay a lot of money for Shell Canada because they can extract value out of the company that Shell Canada couldn't have got on its own," he said.

    "That value is ? instead of building expensive upgraders in Alberta, having the flexibility to move the bitumen to the Gulf Coast or even maybe, at some point, the West Coast. And all those synergies that they can get out of Shell Canada, they'll be able to get out of a Western Oil Sands or any other bitumen asset."

    Over the weekend, Royal Dutch's ownership of Shell Canada climbed to 89.6% from 78% as Canadian shareholders accepted the parent's $8.7-billion, $45-a-share bid to turn Shell Canada private.

    The Hague-based Royal Dutch said 53.1% of minority shareholders tendered their Shell Canada stock before Friday night's 8 p.m. ET deadline, surpassing a minimum condition of 50% and all but ending a contentious process that began with last October's offer by Royal Dutch of $40 a share.

    The bid was upgraded to $45 in January and was still seen as too low by several large Canadian investors.

    In addition to announcing its successful takeover, Royal Dutch extended its $45 offer to March 30 to pick up the remainder of the Shell Canada minority shares.

    Royal Dutch, which is expected to run all of its North American operations from Houston, now controls Shell Canada assets such as its stake in the Sable Island offshore natural gas project and Shell Canada's piece of the $16.2-billion Mackenzie Valley natural gas pipeline project.

    It also gets a bigger piece of the Athabasca Oil Sands Project, an expanding mining development north of Fort Mc- Murray, Alta., with upgrading and refining operations near Edmonton. Shell Canada holds a 60% stake in the project, where output is expected to grow fivefold toward 770,000 barrels of oil a day. Chevron Corp. and Western are each 20% partners, but their access to the upgrading business hits a cutoff point at the end of the next expansive expansion phase, due to take production from about 155,000 barrels a day today to 255,000 by 2010 at a cost of up to $12.8-billion.

    That circumstance, the analyst said, is part of the reason why Western now is on the block and a potential Royal Dutch target. Western has already hired advisors to help it look for strategic alternatives that could include its outright sale, the signing of a supply agreement with a U.S. refinery or partnership to build an upgrader.

    "Those are the synergies a big company with U.S. refining assests can get out of the oilsands," the analyst said.

    Last November, Western said it had not received an offer for the company, nor was it in any discussions. But last week it took the unusual step of pushing back its annual shareholders' meeting by a month to June 12 without giving any reason, a move interpreted by investors as a sign some kind of deal could be in the offing.

    With Shell Canada in hand, Royal Dutch chief executive Jeroen van der Veer suggested the buyout was just part of what lies ahead in Canada, where Royal Dutch is in the process of building an "integrated unconventional oil business on an international scale.

    "This is a positive outcome, and a further step toward building on our strong position in Canada, using the strengths that only a company of our global scale can bring," he said in a release on Saturday.

    Royal Dutch Shell spokeswoman Alexandra Wright said yesterday the company expects the transaction to close in the second quarter. She also said if Royal Dutch winds up with less than 90% of the Shell Canada shares by the new March 30 expiry date, a meeting of Shell Canada shareholders would be called to finalize the deal with a vote, which, given the number of shares secured, Royal Dutch "is certain" would be in favour.

    "If we end up with more than 90% of the shares, we may be able to use a shorter process [to legally finalize the deal]," Ms. Wright said.

  10. Saartje 19 maart 2007 16:18

    martin1348 schreef:

    Ben ik het absoluut niet mee eens !
    Of het aandeel nu stijgt of daalt dit nieuws draadje is enorm waardevol, dus gewoon doorgaan.
    Ook met RDS aan het dalen is geld te verdienen !!
    Rustig maar, was wat cynisch bedoeld, Ik wordt wel vaker (gelukkig) niet begrepen. Wees gerust, we staan weer in de plus;)
  11. Elia 20 maart 2007 20:07
    Shell Canada Investor Jarislowsky to Accept Royal Dutch Offer

    By Sonja Franklin

    March 20 (Bloomberg) -- Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd., the investment adviser that controls about 29.5 million Shell Canada Ltd. shares, said it will tender its stock in a takeover by Royal Dutch Shell Plc rather than fight the deal in court.

    The Montreal money manager will tender its shares of Calgary-based Shell Canada starting today at the offer price of C$45 ($38.68) apiece, said Len Racioppo, the firm's president. Royal Dutch Shell, based in The Hague, on March 17 said it had already won over most minority shareholders.

    Jarislowsky's clients own about 16 percent of the Shell Canada stock not held by Royal Dutch Shell. The parent owned almost 89.7 percent of Shell Canada's stock as of a public filing this month. Jarislowsky previously said Shell Canada's per-share value was more than C$5 higher than the offer.

