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Metallis Resources en een berg met nikkel

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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 14 november 2017 22:03
    Metallis Resources (MTS/MTLFF)

    Dr Peter Lighfoot is a world renown expert on nickel sulphide deposits and is advising Garibaldi on this world class discovery. It seems his theory is that the ore body is actually a string of deposits, a “pearl necklace” of sorts. This part of Garibaldi’s last press release on drilling is telling to me:

    “While the nickel-copper-rich system remains open in all directions at Nickel Mountain, at least two kilometres of prospective ground exist to the east-southeast while a northeast trend of geophysical anomalies and surface mineralization continues for at least six km.”

    This is important for those of us heavily invested in Metallis Resources whose Kirkham property borders Garibaldi just over 4 KM to the “southeast”. Essentially, GGI just confirmed that we are half way there, to the border at Kirkham. If the multiple deposit theory proves true and extends to Kirkham, Metallis shareholders could become very rich. I have 90% of my exposure to this play in Metallis, not Garibaldi, which I recommended to premium GIL readers initially at 25 cents in early August. Despite selling off a ¼ of my position around $1 to remove any principal risk, last week I bought all of those shares back and extra around $1.40 per share. I realized that this could be an opportunity of a lifetime and plunged back in last Thursday/Friday.

    Eric Sprott financed Metallis at $1.10 for 2 million shares just a couple of weeks ago. He has been buying in the open market regularly as high as $1.88 for 400,000 shares on October 13th (the stock closed at $1.45 on Friday). A hugely compelling fact is the tight and tiny share structure in Metallis which barely has a $30MM CDN market cap at $1.45 per share! The leverage here could be enormous and I believe that there is a pretty good chance that MTS can outperform GGI between now and the end of the year. How can that scenario happen?

    Metallis moved drill rigs to “Thunder North and Thunder South” a few weeks ago, which is near the border of Garibaldi. It is important to note that initially the company drilled a completely different part of their property testing a gold/copper prospect. Those drill results will be out first, perhaps in the next 2 weeks. But if drilling at Thunder North intersects massive nickel/copper sulphides similar to Nickel Mountain, MTS will fly. For example, if Metallis has one third of the resource along the same trend as Garibaldi, their market cap would almost quadruple from $30MM to $110M if Garibaldi stayed at these levels (again, GGI is currently trading at a $330 ish million market capitalization)

    Now, I believe GGI will run to $7-8 into/after their next batch of assays are released. MTS should hit $2.50-$3 just following GGI so that’s lmost a double as well. But if Metallis confirms high grade nickel/copper sulphides in November, their share price could trade to $5 easily, which would still only be a $100MM market cap. Metallis’ extremely attractive share structure just means that there is very little stock available in the float! Buyers will likely have to pay up, probably WAY up, in the coming months.

    For what it is worth I only asked Eric Sprott one question last Friday. “Do you believe the Nickel Mountain ore body extends into Kirkham?” His reply was “yes I do”. This is obvious just from his actions in the market but it was nice to hear it as well.


    To be crystal clear, there is still a lot of risk in both of these stocks. Even if Metallis is destined for $20 per share, there will be violent pull backs along the way and whip lash like volatility. That said, some circumstances warrant rolling the dice. I’m in a great position because I plan to sell the ¼ I bought back at $3 which will have given me a profit on what I put in as a total initially. Then, I’ll hold ¾ plus of my stake for free versus those of you that might just get in now around $1.50 on MTS. You may want to sell half at a double and let the rest roll if this thing plays out like I think it will. That way, you simply don’t have to sweat the gyrations and can give things time to unfold into 2018.

    There is a lot of smoke at Kirkham near the fire than is Nickel Mountain so there is better than a 50/50 chance that Metallis has some of this rich ore body on its property. However, the odds are likely less than 50/50 that they hit some of it with the first few drill holes! These are big properties so some patience may be needed and one thing that may slow this train down is old man winter.

    Just remember, it is new discoveries that drive junior resource share prices more than any other factor. Being early in a big discovery can make investors wealthy and that is why we play in this risky and cyclical arena. GGI and MTS guarantee ACTION in the coming days, weeks, and months. I do not think it’s too late to get involved but would encourage adding soon, at least entry sized positions then on any pullbacks. I would suggest adding MTS up to $1.75 and GGI to $4.50. If the gap around $1.21 gets filled on the MTS chart it would be time to back up the truck.

    Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the guys at Bull Market Run. They were definitely on top of this situation before anyone else and are the reason that I was tipped off early on. They do great work and have gone the extra mile in keeping investors updated!

    Make sure that you are signed up to our free list for updates on these stocks and other special situations…

    For updates on Garibaldi and Metallis and unique ideas on individual mining stocks, please sign up for our free newsletter below.
  2. [verwijderd] 29 september 2020 12:26
    Sinds de kredietcrisis van 2008 is er nauwelijks nog geïnvesteerd in nieuwe nikkelmijnen.
    Terwijl dat door de wereldwijde transitie naar elektrisch rijden wél hard nodig was!
    Het gevolg is dat er de komende jaren een gigantisch tekort aan nikkel ontstaat. Waardoor de prijs van deze grondstof enorm hard zal stijgen.
    Dat fabrikanten van elektrische auto’s zéér bezorgd zijn over de (toekomstige) beschikbaarheid van nikkel, bewijst onderstaande uitspraak van Elon Musk.

    " ... Please mine more nickel... Tesla will give you a giant contract for a long period of time if you mine nickel efficiently and in an environmentally sensitive way " - Elon Musk, july 22 2020.

    - (Betwijfel of bovenstaande uitspraak nog van tel is na 'battery day')

    Uniek project
    Gisteren stuurden we een splinternieuw “Super Rendement Rapport” naar onze TopAandelen abonnees.
    Deze maand ontdekten we een aandeel van een bedrijf dat 100% eigenaar is van een uniek, zeer groot nikkelproject.
    Bewezen nikkelreserves behoren na exploratie van slechts 20% van het grondgebied al bijna tot de top tien wereldwijd.
    Top drie
    Heeft alles in zich om uit te groeien tot één van de drie grootste nikkelmijnen ter wereld.
    Juist in een tijd dat er gigantische tekorten ontstaan.

    - Wat denken jullie over dit schrijfsel? Kan het kloppen?

  3. [verwijderd] 1 oktober 2020 13:02

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 14 november 2017 22:03:

    Metallis Resources (MTS/MTLFF)

    Dr Peter Lighfoot is a world renown expert on nickel sulphide deposits and is advising Garibaldi on this world class discovery. It seems his theory is that the ore body is actually a string of deposits, a “pearl necklace” of sorts. This part of Garibaldi’s last press release on drilling is telling to me:

    “While the nickel-copper-rich system remains open in all directions at Nickel Mountain, at least two kilometres of prospective ground exist to the east-southeast while a northeast trend of geophysical anomalies and surface mineralization continues for at least six km.”

    This is important for those of us heavily invested in Metallis Resources whose Kirkham property borders Garibaldi just over 4 KM to the “southeast”. Essentially, GGI just confirmed that we are half way there, to the border at Kirkham. If the multiple deposit theory proves true and extends to Kirkham, Metallis shareholders could become very rich. I have 90% of my exposure to this play in Metallis, not Garibaldi, which I recommended to premium GIL readers initially at 25 cents in early August. Despite selling off a ¼ of my position around $1 to remove any principal risk, last week I bought all of those shares back and extra around $1.40 per share. I realized that this could be an opportunity of a lifetime and plunged back in last Thursday/Friday.

    Eric Sprott financed Metallis at $1.10 for 2 million shares just a couple of weeks ago. He has been buying in the open market regularly as high as $1.88 for 400,000 shares on October 13th (the stock closed at $1.45 on Friday). A hugely compelling fact is the tight and tiny share structure in Metallis which barely has a $30MM CDN market cap at $1.45 per share! The leverage here could be enormous and I believe that there is a pretty good chance that MTS can outperform GGI between now and the end of the year. How can that scenario happen?

    Metallis moved drill rigs to “Thunder North and Thunder South” a few weeks ago, which is near the border of Garibaldi. It is important to note that initially the company drilled a completely different part of their property testing a gold/copper prospect. Those drill results will be out first, perhaps in the next 2 weeks. But if drilling at Thunder North intersects massive nickel/copper sulphides similar to Nickel Mountain, MTS will fly. For example, if Metallis has one third of the resource along the same trend as Garibaldi, their market cap would almost quadruple from $30MM to $110M if Garibaldi stayed at these levels (again, GGI is currently trading at a $330 ish million market capitalization)

    Now, I believe GGI will run to $7-8 into/after their next batch of assays are released. MTS should hit $2.50-$3 just following GGI so that’s lmost a double as well. But if Metallis confirms high grade nickel/copper sulphides in November, their share price could trade to $5 easily, which would still only be a $100MM market cap. Metallis’ extremely attractive share structure just means that there is very little stock available in the float! Buyers will likely have to pay up, probably WAY up, in the coming months.

