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  1. Baasko 6 februari 2023 22:57
    Zo lang het volk stemt op een mangol als Erdohan magen ze van mij in put put zakken. Wanneer het wolk wakker wordt en niet meer op deze dictator stemt dan ben ik met hun en hebben ze mij stem.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 9 februari 2023 07:29
    Steel Market Players Assessing Impact of Turkish Earthquakes

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Feb, 2023, 5:58 am

    After several major earthquakes hit Turkey on Monday & Tuesday, rescue efforts are on to save lives with death toll crossing 12,000 at the time of writing, assessment of damage has started. With the incident being so fresh, it is impossible to clearly assess its impact on the steel market. Prima facie steel mills in tremor hit Iskenderun region in south east of Turkey are reported to have escaped serious damages; Iskenderun’s port is reported to have shut down operations after sustaining damage. The coming days should bring more clarity, for now, everyone’s thoughts are with those affected.

    But as the earthquake happened at a region that is heavily involved in steel production where lots of small to large sized integrated mills and re-rollers are located accounting for about 25% of Turkey’s total production of 35 million tonne, steel production is likely to be disrupted for some time as well as steel scrap import market may get disturbed. As a result market players are examining impact on global steel markets

    The first opinion is that this could lead to reduction in Turkish demand for scrap, pressuring scrap import benchmark. But we need to wait to see the outcome as Iskenderun steel mills only account for 18% of Turkey scrap imports since April 22 and cancellations also not expected with very small damage to mills & bulk terminals

    As Turkey is a major steel exporter with almost 20 million tonnes in 2022 mainly to Europe, MENA & US, the question is will steel export be impacted and for which markets and products. Market insiders say that disruption is likely to be minimal for flat steel products as major exporters are based in East part or at Black Sea, which are not impacted

    As almost 80% of mills in the region are long steel producers, there will be a reduction in long steel availability in immediate terms, tightening the long steel market and supporting export prices from the Turkey

    Earthquakes are not uncommon in Turkey. Most of the country is situated on the Anatolian Plate, which borders two major fault lines: the North Anatolian fault and the East Anatolian fault. The East Anatolian Fault is a major strike-slip fault zone running from eastern to south-central Turkey. It forms the transform type tectonic boundary between the Anatolian Plate and the northward-moving Arabian Plate. The difference in the relative motions of the two plates is manifest in the left lateral motion along the fault. The East and North Anatolian faults together accommodate the westward motion of the Anatolian Plate as it is squeezed out by the ongoing collision with the Eurasian Plate. The East Anatolian Fault runs in a northeasterly direction, starting from the Maras Triple Junction at the northern end of the Dead Sea Transform, and ending at the Karliova Triple Junction where it meets the North Anatolian Fault.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 9 februari 2023 14:27
    Net ook een donatie van 55 euro gedaan.

    In de anderhalve dag dat Giro555 in de lucht is, hebben de samenwerkende hulporganisaties tot nu toe 9 miljoen euro opgehaald. Dat zegt actievoorzitter Michiel Servaes.

    ,,In heel het land zijn mensen volop bezig met inzamelacties om Giro555 te steunen. We zien grote betrokkenheid van zoveel Nederlanders, dat is heel bijzonder om te zien", zegt Servaes, die zelf in Turkije is om te kijken hoe het geld het beste besteed kan worden. Woensdag is een nationale radio- en tv-actie voor Giro555.

    De laatste keer dat Giro555 actief was, werd er 178 miljoen euro opgehaald. Dat was in maart vorig jaar voor de slachtoffers van de oorlog in Oekraïne. Het meeste geld dat ooit voor een dergelijke actie is opgehaald was in 2004, na de tsunami in Azië: 208 miljoen euro.
  4. forum rang 8 Succes 11 februari 2023 16:43
    Quake-hit Turkey and Syria face years of rebuilding. Experts say it didn’t have to be this way

    Five days after a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Turkey and Syria the number of dead is staggering.

    Drone footage and satellite imagery have conveyed the stark reality of widespread destruction in an area that straddles two very different nations.

    The scale of the disaster is enormous. “We’ve done a bit of mapping of the size of the affected area,” said Caroline Holt, director of disasters, climate and crises at the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC). “It’s the size of France.”

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said Thursday that “we haven’t yet seen the full extent of the damage and of the humanitarian crisis unfolding before our eyes,” while estimates from the World Health Organization suggest up to 23 million people could be impacted by the natural disaster.

    Once search efforts have ended, attention will turn to longer-term reconstruction. Turkey has suffered earthquakes in the past, and has rebuilt. But how much can be learned from this history and will these lessons be implemented? And will the same efforts be matched across the border?

    History repeating itself in Turkey

    The death toll broke the grim milestone of 22,000 on Friday. As it continues to climb, so too have feelings of anger and resentment. Turkey is no stranger to earthquakes and many feel that the government failed to prepare for another catastrophic event.

