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Arcelor Mittal - december 2022

124 Posts
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  1. forum rang 10 voda 8 december 2022 14:43
    Beursblik: ArcelorMittal meest aantrekkelijk

    Morgan Stanley verwacht tactisch herstel.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal biedt binnen de staalsector de meest aantrekkelijke verhouding tussen risico en rendement. Dit concludeerden analisten van de Amerikaanse zakenbank Morgan Stanley donderdag.

    Volgens de analisten is bij mijnbouwers, in tegenstelling tot staalproducenten, de verwachte heropening van China al grotendeels ingeprijsd.

    De tegenwind voor staalproducenten zal waarschijnlijk ook afnemen, wat ruimte biedt voor een "tactische koersherstel" vanaf de huidige lage niveaus, waarbij ArcelorMittal volgens de bank de beste kansen biedt.

    Hoewel het herstel in 2023 vermoedelijk wankel zal zijn, verhoogde Morgan Stanley de taxaties. IJzererts en aluminium blijven de beste keuzes, maar de bank waarschuwt voorzichtig te zijn met koper.

    Het aandeel ArcelorMittal noteerde donderdagmiddag 3,1 procent hoger.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  2. [verwijderd] 8 december 2022 15:18
    Van Lanschot Kempen: "Een wereldwijde CO2-prijsstijging van $ 100 voor vervuilende ondernemingen kan een daling tussen de 6% en 30% van de wereldwijde aandelenwaarderingen veroorzaken".

    In hoeverre zal Arcelor Mittal hier last van ondervinden?
  3. forum rang 6 christo1 8 december 2022 17:31
    At an event held at its steel plant in Ghent, Belgium today, attended by the Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon, members of the Belgian and Flemish governments, European Investment Bank Vice-President Kris Peeters, ArcelorMittal Executive Chairman, Lakshmi Mittal, and ArcelorMittal Europe CEO, Geert Van Poelvoorde, ArcelorMittal (‘the Company’) successfully inaugurated its flagship carbon capture and utilisation (‘CCU’) project.

    €200 million CCU plant first of its kind in the European steel industry
    Project part of multi-technology strategy to reduce carbon emissions at Ghent plant
    The €200 million ‘Steelanol’ project is a first of its kind for the European steel industry. Utilising cutting edge carbon recycling technology developed by our project partner LanzaTech, the CCU plant uses biocatalysts to transform carbon-rich waste gases from the steelmaking process and from waste biomass into advanced ethanol, which can then be used as a building block to produce a variety of chemical products including transport fuels, paints, plastics, clothing and even cosmetic perfume, hence helping to support the decarbonisation efforts of the chemical sector. The advanced ethanol will be jointly marketed by ArcelorMittal and LanzaTech under the Carbalyst® brand name.

    Once production reaches full capacity the Steelanol plant will produce 80 million litres of advanced ethanol, almost half of the total current advanced ethanol demand for fuel mixing in Belgium. It will reduce annual carbon emissions from the Ghent plant by 125,000 tonnes. Other partners involved in the Steelanol project are Primetals Technologies and E4tech.

    ArcelorMittal Ghent will soon inaugurate another first for the European steel industry, with its ‘Torero’ project set to come on stream in the first quarter of 2023. The €35 million Torero project is designed to process sustainable biomass (initially in the form of waste wood that cannot be used in other applications) for use as a raw material input into the blast furnace, hence lowering the volume of fossil coal used. This project will reduce annual carbon emissions in Ghent by 112,500 tonnes. ArcelorMittal Ghent intends to add a second reactor to its Torero project over the next two years, hence doubling the size of the project.

    Speaking at the event, Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, said:

    "I am pleased to see ArcelorMittal is taking bold and innovative steps by decarbonising its steel production at its new installation in Ghent. This is an important step in the fight against climate change while safeguarding our future competitiveness and securing Belgian jobs. By investing in clean energy technologies, ArcelorMittal is not only helping to lower carbon emissions, but it is also setting the standard for the industry. The only way forward is cleaner production that leads to better products."

    Jan Jambon, Flemish Minister-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Culture, Digitalisation and Facility Management, said:

    “Maintaining and enhancing heavy industry in Europe is of crucial importance for economic growth and strategic autonomy. The high ambitions of ArcelorMittal for sustainability and circularity fit within the climate targets of the Flemish government: a carbon neutral and circular society by 2050, while safeguarding industrial and economic activities in our region.”