    For what it is worth I only asked Eric Sprott one question last Friday. “Do you believe the Nickel Mountain ore body extends into Kirkham?” His reply was “yes I do”. This is obvious just from his actions in the market but it was nice to hear it as well.


    To be crystal clear, there is still a lot of risk in both of these stocks. Even if Metallis is destined for $20 per share, there will be violent pull backs along the way and whip lash like volatility. That said, some circumstances warrant rolling the dice. I’m in a great position because I plan to sell the ¼ I bought back at $3 which will have given me a profit on what I put in as a total initially. Then, I’ll hold ¾ plus of my stake for free versus those of you that might just get in now around $1.50 on MTS. You may want to sell half at a double and let the rest roll if this thing plays out like I think it will. That way, you simply don’t have to sweat the gyrations and can give things time to unfold into 2018.

    There is a lot of smoke at Kirkham near the fire than is Nickel Mountain so there is better than a 50/50 chance that Metallis has some of this rich ore body on its property. However, the odds are likely less than 50/50 that they hit some of it with the first few drill holes! These are big properties so some patience may be needed and one thing that may slow this train down is old man winter.

    Just remember, it is new discoveries that drive junior resource share prices more than any other factor. Being early in a big discovery can make investors wealthy and that is why we play in this risky and cyclical arena. GGI and MTS guarantee ACTION in the coming days, weeks, and months. I do not think it’s too late to get involved but would encourage adding soon, at least entry sized positions then on any pullbacks. I would suggest adding MTS up to $1.75 and GGI to $4.50. If the gap around $1.21 gets filled on the MTS chart it would be time to back up the truck.

    Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the guys at Bull Market Run. They were definitely on top of this situation before anyone else and are the reason that I was tipped off early on. They do great work and have gone the extra mile in keeping investors updated!

    Make sure that you are signed up to our free list for updates on these stocks and other special situations…

    For updates on Garibaldi and Metallis and unique ideas on individual mining stocks, please sign up for our free newsletter below.
    Wat denk jij ZDR?
    Zou mijn comment van hierboven over Metallis gaan en kloppen de beweringen?
  4. [verwijderd] 19 oktober 2020 12:06

    Beleggerr schreef op 1 oktober 2020 13:02:


    Wat denk jij ZDR?
    Zou mijn comment van hierboven over Metallis gaan en kloppen de beweringen?

    DZR dus..;
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 oktober 2020 12:12

    Beleggerr schreef op 1 oktober 2020 13:02:

    [...]Wat denk jij ZDR?
    Zou mijn comment van hierboven over Metallis gaan en kloppen de beweringen?
    De tip gaat waarschijnlijk niet over Metallis, maar over Garibaldi en dat kan kloppen.
    De koers van Garibaldi is echter flink ingezakt, dus de beurs vertrouwt het nog niet helemaal.
    Wellicht is het een mooie koopgelegenheid.
  6. [verwijderd] 19 oktober 2020 12:34

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 19 oktober 2020 12:12:

    De tip gaat waarschijnlijk niet over Metallis, maar over Garibaldi en dat kan kloppen.
    De koers van Garibaldi is echter flink ingezakt, dus de beurs vertrouwt het nog niet helemaal.
    Wellicht is het een mooie koopgelegenheid.
    Oke, thanks.
    Inderdaad wel wat gezakt tov hun top.
    Net hetzelfde bij Metallis.
    Heb jij ze in portefeuille? Ik ben aan het kijken om ook een nikkelmijn aan mijn portefeuille toe te voegen naar toekomstperspectief toe. Maar ik twijfel nog welke de beste vooruitzichten heeft.

