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  1. forum rang 10 voda 4 mei 2022 07:25
    Siemens Healthineers verhoogt outlook opnieuw
    Cijfers tweede kwartaal beter dan verwacht.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens Healthineers heeft na beter dan verwachte resultaten over het tweede kwartaal de outlook voor het gehele, boekjaar 2022 opnieuw verhoogd. Dit maakte de Duitse concurrent van Philips woensdag voorbeurs bekend.

    De omzet in het tweede kwartaal, dat eindigde op 31 maart, steeg met 37,7 procent op jaarbasis naar 5,46 miljard euro. Op een vergelijkbare basis steeg de omzet met 15,8 procent. Analisten gingen vooraf uit van een omzet van 5,25 miljard euro.

    Het aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (EBIT) kwam over deze verslagperiode 47 procent hoger uit op 980 miljoen euro, en de bijbehorende marge op 17,9 procent tegen 16,8 procent een jaar eerder. De nettowinst bedroeg 583 miljoen euro, een stijging met 30,0 procent.


    Siemens Engineers heeft op basis van een verdere stijging van de vraag naar de snelle coronatests de outlook verhoogd.

    Voor heel dit boekjaar rekent het bedrijf op een vergelijkbare omzetgroei van 5,5 tot 7,5 procent tegen eerder een toename van 3 tot 5 procent.

    De aangepaste winst per aandeel zal tussen de 2,25 en 2,35 euro komen te liggen tegen eerder de aanname dat dit tussen de 2,18 en 2,30 euro zou zijn en ook deze outlook was al eerder het resultaat van een verhoging.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  2. forum rang 10 voda 9 mei 2022 08:03
    Siemens Delivers 22 Metro Trains to SWM & MVG in Munich

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    09 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    Stadtwerke München is continuing its modernization of the Munich Transport Company MVG’s metro fleet. On 27 April 2022 SWM and MVG took delivery of the first of a total of 22 type C2 metro trains of the third delivery series (the so-called 2nd option) at SWM’s technical base in Fröttmaning near Munich. There, the train will now be made ready for operation, undergo extensive tests and be approved for passenger service.

    Together with the delivery of the first train from the 2nd option, Stadtwerke München commissioned Siemens Mobility to deliver an additional 18 six-car type C2 metro trains. Siemens was able to prevail against several competitors in a Europe-wide tender. As a result, a total of 85 C2 trains will be operating in Munich’s metro system in the future.

    The metro trains are particularly ecofriendly and energy-saving. In selecting the materials, priority was given to environmentally friendly components that are up to 97% recyclable. And like all modern metro trains, the trains feed energy back into the power grid when they brake, further improving the CO2 balance in Munich and making public transport even more sustainable. The vehicles will be manufactured at the Siemens Mobility plant in Vienna and delivered in 2024/2025. The bogies will be supplied by the company’s factory in Graz.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 11 mei 2022 07:36
    Siemens Mobility to supply Mireo Plus B Trains to Denmark

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    11 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    Siemens Mobility has been awarded a contract to supply seven battery powered Mireo Plus B trains to the Midtjyske Jernbaner in Denmark. This is the first contract for battery powered rail in Denmark and is part of a pilot project to replace all diesel trainsets throughout the country. The Mireo Plus B combines all the benefits of the Mireo platform with a high-performance battery system that enables trains to operate on routes with or without overhead power lines thanks to their battery hybrid drive. The seven two-car electric trainsets will be delivered by the end of 2024 and are scheduled to operate on two lines in the Midtjylland region of Denmark.

    The Mireo Plus B two-car trainsets can accommodate 120 seated passengers, travel up to 140 km/h and has a range of around 80 kilometers when in battery operation. The batteries can be charged via the 25 kV overhead line in electrified sections and by recuperating the train’s braking energy. The battery system is mounted underfloor and is installed in two battery containers. Lithium-ion batteries with a long service life are used in this system.