    Lakskmi Mittal, ArcelorMittal Executive Chairman, said:

    “ArcelorMittal Ghent is widely regarded as one of the finest steel plants in Europe, staffed by talented, committed and forward-thinking people. We intend to ensure that reputation endures into the future and I believe the work being undertaken here lays the ground for what the steel plant of the future will look like. This is a steel plant which is embracing the latest innovative technologies; which is using sources of circular carbon; which captures and re-uses as many of its waste products as possible, recycling them into something of value; and which is preparing for a future when green hydrogen will remove the need to use any fossil carbon. It is a strong example of what is possible with energy, effort and of course, brilliant scientific minds. It also demonstrates what can be achieved through partnership, so I must thank the Belgian and Flemish governments and the EIB for the support they are providing towards our efforts to transition to net-zero steelmaking.”

    ArcelorMittal CEO Aditya Mittal added:

    “The imperative to accelerate the road to net zero has never been greater. Given the scale of the challenge, it’s important to be open to all technology solutions and certainly, at ArcelorMittal we are open to all technologies that can take steelmaking to near zero. The investments we are planning here at Ghent are a great testament to that. It’s also become abundantly clear that collaboration and partnership is essential to deliver the systems-wide change we need to reach zero, as this project demonstrates. We have worked closely together with a wide group of stakeholders here in Belgium and indeed also more broadly across Europe, on the conditions and infrastructure that support the investment in these types of technologies and the transition to net zero. I want to thank everyone who has supported our efforts and made today – the inauguration of the European steel industry’s first carbon capture and utilisation plant – possible.”

    ArcelorMittal Europe CEO, Geert Van Poelvoorde, said:

    “Inaugurating the European steel industry’s first carbon capture and utilisation plant is an important moment for our European business, and for our target to reduce the carbon intensity of the steel we produce in Europe by 35 per cent by 2030. We have long held the view that multiple technologies will be required for our industry to reach net zero, and today is an important proof point of our commitment to developing and deploying those technologies as quickly as possible, and to making meaningful progress this decade. Our ambition is clear, to lead our industry’s efforts to reach net zero. It is a huge challenge, but also a tremendous opportunity. A low-carbon European economy needs low-carbon emissions steel to build its renewable energy infrastructure, low-carbon buildings and electric vehicles. And our customers expect us to deliver low-emissions steel today. Projects such as Steelanol and Torero will help us to meet that demand through our suite of XCarb® products.”

    ArcelorMittal Belgium CEO, Manfred Van Vlierberghe, said:

    “ArcelorMittal Belgium has a passion for sustainability and circularity. We are heading to become the sustainable steel company of the future through new breakthrough technologies such as Steelanol. This technology contributes to strengthening our global leadership in terms of CO2 and energy efficiency in the steel sector. Steelanol is a strong asset towards our Europe-wide goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 35 per cent by 2030, and of achieving carbon-neutral steelmaking by 2050.”
  4. ZJ.7 8 december 2022 22:52
    ArcelorMittal neemt in Gent een fabriek in gebruik die afvalgas uit de staalproductie omzet in bio-ethanol. Een Europese primeur, waar microben aan te pas komen. 'Ze zijn nu de bacteriën aan het opkweken.'

    Met een show vol ballonnen en zang en in het bijzijn van honderden genodigden huldigde ArcelorMittal-voorzitter Lakshmi Mittal donderdag de nieuwe 'steelanol'-fabriek in van de staalreus op de site in Gent. Het feest, met een handvol federale en Vlaamse ministers zoals premier Alexander De Croo, werd even onderbroken door een activist van Extinction Rebellion. Die klom het podium op en riep 'just stop coal' en 'kids are dying because of people like Mittal', maar de Indiase staalbaas liet zich niet uit het lood slaan.

