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Forum Weibo geopend

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  1. forum rang 4 IEX - Forummoderator 2 december 2019 06:38
    Sina Weibo (NASDAQ: WB) (????) is a Chinese microblogging (weibo) website.

    Launched by Sina Corporation on August 14, 2009, it is one of the biggest social media platforms in China, with over 445 million monthly active users as of Q3 2018. The platform has been a huge financial success, with surging stocks, lucrative advertising sales and high revenue and total earnings per quarter.[3][4] At the start of 2018, it surpassed the US$30 billion market valuation mark for the first time.

    Groet Henk
  2. Grote Ogen 2 december 2019 09:31
    Weibo, de Chinese Twitter.
    Als je kijkt naar het koersverloop van het laatste jaar is dee gezakt van bijna $ 75 naar $ 42 nu een all time low. Wil dit zeggen dat dit een goed moment is om in te stappen. Ik ben geen proffesionele belegger maar gezien de gigantische markt qua aantallen gebruikers zou je zeggen van wel.

    Recent was er een artikel inzake een nieuwe App van Weibo die nog niet gelancerd is maar nu al een enorme potentie aangeeft.
    Ik zou het leuk vinden indien wij de ontwikkelingen van QWeibo en de App in dit Forum kunnen volgen en zou het op prijs stellen input te ontvangen over de ontwikkelingen omdat er al zo weinig te vinden is in fora etc.

    An Oasis Of Opportunity Lies Within Weibo's New App
    Nov. 27, 2019 3:53 PM ET|

    Oasis has great potential to broaden Weibo's social commerce efforts.

    It could substantially increase ad inventories and could complement Weibo's Yizhibo app.

    Even being a fraction of Instagram's size could be immensely valuable.

    Weibo continues to trade at an extremely conservative valuation despite Oasis potentially being a strong growth driver.

    Although Weibo (WB) has recovered slightly since our last article, we do believe there's more room to go, especially after doing more research on their Oasis app, which should launch this month. Oasis has the potential to be a massive growth driver for Weibo and is already doing quite well. We believe the extremely low valuation Weibo is getting makes no sense with its great fundamentals and the launch of Oasis.

    Source: Seeking Alpha

    What is Oasis

    Recently, Weibo has beta tested an app called Oasis. It seems to be similar to Facebook's Instagram, allowing users to “post, share, and edit pictures and videos with a variety of filters, as well as add featured tags to their content”.

    Oasis uses a currency called “Water Drops” as a point system, allowing users with “Water Drops” to upvote top bloggers. The water droplets work in an interesting way, as described below:

    The interest in Oasis has only increased with the news that digital assets, which may be blockchain-based, will be used in the app. The more active a user is, the more of these water droplets they will earn. If they are not collected within three days, however, they will ‘evaporate’. So, first impressions imply that the assets are an incentive scheme for engagement.

    Though the app is not even officially launched, it reached the top of Apple’s social charts in China, beating hugely popular apps QQ and WeChat. The app’s Weibo page already has 8 million followers days after its release, according to Caixin. - Note: Now it already has over 10mil followers on Weibo

    Source: Weibo

    The oasis hashtag also has over 250mil views and 140k threads. In comparison the hottest thread we could find on Weibo only has 70mil views and 11k discussions.

    Source: Weibo

    Weibo itself has noted in its Q3 call that Oasis is meant to be a place where KOLs(Key opinion leaders) can share lifestyle content, while Weibo is the place where these KOLs can promote themselves and their products. Weibo also noted that Oasis should officially launch by the end of November after a promising beta test.

    Also I'd like to share some color on Oasis. As you may know, we recently roll-out our photo and video sharing social community product named Oasis as one of our approach to further tap into the social area. The product was still in the beta testing, are waiting for the final approval from regulators. Oasis is positioned as a lifestyle focused photo and video sharing social platform. In terms of differentiation from Weibo, Oasis will encourage more UGC posting, particularly from vertical content creators. Content is lifestyle related and mainly taking photos and video format, which complements Weibo's content per system and address users' diversified social and content consumption needs.

    During the beta testing period, we are encouraged to see early momentum in user content generation and social interaction. We expect to obtain approval and official launch of the product within this month. Going forward, we will continue to optimize product features and beef-up our efforts in the channel marketing in the hope of creating a live social platform with a distinct lifestyle live.

    Source: Q3 2019 call

    Many are also speculating that Oasis would have a social e-commerce feature to make up for Weibo’s lack of one.

    Source: Technode

    Notably, Instagram already has a feature that allows users to order items without leaving the app, so it would make sense for Oasis to have e-commerce functionality.

