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Unibail Rodamco Westfield 2023, Rise or Fall ?

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  1. forum rang 7 HCohen 26 november 2023 16:04

    Franse aandelen schreef op 26 november 2023 14:28:


    Questions :
    1) What initial margin does the broker request at the outset? The maximum risk?
    2) which amount do you need to provision for delta margin ?
    3) how often is delta exchanged between your brokerage account and counterparty ( be it EUREX, EURONEXT, bank)
    4) is this automatically deducted from your brokerage account if stock drops ?
    5) If stock goes up, is delta margin automatically recredited ?
    6) Is your broker requesting that you put up a cash balance for all your potential risk (= buying the stock at 45 times x number of shares contracted ?
    7) do you earn interest rates on you delta margin ?
    8) Do you trade via exchanges or do you trade OTC ?

    P.S. : I guess you need to be qualified MIFID wise in highest risk category and probably even better as professional investor in order to enter into such transactions.
    No doubt that Branco will give you a satisfying answer.

    Nevertheless, I would also like to refer you to the sub-thread "Mijn FIRE-beleggingen (waaronder en n.a.v. URW ;-))" ,
    In this thread there are several aliases who are strong on the subject matter imho (among others "belegger" and "Calender").
    Best regards
  2. forum rang 7 HCohen 26 november 2023 16:12
    Reuze benieuwd of de aankondiging van de laatste 400 mlj beoogde verkopen(deleveraging doelstelling)
    in de EU nog valt voor 31 dec.. Wordt vervolgd
  3. forum rang 7 HCohen 26 november 2023 16:41
    Interessant en positief interview over brick & mortar (betreft wel shopping centers en geen malls)
    (leegstand historisch laag, traffic omhoog, geen nwe concurrentie etc)

    Kimco Realty CEO Conor Flynn: Shopping centers are steady defensive plays
  4. forum rang 7 Branco P 26 november 2023 17:39

    HCohen schreef op 26 november 2023 16:41:

    Interessant en positief interview over brick & mortar (betreft wel shopping centers en geen malls)
    (leegstand historisch laag, traffic omhoog, geen nwe concurrentie etc)

    Kimco Realty CEO Conor Flynn: Shopping centers are steady defensive plays
    Ik heb toevallig ook een kleine positie in Kimco :-)

    Franse Aandelen, I will answer your questions later/tomorrow!
  5. forum rang 4 Mr. Fleming 26 november 2023 23:36
    Tipje van de aandeelhouder(youtube kanaal over beleggen)
    Unibail wordt getipt door Belgische vastgoed analist vanaf 1:03:50

    Behoorlijk positief verhaal wel..

    Ps. In belgie zijn LtV’s van 50 en hoger heel normaal volgens analist zonder dat de banken moeilijk gaan doen daar, klaarblijkelijk..
    Waarom verkast URW niet naar Belgische banken, als die zo veel makkelijker zijn..? Of is dat te eenvoudig gedacht?

    Volgens de belg; urw ltv is 41.9 en dat vindt hij alles sinds acceptabel om dividenden te hervatten.. Geeft de burger(nog meer) moed! :-)
  6. Fatcat 27 november 2023 17:27
    Twee weken geleden Westfield London een bezoekje gebracht. Was met mijn vriendin in de buurt, dus dacht laten we eens een kijkje nemen. Vond ze uiteraard geen probleem.

    In een woord, prachtig. Van binnen brandschoon, geweldig groot en luxe, en natuurlijk prachtig ingericht voor de kerst. Buiten hadden ze een schaatsbaan opgezet. Vriendin heeft flink ingeslagen en was erg onder de indruk, wil nu ook naar de Westfield in Leidschendam.

    Ondanks we er woensdag overdag waren liep het lekker door. Rond de avond zag het zwart van de mensen. Leegstand is ook niet/nauwelijks merkbaar, ze zetten er mooie schermen/beeldmateriaal ed. overheen zodat het niet opvalt.

    Kortom een geslaagd marktonderzoek dus ;)
  7. forum rang 6 mercurius-adept 28 november 2023 08:57

    HCohen schreef op 26 november 2023 16:41:

    Interessant en positief interview over brick & mortar (betreft wel shopping centers en geen malls)
    (leegstand historisch laag, traffic omhoog, geen nwe concurrentie etc)

    Kimco Realty CEO Conor Flynn: Shopping centers are steady defensive plays
    WSJ 26 nov: Owners Keep Zombie Malls Alive Even When Towns Want to Pull the Plug

    “It was thriving for at least three decades,” said Wyomissing borough manager Michele Bare. “It’s just sad to see it become what it’s become"
  8. konijnenmelkertbaan 28 november 2023 09:00
    Klépierre Iberia neemt nieuwe directeur ontwikkeling en investeringen aan bij URW
    Huillard, die een graad in bedrijfskunde heeft behaald aan de Escp Europe Business School, heeft meer dan 14 jaar ervaring in de vastgoedsector en heeft het grootste deel van zijn professionele carrière bij URW doorgebracht.