    This is the third order Siemens Mobility has received for the Mireo Plus B and the first outside of Germany. The Landesanstalt Schienenfahrzeuge Baden-Württemberg SFBW ordered 20 Mireo Plus B trains in 2020 and Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn NEB ordered 31 in 2021. This technology has been extensively tested for over one year through a preliminary version on a prototype train, the Desiro ML ÖBB Cityjet eco in Austria.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 12 mei 2022 07:18
    *Siemens nettowinst KW2 EUR1,21 mrd
    *Siemens omzet KW2 EUR17,04 mrd
  5. forum rang 10 voda 12 mei 2022 09:20
    Kwartaalwinst Siemens gehalveerd door vertrek uit Rusland
    Omzet omhoog en outlook herhaald.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens heeft in het tweede kwartaal van het lopende gebroken boekjaar de winst zien halveren, nadat het bedrijf de financiële gevolgen voor het vertrek uit Rusland verwerkte. Dit bleek donderdag uit de resultaten van de Duitse onderneming.

    In de afgelopen drie maanden tot en met maart kwam de winst uit op 1,2 miljard euro tegen krap 2,4 miljard euro een jaar eerder. Siemens boekte een negatieve impact voor het vertrek uit Rusland van 600 miljoen euro in de verlies- en winstrekening. Daarnaast kende het tweede kwartaal een boekjaar eerder een eenmalige boekwinst van 900 miljoen euro.

    De omzet steeg afgelopen kwartaal op jaarbasis van 14,7 miljard naar 17,0 miljard euro, waarbij de orders met 22 procent stegen op vergelijkbare basis tot 21 miljard euro. Hierdoor bedroeg de zogenoemde book-to-bill-ratio 1,23.


    Siemens maakte vandaag bekend de industriële activiteiten in Rusland stop te zetten, vanwege de oorlog met Oekraïne.


    De outlook voor heel het boekjaar 2022 werd door Siemens gehandhaafd, waarmee de omzet op een vergelijkbare basis naar verwachting dit jaar met 6 tot 8 procent stijgt.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  6. forum rang 10 voda 12 mei 2022 09:34
    Siemens keert Rusland na bijna 170 jaar de rug toe
    ANP Producties - 1 uur geleden
    © ANP

    MÜNCHEN (ANP/RTR/BLOOMBERG) - Siemens verlaat Rusland vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne na bijna 170 jaar actief te zijn geweest in dat land. De sancties tegen Rusland leverden het Duitse industrieconcern afgelopen kwartaal al een financiële klap op van ongeveer 600 miljoen euro.

    Na het uitbreken van de oorlog zette Siemens alle nieuwe contracten en internationale leveringen aan Rusland en Belarus al stop. In combinatie met de sancties zette dat veel druk op de resultaten. Vooral de tak die zich bezighoudt met spoor en treinen en activiteiten voor onderhoudswerk hadden te lijden onder de situatie.

    Het was volgens topman Roland Busch geen gemakkelijke beslissing om Rusland de rug toe te keren. Het bedrijf telt er zo'n 3000 medewerkers en heeft een lange geschiedenis in het land. In de negentiende eeuw vestigde Carl von Siemens, broer van de oprichter van het concern, zich zelfs permanent in Rusland. Ook werd hij door de Russische tsaar in de adelstand verheven.


    Hoe het vertrek uit Rusland precies vorm krijgt is nog niet helemaal duidelijk. Siemens kiest bij het afbouwen van de activiteiten voor een ??"ordelijk proces", geeft Busch aan. Dit proces zou ook al in gang zijn gezet. "We evalueren de impact op onze mensen en we zullen hen zo goed mogelijk blijven ondersteunen."

    Mede door de impact van het conflict halveerde de winst van Siemens afgelopen kwartaal tot 1,2 miljard euro. Maar in de vergelijkbare periode vorig jaar profiteerde het concern nog sterk van de opbrengsten van de verkoop van een onderdeel.