    ``We didn't change our mind,'' Racioppo said in a telephone interview. ``But there is nothing else we can do at this point. Any lawyer will tell you that there is very low probability of winning this.''

    As of March 16, Royal Dutch Shell had acquired 53.1 percent of the Shell Canada shares it didn't already own. The company extended its offer for the remaining shares to March 30.

    ``Shell is now sure that we will be able to secure 100 percent of the outstanding shares,'' Royal Dutch Shell spokeswoman Alexandra Wright said yesterday. The company expects the transaction to close in the second quarter.

    Winning over at least 90 percent of the minority shares would allow Shell to squeeze out the rest more quickly through a so-called compulsory acquisition notice, Wright said.

    Royal Dutch Shell in October offered to buy the Shell Canada stock it didn't already own for C$7.7 billion, or C$40 a share. The parent raised the offer to C$8.7 billion, or C$45 a share, in January.

    Shares of Shell Canada fell 2 cents to C$44.96 at 12:27 p.m. in Toronto Stock Exchange trading. The stock was at C$32.80 before the first offer from Royal Dutch Shell.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Sonja Franklin in Calgary at .

    Last Updated: March 20, 2007 12:30 EDT
  12. Elia 20 maart 2007 21:58
    Shell Int'l Finance sells $1.25 bln in notes-lead
    NEW YORK, March 19 (Reuters) - Shell International Finance B.V., a unit of Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L: Quote, Profile , Research) (RDSa.AS: Quote, Profile , Research), on Monday sold $1.25 billion of notes in two parts, joint lead manager Goldman Sachs said.

    The sale included $500 million of 4.95 percent five-year notes priced at 99.908 to yield 4.97 percent or 0.48 percentage point more than comparable U.S. Treasuries.

    Also included were $750 million of 5.20 percent 10-year notes priced at 99.669 to yield 5.243 percent or 0.68 percentage point over Treasuries.

    Morgan Stanley Securities was the other joint lead manager of the sale.

  13. Vlaming 21 maart 2007 12:05
    Shell verkoopt LPG-groothandel in zes Europese landen
    Woensdag 21 Maart 2007 11:52
    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Royal Dutch Shell heeft de LPG-groothandelsactiviteiten in zes Europese landen aan het Franse energiebedrijf Rubis verkocht. Met de verkoop is een maximaal bedrag gemoeid van EUR 90 miljoen. Dit hebben beide partijen woensdag bekendgemaakt.

    Volgens een woordvoerder van Shell vindt de verkoop plaats in het kader van het verder simplificeren van de verkoop- en distributie, ofwel de downstream-activiteiten van Shell. Rubis zou Shell zelf hebben benaderd voor de overname.

    De verkoop van de LPG-distributie heeft betrekking op Bulgarije, Tjechie, Duitsland, Roemenie, Spanje en Zwitserland. De omzet in deze landen bedraagt EUR 180 miljoen met een volume van 250.000 ton. Met de aankoop wordt de positie van Rubis op het gebied van LPG-distributie verdubbeld.

    Shell zal bij de tankstations in de betreffende landen wel gewoon LPG blijven verkopen en in het vervolg afnemen van Rubis. Onder de verkoop van de activiteiten valt ook de infrastructuur die bij de LPG-operaties hoort. Het gaat hier om opslag, vulstations en importterminals.

    Onder voorwaarde van de noodzakelijke goedkeuringen, zal de verkoop aan het begin van deze zomer plaatsvinden.

  14. [verwijderd] 23 maart 2007 07:00
    Shell Canada plans new refinery in Ontario - Business - Shell Canada plans new refinery in Ontario

    March 22, 2007
    Scott Haggett

    CALGARY, Alberta–Shell Canada Ltd. has settled on a location in southern Ontario for its planned heavy-oil refinery, but most other details for the new facility are still being worked out, a spokeswoman for the company said Thursday.

    The company, Canada’s No. 3 oil producer and refiner, said the new operation is likely to be built near the small community of Sombra, which has a population of about 280. Sombra is south of Sarnia, the center of Ontario’s petrochemical industry.

    The new plant will process between 150,000 and 250,000 barrels a day of heavy oil from Shell Canada's oil sands operations in Alberta but other details, including cost, configuration and a potential tie to the company's nearby 72,000 barrel a day refinery in Sarnia, are still sketchy.

    "We are looking to integrate our oil sands production ... but all other options are still being assessed," said Leigh Anne Richardson, a Shell Canada spokeswoman. "We are still in the infancy stages."

    Though a final decision on going ahead with the plant may not be made until 2010, the facility is one of three new refineries being touted in Canada.