    Het bedrijf is gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van winkelcentra en bezit verschillende centra in Spanje, waaronder Maremagnum (Barcelona) en Príncipe Pío (Madrid). Nieuwe aanwinst voor Klépierre. Het bedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in de ontwikkeling van winkelcentra en eigenaar is van verschillende centra in Spanje, waaronder Maremagnum (Barcelona) en Príncipe Pío (Madrid), heeft Grégoire Huillard aangetrokken als de nieuwe ontwikkelings- en investeringsdirecteur voor Spanje en Portugal. Huillard, die is afgestudeerd in bedrijfskunde aan de Escp Europe Business School, heeft meer dan 14 jaar ervaring in de vastgoedsector en heeft het grootste deel van zijn professionele carrière doorgebracht bij Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW), waar hij begon als manager van de grootste activa van de Groep in Parijs en in 2021 directeur Investeringen en Investeringen in Spanje. Tijdens zijn ambtstermijn in de handelsgroep was hij de drijvende kracht achter de groei van de grootste activa van URW. Hij leidde projecten zoals de uitbreiding van het winkelcentrum Garbera in San Sebastián, met de opening van meer dan 20.000 vierkante meter commerciële ruimtes die in 2023 werden ingehuldigd, en grote stadsvernieuwingsprojecten zoals de uitbreiding La Maquinista in Barcelona, die 92.000 vierkante meter gemengd gebruik heeft (commercieel, woningen en kantoren). Laetitia Ferracci, Managing Director van Klépierre Iberia, zei: "We zijn erg blij om een professional als Grégoire binnen te halen om de ontwikkelings- en investeringsstrategie van Klépierre Iberia te leiden; hun kennis van de vastgoedmarkt en hun uitgebreide ervaring in de retailsector zullen essentieel zijn om de beste investeringsmogelijkheden te vinden, wat ons zal helpen om door te gaan met het consolideren van een portefeuille van activa van topniveau, zoals die we hebben in Spanje en Portugal", aldus de directeur. Klépierre Iberia sloot het eerste kwartaal af met een omzet van 71,5 miljoen euro, 3,3% meer dan het jaar ervoor De toevoeging van Huillard volgt op het recente bod van Klépierre Iberia op Fernando Pérez Borrachero als de nieuwe leasingdirecteur voor het Iberisch schiereiland, een voormalig directeur van vastgoedtransacties bij Amazon in Spanje. Het bedrijf sloot het eerste kwartaal van het boekjaar af met een omzet van 71,5 miljoen euro, 3,3% meer dan het jaar voordien. Wat het verkoopvolume betreft, concentreerde Klépierre zich op een stijging van 14,1% in al zijn winkelcentra, met groei in alle landen waar het aanwezig is. Frankrijk, dat 40% van het totaal voor zijn rekening neemt, was goed voor een stijging van 8,6%, terwijl in Italië, de tweede markt met een aandeel van 25%, de exploitanten 16,3% meer verkochten. In Spanje is Klépierre eigenaar van Plenilunio, La Gavia, Príncipe Pío (Madrid), Maremagnum (Barcelona), Nueva Condomina (Murcia), Meridiano (Tenerife) en Los Prados (Oviedo).

  9. forum rang 7 HCohen 28 november 2023 19:55
    URW: Uitrol van een oplossing om Traffic te kunnen analyseren
    28 november 2023

    Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) kondigt de inzet aan van de oplossing, van de Franse start-up Digeiz, voor het tellen en kwalificeren van Traffic in 24 van zijn Europese winkelcentra om zodoende het precieze parcours van zijn bezoekers te kunnen analyseren en daardoor hun ervaring te verbeteren.

    Door correlaties vast te stellen tussen bezoeken, interesses per bezoekerssegment en de tijd die in verschillende ruimtes wordt doorgebracht, moet deze op AI gebaseerde oplossing het mogelijk maken om een commercieel aanbod te ontwikkelen dat tegemoet komt aan de behoeften van klanten.