    Siemens maakt de laatste tijd echter ook sterke groei door. Vooral op digitaal vlak worden goede zaken gedaan; bijvoorbeeld met software om fabrieksprocessen te automatiseren. De totale omzet steeg met 16 procent tot ongeveer 17 miljard euro. Geholpen door het economisch herstel uit de coronacrisis is het orderboek bijna een derde meer gevuld dan een jaar terug.
  7. Felix07 12 mei 2022 11:56
    De koersreactie is sterk overdreven. Vorig jaar eenmalige meevaller (verkoop POC's), nu eenmalige tegenvaller voor sluiten Rusland. Onderliggend ziet het er eigenlijk goed uit.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2022 08:24
    University of East London Selects Siemens for Net-Zero Carbon Goal

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    The University of East London in the United Kingdom has established a strategic partnership with Siemens to collaborate on their aspiration of achieving net-zero carbon by 2030. Siemens will deliver improvement measures to reduce overall energy use, and engineer solutions to drive the shift to renewable and on-site low-carbon energy generation at UEL’s campuses in the London Docklands and Stratford.

    In addition to targeting net-zero for the University’s urban sites by 2030, the partnership also aims to enhance the wellbeing of students and staff, foster inclusivity by creating new learning opportunities, and to support a digital-first culture through the roll-out of technology.

    The net-zero carbon roadmap identified four focus areas for UEL’s campuses: introducing renewable energy sources and reducing overall energy consumption; supporting sustainable enterprise; leveraging real-time energy data through the creation of a living lab and nurturing a strong talent pipeline.

    The first phase will immediately cut 10 percent of UEL’s carbon emissions and reduce operational costs by installing LED lighting in all buildings, and upgrading the Building Management Systems (BMS). A second workstream will focus on engineering the design of sustainable energy technology, including solar panels on rooftops and in car parks, ground source or water source heat pumps fed by the River Thames, and electric vehicle charging solutions.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2022 08:43
    Siemens & Mitsubishi to Develop SiC Power Module for Mobility

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 May, 2022, 6:30 am

    Siemens Mobility & Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in the field of SiC power module technology with the aim of enabling efficient and sustainable transportation and electrical energy savings in the transportation sector.

    Power semiconductors play a key role in railway vehicles, from trams to high-speed trains. Standard silicon-based power semiconductors are being continuously developed, and new technologies are being advanced, such as the use of SiC (silicon carbide), which will enable even greater efficiency and the greatest reduction in weight in future. It is in fact the railroad market that is stimulating demand for more efficient energy conversion technology.

    Mitsubishi Electric’s SiC devices have proven long-term reliability in the most demanding of applications such as traction inverters in trains. The potential for energy savings through the use of Mitsubishi Electric's wide range of SiC power devices in railway technology exists particularly in the area of traction drives. In particular the full SiC 3300 V power modules contribute to energy saving and the downsizing of traction inverters. The suitable SiC chipset for high-speed switching is used in the standardized LV100 package, which provides low stray inductance and easy paralleling capability. The power losses of LV100 full SiC modules can be reduced by approximately 75 % compared to the conventional Si power modules during the inverter operation. As a result, the efficiency of the traction inverter is increased.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 30 mei 2022 09:02
    Siemens sluit in Egypte grootste deal in zijn 175-jarige bestaan
    ANP Producties - Gisteren om 11:53
    © ANP

    CAÏRO (ANP/DPA) - Het Duitse industrieconcern Siemens heeft in Egypte een order binnengesleept ter waarde van ruim 8 miljard euro. Het bedrijf gaat een hogesnelheidsspoornet aanleggen in het land en gaat daarvoor ook treinen leveren. Siemens noemt het de grootste order in de geschiedenis van de onderneming, die in 1847 is opgericht.

    Het plan is om een hogesnelheidsnet van 2000 kilometer aan te leggen in Egypte. Daarnaast levert Siemens 41 hogesnelheidstreinen, 94 regionale treinen en 41 goederenlocomotieven. Het bedrijf is verder voor de komende vijftien jaar verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud.

