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OCI - 2021

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  1. forum rang 5 Daarom 6 maart 2021 12:48
    Ik ben bezig met een vragenlijstje voor de webinar. Zijn er nog goede vragen die ik mee kan nemen? Laat mij het weten dan neem ik ze mee.

    je kan trouwens ook zelf de vragen mailen naar:
  2. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 6 maart 2021 18:59

    Daarom schreef op 6 maart 2021 12:48:

    Ik ben bezig met een vragenlijstje voor de webinar. Zijn er nog goede vragen die ik mee kan nemen? Laat mij het weten dan neem ik ze mee.

    je kan trouwens ook zelf de vragen mailen naar:
    Is er document of agenda beschikbaar met alles wat aan bod gaat komen? Misschien dat ik dan wat concretere vragen kan bedenken
  3. forum rang 5 Daarom 6 maart 2021 20:19

    Hi Gert-Jan Hageman,

    Volgens mij kun 'alles' vragen wat je wilt.

    Thank you for registering for "OCI ESG Investor Day March 2021".

    Please submit any questions to:

    Date Time: Mar 8, 2021 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

  4. forum rang 6 de schaatser 6 maart 2021 22:39
    Mijn vraag:
    Kan Oci aangeven in een cijfer van 1 t/m 10 hoeveel prioriteit zij geven aan het verkleinen van de schuld.
    Kunnen zij tevens aangeven hoeveel prioriteit zij geven aan het reserveren van geld ten behoeve van strategische ontwikkelingen. Ook met een cijfer van 1t/m 10.
  5. forum rang 5 Daarom 7 maart 2021 12:20
    Ik heb gisteravond onderstaande mail verstuurd. Iedereen is vrij om zelf ook vragen te mailen.


    Hi Hans,

    Thanks for the opportunity to ask questions.

    I have been a shareholder for some time and currently have ...... stocks in the portfolio.


    1. OCI is aiming for a decline in the debt ratio to below 3.0 by the end of this year. How does OCI want to realize this?

    2. Can you tell us a bit more about the expected free cash flow for the first quarter and 2021 as a whole.

    3. In 2019 and 2020 there was talk of selling the methanol branch. Is this still an option or is this branch now of strategic importance?

    4. How does OCI view the entire fertilizer sector and does OCI expect further consolidation from the sector?

    Many thanks!

    Best regards,
  6. forum rang 6 de schaatser 7 maart 2021 13:00
    Er staat nu op het forum van Plug Power een investeringsplan in Saoedi Arabië, wat aansluit wat Oci morgen gaat presenteren. Althans naar mijn vermoeden.
  7. forum rang 6 Ruval 7 maart 2021 13:25

    Daarom schreef op 7 maart 2021 12:20:

    Ik heb gisteravond onderstaande mail verstuurd. Iedereen is vrij om zelf ook vragen te mailen.


    Hi Hans,

    Thanks for the opportunity to ask questions.

    I have been a shareholder for some time and currently have ...... stocks in the portfolio.


    1. OCI is aiming for a decline in the debt ratio to below 3.0 by the end of this year. How does OCI want to realize this?

    2. Can you tell us a bit more about the expected free cash flow for the first quarter and 2021 as a whole.

    3. In 2019 and 2020 there was talk of selling the methanol branch. Is this still an option or is this branch now of strategic importance?

    4. How does OCI view the entire fertilizer sector and does OCI expect further consolidation from the sector?

    Many thanks!

    Best regards,
    Allemaal prima vragen. Alleen morgen is het een strategy event dat volledig in teken staat van ESG.

    Antwoorden op bovengenoemde vragen zijn te beluisteren via de analyst call nav de recente kwartaalcijfers.