    'Onze nieuwe installatie gaat het afvalgas uit de hoogovens opvangen en recycleren tot iets waardevols, bio-ethanol', zei Mittal. 'Samen met het Torero-project (dat houtafval verwerkt tot biokool, red.) moet ze de CO2-uitstoot van de Gentse site verminderen met 350.000 ton per jaar. Het is de eerste stap in de 'decarbonisatie' van de staalsector. Maar er is nog een lange weg te gaan voor we volledig groen en CO2-emissievrij staal kunnen produceren.' Het bedrijf mikt op 2050.

    Er is interesse van L'Oréal, Zara en IKEA om onze bio-ethanol te gebruiken in de productie van cosmetica, parfum, kunststoffen, verf en kledij.
    Het hoofddoel van de installatie - een investering van 200 miljoen euro - is de CO2-uitstoot van de Gentse staalfabriek verminderen met 125.000 ton. De twee hoogovens stoten jaarlijks 9,6 miljoen ton CO2-uit of 8 procent van de totale uitstoot van ons land. Maar ArcelorMittal gaat de bio-ethanol ook verkopen.

    De biobrandstof kan in de transportsector worden gebruikt en worden gemengd in de benzine die we aan de pomp tanken. In een tweede fase kan bio-ethanol ook dienen als basisgrondstof voor chemiebedrijven om er bijvoorbeeld plastic van te maken.

    'Er is veel interesse', zegt Geert Van Poelvoorde, de CEO van ArcelorMittal Europa. 'Er zijn klanten die de bio-ethanol gaan gebruiken als vervanger of als mix bij gewone ethanol. Maar er is ook interesse van L'Oréal, Zara en IKEA om de bio-ethanol te gebruiken in de productie van cosmetica, parfum, kunststoffen, verf, stoffen en kledij.'

    De eerste druppel bio-ethanol wordt verwacht aan het eind van het eerste kwartaal van 2023. Op kruissnelheid zal de steelanolfabriek 80 miljoen liter of 63.000 ton bio-ethanol per jaar produceren. Dat komt overeen met de helft van de huidige vraag naar geavanceerde ethanol voor het mengen van brandstoffen in België.

    Het project past in de plannen om tegen 2050 C02-neutraal te produceren.
    De technologie - die werkt via gasfermentatie - werd ontwikkeld met het Amerikaanse microbentechnologiebedrijf LanzaTech, waarin ArcelorMittal participeert. 'Op dit moment zijn ze de bacteriën in de installatie aan het opkweken', zegt Van Poelvoorde. 'Die microben gaan zich voeden met CO uit de hoogovens en die voeding omzetten in bio-ethanol.'

    Er zijn plannen om in elke staalfabriek van de wereldwijd actieve groep, die in 2021 72,6 miljard euro omzet boekte, een steelanolinstallatie te bouwen. Veel hangt volgens Van Poelvoorde af van de overheidssteun en de lokale afzetmarkt voor bio-ethanol. 'Maar eerst gaan we het rendement van deze fabriek opvolgen. Zullen de bacteriën even efficiënt werken als op laboschaal, gaan we de beoogde hoeveelheden ethanol halen?'

    Begin volgend jaar neemt ArcelorMittal ook zijn Torero-installatie in Gent in gebruik, een investering van 35 miljoen euro. Die gaat jaarlijks 80.000 ton afvalhout uit containerparken dat niet voor andere toepassingen kan worden gebruikt, opwarmen tot 300 graden en vermalen tot hoogwaardige biokool. Die wordt dan gebruikt als grondstof voor de hoogovens, ter vervanging van de fossiele kolen. Een tweede reactor moet de omvang van het project de komende twee jaar verdubbelen.

    In zijn plan om de CO2-uitstoot tegen 2030 met 35 procent te verminderen maakte ArcelorMittal vorig jaar ook bekend dat het zijn Gentse hoogovens op termijn wil vervangen door elektro-ovens, een DRI-installatie in het vakjargon. Dat zou een investering van 1,1 miljard euro vergen en de CO2-emissies van de fabriek met zo'n 3 miljoen ton per jaar verminderen. 'We wachten op groen licht voor steun van Europa', zegt Van Poelvoorde. De financiering verloopt via Finocas, een joint venture van de Vlaamse regering en ArcelorMittal. Beide partijen stoppen er elk 350 miljoen euro in via een kapitaalverhoging.