    Vorig jaar werd al bekend dat Siemens opdracht had gekregen voor de aanleg van een hogesnelheidslijn van de Rode Zee naar de Middellandse Zee. Dat traject wordt 'het Suezkanaal op spoor' genoemd en heeft een lengte van 660 kilometer. Siemens was toen nog in onderhandeling over lijnen die lopen van de hoofdstad Caïro naar andere delen van het land.

    Egypte staat tot dusver bekend als een land met een uiterst gammel spoornetwerk.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 6 juni 2022 08:02
    Siemens Helicoptors to Inspect Power Transmission Lines in Germany

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    06 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    The German grid operators Schleswig Holstein Netz AG and Bayernwerk Netz GmbH have commissioned Siemens Energy to inspect almost 4,000 kilometers of high-voltage overhead lines. The inspection will be conducted by a helicopter equipped with a high-tech multi-sensor system using the SIEAERO service concept. Developed by Siemens Energy, the system collects all the necessary data during the flight, which can later be evaluated with the help of artificial intelligence and analyzed by other software tools. In the near future, this kind of holistic inspection of overhead power lines can also be performed with large drones.

    As soon as the respective legal situation permits, the inspection of power lines could be carried out using drones instead of helicopters. It’s more environmentally friendly and quieter than a helicopter, and critical locations could be approached in a more targeted manner.

    For the inspection, Siemens Energy attaches SIEAERO's multi-sensor system to the underside of a helicopter. Equipped with 19 cameras and state-of-the-art 3D laser scanning sensors, it captures all relevant inspection data in a single flight over the power line, resulting in up to 12,000 images and detailed 3D data per kilometer of power line. The SIEAERO’s software, which uses artificial intelligence, can evaluate the images in just a few hours, whereas a human would need a few days. The artificial intelligence was previously trained with over two million images of European and North American grids to automatically detect faults in the images. This allows potential risks like trees growing too close to the line to be detected earlier. During the flights, the surface temperature of the individual components is also measured, among other things. The digital data obtained provides a precise and detailed overview of the condition of the operating equipment, and it can be combined with existing data from the grid for other evaluations.

    Every kilometer of line flown generates 300 gigabytes of data. The SIEAERO system uses this data to create a digital twin, a highly accurate image of the network infrastructure being inspected, including poles, lines, terrain, and vegetation. With the digital twin, network operators can simulate extreme events like a tree falling on a line and causing it to fail and take the appropriate preventive measures. To guarantee a continuous power supply during the energy transition, the power grids need to be expanded. With comprehensive 3D models of the grid, the necessary expansion and modification measures can be planned and implemented more quickly.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 7 juni 2022 07:38
    NPROXX Delivers Tanks for Siemens Mobility’s Mireo Hydrogen Trains

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    07 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    NPROXX has delivered the first units of an innovative new hydrogen storage system designed for passenger trains to train manufacturer Siemens Mobility GmbH in Germany. The tank systems and related technologies are used by Siemens Mobility in the prototypes of a new hydrogen-powered passenger train, as a part of its no-fossil-fuels Mireo train platform. Initially, the trains will be trialled extensively at Siemens Mobility’s test facility at Wildenrath in Germany. These tests are likely to last throughout 2022, with the aim of the project to have hydrogen-powered passenger trains in service with the operator, Deutsche Bahn AG, in early 2023, on specific routes in south-west Germany.

    The train carriages are a completely new design, rather than a retrofit, which NPROXX has worked collaboratively with Siemens Mobility on through every step. Storage system is designed so that there is plenty of room for Siemens Mobility to optimise the passenger environment and provide a comfortable and spacious travel experience. Generally, commuter trains in continental Europe have drivetrains integrated into every carriage, and this is also the case in our design. The lightweight hydrogen storage system is sited on the roof of the carriage. Even when fully loaded with hydrogen gas and passengers, the loads are well within acceptable limits.