  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 oktober 2020 12:50

    Beleggerr schreef op 19 oktober 2020 12:34:

    [...]Oke, thanks.
    Inderdaad wel wat gezakt tov hun top.
    Net hetzelfde bij Metallis.
    Heb jij ze in portefeuille? Ik ben aan het kijken om ook een nikkelmijn aan mijn portefeuille toe te voegen naar toekomstperspectief toe. Maar ik twijfel nog welke de beste vooruitzichten heeft.
    Een junior is geen mijn.
    Een nieuwe mijn maken kost algauw 10 jaar.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 oktober 2020 13:47

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 19 oktober 2020 12:12:

    De tip gaat waarschijnlijk niet over Metallis, maar over Garibaldi en dat kan kloppen.
    De koers van Garibaldi is echter flink ingezakt, dus de beurs vertrouwt het nog niet helemaal.
    Wellicht is het een mooie koopgelegenheid.
    Voor de duidelijkheid: Garibaldi heeft al een flinke vondst gedaan, maar Metallis nog niet. Het zijn directe buren en ze liggen beide in een gebied dat ongelooflijk rijk is aan allerlei metalen.

    De koersen hangen dus volledig af van hun boorresultaten (en niet van de metaalprijzen).
  9. [verwijderd] 19 oktober 2020 14:21

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 19 oktober 2020 12:50:

    Een junior is geen mijn.
    Een nieuwe mijn maken kost algauw 10 jaar.
    Dat valt niet te ontkennen.
    Je hebt dus geen van beide in je portefeuille.
    South32 vind ik wel een interessant nikkelaandeel..

    Hieronder nog een beschrijving van een "niet te missen vondst"....
    Wilde gok hiervoor; Artemis en mindere mate Talisman...

    " Heeft maar liefst 192 potentiële goudprojecten in bezit, waarvan er inmiddels twee zijn ontwikkeld tot goud producerende mijnen.
    Alléén die twee mijnen leveren nu al forse winsten op.
    Bedrijf maakt dit jaar al een prachtige winst en zal volgend jaar minstens 33% winstgroei realiseren.
    Ondanks die zeer forse winstgroei, koop je dit aandeel voor slechts 8 keer de voor komend jaar verwachte winst!
    Dat is op zichzelf al ongelofelijk.
    Daar bovenop komt dan nog het spectaculaire potentieel voor nieuwe goudmijnen, waar het bedrijf hard aan werkt.
    Dáár bovenop is dit bedrijf mede-eigenaar van één van ’s werelds grootste nikkelprojecten. "
  10. [verwijderd] 19 oktober 2020 14:31

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 19 oktober 2020 14:28:

    South32 is ca 10 miljard waard en zit vooral in aluminium en kolen.
    Als ze ook iets met nikkel doen is dat de moeite niet waard.
    Je hebt inderdaad gelijk. South32 heeft nikkel enkele jaren geleden afgestoten.
    Wat denk van de beschrijving van het goud producerend bedrijf met Nikkel projecten?
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 oktober 2020 14:40

    Beleggerr schreef op 19 oktober 2020 14:31:

    [...]Je hebt inderdaad gelijk. South32 heeft nikkel enkele jaren geleden afgestoten.
    Wat denk van de beschrijving van het goud producerend bedrijf met Nikkel projecten?
    Ik weet niet welk bedrijf je bedoelt.

    'Nikkel-projecten' betekent dat er niks geproduceerd wordt.
  12. Omnius 21 januari 2021 21:37

    Omnius schreef op 19 oktober 2020 14:31:

    iemand hier ook in Conic (afsplitsing van Cobalt27)?

    Enige wat boven de markt hangt is klacht tegen Ramu. Verder een nobrainer i.m.o.
    Iemand hier nog naar gekeken? Het aandeel begint langzaam los te komen. Ze hebben o.a. 2 grote royalties in portefolio en bijna 10% aandeel in grote nickel mijn Ramu in Papua Nieuw Guinea.

    laatste update van de Ramu mijn:

    hier nog wat meer info en nieuws:

    Vanwege de rebranding is oude site even uit de lucht, ik verwacht dat nieuwe site snel te zien is.

    Kleine toevoeging, hier een redelijke discussie op duits forum:
  13. Sprinterke 22 januari 2021 09:53

    Omnius schreef op 19 oktober 2020 14:31:

    iemand hier ook in Conic (afsplitsing van Cobalt27)?

    Enige wat boven de markt hangt is klacht tegen Ramu. Verder een nobrainer i.m.o.
    Management houdt geen rekening met aandeelhouders. Het is hetzelfde management als Cobalt 27. Management heeft cobalt 27 verkocht, deels aan zichzelf, er het beste uitgehaald, en de rest opnieuw naar de markt gebracht onder Conic. De vraag is wat ze doen als er voor henzelf een nieuwe opportuniteit aandient. Ik zal nooit één aandeel kopen van Conic!
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