    Van Poelvoorde herhaalt zijn bezorgdheid over de Amerikaanse Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Die wetgeving voorziet in 367 miljard dollar subsidies en belastingvoordelen voor in de VS gevestigde bedrijven die de klimaattransitie maken. Van Poelvoorde vreest dat veel Europese bedrijven daarvoor naar de VS zullen trekken en wil dat Europa dat probleem grondig onderzoekt. 'Het is aangekaart en ook de Belgische regering is op de hoogte.'

    De IRA dreigt volgens Van Poelvoorde een impact te hebben op de toekomstige staalproductie die via waterstof loopt. Om dat rendabel te doen mag die waterstof maximaal 2 euro per kilogram kosten. Vandaag is de prijs 3 à 4 euro. 'De fiscale steun van de IRA zou de prijs van waterstof naar 60 cent duwen. Dan kunnen we wellicht niet anders dan fabrieken in de VS bouwen. Je ziet ook andere Europese bedrijven investeringen on hold zetten.'

    Is het grootste staalbedrijf ter wereld, met fabrieken in 16 landen. Het produceerde vorig jaar 69 miljoen ton staal en 51 miljoen ijzererts, goed voor 76,6 miljard dollar omzet (omgerekend 72,6 miljard euro).
    ArcelorMittal Gent is een van de performantste fabrieken van de groep. Ze heeft een productiecapaciteit van 5,5 miljoen ton en telt zo'n 5.000 werknemers.
    In Gent werd de eerste steelanolinstallatie in gebruik genomen. Die gaat gas uit de hoogovens omzetten in bio-ethanol. Een Europese primeur.

  5. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2022 06:37
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 8 december 2022
    Views: 4.968

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten, maar zorgde winst voor zwaargewicht ASML toch voor een hogere slotstand.

    Aegon (-1,30%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,51%)
    ASML (+0,70%)
    ING Groep (-0,40%)
    Philips (-0,01%)
    RELX (-0,07%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,15%)
    Unilever (-1,04%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0558

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 719,83 punten, zijn geëindigd op 721,00 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  6. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2022 07:09
    Worker Killed in Accident at ArcelorMittal Temirtau Coke Oven

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Dec, 2022, 5:51 am

    ArcelorMittal Kazakhstan has informed that a coke plant gas operator died in an accident at its Temirtau steel plant. It said “In the early hours of 8 December, an accident occurred at the ArcelorMittal Temirtau steel division. We are deeply saddened to confirm the death of our colleague, a gas operator in the Coke Plant.”

    It said “We are working through the immediate steps after this tragic event. Our sadness and concern is with the family, loved ones, and close colleagues of our employee. ArcelorMittal is in touch with the family of the colleague, and psychological support is being provided immediately. All other support to the family, including financial, is being arranged right away.”

    ArcelorMittal Kazakhstan added that the causes of this fatality are under investigation.

    The incident follows the deaths last month of five miners in an explosion triggered by a suspected gas leak at the Luxembourg-based company's operations in Kazakhstan. Local press agency Kazinform reported Thursday that the Kazakhstan government is discussing the future of ArcelorMittal's operations in the country and hasn't ruled out a ban on the company.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2022 07:13
    ArcelorMittal Establishes R&D Center at Hamburg for Green Steel

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Dec, 2022, 5:53 am

    Global steel giant ArcelorMittal has established the first German competence center for research and development for the production of climate-neutral steel. The Hamburg-based department will support the technological change towards a climate-neutral Accompany and support steel production. The newly created team will work closely with the global R&D department of ArcelorMittal and the four German locations in Bremen, Duisburg, Eisenhüttenstadt and Hamburg.

    The competence center coordinates basic and applied research for ArcelorMittal in Germany. The team will: also look at the further use of by-products and scrap technologies, as well as how steel production facilities need to be adapted to use more renewable energies. At the same time, the team will collaborate with universities and technological networks in Germany. Head of the new center is the Bremen chemical engineer Mr Frank Schaub, who currently has a highly specialized team of younger and experienced colleagues from various departments, compiles.

    As part of its XCarb decarbonization initiative, ArcelorMittal aims to make steel climate-neutral worldwide by 2050. By 2030, emissions in Europe are to be reduced by 35%. Research into the use of hydrogen and other decarbonization technologies is at the top of the agenda of the new Hamburg department. Medium and long term coal- and ore-based steel production in the blast furnace is to be increased by hydrogen-based sponge iron production by means of direct reduction and crude steel production in the electric arc furnace with green electricity. In Hamburg, the Group uses this process already with natural gas, which is to be replaced by hydrogen in the future.