    Na een eerste succesvolle test in Frankrijk op Westfield Vélizy 2, heeft de commerciële vastgoedgroep zichzelf de middelen gegeven om deze geavanceerde technologie in de meeste van zijn centra in Europa te integreren door ze uit te rusten met de nodige infrastructuur.
  10. forum rang 6 wiegveld 29 november 2023 19:04
    Heeft niets met URW te maken maar okk weer wel. privaat Signa vakt om.

    Signa Files Insolvency as Cash Crunch Fells Luxury Empire
    Real estate group was unable to secure emergency financing
    Owner of numerous trophy assets made filing on Wednesday

    By Marton Eder, Libby Cherry, and Laura Malsch
    29 november 2023 at 11:13 CET
    Updated on 29 november 2023 at 17:07 CET

    Austrian tycoon Rene Benko’s Signa filed for insolvency after a last-ditch attempt to raise emergency funding failed, making the co-owner of New York’s Chrysler building one of the most prominent casualties of Europe’s property crisis.

    The filing is a bitter blow for the self-made mogul, who was known to boast that only the British royal family and the Catholic church could rival his array of exclusive properties. With assets valued at €23 billion ($25 billion) at the end of last year, the collapse may become the largest real estate meltdown in Europe since the global financial crisis.

    Rene BenkoPhotographer: Georg Hochmuth/AFP/Getty Images
    Signa Holding GmbH said it made the filing on Wednesday in Vienna with the goal of managing its own restructuring under court supervision, according to an emailed statement from the company. “Despite considerable efforts in recent weeks, the necessary liquidity for an out-of-court restructuring could not be sufficiently secured,” the company said.

    The Vienna Commercial Court confirmed the filing and will name an administrator on Thursday, it said in an emailed statement.

    Signa Holding is the centerpiece of a portfolio that includes Selfridges department store in London, luxury malls in Vienna and an historic hotel in Venice. The company owns stakes in units, which hold the assets directly as part of a complex structure that hampered fund raising talks.

    The company indicated it was seeking to maintain operations, but it’s unclear how subsidiaries — which include Signa Development and Signa Prime, the two largest — might be affected. A German unit of Signa Prime recently filed for insolvency at a Berlin court, following a similar move from an affiliated sports retailer.

    “The aim is to continue business operations within the framework of self-administration,” Signa Holding said.

    Benko and Other Stakeholders Could See Losses Across Empire
    Shareholder breakdown of Signa Holding and its main subsidiaries

    Sources: Company filings; Bloomberg
    Note: As of most recent shareholder meetings in July and October 2023
    Under that type of insolvency, Signa Holding would maintain autonomy to dispose of assets and restructure its debt. It would have to present a turnaround plan that’s accepted by a majority of creditors within 90 days. At least 30% of claims need to be paid back within two years.

    “Company managers want self-administration, partly because it sounds better when communicating to the outside world,” said Dragica Banovic, an insolvency attorney at law firm hww in Frankfurt. “However, the proceedings are still insolvency proceedings.”

    What set Benko apart from many other property investors is that the 46-year-old continued to make high-profile acquisitions even as challenges to his debt-driven strategy started to surface in recent years. The end of the cheap-money era then triggered a drop in valuations and a cash crunch, and Signa’s obscure structure left it especially vulnerable.

    Read More: Billionaire Benko’s Empire Risks Unraveling

    In frantic talks to secure up to €600 million of short-term liquidity, Signa reached out to a wide range of financiers including Mubadala Investment Co., Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, Attestor Capital and Elliott Investment Management, people familiar with the discussions have said. But Signa’s complexity and the tight time frame for a deal were too much to overcome.

    The Suspended Construction Site Of Signa Holding GmbH's Elbtower
    The suspended Elbtower construction site in Hamburg, Germany.Photographer: Maria Feck/Bloomberg
    The fallout from the insolvency is likely to be another blow for Europe’s battered commercial real estate sector by potentially forcing a fire sale of assets and resetting valuations even lower.

    Financial contagion though could be limited. Signa’s largest exposure is to banks for funding acquisitions and construction work on development projects, such as Hamburg’s Elbtower. Those loans are often secured against the property, meaning banks may be well-positioned to recoup losses.

    The rapid expansion of Benko’s empire spurred regulatory scrutiny. The European Central Bank asked several lenders that worked with the company in Austria, Germany and other European countries to write down part of their exposure, Bloomberg News reported in August.

    Selected Exposures to Signa Companies
    Signa secured funding mostly in German-speaking world

    Source: Bloomberg, media reports, companies
    Note: data based on information from people familiar with transactions, media reports. Table doesn't show all entities exposed to Signa.
    The implosion will leave a wake of uncertainty. In Germany, construction work had been halted at the Elbtower and other sites, and dozens of cities face closures of Signa’s Galeria department stores, leaving yawning gaps in downtown shopping districts.