    The Siemens Mobility Mireo platform is a new rail system that operates completely without combustion engines. Mireo already includes battery electric vehicles, and now Siemens Mobility is working with NPROXX to develop a hydrogen-fuel-cell electric version as well. Depending on the profile of schedules, distances and various elevations on train routes, train operators of the future will be able to choose Mireo vehicles to suit their needs, either battery- or hydrogen-driven.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 8 juni 2022 09:11
    Siemens Mobility JV to Build 2,000 Km High-Speed Rail in Egypt

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    08 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Siemens Mobility and its consortium partners Orascom Construction and The Arab Contractors have signed a contract with the Egyptian National Authority for Tunnels to create the sixth largest high-speed rail system in the world. The Siemens Mobility share of the combined contract is 8.1 billion EUR and includes the initial contract of 2.7 billion EUR for the first line signed on 1 September 2021. The 2,000 kilometer state-of-the-art high-speed rail network will connect 60 cities throughout the country, with trains that can operate at up to 230 kilometers per hour.

    This means that approximately 90% of Egyptians will have access to this modern, safe, and integrated rail system. With a modal shift to train transport, the fully electrified network will cut carbon emissions by 70% compared to current car or bus transport, further supporting Egypt’s efforts in transforming its mobility to a more sustainable one. Together with civil works partners Orascom Construction and The Arab Contractors, Siemens Mobility will provide its comprehensive turnkey services to design, install, commission, and maintain the entire system for 15 years.

    The Egyptian high-speed network will consist of three lines

    The already announced Suez Canal on rails, a 660-kilometer line connecting the port cities of Ain Sokhna on the Red Sea to Marsa Matrouh and Alexandria on the Mediterranean

    The second line will be about 1,100 kilometers and run between Cairo and Abu Simbel near the Sudan border, linking the mega city to rising economic centers in the south. Furthermore, it will allow for the development of communities up and down the Nile, which will subsequently provide additional opportunities for small and family-owned businesses to flourish.

    The third line will cover 225 kilometers. This line will connect the world heritage archeological sites in Luxor with Hurghada by the Red Sea. In addition, this rail link will significantly improve the efficiency and sustainability of freight transport for goods and materials between Safaga harbor and inland locations.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 13 juni 2022 07:41
    Siemens Gamesa Bags 133 MW Wind Turbine Order from Vena Energy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    13 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Siemens Gamesa has signed a deal with Vena Energy to supply its industry leading 3.X platform turbines to a 133 MW wind project in Koppal District, Karnataka in India. In total, the company will deliver 37 SG 3.6-145 wind turbines for this project with installation expected during Siemens Gamesa’s financial year 2023.

    Siemens Gamesa and Vena Energy first partnered in 2015 with a 154 MW wind farm in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Since then, Vena Energy has added over 300 MW of wind power projects in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Following this latest order for the SG 3.6-145 turbines, Vena Energy’s portfolio with Siemens Gamesa in India will stand close to 600 MW underscoring its long-term commitment to the Indian market.

    Siemens Gamesa launched this new platform in 2020 in the face of an on going pandemic and announced orders totalling 925 MW last year. This new deal takes order entry for the Siemen Gamesa 3.X platform in India past the 1 GW mark, helping to confirm its competitiveness in the Indian market.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2022 07:49
    Siemens Gamesa to Supply Wind Turbines for Moray West

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    27 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Siemens Gamesa has been awarded the firm order for the delivery of 60 units of its SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbine at the Moray West offshore wind power project. The wind turbines will have a capacity of 14.7 MW each and utilize the PowerBoost feature. A service agreement is included in the order for the 882 MW-project located in Scotland’s Moray Firth. The project will feature strong content from the UK, with all 180 Siemens Gamesa B108 IntegralBlades to be produced at the company’s offshore blade factory in Hull in England. A rapid deployment timeline targets installation of the first machines in 2024, with first power being expected to be produced in 2024.