    As early as 2025, the first low-emission steel are produced at the locations Hamburg, Duisburg, Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt. Larger joint projects for the development of a hydrogen infrastructure are already being planned. The complete conversion to the use of green hydrogen requires public financial support and the development of green lead markets. The decarbonization of ArcelorMittal's German plants will result in savings of around twelve million tonnes of CO2 per Year.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2022 07:20
    ArcelorMittal Ghent Launches CCU Project in Belgium

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Dec, 2022, 5:56 am

    ArcelorMittal has successfully inaugurated its flagship carbon capture and utilization project at its steel plant in Ghent in Belgium on 8 December 2022 as a part of multi-technology strategy to reduce carbon emissions at Ghent plant. The EUR 200 million ‘Steelanol’ project is a first of its kind for the European steel industry. Utilizing cutting edge carbon recycling technology developed by our project partner LanzaTech, the CCU plant uses biocatalysts to transform carbon-rich waste gases from the steelmaking process and from waste biomass into advanced ethanol, which can then be used as a building block to produce a variety of chemical products including transport fuels, paints, plastics, clothing and even cosmetic perfume, hence helping to support the decarbonization efforts of the chemical sector.

    Once production reaches full capacity the Steelanol plant will produce 80 million liters of advanced ethanol, almost half of the total current advanced ethanol demand for fuel mixing in Belgium. It will reduce annual carbon emissions from the Ghent plant by 125,000 tonnes. Other partners involved in the Steelanol project are Primetals Technologies and E4tech.

    The advanced ethanol will be jointly marketed by ArcelorMittal and LanzaTech under the Carbalyst brand name.

    ArcelorMittal Ghent will soon inaugurate another first for the European steel industry, with its ‘Torero’ project set to come on stream in the first quarter of 2023. The EUR 35 million Torero project is designed to process sustainable biomass, initially in the form of waste wood that cannot be used in other applications, for use as a raw material input into the blast furnace, hence lowering the volume of fossil coal used. This project will reduce annual carbon emissions in Ghent by 112,500 tonnes. ArcelorMittal Ghent intends to add a second reactor to its Torero project over the next two years, hence doubling the size of the project.

    LanzaTech is the global leader in gas fermentation technology. The company provides novel and economic routes to ethanol, jet fuel and high-value chemicals from gas streams.

    Primetals Technologies, Limited, headquartered in London, United Kingdom, is a pioneer and world leader in the fields of engineering, plant building, and the provision of lifecycle services for the metals industry.

    E4tech is an international strategic consultancy focused on sustainable energy. Since 1997 they have worked with companies, governments, and investors to help them understand the global opportunities and challenges of clean energy.

    Met de oude Mittal nog op de foto!
  9. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 9 december 2022 12:49
    Detail advies
    PARIJS ( - Op 9 december 2022 hebben de analisten van ABN AMRO - ODDO BHF hun beleggingsadvies voor ArcelorMittal (MT; ISIN: LU1598757687) herhaald. Het advies van ABN AMRO - ODDO BHF voor ArcelorMittal blijft "market outperform".

    Het koersdoel wordt door ABN AMRO - ODDO BHF verlaagd van 37,00 EUR naar 35,00 EUR.
  10. forum rang 4 Rechterzijde 9 december 2022 14:52
    Wat een bizarre spike recht naar beneden daarstraks.Van 26,14 in enkele seconden naar 25,75. Waarschijnlijk een forse stoploss-order die getriggerd werd.
    Gelukkig weer snel hersteld.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 9 december 2022 17:55
    Hoe deed Arcelor het deze week t.o.v. de andere AEX fondsen? (+1.13%)
  12. lefreaks 9 december 2022 22:18

    voda schreef op 9 december 2022 17:56:

    En de YTD staat: (+7.38)
    Menigeen zou willen dat je gelijk had, maar er staat helaas nog steeds een minteken voor het YTD percentage...
  13. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2022 09:52
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op vrijdag 9 december 2022
    Views: 5.657

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn vrijdag alle acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten, maar de index wist toch te stijgen.

