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Forum Unifiedpost geopend

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  1. forum rang 8 Hopper58 23 oktober 2024 08:59
    Op de blog van De Tijd:

    Leybaert stopt als CEO Unifiedpost

    Hans Leybaert stopt als CEO van Unifiedpost en wordt uitvoerend voorzitter bij de facturatiespecialist. Nicolas de Beco wordt aangesteld als nieuwe CEO. De Beco was voordien strategiedirecteur bij de Franse pakjes- en postverwerker Quadient.

    Zowel mede-oprichtier Stefan Yee als voormalig liberaal politicus Philippe De Backer treden terug uit de Raad van Bestuur. Zij worden vervangen door Pieter Bourgeois (Alychlo) en Peter Mulroy (PDMT Investments).
  2. forum rang 9 aextracker 25 oktober 2024 17:47
    Goed nieuws !
    De CEO met "een gat in de hand" moet even afstand nemen, voordat hij zijn aandelenpakket tot waarde mag maken.
    Gezien de personen die gepaard gaan met mutaties lijkt de reddende engel\bengel uit Merelbeke hier zijn grip definitief te vergroten en voorwaarden heeft gesteld. Lijkt mij een uitgelezen kans om een gok te gaan wagen. De bengel gaat er nl. niet met een scheur in de broek uitkomen.
  3. forum rang 9 aextracker 8 november 2024 14:29

    stokpikker schreef op 4 november 2024 12:38:

    aankoop buiten beurs aan 2.55 eur per aandeel, dat is 50% onder de beurskoers? zo wil ik ook aankopen
    Dat heet "een sigaar uit eigen doos" opsteken of beter gezegd "in eigen zak steken".
  4. forum rang 8 Hopper58 14 november 2024 11:59
    'Maar dat de groei van de digitale diensten lager ligt dan in de voorbije kwartalen, noemt Degroof-Petercam-analist Michael Roeg wel 'zorgwekkend'. 'De 10 procent groei uit de eerste negen maanden impliceert dat het derde kwartaal een pak lager dan die 10 procent lag, gelet op de 12,8 procent groei over het eerste halfjaar.'

    Nieuw lichtpunt
    UnifiedPost focust liever op het langetermijnpotentieel van de business. Daarin ziet het een nieuw lichtpunt, staat in het persbericht. Begin deze maand werd de Europese richtlijn rond btw in het digitale tijdperk (ViDA) goedgekeurd door alle 27 EU-lidstaten. Die moet leiden tot een transitie van het Europese btw-stelsel naar een gestandaardiseerde digitale rapportage en een verplichte e-facturering voor internationale b2b-transacties in de EU. Unifiedpost maakt zich sterk dat het de technologie in huis heeft om een belangrijke rol te spelen in die transitie.

    Het bedrijf wijst er ook nog eens op dat de Franse regering haar voornemen om tegen september 2026 verplichte e-facturering in te voeren heeft herbevestigd. Die Franse transitie is belangrijk voor het bedrijf, maar liep vertraging op. Dat ze er nu toch lijkt te komen tegen 2026, is goed nieuws voor Unifiedpost.'
  5. Tankers 26 november 2024 14:24
    Vandaag nog een extra pakket UPG aangekocht. Gemiddelde aankoopprijs is nu 3.27 euro (kosten inbegrepen).
  6. StockTrainee 3 december 2024 07:35
    Hoe moeten we dit interpreteren? Het gaat om een minieme hoeveelheid, normaal handelen ze per honderdduizenden euro's. Wat is 33keur voor hen?
  7. Tankers 3 december 2024 08:22

    StockTrainee schreef op 3 december 2024 07:35:

    Hoe moeten we dit interpreteren? Het gaat om een minieme hoeveelheid, normaal handelen ze per honderdduizenden euro's. Wat is 33keur voor hen?
    2 opties:

    1: ze gaan gestaag opbouwen, ze kunnen natuurlijk niet veel aandelen op hetzelfde moment kopen door de lage free float (aantal verhandelde per dag). Ik heb ook nog maar net een pakket aandelen bijgekocht en mijn order heeft uren opengestaan, omdat er gewoon geen handel was. -- dus ik zal de FSMA site blijven volgen de komende dagen om te zien of ze blijven bijkopen.

    Hier gaat het over 22, 25 en 26 november. Dus misschien hebben ze ondertussen nog bijgekocht maar nog niet moeten melden.