    The other proposed plants are located in the eastern provinces of New Brunswick and Newfoundland. There hasn't been a new refinery built in Canada since 1984, when Shell Canada opened its 98,000 barrel a day Scotford operation near Edmonton, Alberta.

    The new refinery would primarily serve the Ontario market, Canada's largest, Richardson said. The supply of refined products to the region is tight, and a fire last month at an Imperial Oil Ltd. refinery led to temporary gasoline shortages in the province as some service stations ran dry.

    "The market in Ontario is tight, but that's true of nearly every single region in North America," said Michael Ervin, of M.J. Ervin & Associates, a petroleum marketing consultancy.

    Royal Dutch Shell is looking to buy out the minority shareholders in its Canadian unit, and some analysts have said it may not back Shell Canada's capital spending plans. However, Richardson said the parent company has been involved in the planning of the new refinery.

    "They've been along on the process from the get-go," Richardson said. "We don't know (Royal Dutch Shell's plans) and until we do we'll carry on business as usual."

  15. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2007 08:54
    RTRS-Van der Veer tot eind juni 2009 aan roer Shell
    DEN HAAG (ANP) - Jeroen van der Veer blijft tot 30 juni 2009
    bestuursvoorzitter van Shell. Dat maakte de Nederlands-Britse
    oliemaatschappij woensdag bekend.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  16. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2007 10:22

    h.vdbilt schreef:

    RTRS-Van der Veer tot eind juni 2009 aan roer Shell
    DEN HAAG (ANP) - Jeroen van der Veer blijft tot 30 juni 2009
    bestuursvoorzitter van Shell. Dat maakte de Nederlands-Britse
    oliemaatschappij woensdag bekend.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))

    Hallo Hans,

    U ook hier!

    GR ZB

  17. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2007 11:55
    Shell ziet af van bouw LNG-terminal in Golf van Mexico29 mrt 2007, 11:47 uur
    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Royal Dutch Shell ziet af van de bouw van een terminal voor de opslag van vloeibaar gas (LNG) in de Golf van Mexico. Dat bevestigt een woordvoerder van de onderneming donderdag tegenover Betten.

    Er is, zo stelt de zegsman, op dit moment voldoende capaciteit in de regio om aan de behoefte te voorzien door de bouw en planning van andere terminals.

    (c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)

  18. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2007 20:53
    RTRS-Shell opent benzinestations in Oekraïne (2)
    N i e u w bericht, meer informatie

    LONDEN (ANP) - Shell heeft een flinke stap gezet op de
    benzinemarkt in Oekraïne. De Nederlands-Britse oliemaatschappij
    heeft met OJSC Alliance Group een alliantie gesloten voor een
    netwerk van meer dan 150 pompstations. Dat heeft Shell donderdag

    Shell krijgt 51 procent van het samenwerkingsverband in
    handen, Alliance de rest. De bestaande benzinestations van
    Alliance worden omgebouwd tot de Shell-formule.

    Shell had in het Oost-Europese land sinds vorig jaar een
    proef lopen met zes Shell-stations. ,,Die is succesvol
    verlopen'', aldus een woordvoerder van het concern. Shell is het
    eerste internationale merk actief in Oekraïne.

    Volgens Shell-bestuurder Rob Routs biedt Oekraïne vele
    voordelen. Het land kent een omvangrijke bevolking, een sterke
    economische groei en heeft een strategisch gunstige ligging in

    Met de laatste uitbreiding van zijn wereldwijde netwerk van
    meer dan 46.000 pompstations geeft Shell verdere invulling aan
    de herstructurering van zijn verkoopactiviteiten. Het concern
    schroeft de investeringen in opkomende landen omhoog en verkoopt
    tegelijk pompstations en verouderde raffinaderijen die niet
    voldoende renderen en/of te klein zijn. Zo werden eerder in
    onder meer Kameroen, Ierland, Portugal, Spanje en enkele
    Zuid-Amerikaanse landen benzinestations verkocht.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
    504 5999))
  19. [verwijderd] 30 maart 2007 11:55
    Shell gaat joint-venture aan met Alliance in Oekraine
    AMSTERDAM ( - Royal Dutch Shell gaat in Oekraine een joint-venture aan met Oil Company Alliance. Dat heeft Shell vrijdag bekendgemaakt. De Brits-Nederlandse oliemaatschappij krijgt een belang van 51% in de joint-venture.

    Onder de vlag van Shell komen er 150 tankstations in Oekraine. De al bestaande stations van Alliance worden daarbij omgebouwd tot Shell tankstations.

    Volgens Shell passen de activiteiten in Oekraine binnen de stategie om te investeren in opkomende markten.

    Harm Luttikhedde

    (c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: 020-5928456)

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