    Aegon (-0,42%)
    ArcelorMittal (-1,22%)
    ASML (-1,72%)
    ING Groep (-0,43%)
    Philips (-0,85%)
    RELX (-0,12%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-1,08%)
    Unilever (-0,67%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0535

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 724,17 punten in Amsterdam, toch hoger zijn geëindigd op 725,34 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  14. forum rang 4 03har 12 december 2022 11:58
    Indian government approves 67 PLI applications for creating 28 million mt specialty steel capacity 

    Monday, 12 December 2022 12:10:45 (GMT+3)   |   Kolkata
    The Indian government has approved 67 applications under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for the creation of 28 million mt of additional specialty steel production capacity by 2030, entailing aggregate investments oof around $5.6 billion, a ministry of steel statement said on Monday, December 12. 
    Under the PLI scheme, investors will be eligible to get fiscal incentives for creating additional steelmaking capacity, for which the Indian government has set aside $770 million for disbursal. 
    The last date for submission of applications under the PLI Scheme was September 15, 2022 under which steel companies were required to submit detailed plans for creating additional specialty steel production capacities and would be eligible for fiscal incentives from the government. 
    Among the government-approved applications were those from Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel Limited (AMNS), Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL), Jindal Steel Limited and Tata Steel, the ministry statement said. 
    The applicants submitted plans for creating additional capacities for production of specialty steel like cold rolled grain-oriented (CRGO), high-strength/wear resistant steel, specialty rails and alloy steel products, the statement said. 
  15. forum rang 4 03har 12 december 2022 12:02
    Indian government notice seeking bids for RINL privatization likely next month
    Monday, 12 December 2022 12:11:35 (GMT+3) | Kolkata

    The Indian government’s Department of Industrial Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) overseeing the privatization of state-owned steel producer Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) is “working on a transaction structure for the strategic sale” and a notice inviting bids from investors is expected to be floated in January, a government official said on Monday, December 12.

    The official said that the government’s approval for 100 percent disinvestment of equity to a private investor has already been received and DIPAM is currently finalizing the structure of the transaction through which this will be done and, as per current timelines, a notice seeking bids will be floated next month.

    RINL operates a 7.3 million mt steel mill at the southern port town of Vishakhapatnam.

    In Vishakhaptnam heeft AM een pelletfabriek en een slurriepipwline, maar geen staal capaciteit!
  16. forum rang 4 03har 12 december 2022 14:49
    People waiting for fair and urgent measures - President on violations at Arcelor Mittal enterprises
    12 December 2022, 13:34
    ASTANA. KAZINFORM Real cash income of Kazakhstani people has demonstrated the lowest growth pace in the past 5 years, Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has said delivering his final speech at the Government’s extended session today.
    «Improvement of people’s social wellbeing. Rising food prices remain a key factor of inflation increase. Food inflation has exceeded 24%. People’s real income demonstrates the lowest pace of growth in the past 5 years.
    Almost 900,000 people in our country are reported to be formally employed, temporarily unemployed, unproductively self-employed and unemployed. The main document in this sphere is the Program on Raising People’s Incomes which should be updated in accordance with today’s realities,» said the President.
    After then, the Head of State spoke on occupational traumatism.
    «1,124 people have got industrial injuries in 11 months of 2022, 157 of them died. At some enterprises, accidents with human casualties have got a systemic character. The point at issue is Arcelor Mittal Temirtau,» he noted.
    «Since 2006, more than 20 accidents have occurred at this (Arcelor) enterprise, killing more than 100 of our citizens. 14 people have died there in 2022. One worker died last week. According to reports from state authorities and public organizations, the company violates labor, environmental and tax laws and does not fulfill investment obligations. The society is waiting for fair and urgent measures. The issue must remain under direct control of the Prime Minister,» the President said.


    Arcelor zal zeker het WK voetbal niet organiseren in Kazachstan.

  17. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2022 07:40
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op maandag 12 december 2022
    Views: 5.983

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn maandag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten.

