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  1. [verwijderd] 16 september 2020 19:01
    Er werd vandaag precies opnieuw serieus wat ingekocht aan de diepte te zien. Op zich vreemd dat de koers in die mate werd ondersteund en geen grotere stijging heeft teweeg gebracht. Zeker als je ziet dat onze concullega’s nagenoeg allemaal in het groen staan. Ben benieuwd voor morgen.
  2. [verwijderd] 17 september 2020 11:08
    Tanker market is awash (again) in floating storage chatter
    in International Shipping News 16/09/2020

    Remember floating storage? It’s back. Or at least, back in the spotlight. Market chatter has refocused on the view that falling oil demand equals higher tanker storage equals fewer ships available for spot deals equals higher spot rates.

    Spot rates are definitely rising, albeit off an extremely low base. On Monday, Clarksons Platou Securities put spot rates for very large crude carriers (VLCCs; tankers that carry 2 million barrels of crude oil) at $27,900 per day, up 124% week-on-week.

    VLCC rates have essentially gone from very bad back to just plain bad. From below “opex” levels, where owners took in less than they were paying out for crew and other expenses, to “cash breakeven,” where owners scrape by and cover debt and operating costs.

    Crude-tanker stocks — which are performing very poorly in 2020 — are rebounding off very depressed levels. The stock price of of DHT (NYSE: DHT) is up 12% over the past week. Teekay Tankers (NYSE: TNK) is up 11%. International Seaways (NYSE: INSW) rose 10% and Euronav (NYSE: EURN) 9%. Frontline (NYSE: FRO) and Nordic American Tankers (NYSE: NAT) gained 7%.
    This time it’s different

    If the market returns to floating storage, version 2.0 will be different, because most of the crude oil loaded on tankers during floating storage 1.0 is still on the water. Much of it is now sitting offshore of Asian terminals.

    New data provided to FreightWaves by Kpler shows that the volume of crude lingering offshore of China (aboard ships idle 12 or more days) is still 67 million barrels. This is not far below the high of 75 million barrels. China volumes now represent 53% of the global total. Total idled crude at sea is still 127 million barrels. This is down 30% from the July 4 peak but still very high.

    “Be careful what you wish for,” warned Evercore ISI analyst Jon Chappell on Monday. “The only beneficiaries of a short-term super-spike associated with floating storage would be owners looking to issue equity or promote their stock on American TV and investors that didn’t sell fast enough in April.

    “Soft demand and prolonged floating storage only prolong the destocking event that is likely to weigh on ton-mile demand for the foreseeable future,” said Chappell.

    A “ripping off of the Band-Aid” — in which oil demand is healthier and floating storage is destocked quickly — is “a more investible event,” he maintained.
    Contango is back

    Crude oil pricing is back in contango. Contango is a pricing dynamic in which the futures price is higher than the spot price (the opposite is known as backwardation).

    According to Stifel analyst Ben Nolan, the current six-month contango is about $2 per barrel and has been as high as $4.

    Chappell estimated that the current three-month contango would support a three-month VLCC time-charter rate of $24,000 per day. “The economics only work at rates that are below breakeven for most operators,” he pointed out. “If accepted, [it] would be about as bearish an indicator as possible given the timing — i.e., winter is coming.”

    Evercore ISI energy analyst Doug Terreson believes OPEC+ will be quicker to cut production in light of softer demand, and that oil prices will “flirt with” backwardation by year-end.
    Floating storage or hedging?

    Last week, Reuters reported that Trafigura chartered up to five VLCCs and that Vitol, Litasco and Glencore also took tankers. Argus reported two six-month charters by Shell. The analyst team at Fearnleys cited talk that Trafigura chartered over 10 VLCCs. Jefferies estimated that charterers booked around 20 ships in total last week.

    The classic contango trader move is to buy oil low, charter tankers, then sell oil high, net of charter costs. But that may not be what drove last week’s chartering flurry.

    Frode Mørkedal, analyst at Clarksons Platou Securities, pointed out that charterers booked 16 VLCC spot fixtures out of West Africa last week, the highest weekly count this year. This, in turn, pushed some charterers to look at Arabian Gulf VLCC spot fixtures earlier than anticipated.