    In Austria alone, 390 companies are affiliated with Signa Holding, creditor representative KSV1870 said in a statement. “From today’s standpoint, it’s impossible to predict whether further companies of the Signa Group will file for insolvency, and whether it will lead to a domino-effect,” said Karl-Heinz Götze, the head of insolvencies at the group.

    At Signa Development, holders of the group’s only publicly-listed bond have been assessing whether breached financing terms after the unit revealed hundreds of millions of euros were owed to it by other Signa entities. Ringfencing measures should have protected bondholders from wider difficulties at Signa, Fitch Ratings saidat the time.

    The €300 million notes maturing in 2026 were indicated at 9.8 cents on the euro, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News. Just a month ago, they were quoted at around 67 cents.

    Signa Holdings GmbH's Department Store Businesses
    A Christmas market outside a Galeria department store in Berlin, Germany.Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg
    Thailand’s Central Group could be a key player in the fallout. The retail conglomerate has already secured control of Selfridges’ operating company by converting a loan into equity earlier this month. The company owned by the Chirathivat family is also a partner with Benko in Switzerland’s Globus chain and Berlin’s KaDeWe and reaffirmed on Wednesday that it will support its European luxury operations.

    In Benko’s rise to one of Europe’s biggest property dealmakers, he gained the trust of Europe’s elite, counting Austrian construction tycoon Hans Peter Haselsteiner, German transportation magnate Klaus-Michael Kuehne and France’s Peugeot family among his investors. They now stand to lose heavily.

    Despite contributing almost €1 billion in fresh capital to the two largest Signa units just last year, Benko’s once-loyal backers balked at extending more money. A group pushed the founder to step aside and recruited restructuring experts Arndt Geiwitz and Ralf Schmitz to spearhead a turnaround. But it was too late to save a group that bet heavily on brick-and-mortar retail.

    “Investments in this area did not yield the anticipated success,” Signa said in its statement.
  11. forum rang 6 wiegveld 29 november 2023 19:15
    He Bought a Piece of the Chrysler Building. Now His Empire Is Falling Apart.
    René Benko’s Signa filed for insolvency, marking one of the most dramatic falls in the property sector in recent years
    Eliot Brown
    Margot Patrick
    Nov. 29, 2023 at 11:05 am ET

    Gift unlocked article

    (5 min)

    René Benko’s company Signa is filing for insolvency, casting uncertainty over a property empire that includes a stake in upscale British retailer Selfridges. PHOTO: GEORG HOCHMUTH/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
    The property slump sweeping the globe has claimed a new high-profile victim: René Benko, an Austrian-born retail and department-store magnate who also co-owns New York’s Chrysler Building.

    Benko’s main holding company, Signa Holding, said Wednesday it is filing for insolvency in Austria. The move, similar to U.S. bankruptcy procedure, puts billions of dollars of company debt at risk and casts uncertainty over a property empire that includes stakes in the largest department store chains in Europe, upscale British retailer Selfridges and a now-stalled Hamburg tower that would have been among the tallest in Germany.

    Signa, which valued its property portfolio at nearly $30 billion at the peak, doubled down on investments as the market crested. It buckled over recent months because of rising interest rates and poor performance of Benko’s trophy holdings. The collapse has already led some European banks to mark down the value of their loans to the group.

    The region’s regulators have been on guard against the ripple effects from the downturn in commercial real estate on the banking system and are closely watching Signa’s unraveling.

    Benko, 46, stepped aside as chairman earlier this month, ceding control to Arndt Geiwitz, a restructuring manager. Signa said efforts to negotiate with lenders in recent weeks had failed and it now intends to undergo a restructuring.

    It pointed to troubles in the retail sector. “Investments in this area have not brought the expected success,” it said.

    Analysts at JPMorgan Chase estimated earlier this month that Signa’s two largest subsidiaries had over $14 billion of debt and other liabilities. Swiss bank Julius Baer has around 606 million Swiss francs in lending to the group, equivalent to around $690 million.

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    Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank International has a roughly 755 million euro exposure across several Signa commercial properties, equivalent to around $830 million, according to people familiar with the loans. Both banks have taken partial provisions on the debt. The European Central Bank and Switzerland’s financial regulator are monitoring the situation, according to the people.

    René Benko bought the Chrysler Building in partnership with RFR Holding in 2019. PHOTO: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
    The filing marks the most dramatic fall in years in the European property sector, where years of ultralow—and even negative—interest rates provided landlords with a cheap fuel for growth. Commercial mortgage rates have soared over the past 18 months. One of the biggest commercial landlords in Sweden and several large German home builders have struggled to pay off giant debt tabs.