    Succes en benieuwd naar de economische impact van alle ESG plannen!
  8. Appel72 7 maart 2021 20:59
    Kunnen we morgen door deze investor dag van OCI, (aan het einde van de dag) nog een grote koers uitslag verwachten? Of wordt het gewoon gewoon een non event. En bepaalt het beurssentiment het koersverloop?
  9. forum rang 6 Ruval 7 maart 2021 22:02

    Appel72 schreef op 7 maart 2021 20:59:

    Kunnen we morgen door deze investor dag van OCI, (aan het einde van de dag) nog een grote koers uitslag verwachten? Of wordt het gewoon gewoon een non event. En bepaalt het beurssentiment het koersverloop?
    Ik verwacht zeker meer inzicht en concretisering in financiële verwachtingen van ESG strategie. OCI heeft moderne fabrieken en zal in grotere mate kunnen profiteren van hele verduurzaming en lagere CO2 uitstoot. Volgens analisten kan dit in het voordeel van OCI gaan uitpakken. Ik verwacht echter geen game changer morgen op basis waarvan koers verdere impuls krijgt.
  10. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 8 maart 2021 11:44
    Helaas afgeketst op een technisch lijntje die de toppen van 25 februari, 3 maart en vandaag verbindt. Hopelijk kunnen we door de 18.35 breken en hogere niveau's opzoeken
  11. eduardo3105 8 maart 2021 15:09
    Zo die 15.000 op 18,40 wordt in één klap verkocht
    15.342 op 18,3976
    vast iemand die de presentatie al heeft ingezien
    en we staan weer in de top5 stijgers
    weer op naar de eur 19 ????
  12. Sugarman 8 maart 2021 15:31
    EXCLUSIVE-U.S. government to expand biofuels forecasts as renewable diesel sector grows

    CHICAGO/NEW YORK, March 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. departments of agriculture and energy plan to change two closely watched monthly reports to account for the rapid growth of renewable diesel, a clean burning fuel made from soy and other fats and oils, officials told Reuters.

    Surging demand for renewable diesel is part of a larger global transition to green fuels, and could increase prices of crops such as soybeans and canola it is derived from.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plans to adjust how it reports soyoil used in biofuel in its monthly World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report as soon as this spring, an agency official told Reuters.

    The changes would be made only after the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) begins reporting more detailed data on the renewable diesel sector, Keith Menzie, an economist at USDA's World Agricultural Outlook Board, said in an interview.

    The EIA is planning to begin incorporating renewable diesel data in its Petroleum Supply Monthly report, with a goal to publish data for January by the end of this month, EIA told Reuters.

    The unusual change to USDA's WASDE report, viewed as the global gold standard of agricultural commodities data, would be an acknowledgment of the strong demand potential for soyoil at a time U.S. soybean supplies are the lowest in years.

    "We're taking our lead from EIA. When they start publishing data, we will add that to the WASDE table," Menzie said.

    "It could be as soon as May."

    Renewable diesel can power conventional auto engines without being blended with diesel derived from crude oil, making it attractive for refiners aiming to produce low-pollution options. [nL1N2J12HJ]

    Production of the fuel is expected to nearly quintuple over the next three years, according to investment bank Goldman Sachs, using feedstocks from plant oils and animal fats to used cooking oil.

    The USDA's updated soyoil supply-and-demand forecast would combine use by biodiesel producers and renewable diesel producers to adhere to its reporting confidentiality guidelines, Menzie said.

    "This will allow us to be more granular in terms of the energy component and the food component," he said.

    Soyoil use by renewable diesel producers is currently included in a broad category that also includes use in food and livestock feed.

    (Reporting by Karl Plume in Chicago, Stephanie Kelly in New York; Editing by Caroline Stauffer and Grant McCool)

    ((; +1 313 484 5285; Reuters Messaging:
  13. forum rang 10 voda 8 maart 2021 15:37
    OCI presenteert nieuwe doelen

    18,40 0,64 3,60 % Euronext Amsterdam

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) OCI wil zijn operationele strategie versneld uitvoeren, waardoor het aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) in de komende 3 tot 5 jaar met 75 miljoen dollar per jaar kan worden verhoogd. Dit bleek maandag uit de nieuwe doelen van de producent van kunstmest, melamine en methanol, die tijdens een ESG-strategiedag werden gepresenteerd.

    Het bedrijf wil ook de CO2-uitstoot verminderen, met 20 procent in 2030 en denkt in 2050 klimaatneutraal te zijn.

    Daarnaast ligt de focus op waardecreatie en het waarborgen van een robuuste kapitaaldiscipline terwijl een CO2-neutrale bedrijfsvoering wordt nagestreefd.

    OCI denkt dit te kunnen doen met nieuwe strategische initiatieven, waarbij de drempel van het te verwachte rendement op de investeringen, de zogeheten internal rate of return, op 12 tot 14 procent ligt.