    Aegon (-0,14%)
    ArcelorMittal (+0,94%)
    ASML (+1,72%)
    ING Groep (+0,42%)
    Philips (+0,66%)
    RELX (+0,53%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (+0,01%)
    Unilever (+0,19%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0537

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 720,69 punten, zijn geëindigd op 721,86 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  18. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2022 12:31
    Nucor: A Commodity Crash Could Take Down This Steel Giant (Rating Downgrade)

    Dec. 12, 2022 2:04 AM ET Nucor Corporation (NUE)2 Comments
    -Nucor is up 45% since my previous buy article on the stock.
    -The company's executing phenomenon but the macroeconomic landscape is beginning to look cloudy.-
    -The cyclicality of the steel industry is a major concern, but for now, the exceptional operating performances continue to lift the stock.

    Female Steel Factory Worker at work
    Lim Weixiang - Zeitgeist Photos

    As of 2022, Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE) is one of the largest steel producers in the United States. The company has a strong track record of profitability and has demonstrated a commitment to innovation and sustainability. These factors alone would normally make Nucor an attractive option for investors who are looking for a solid, long-term investment, but Nucor has been on the receiving end of a perfect storm of supply Chain disruptions, loose monetary policy, and tailwinds brought about by strong construction demand. As The Federal Reserve transitions into More restrictive monetary policy, one has to ask whether the commodity leaders like Nucor could return to Earth.

    Data by YCharts
    When I wrote this article about the company, it was in the early innings of what turned out to be a commodity supercycle. The loose monetary policy implemented to support the US economy during the Covid-19 pandemic created the perfect conditions for domestic commodity stocks when combined with tariffs and supply chain disruptions. Loose monetary policy, or low interest rates, can have a positive impact on steel stocks. When the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, it becomes cheaper for businesses to borrow money, which can lead to an increase in investment and construction activity. This can lead to higher demand for steel, as it is a key component in many construction and manufacturing projects. As a result, steel stocks can benefit from loose monetary policy, which can drive up demand for their products and lead to higher revenues and profits. Loose monetary policy can also make steel stocks more attractive to investors, as low interest rates can make other investments, such as bonds, less appealing.

    One of the key reasons why Nucor has been a good buy in the past is its strong financial performance. Over the past several years, the company has consistently reported healthy profits, mainly due to its focus on cost control and efficient operations. But perhaps the most interesting thing about the company is the emphasis on safety. With other companies in the space facing serious backlash on the safety front, company safety efforts have now become a data point for some investors. Safety efforts were a major talking point in the recent earnings report, along with a strong EPS number:

    Nucor posted earnings of $6.50 per share in the third quarter.

    Earnings were lower in the third quarter due to metal margin contraction and reduced shipping volumes.

    The company continues to see good demand for steel in the United States, particularly in the non-residential construction market.

    Nucor's focus on safety has led to two consecutive record-setting years in 2020 and 2021.

    The company is on pace for the safest year in its history in 2022.

    In addition to its financial strength, Nucor is also committed to innovation and sustainability. The company has invested heavily in research and development, leading to the development of new, more efficient steel-making processes. This focus on innovation has helped Nucor stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive industry.

    Furthermore, Nucor is committed to sustainability, with a goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030. The company has implemented several initiatives to achieve this goal, including investing in renewable energy sources and recycling steel scrap. This focus on sustainability not only helps the environment but also positions Nucor to capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable products.

    Industry Outlook
    The steel industry is facing slowing demand due to tightening from the Federal Reserve. As the Fed raises interest rates, it becomes more expensive for businesses to borrow money, which can lead to a decrease in investment and construction activity. This, in turn, can lead to lower demand for steel, as it is a key component in many construction and manufacturing projects.

    The steel industry is also being impacted by trade tensions, as the ongoing trade war between the United States and China has led to tariffs on steel imports. This has made it more difficult for steel producers to compete with foreign producers, leading to lower sales and profits. In addition, the uncertainty surrounding trade negotiations can make businesses hesitant to invest in new projects, further contributing to the slowdown in the steel industry.

    The slowing demand for steel is having a negative impact on steel producers, who are seeing their revenues and profits decline. This can lead to job losses and lower stock prices for companies in the industry. The steel industry needs to adapt to these challenges to remain competitive and weather the slowdown in demand. This may involve implementing cost-cutting measures, diversifying their product offerings, and finding new markets for their products.

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