    The Moray West project will be located over 22 km from the Moray Council coast in the northeast of Scotland. The project’s rapid deployment plan is targeting installation of the SG 14-222 DD machines in 2024, with first power expected to be produced in 2024. Moray West will thus serve as the first serial installation of Siemens Gamesa’s massive 14 MW machine. More than 14 GW of firm orders, preferred supplier agreements, and preferred bidder agreements have been announced for the Siemens Gamesa 14 MW machine, including rotor variants of 222 and 236 meters.

    Each SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbine will have a capacity boosted up to 14.7 megawatts and feature a rotor diameter of 222 meters using 108-meter long Siemens Gamesa IntegralBlades. Launched in 2020, the first prototype of the massive machine was installed in 2021 in Denmark.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 juni 2022 05:45
    Siemens neemt Brightly Software over

    Door ABM Financial News op maandag 27 juni 2022
    Views: 1.764

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens neemt het Amerikaanse softwarebedrijf Brightly Software over voor 1,58 miljard dollar. Dit meldde het Duitse conglomeraat maandagavond.

    Volgens Siemens helpt de overname om een sterke positie te creëren om de snelgroeiende softwaremarkt voor gebouwen en de gebouwde infrastructuur aan te pakken.

    Siemens voegde eraan toe dat het gebruik zal maken van de voetafdruk van Brightly in de Verenigde Staten.

    De overname zorgt bovendien voor synergieën met een nettowaarde van rond de 500 miljoen en zal vanaf het tweede jaar na afronding bijdragen aan de winst per aandeel.

    De overname is onderhevig aan goedkeuring van toezichthouders en zal naar verwachting nog dit kalenderjaar worden afgerond.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  17. forum rang 10 voda 29 juni 2022 07:37
    Liechtenstein Kraftwerke Selects Siemens for Switchgear

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke has chosen sustainable medium-voltage switchgear from Siemens. The new 5-field NXPLUS C 24 system from the environmentally friendly blue GIS portfolio of Siemens Smart Infrastructure was commissioned by the customer at the Wiesengasse West substation in Schaan, Liechtenstein. This makes LKW one of the first grid operators to convert an entire medium-voltage switchgear installation to the climate-friendly insulating gas Clean Air.

    By choosing environmentally friendly fluorine gas-free switchgear from Siemens for the Wiesengasse West substation in Schaan, Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke now aims to combine a high level of supply security with climate-neutral technology. The Wiesengasse West transformer station serves as a switching station between two substations and for the power supply for the adjacent sports facilities in the municipality of Schaan.

    Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke supplies the entire Principality of Liechtenstein with electrical energy. The utility is a pioneer when it comes to sustainability, opts for renewable energy from hydroelectric power plants and photovoltaic systems wherever possible, and continues to invest in expanding green energy production.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 29 juni 2022 07:54
    Air Liquide & Siemens Energy to Produce Hydrogen Electrolyzers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    29 Jun, 2022, 6:30 am

    Air Liquide & Siemens Energy have announced the creation of a joint venture dedicated to the series production of industrial scale renewable hydrogen electrolyzers in Europe. Air Liquide will take 25.1% & Siemens Energy will hold 74.9% of the joint venture, which creation remains subject to approval of the competent authorities. This joint venture will be headquartered in Berlin. With two of the global leading companies in their field combining their expertise, this Franco-German partnership will enable the emergence of a sustainable hydrogen economy in Europe and foster a European ecosystem for electrolysis and hydrogen technology. Production is expected to begin in the second half of 2023 and ramp-up to an annual production capacity of three gigawatts by 2025.

    The joint venture multi-gigawatt factory that produces electrolysis modules would be also located in the German capital, as announced earlier this year. This factory will supply stacks to both Groups for their respective broad range of customers and to serve the rapidly growing market. Based on proton exchange membrane (electrolysis technology, these stacks will feature a high degree of efficiency and are ideally suited to harvest volatile renewable energy. In addition, Air Liquide and Siemens Energy have agreed to dedicate R&D capacities to the co-development of the next generation of electrolyzer technologies within the framework of the partnership.