    Benko’s reach is larger, and higher profile.

    A high-school dropout from the quaint Austrian mountain city of Innsbruck, Benko kicked off his own real-estate business, renovating apartments. He vaulted into prominence with a 2012 acquisition of most of Germany’s Karstadt department-store chain, which included the upscale KaDeWe store in Berlin.

    His business grew rapidly over the next decade, expanding in part through savvy connections.

    Some of the most storied names in the European firmament backed Benko, including Ernst Tanner, executive chairman of Swiss chocolatier Lindt & Sprungli, and the foundation of Niki Lauda, a Formula One driver who died in 2019.

    Benko accompanied Austria’s then-chancellor Sebastian Kurz on a trip to the Middle East that helped lead to financing deals, people familiar with the trip said.

    Acquisitions grew. He pushed into Switzerland and Italy. In 2019, he bought the Chrysler Building in partnership with RFR Holding, the firm run by New York developer Aby Rosen—a year in which Benko also bought bigger stakes in his own department stores and purchased Austrian newspapers.

    As Covid-19 swept the world, Benko joined with Thai conglomerate Central Group to purchase Swiss luxury-department-store chain Globus and pushed ahead with giant developments such as the 64-story Hamburg tower. Signa’s website featured videos of Benko on stage and his face on a magazine cover.

    Even as property markets began to pull back, he continued to expand. Signa joined again with Central Group in 2021 to buy most of Selfridges, a ritzy chain with an ornate flagship on London’s Oxford Street.

    The retail sector—already faltering when Benko stepped on the gas in the early 2010s—has struggled in the past few years.

    Losses mounted, and debt costs rose. Analysts at JPMorgan estimate that more than half—over $4.5 billion—of the debt on Signa’s two main property subsidiaries is floating rate, which means its costs have surged from when the loans were issued.

    Loans coming due has been another problem, because falling prices have made it difficult to refinance. Of Signa’s debt, well over $1 billion of loans were set to come due in 2023, an additional 37% is set to mature between 2024 and 2027, JPMorgan analysts said.

    Georgi Kantchev contributed to this article.

    Write to Eliot Brown at and Margot Patrick at
  12. forum rang 7 HCohen 30 november 2023 09:00
    Unibail R Westfield verpletterde de weerstand van 55,5E en dichtte het voormalige 'gat' van 56,75E op 9 maart: het aandeel gaat richting 62,3E, het hoogtepunt dat begin februari werd getest.

    Nu de grote vraag; wat doen de inflatiecijfers voor Nov vandaag(EU en US PCE)?
    De opening is in elk geval postief met + 1.12%
  13. forum rang 7 Branco P 30 november 2023 09:34

    wiegveld schreef op 29 november 2023 19:04:

    Heeft niets met URW te maken maar ook weer wel. privaat Signa vakt om.
    Dit heeft niet of nauwelijks iets met URW te maken. Je vult een forum met nagenoeg irrelevante negativiteit.

    Ondertussen gaat het met URW de goede kant op en de rentes dalen de afgelopen weken keihard. Dalen ze nog iets verder, dan gaan alle vastgoedaandelen hard omhoog.
  14. forum rang 7 HCohen 30 november 2023 14:25
    Rapapaaa, in 10min het US PCE Okt inflatie-cijfer..

    M.i. niet te overschatten en zelfs mogelijk bepalend(impact renteontwikkeling korte termijn) voor het verloop van de beoogde eindejaarsrally, fingers crossed dan maar

    Note; Flash estimate EU inflatie Nov viel mooi mee, maar rentes reageerde (nog) niet echt positief hierop
  15. forum rang 7 HCohen 30 november 2023 14:44

    HCohen schreef op 30 november 2023 14:25:

    Rapapaaa, in 10min het US PCE Okt inflatie-cijfer..

    M.i. niet te overschatten en zelfs mogelijk bepalend(impact renteontwikkeling korte termijn) voor het verloop van de beoogde eindejaarsrally, fingers crossed dan maar

    Note; Flash estimate EU inflatie Nov viel mooi mee, maar rentes reageerde (nog) niet echt positief hierop
    Volgens verwachting dan maar

    hier de release

    Wat doen rente/koersen nu, PCE en 'core PCE' blijven toch dalen(core: sept 3.7%, nu okt 3.5%)?
  16. forum rang 6 !@#$!@! 1 december 2023 16:03
    Eerder en dieper. (dit was 1% tijdje geleden, dus weer een kwartje erbij)

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