    This frustration dogged Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as he made a whistle-stop tour of the Kahramanmaras region – near the epicenter of the deadly earthquake – on Wednesday and Thursday. Erdogan defended his government’s response, admitting to “shortcomings,” before stressing that it’s “not possible to be prepared for such a disaster.” He also announced that the government’s target was to rebuild “in one year,” though experts told CNN it could take much longer.

    Major earthquakes such as these are infrequent, but many in Turkey are still harrowed by memories of the 1999 Izmit earthquake in the Marmara region.

    Ajay Chhibber, an economist who was World Bank director for Turkey when that 7.6 magnitude quake struck two decades ago, told CNN that “it’s like a bad movie [that’s] come back again.” Similar to this week’s event, that tremor struck in the early hours but it occurred in the country’s northwest – a densely populated area closer to Istanbul. He said it lasted around 45 seconds, leaving more than 17,000 dead and an estimated 500,000 people homeless.

    Flying into the region in the immediate aftermath, Chhibber told CNN he “hadn’t seen that much devastation before.” He recalled traveling in with the Japanese and German ambassadors at the time, who told him “this looks to us like World War II.”

    Buildings “flattened like pancakes” were among the apocalyptic scenes Chhibber encountered in 1999. In the city of Golcuk, where a naval base was located, he remembered seeing “submarines that were tossed up out of the water, lying 300, 400 feet up a mountain.”

    “You could see submarines sitting there. It was unbelievable. And what I’m seeing now is just a redo,” he said.

    Some may question if the Turkish president’s current target of a year for reconstruction is achievable, given he also said that more than 6,000 buildings had collapsed. But Chhibber pointed out that “Turkey is capable of moving very, very swiftly – if they can get their act together on this.”

  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 11 februari 2023 19:05
    The earthquake in Turkey has caused local residents to try to rob shops in the absence of local authorities and police. The police, who then arrest those residents, mercilessly punish them in medieval ways by beating them with a belt.

    video 0:14 minuut
  6. forum rang 7 ffff 11 februari 2023 20:41
    beating with a deze afschuwelijke omstandigheden is in mijn ogen nog een zeer lichte, veel te human straf. Wat mij betreft mogen politiemensen dit soort rovers keihard aanpakken.

    Er is nu geen tijd voor advocatenhulp van rijkswege, voor slappe smoezen waarom ze stelen en misbruik maken van de grootste ellende momenteel. Gewoon BIKKELHARD eroverheen rammen.

    En zo zie je weer Luchtschip hoe mensen met andere ogen naar situaties kijken.

  7. [verwijderd] 12 februari 2023 18:02
    Vreselijk wat er in Turkije en Syrië is gebeurd deze landen moeten met alle mogelijke middelen geholpen worden. Volgens de NOS nu al 33.000 doden !! Verschrikkelijk.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 13 februari 2023 07:24
    Schade aardbeving Turkije kan oplopen naar €80 miljard

    Updated Gisteren, 15:45
    Gisteren, 11:44

    De schade die in Turkije is ontstaan als het gevolg van de aardbevingen van maandag kan oplopen tot net onder de €80 miljard. Die inschatting heeft de Turkse ondernemersvereniging Turkonfed zondag gedaan. Dat bedrag zou neerkomen op zo'n tiende van de totale omvang van de Turkse economie.

    Ingestorte gebouwen in Turkije. FOTO ANP / ANADOLU AGENCY

    Turkonfed schat in dat ingestorte woningen een schadepost van zo'n €65,5 miljard opleveren. Verlies aan nationaal inkomen, doordat mensen niet kunnen werken en fabrieken en landbouwgebieden beschadigd zijn, komen uit op ongeveer €9,7 miljard. Daarbovenop komt ook nog schade aan infrastructuur als wegen , elektriciteits-, gas- en olieleidingen, maar ook communicatiemiddelen, scholen en ziekenhuizen.

    Volgens het IMF is de economie van Turkije nu sterker dan tijdens de vorige grote aardbeving in 1999 bij Izmit, zo stellen zij zondag bij een conferentie. IMF-topvrouw Kristalina Georgieva merkte op dat de aardbeving in Turkije en Syrië „een enorme tragedie heeft gebracht”. Maar die aardbeving heeft ook „een zeer aanzienlijke impact op de Turkse economie”. Mahmoud Mohieldin, die bij de denktank uitvoerend directeur is, liet evenwel weten dat de Turkse economie niet zo'n harde klap zal krijgen als in 1999. Na de eerste klap zullen publieke en private investeringen om het getroffen gebied weer op te bouwen de economie zelfs harder kunnen laten groeien, denkt hij.

    Als gevolg van de aardbevingen maandag zijn veel gebouwen ingestort. Inmiddels is het dodental in Turkije en Syrië opgelopen tot boven de 28.000 met nog veel meer gewonden en dakloos geworden mensen. De VN verwachten dat het aantal dodelijke slachtoffers zal oplopen tot boven de 50.000.
  9. forum rang 8 Succes 13 februari 2023 16:43
    Turkey arrests building contractors 6 days after deadly earthquakes

    Antakya, Turkey — Turkish officials detained or issued arrest warrants for some 130 people allegedly involved in shoddy and illegal construction methods as rescuers on Sunday continued to pull a few survivors from the rubble, six days after a pair of earthquakes collapsed thousands of buildings.