    2: ze hebben een kleine hoeveelheid aangekocht voor bonussen voor hun bestuurders?

    Iets anders kan ik niet bedenken.
  8. marcello106 18 december 2024 08:47
    La Hulpe, Belgium – 18 December 2024, 7:00 am. CET – INSIDE INFORMATION - Unifiedpost Group SA (Euronext Brussels: UPG) (Unifiedpost), a leading provider of integrated business communications solutions, announces the closing of its earlier announced divestment of the Wholesale Identity Access business to Your.World B.V. (Your.World) and repays a significant part of its senior facility loan entered with Francisco Partners.

    Unifiedpost is pleased to announce the successful completion of the divestment of its Wholesale Identity Access business in the Netherlands, as initially disclosed in its press release dated August 26, 2024. This transaction was executed through the sale of all shares in Unifiedpost B.V. to Your.World, following the carve-out of Unifiedpost’s non-Wholesale Identity Access business and fulfilment of all necessary conditions.

    The sale includes a potential earn-out payment of up to €7,7 million, contingent upon achieving a defined financial milestone, with 70% settlement by the end of March and the balance by, at the latest, the end of August. The aggregate equity purchase price is projected to range between €108,4 million and €116,1 million, subject to the realisation of the earn-out condition.

    This transaction is part of a wider, new strategic partnership which will be set up between Unifiedpost and Your.World whereby, amongst others, Unifiedpost’s Banqup platform can be offered to over one million Your.World customers across Europe.

    The Wholesale Identity Access business in the Netherlands generated an EBITDA of € 8,3 million in 2023. As part of the agreement, 46 employees will join Your.World. The carve-out of the non-Wholesale Identity Access business has been transferred to a newly incorporated subsidiary of Unifiedpost Group, named Unifiedpost Solutions B.V.

    As previously announced on October 14, 2024, Unifiedpost has utilised part of the proceeds from the sale of the Wholesale Identity Access business to reduce its debt obligations to Francisco Partners Credit. Upon completion of the transaction, Unifiedpost repaid a principal amount of €75 million, along with accrued and due interest, bringing the total repayment to €94,8 million The remaining balance, consisting of a principal amount of €25 million and accrued and due interest, is estimated to be settled no later than March 31, 2025. Upon settlement, all remaining encumbrances will be released, and no additional early repayment penalties will apply.

    The proceeds from this transaction significantly enhance Unifiedpost’s financial position, enabling the group to reduce its net financial debt by an amount aligned with the transaction’s purchase price.

    Commenting on the announcement, Nicolas de Beco, CEO of Unifiedpost, stated, "The closing of the transaction and repayment of the majority of the loan with Francisco Partners represents a pivotal moment for Unifiedpost. We have completed a significant step in our strategic realignment, announced in April 2024, of de-risking our balance sheet and reducing our net-debt position. The partnership with Your.World opens up growth opportunities for our Banqup platform across Europe with a strategic focus on the Netherlands. This positions us strongly for future growth in our core digital services business."
  9. marcello106 10 januari 2025 14:48
    Voka-KvK Vlaams-Brabant en Unifiedpost Group, de gekende e-facturatiedienstverlener in België, zijn verheugd om hun nieuwe sleutelpartnership aan te kondigen. Met dit partnership willen ze het belang van digitalisering bij bedrijven, waaronder ook het stuk (verplichte) e-invoicing, benadrukken. Ook in het vereenvoudigen van facturatie voor bedrijven binnen en buiten Europa zijn zij expert.

    Samenwerking Voka-KvK Vlaams-Brabant en Unifiedpost

    Voka-KvK Vlaams-Brabant is verheugd over het partnerschap met Unifiedpost Group.

    Dankzij dit partnership zal de expertise van Unifiedpost Group op het gebied van elektronische e-invoicing gedeeld worden met de meer dan 2.400 leden van Voka-KvK Vlaams-Brabant door middel van opleidingen die open staan voor alle ondernemingen in Vlaams-Brabant. Hierdoor kan de organisatie haar leden nog beter ondersteunen bij hun digitale transformaties.