    So what would be the implications if Oasis became successful?
    Oasis has all the ingredients needed to become a successful social network. It has the backing of China’s largest social network, it already has millions of people waiting to download it, and it has little to no competition, as Instagram is banned in China, but how will Oasis’s success benefit Weibo?

    Firstly, Weibo would start having a lot more ad inventory to sell, as from personal experience most people with multiple social networking apps tend to use them all for a longer period of time in total.This ad inventory could be more valuable. Oasis will likely have a lot more video content, which could represent more valuable ad inventory than other forms of content like blogs. Weibo could insert pre roll ads instead of the newsfeed ads it usually inserts.

    Secondly, Oasis could broaden Weibo’s reach in social commerce. While Weibo already conducts social commerce through Yizhibo, its live streaming app, Oasis could help Weibo take it a step further. Weibo itself doesn’t have any e-commerce functionality, and Oasis could be a good way enable this for Weibo’s users.

    Lastly, Oasis could be quite complementary to Yizhibo. Since Oasis will be more for casual topics like lifestyle, it could fit very well with Yizhibo, which also happens to be lifestyle focused. Getting more KOLs to post more lifestyle related content on Oasis could also lead to more KOLs streaming on Yizhibo, thus expanding Yizhibo’s userbase.

    Oasis is just another indication that Weibo's 15x PE may be way too conservative. If Oasis is successful, it would likely cannibalize some of Weibo's own market share but would more likely allow Weibo to capture market share from other players like Tencent. Even capturing a few million more minutes of time spent per day would substantially bolster Weibo's ad inventory and create millions of dollars of shareholder value. Instagram is currently valued at $100bil, so even if Oasis was a fraction of Instagram's size it could still be immensely valuable.

    The good thing about Oasis is that even if it fails, Weibo won't lose anything except the money it invested in Oasis. Any benefit from Oasis is 100% accretive to Weibo.


    Overall, with Oasis likely being a major growth driver in the future, the valuation of Weibo today just seems way too low. We continue to be long Weibo through Sina (SINA) for reasons stated here.
  3. Grote Ogen 5 december 2019 19:12
    En een bericht van Seeking Alpha:
    Onduidelijk of een eventuele nieuwe richting van Weibo profitable zal zijn.
    Allemaal erg pril dus nog weinig over te zeggen denk ik maar in ieder geval weer een nieuw initiatief. Weibo staat op dit moment ongeveer 3% in de plus met de koers,

    Weibo: Getting Into Online Lending
    Dec. 5, 2019 11:19 AM ET | About: Weibo Corporation (WB), Includes: LX, QD, QFIN, SINA, YRD

    WB recently obtained the approval for an ABS product.

    Online lending could become a key revenue generator for WB.

    Regulatory scrutiny may be unavoidable.

    Weibo (WB) recently received approval for its first ABS that is valued at RMB 1 billion.

    The bottom line
    On the surface, the amount does not appear to be significant but the direction on where WB is heading cannot be understated. With a declining engagement level, competition from ByteDance and other short video formats, and a soft macro that is pressuring the ad revenue, WB needs to find other sources of revenue to further monetize its current user base before they churn to other platforms.

    Given WB’s existing DAU base, pivoting into fintech is a natural progression and no other products can be more profitable than online lending if WB manages to find the right business model (microloans vs. loan facilitation), accumulate competitive risk management practice and achieve lower funding cost (ABS funding cost is lower than that from the banks).

    Given the ongoing consolidation of the traditional online lenders such as Qudian (QD) (see: ), Yiren Digit (YRD) (see: Yiren Digital: Avoid At All Cost ), FinVolution (PPDF) (see: FinVolution: Lipstick On A Pig), Lexin (LX) (see: LexinFintech: A Rare Quality), and 360finance (QFIN) (see: 360 Finance: Getting Warmed Up), WB could potentially carve out its own niche in this consolidating market by leveraging its brand and support from its parent Sina (SINA).

    However, we are not optimistic about WB’s prospect of entering this crowded field as it subjects the company too much greater regulatory oversight and potential regulatory scrutiny which could negatively impact the stock price. Besides, WB has no proven track record of being an online lending fintech platform so its competitive differentiation vs. the other lenders remains unclear.
  4. Grote Ogen 30 september 2020 22:36
    Why Weibo Stock Jumped Today - AAPL | September 30, 2020
    Economic indicators show that China may be starting to bounce back.

    Shares of Weibo (NASDAQ: WB), a China-based messaging and content app, spiked today as investors likely reacted to news about September growth in China's economy.

    Weibos' stock was up by as much as 10.4% today but had gained 9.3% as of 2:34 p.m. EDT.