    OCI denkt de meeste doelen te kunnen behalen zonder grote investeringen.

    Het aandeel OCI steeg maandag 3,6 procent naar 18,40 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  14. [verwijderd] 8 maart 2021 15:44
    CF zet een nieuw 52wkn hogere koers neer.

    CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (CF)
    NYSE - Nasdaq Real Time Price. Currency in USD
    Add to watchlist

    Quote Lookup

    49.05+1.93 (+4.10
  15. [verwijderd] 8 maart 2021 16:15
    2021 March 8 14:39

    EPS, OCI, and MAN partner to adopt methanol and ammonia as marine fuel
    Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS)announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OCI N.V. (OCI) and MAN Energy Solutions (MAN) to develop methanol and ammonia as marine fuels to aide in industry-wide decarbonisation and environmental preservation efforts.

    The partnership involves using select conventional vessels from EPS’ existing tanker fleet that use MAN engines to be retrofitted, allowing them to be powered by methanol and ammonia which will be supplied by OCI. Also, EPS will construct newbuild vessels with MAN engines powered by the same two alternative marine fuels. OCI intends to charter the first retrofitted vessel from EPS.

    The announcement is in line with EPS’ agnostic approach to its alternative marine fuel programme.

    EPS CEO Cyril Ducau said, “EPS is proud to partner with industry-leaders OCI and MAN with a shared vision to push our industry towards decarbonisation and environmental preservation. As a leading tonnage provider, EPS has taken a firm stance that sustainability begins with accountability. This means we have a responsibility to implement emission lowering solutions available today while simultaneously developing solutions for tomorrow. Converting our existing conventional fleet to burn methanol creates a unique opportunity to continue lowering our carbon footprint significantly and rapidly. In the meantime, developing ammonia-fuelled conversion and newbuilding projects will help develop more mature zero-carbon solutions in the longer-term. We are excited about the next steps and to share our findings with the industry.”

    The partnership is an example of different industry players with aligned values coming together to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The MOU is also an example of not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, as the technology to retrofit vessels to run on methanol exists today while using methanol and ammonia on newbuilds is still a few years away.

    Ahmed El-Hoshy, Chief Executive Officer of OCI NV, commented: “Methanol and ammonia are the fuels of the future and we are excited to continue to play a part in the transition to zero carbon through this partnership. The use of ammonia or methanol as a shipping fuel is particularly promising as these products are among the best-placed alternatives to help this sector decarbonize in a cost-effective way. We are confident that, in addition to the exciting developments on new-builds, existing vessels can economically convert their engines to use our low-carbon products and help the industry meet its goals. We see this as starting with the adoption of grey/blue methanol and ammonia and then shifting to green as production costs come down, customer appetites move towards green and regulations continue to develop. Our products are perfectly positioned to fuel the transition and we believe the push towards low carbon fuels in the coming years will be met with the adoption of both methanol and ammonia as industry-standard fuels on a grey, blue and green basis. We are therefore pleased that we have signed this agreement with a leading tonnage provider in the shipping industry and the leading engine manufacturer, bringing together a comprehensive representation of the maritime value chain.”

    Brian Østergaard Sørensen, Vice President and Head of R&D, Two-Stroke Business at MAN Energy Solutions, said: “We view these initiatives as closely aligned with our own strategy of cooperating with external partners to develop sustainable technologies. Methanol and ammonia are very interesting candidates as zero-carbon fuels. In fact, we have already introduced a methanol-burning two-stroke engine, while we expect to deliver the first ammonia-fueled engine in 2024. MAN Energy Solutions is fully committed to the maritime energy transition and the development of technology that exploits alternative, clean fuels.”

    Jens Seeberg, Head of Retrofit & Upgrade at MAN PrimeServ Denmark, said: “For us, the path to decarbonizing the maritime industry starts with fuel decarbonization. Happily, the flexibility of the ME-C engine enables us to retrofit the existing fleet into methanol-fueled vessels that have a significantly reduced environmental impact. We look forward to moving with our industry partners towards these sustainable goals.”

    The technology to retrofit a vessel to accept methanol as a fuel is available today and the intention is for OCI to charter the first retrofitted methanol fueled vessel operated by EPS using already in-service MAN engines and technology in the next two years.
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