    “We zijn heel tevreden met dit partnership. Digitalisering is een cruciaal onderwerp voor onze leden. Met de expertise van Unifiedpost Group kunnen wij onze leden nog beter bijstaan en adviseren wanneer er vragen komen rond elektronische facturatie en andere digitaliseringsprocessen. Hierdoor kunnen onze leden efficiënter en effectiever werken,” Kris Claes, gedelegeerd bestuurder van Voka-KvK Vlaams-Brabant
    “E-facturatie maakt het facturatieproces sneller, efficiënter en minder foutgevoelig. E-facturatie draagt bovendien bij aan duurzaamheid door papiergebruik te verminderen. Ook voor bedrijven die internationaal actief zijn biedt ons platform een grote meerwaarde.” Luc Caubergh, Sales Director Corporate bij Unifiedpost Group
    Maar 10% van bedrijven gebruikt al e-invoicing

    Op dit moment beschikt slechts iets meer dan 10% van de Belgische ondernemingen over een oplossing voor de verplichte e-facturatie. Dit betekent dat nog een groot aantal bedrijven hiermee aan de slag moet gaan tegen het einde van het jaar. Uit een recente enquête, uitgevoerd door Unifiedpost in samenwerking met de accountantsfederatie ITAA, blijkt dat veel bedrijven nog niet op de hoogte zijn van de aankomende verplichting. "Via het partnerschap met Voka-KvK Vlaams-Brabant willen we deze bedrijven informeren over het opkomende mandaat," zegt Luc Caubergh.
  10. forum rang 9 aextracker 10 januari 2025 15:31
    Wat moet je inmiddels van Unified Post group denken ?
    - Nieuw management (CEO) die de oprichter eigenaar met (te) gulle hand vervangt.
    - Wurggreepfinanciering Fransisco partners (bijna en nagenoeg) afgelost\opgelost.
    - Omzetverlies\stagnatie blijft een probleempunt -> gebrek aan groeivermogen.... ?
    - Waardering vs. aantal aandelen in omloop ?

    Iemand die daar iets zinnigs over kan melden o.b.v. de laatste cijfers en inzichten ?
  11. marcello106 26 januari 2025 11:25
    Unifiedpost (UPG Belgium - €115m market cap)

    Unifiedpost is a niche SaaS player mainly operating within electronic invoicing, a market which is expected to have secular tailwinds due to regulatory tailwinds.

    In simple terms, UPG helps business digitalize and streamline their financial and admin processes. The company provides cloud-based solutions to e.g. automate invoicing and payment processes, exchange documents digitally, ensure tax compliance across different countries, etc. UPG serves a few million customers worldwide over 30+ countries, mostly via longer-term contracts, providing a diversified and pretty visible revenue stream.

    The company has been listed for roughly four years, and the shares have not exactly been a success. The share price hovered around €22 for some months after the IPO, but got crushed as rates rose and earnings disappointed.

    Top-line growth has been flattish for the past few years paired with some heavy losses, the latter mainly the result of the company’s inability to generate operating leverage and big interest expenses on a pretty expensive – and large – debt position.

    In short, UPG has been a total loser.

    So, what makes this one worth looking into?

    For starters, when I see a stock crap out and the share price remain flattish for some time despite whatever news the company puts out – I’m interested.

    More importantly, it seems that UPG management has seen the light, and has recently embarked on a ‘let’s-get-to-cash-flow-positive-asap’ tour. The company announced a strategic review in April 2024, putting out some concrete, near-term goals of achieving a stable financial position and FCF break-even by 2025.

    To do this, they have set three main goals:

    Grow Core Digital Services: they aim to expand their higher-margin digital services business at a steady rate. This growth is essential because these services are more profitable compared to other parts of their business.
    Control costs: keeping expenses in check is crucial to ensuring that the company can finally achieve some operating leverage.
    Pay off debt: they have a significant and expensive debt burden to Francisco Partners. Paying this off will reduce its financial burden and drastically improve the balance sheet.
    UPG wasted no time, and attacked the debt problem by selling some non-core businesses (given the targeted focus on their main digital services) at very decent prices. The largest asset sale has been the Wholesale Identity Access unit, which was sold for €133m (EV, incl. €7.7m earn-out), 16x FY23 ev/ebitda. This deal was finalised a month ago.

    Not bad for a company with an EV of roughly €230m and €130m debt.

    The proceeds from these divestments (which also include the sale of other smaller non-core businesses like Fitek/ONEA and 21 Grams) will push the company to a (small) net cash position, significantly improving the UPG’s cash generation profile.

    Now there’s an actual path to becoming cash flow positive in the near-term. The company’s profile shifted strongly towards its digital activities which boast much higher gross margins (over 60%) compared to its legacy services (20-30%). Also, revenues from these activities should grow at >10% p.a. for the foreseeable future.