    The strategic partnership will benefit from a portfolio of hydrogen projects combining both Air Liquide and Siemens Energy’s pipelines, targeting large industrial-scale hydrogen projects in collaboration with customers. This will create a solid basis for the required rapid ramp-up of electrolysis capacities and thus is expected to make competitive renewable hydrogen available sooner. One of the first projects is the Air Liquide Normand’Hy electrolyzer project, with a capacity of 200 MW expected in the first phase, located in Normandy in France. The assembly of the electrolyzer systems for this project is planned to be made in France.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 1 juli 2022 06:37
    Siemens verliest miljarden door belang Energy

    Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 30 juni 2022
    Views: 4.448

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens moet in het derde kwartaal flink afschrijven op de investering in Siemens Energy. Dit meldde het Duitse conglomeraat donderdagavond.

    Met de slotkoers van Siemens Energy AG van 13,99 euro op 30 juni 2022, ligt de marktwaarde van Siemens' belang van 35 procent in Siemens Energy aanzienlijk onder de boekwaarde.

    "Dit leidt tot een bijzondere waardevermindering van de SE-investering, wat resulteert in een totale non-cash impact op het nettoresultaat van 2,8 miljard euro in het derde kwartaal van boekjaar 2022", aldus Siemens.

    Alle resultaten van het derde kwartaal en hun gevolgen voor de vooruitzichten voor het lopende boekjaar worden op 11 augustus 2022 gepubliceerd, meldde het bedrijf.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  20. forum rang 10 voda 1 juli 2022 08:08
    Amtrak Orders 50 More Charger Locomotives from Siemens Mobility

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    01 Jul, 2022, 6:30 am

    Amtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation of the United States, has ordered an additional 50 Charger Locomotives from Siemens Mobility. Together with the initial order of 75 locomotives in 2018, the 125 diesel-electric units are an important part of Amtrak’s sustainability initiative and are considerably more environmentally friendly than their 1990’s predecessors. The total contract value of up to USD 2 billion includes the original contract for USD 850 million and incorporates both the manufacturing as well as the long-term service agreement for technical support, spare parts, and material supply.

    The Charger is the most energy-efficient Tier 4 passenger locomotive in the industry. They reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide by more than 89 percent and particulate matter by 95 percent, while consuming less fuel than the locomotives being retired, and can reach a greater top speed of 125 mph.

    The new locomotives are designated as ALC-42 for “Amtrak Long-distance Charger, 4,200-horsepower.” They will primarily replace Amtrak P40 and P42 diesel-electric locomotives, which have a lower top speed and began service under different emissions standards 30 years ago. The first of the ALC-42’s entered service in February 2022 on the Empire Builder route and are next to be deployed on the well-known City of New Orleans route, running between its namesake city and Chicago.

    The ALC-42 locomotives are being manufactured at Siemens Mobility’s North American rail manufacturing facility in Sacramento, California and comply with the Federal Railroad Administration Buy America Standards. The plant is one of the largest of its kind on the continent, and one of the most sustainable, using a 2.1 MWp solar panel installation to generate much of its power from the California sun. It is part of Siemens Mobility’s larger U.S. manufacturing network, with eight facilities, more than 4,000 employees and 2,000 American suppliers, including Cummins, which manufactures the Tier-4 complaint diesel engines in Seymour, Indiana.
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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.106
AB InBev 2 5.531
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 52.080
ABO-Group 1 23
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 267
Accsys Technologies 23 10.829
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 192
Adecco 1 1
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.804
Aedifica 3 925
Aegon 3.258 323.046
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.305
ageas 5.844 109.901
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.062
Ahold 3.538 74.349
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.265
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.049
Alfen 16 25.181
Allfunds Group 4 1.516
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 418
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.748
AMG 971 134.235
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.744
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 495
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.047
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.798
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.943
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.350
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.597
ASML 1.766 109.814
ASR Nederland 21 4.507
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.834
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.447