    The latest manufacturing data for China was released today and showed that the country's manufacturing purchasing index rose to 51.5 in September, higher than the 51.2 forecast by economists. Any figure above 50 indicates that the sector is expanding and a growing manufacturing industry shows that China's economy may be rebounding from the economic effects of the coronavirus. ...
  5. Grote Ogen 18 maart 2021 17:34
    hehe Weibo krijgt weer wat leven met + 9%

    5 u
    $WB Weibo Q4 EPS $0.92 Beats $0.74 Est; Revenue $513.4M Beats $499.1M Est.
  6. Grote Ogen 7 juli 2021 16:49
    Weibo laat weer een flinke stijging zien afgelopen weken.
    De vraag is toch of er niet een beurs-exit gaat volgen tegen een hele hoge premie! de moeite van een gokje waard denk ik!

    Weibo ontkent plannen voor beursexit - media
    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Weibo wordt niet van de beurs gehaald. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg dinsdag, nadat Reuters eerder meldde op basis van bronnen dat voorzitter Charles Chao en een Chinese staatsinvesteringsmaatschappij zouden werken aan een overname.

    Bloomberg baseert zich op een medewerker van Weibo die het artikel van Reuters ontkende. "De speculatie is niet waar", aldus de medewerker.

    Reuters noemde een waardering van minstens 20 miljard dollar, uitgaande van een bod van 90 tot 100 dollar per aandeel.

    Chao is de grootste aandeelhouder van Weibo met een belang van 45 procent. Alibaba heeft 30 procent van de aandelen in bezit.

    Na het nieuws van Reuters leek de koers van Weibo te exploderen bij de start van de handel op de Nasdaq. Inmiddels loopt deze winst er weer vlot uit.

    Grootaandeelhouder wil Chinese Weibo van de beurs halen - media
    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese microblogsite Weibo wordt mogelijk van de beurs gehaald. Dit schrijft persbureau Reuters dinsdag op basis van bronnen.

    Voorzitter Charles Chao en een Chinese staatsinvesteringsmaatschappij zouden gesprekken voeren over een overname. Dit zou aandeelhouder Alibaba de kans geven om een exit te maken.

    Reuters noemt een waardering van minstens 20 miljard dollar, uitgaande van een bod van 90 tot 100 dollar per aandeel. De koers staat momenteel rond de 54 dollar, maar vermoedelijk opent het aandeel vanmiddag op Nasdaq tot 40 procent hoger.

    Overigens is Chao zelf de grootste aandeelhouder van Weibo met een belang van 45 procent. Alibaba heeft 30 procent van de aandelen in bezit.
  7. Grote Ogen 7 juli 2021 16:54
    De ontkenning; maar als het waar is dan zou het ook een kleine kans zijn dat het wordt bevestigd....
    Koerspotentieel opwaarts is groot gezien de eerste reactie op het nieuws (+40%).

    A Weibo Corp. representative denied a report that the chairman of the Chinese Twitter-like service and a state investor are in talks to take the company private.

    The shares gave up much of the gains on an earlier report from Reuters that said the deal could value Weibo at $20 billion and ease an exit for Weibo’s major shareholder, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Reuters cited people familiar with the matter and said it wasn’t clear which Chinese state firm was in on the deal.

    The consortium would offer about $90 to $100 per share to take Weibo private, according to Reuters, representing a premium of as much as double the stock’s $50 average price over the past month.

    “The speculation is not true,” a representative for Weibo told Bloomberg, declining to elaborate. Weibo also issued a statement saying that Weibo Chairman Charles Chao informed the company that the Reuters story is “untrue and he has had no discussion with anyone regarding privatization of the company.”

    Weibo shares jumped more than 40% in early trading in New York before the company’s denial. They were trading up 10% to $59.90 at 9:35 a.m. in New York. A representative for Alibaba couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

    Sina Corp. Chairman And CEO Charles Cao Interview
    Charles ChaoPhotographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg
    Chao’s holding company New Wave held a 45% stake in Weibo as of February valued at about $5.5 billion based on Friday’s closing stock price. Alibaba held a 30% stake, according to the company’s 2020 annual report, valued at $3.7 billion.

    Internet pioneer Sina Corp. launched Weibo in 2009 and quickly amassed millions of registered users posting messages of 140 characters or less. It was listed on the Nasdaq in a 2014 initial public offering. While Twitter Inc. is blocked in China, Weibo and other social media in the country are subject to state censorship.
  8. Grote Ogen 7 juli 2021 17:58
    Nu plus 4,6 % in 1 maand wel gestegen van $48 naar $60. Mogelijke stijging dus (zie boven) tot $ 90 tot $ 100.
    Gokje maar leuk om te nemen :).
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