    Given the shift in mix and return to growth, it’s not inconceivable for the company to get to mid-to-high single-digit ebitda this year. That would put it at 12-15x ev/ebitda on FY25e, with ebitda growing at 40-50% p.a. in the years thereafter as operating leverage kicks in.

    But as always there’s some stuff to keep an eye on. While Digital Services revenues grew at a healthy rate over H1 24, Q3 showed a pretty large slowdown. There’s no Q3 call and I have yet to reach out to the company, but this is something to keep an eye on. It’s a small company, and its normal to have some hiccups, as long as they’re not structural.

    But overall, here we have a company that went from being a indebted loser, to a growing company, with healthy gross margins and strong balance sheet – and the share price didn’t move.

    The market’s clearly in wait-and-see mode, and that’s the opportunity.
  12. forum rang 8 Hopper58 12 februari 2025 19:11
    BILL Plunges 36% Post Q2 Earnings: Is the Stock Worth Buying on the Dip?
    Nilanshi Mukherjee February 12, 2025

    BILL Holdings (BILL Quick QuoteBILL - Free Report) shares have plunged 36.2% since the company reported second-quarter fiscal 2025 results on Feb. 6. The decline was due to the company’s weaker-than-expected revenue guidance and challenges from FX volatility impacting monetization.

    BILL shares have outperformed the Zacks Computer & Technology sector and its Zacks Internet - Software industry peer Intuit (INTU Quick QuoteINTU - Free Report) in the trailing six months. While BILL’s shares have gained 28.1%, Intuit shares have plunged 9.3% in the same time frame. The broader sector has returned 11.5% over the trailing six-month period.

    The outperformance can be attributed to strong revenue growth, increased platform adoption, AI-driven automation, expanded payment solutions, and expanding partnerships enhancing its SMB ecosystem.

    In the second quarter of fiscal 2025, revenues of $362.6 million increased 13.8% year over year. The top line was driven by 16.3% growth in BILL’s core revenues, reflecting its growing customer base and expanded use of its platform.

    The growth was further fueled by the company’s AI-enabled automation capabilities and a refined go-to-market strategy. BILL’s focus on delivering value to SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses) and simplifying SMB’s financial operations allowed it to capture more clients and boost its revenue stream.

    BILL Expands User Base With AI-Driven Financial Solutions
    BILL is strengthening its position in the financial technology sector with an expanding portfolio, which has played a key role in driving its success.

    In the second quarter of fiscal 2025, BILL’s platform saw a broad increase in users, with over 480,000 businesses using its automation tools to streamline their financial workflows.

    The company processed $85 billion across 30 million transactions, indicating high user engagement and an expanding customer base. The rise in both users and transaction volume reflects the growing demand for BILL’s suite of financial solutions, which is central to the company's increasing success.

    BILL’s investments in artificial intelligence and product enhancements, such as the integration of automated 1099 filing and expanded card offerings, attracted more customers to its platform, making financial operations even more efficient. As these advancements gained traction, they contributed significantly to BILL's growing presence in the financial technology space.

    In the reported quarter, the company introduced new features like the embedded 1099 functionality, which simplified tax form filing, enhancing the platform’s appeal to small and medium-sized businesses and driving further customer engagement.

    BILL Expands SMB Reach With Key Partnerships
    BILL’s customer base continued to expand, with a growing number of small and medium-sized businesses adopting its platform for digital payment and invoicing needs. This increase in adoption reflects a broader trend in the SMB sector toward streamlining financial operations and embracing digital solutions for greater efficiency.

    The company’s expanding SMB clientele, including Adyen (ADYEY Quick QuoteADYEY - Free Report) , Regions Financial (RF Quick QuoteRF - Free Report) and Xero, has been a key catalyst.

    The company’s partnership with Regions Bank to introduce Regions CashFlowIQSM, a digital solution aimed at simplifying payments and improving cash management for commercial clients, further solidifies its position as a leader in digital payment solutions.

    BILL’s partnership with Adyen integrates advanced acquiring and issuing capabilities into its financial operations platform for SMBs, enhancing accounts payable and receivable solutions with Adyen’s technology.

    BILL Holdings’ Q3 Guidance
    For the third quarter of fiscal 2025, BILL expects revenues between $352.5 million and $357.5 million, suggesting year-over-year growth of 9-11%. Non-GAAP earnings are projected to be between 35 cents and 38 cents per share.