    The death toll from Monday's quakes that hit southeastern Turkey and northern Syria stood at 28,191 — with another 80,000-plus injured — as of Sunday morning and was certain to rise as bodies continued to be uncovered.

    As despair also bred rage at the agonizingly slow rescue efforts, the focus turned to who was to blame for not better preparing people in the earthquake-prone region that includes an area of Syria that was already suffering from years of civil war.

    Even though Turkey has, on paper, construction codes that meet current earthquake-engineering standards, they are too rarely enforced, explaining why thousands of buildings slumped onto their side or pancaked downward onto residents.

    Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said late on Saturday that warrants have been issued for the detention of 131 people suspected to being responsible for collapsed buildings.

    Turkey's justice minister has vowed to punish anyone responsible, and prosecutors have begun gathering samples of buildings for evidence on materials used in constructions. The quakes were powerful, but victims, experts and people across Turkey are blaming bad construction for multiplying the devastation.

    Authorities at Istanbul Airport on Sunday detained two contractors held responsible for the destruction of several buildings in Adiyaman, the private DHA news agency and other media reported. The pair were reportedly on their way to Georgia.

    One of the arrested contractors, Yavuz Karakus, told reporters Sunday: "My conscience is clear. I built 44 buildings. Four of them were demolished. I did everything according to the rules," the DHA news agency reported.

    Two more people were arrested in the province of Gaziantep suspected of having cut down columns to make extra room in a building that collapsed, the state-run Anadolu Agency said.

    A day earlier, Turkey's Justice Ministry announced the planned establishment of "Earthquake Crimes Investigation" bureaus. The bureaus would aim to identify contractors and others responsible for building works, gather evidence, instruct experts including architects, geologists and engineers, and check building permits and occupation permits.

    A building contractor was detained by authorities on Friday at Istanbul airport before he could board a flight out of the country. He was the contractor of a luxury 12-story building in the historic city of Antakya, in Hatay province, the collapse of which left an untold number of dead.

  10. forum rang 6 jowi 13 februari 2023 16:56

    ffff schreef op 11 februari 2023 20:41:

    beating with a deze afschuwelijke omstandigheden is in mijn ogen nog een zeer lichte, veel te human straf. Wat mij betreft mogen politiemensen dit soort rovers keihard aanpakken.

    Er is nu geen tijd voor advocatenhulp van rijkswege, voor slappe smoezen waarom ze stelen en misbruik maken van de grootste ellende momenteel. Gewoon BIKKELHARD eroverheen rammen.

    En zo zie je weer Luchtschip hoe mensen met andere ogen naar situaties kijken.

    Daar weten ze in Turkije m.i. wel raad mee, of hebben net als in NL ook taakstraffen?
  11. forum rang 8 Succes 13 februari 2023 19:24
    Little girl rescued after 178 hours in rubble of catastrophic earthquake in Turkey

    A little girl named Miray was rescued after 178 hours in the rubble of the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey, Reuters reported, citing Turkey's transport minister.
  12. forum rang 8 Succes 13 februari 2023 19:26
    Earthquake fans anti-Syrian sentiment in Turkey amid desperate conditions

    ANTAKYA (Reuters) -The devastating earthquake to hit Turkey and Syria has fanned resentment among some Turks towards the millions of Syrian refugees in the country who are being blamed anecdotally by some for looting amid the destruction and chaos.

    Several Turks in quake-hit towns and cities have accused Syrians of robbing damaged shops and homes. Anti-Syrian slogans such as "We don't want Syrians," "Immigrants should be deported," and "No longer welcome" trended on Twitter.

    Syrians left homeless by the earthquake said they had been kicked out of emergency camps and a Syrian man opened a shelter in the city of Mersin just for his compatriots after they had faced racist slurs.

    "We stopped going to rescue sites to watch because people start screaming at us and pushing us around when they heard us speaking Arabic," said a Syrian man, who didn't want to be named. "People accuse us of looting all the time but that's just to create discord."

    Turkey's combined official death toll with Syria from the earthquake now stands at more than 37,000 and is predicted to rise further as hopes fade of finding many more survivors.

    Hundreds of thousands have been left homeless and have waited for days in some areas for food and emergency shelter. Residents and aid workers have reported looting and several foreign aid teams briefly stopped work because of a deteriorating security situation.

    Turkish authorities arrested 48 people for looting, the justice minister announced on Sunday, without saying where they were from. President Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to deal firmly with looters.


    Turkey is home to nearly 4 million Syrian refugees, having opened its borders to those fleeing the civil war that erupted there in 2011. Many are concentrated in the south of the country close to the Syrian border. In the Turkish city of Gaziantep, badly hit by the earthquake, nearly half a million Syrians reside, making up a quarter of the population.

    Resentment towards the Syrians is not new, but the earthquake has aggravated tensions.

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