    For fiscal 2025, BILL Holdings expects revenues between $1.45 billion and $1.47 billion, implying 13-14% year-over-year growth. Non-GAAP earnings are expected to be between $1.87 and $1.97 per share.
  13. forum rang 8 Hopper58 14 februari 2025 17:08

    Hopper58 schreef op 12 februari 2025 19:11:

    BILL Plunges 36% Post Q2 Earnings: Is the Stock Worth Buying on the Dip?
    Nilanshi Mukherjee February 12, 2025

    BILL Holdings (BILL Quick QuoteBILL - Free Report) shares have plunged 36.2% since the company reported second-quarter fiscal 2025 results on Feb. 6. The decline was due to the company’s weaker-than-expected revenue guidance and challenges from FX volatility impacting monetization.

    BILL shares have outperformed the Zacks Computer & Technology sector and its Zacks Internet - Software industry peer Intuit (INTU Quick QuoteINTU - Free Report) in the trailing six months. While BILL’s shares have gained 28.1%, Intuit shares have plunged 9.3% in the same time frame. The broader sector has returned 11.5% over the trailing six-month period.

    The outperformance can be attributed to strong revenue growth, increased platform adoption, AI-driven automation, expanded payment solutions, and expanding partnerships enhancing its SMB ecosystem.

    In the second quarter of fiscal 2025, revenues of $362.6 million increased 13.8% year over year. The top line was driven by 16.3% growth in BILL’s core revenues, reflecting its growing customer base and expanded use of its platform.

    The growth was further fueled by the company’s AI-enabled automation capabilities and a refined go-to-market strategy. BILL’s focus on delivering value to SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses) and simplifying SMB’s financial operations allowed it to capture more clients and boost its revenue stream.

    BILL Expands User Base With AI-Driven Financial Solutions
    BILL is strengthening its position in the financial technology sector with an expanding portfolio, which has played a key role in driving its success.

    In the second quarter of fiscal 2025, BILL’s platform saw a broad increase in users, with over 480,000 businesses using its automation tools to streamline their financial workflows.

    The company processed $85 billion across 30 million transactions, indicating high user engagement and an expanding customer base. The rise in both users and transaction volume reflects the growing demand for BILL’s suite of financial solutions, which is central to the company's increasing success.

    BILL’s investments in artificial intelligence and product enhancements, such as the integration of automated 1099 filing and expanded card offerings, attracted more customers to its platform, making financial operations even more efficient. As these advancements gained traction, they contributed significantly to BILL's growing presence in the financial technology space.

    In the reported quarter, the company introduced new features like the embedded 1099 functionality, which simplified tax form filing, enhancing the platform’s appeal to small and medium-sized businesses and driving further customer engagement.

    BILL Expands SMB Reach With Key Partnerships
    BILL’s customer base continued to expand, with a growing number of small and medium-sized businesses adopting its platform for digital payment and invoicing needs. This increase in adoption reflects a broader trend in the SMB sector toward streamlining financial operations and embracing digital solutions for greater efficiency.

    The company’s expanding SMB clientele, including Adyen (ADYEY Quick QuoteADYEY - Free Report) , Regions Financial (RF Quick QuoteRF - Free Report) and Xero, has been a key catalyst.

    The company’s partnership with Regions Bank to introduce Regions CashFlowIQSM, a digital solution aimed at simplifying payments and improving cash management for commercial clients, further solidifies its position as a leader in digital payment solutions.

    BILL’s partnership with Adyen integrates advanced acquiring and issuing capabilities into its financial operations platform for SMBs, enhancing accounts payable and receivable solutions with Adyen’s technology.

    BILL Holdings’ Q3 Guidance
    For the third quarter of fiscal 2025, BILL expects revenues between $352.5 million and $357.5 million, suggesting year-over-year growth of 9-11%. Non-GAAP earnings are projected to be between 35 cents and 38 cents per share.

    For fiscal 2025, BILL Holdings expects revenues between $1.45 billion and $1.47 billion, implying 13-14% year-over-year growth. Non-GAAP earnings are expected to be between $1.87 and $1.97 per share.
    Vandaag wat ingekocht in $ op MEXEM. Zit ik dus toch weer in de sector. Turning point in koersval lijkt bereikt voor Bill.
  14. marcello106 19 februari 2025 14:44
    In de aanloop naar cijfers op 27 februari loopt de koers langzaam op.

    Ik ben vooral benieuwd naar de cijfers exclusief desinvesteringen.
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