    This caused rates to rise, making floating storage less economical. “As of now the price differentials are likely too tight for profitable floating storage. Especially with the latest bump in rates,” said Mørkedal.

    According to Jefferies analyst Randy Giveans, “The current contango implies VLCC rates of $25,000-$30,000 per day and December cargoes are being priced at over $40,000 per day.” He believes charterers are using period deals to hedge against “a potential rate spike in the fourth quarter.”

    According to Chappell, “Many widely read financial news sources would have you believe that the next super-contango-fueled floating storage boost is imminent, while burying the fact that most of the recent uptick in short-term charters are only economic, given the collapse in tanker rates from the spring.”
    And if floating storage does rebound?

    Today’s contango might not be enough to incentivize a major new wave of floating storage. But it’s not impossible for the contango to widen significantly. “Stranger things have happened,” noted Nolan.

    “The downside is that inventory buildup eventually turns into inventory drawdowns. So, a contango storage trade is simply borrowing from the future,” Nolan noted.

    At the beginning of this month, the analyst team at Fearnleys laid out two scenarios for the VLCC market. In one, oil demand returns, floating storage destocks, transport volumes rise and rates increase into 2021.

    In the other, oil demand underperforms and there’s another round of floating storage. “A short period of elevated rates would then be followed by a longer period of weaker rates,” warned Fearnleys, adding, “In terms of an equity story, we would obviously prefer some more short-term pain [i.e., Scenario one].”

    As Chappell put it, “If [recent tanker stock] increases were the result of floating-storage headlines, much of the gains may prove to be short-lived.”
    Source: FreightWaves by Greg Miller
  3. stoppelbaard 17 september 2020 11:42
    dan moeten we toch hogere prijzen gaan zien, positief.
    Toch eigenaardig dat we s'ochends steeds zakken (in EUR) en in de late namiddag (US) weer bijtrekken of stijgen.
  4. aossa 17 september 2020 12:05

    stoppelbaard schreef op 17 september 2020 11:42:

    dan moeten we toch hogere prijzen gaan zien, positief.
    Toch eigenaardig dat we s'ochends steeds zakken (in EUR) en in de late namiddag (US) weer bijtrekken of stijgen.
    Waarschijnlijk zijn er nog wat verkopers die nillens, willens dienen te cashen wegens financiele verplichtingen die ze ter nauwernood kunnen voldoen elders in het financiele landschap.

    De actie 'inkoop van eigen aandelen', kan je ook zien als een tegemoedkoming van de firma aan deze 'exit aandeelhouders'.
  5. alias25 17 september 2020 12:58
    Kan er iemand toelichten waarom een groep bulck schepen (capesize) geladen (diepgang) al 3 maanden voor anker liggen in Port Jingtang? wat kan hiervan de reden zijn? Zeker geen contango zoals olietankers ;-)
    Iemand ervaring of info?
    Zie voorbeeld CHS Splendor --> aankomst 10/06/2020 en andere schepen in nabijheid.
  6. [verwijderd] 17 september 2020 14:47
    Ik zit op een GAK van 8 euro. Ik denk toch uit te stappen op 8,5 of iets hoger. Ik verwacht niet veel van deze "contango" en het aantrekken van de economie is zeker niet voor direct
  7. aossa 17 september 2020 15:00
    Ben je zeker?
    Er hangt nog een mooi Q3 dividend aan het aandeel.

    Oogsten wanneer het gewas rijp is zegt de boer.
  8. just just 17 september 2020 15:06

    aossa schreef op 17 september 2020 15:00:

    Ben je zeker?
    Er hangt nog een mooi Q3 dividend aan het aandeel.

    Oogsten wanneer het gewas rijp is zegt de boer.
    Met het risico dat we ex-dividend terug naar 7.15 duikelen natuurloijk ;-)
  9. aossa 17 september 2020 15:09
    Dan kan je het weer mooi oppakken om je gak te verlagen!

    Imho zijn de rapen nog niet gaar ;-)
  10. just just 17 september 2020 15:11

    aossa schreef op 17 september 2020 15:09:

    Dan kan je het weer mooi oppakken om je gak te verlagen!

    Imho zijn de rapen nog niet gaar ;-)
    Of verkopen en terug kopen natuurlijk.
    Toch wel wat spijt dat ik dat zelf niet gedaan heb na bekendmaking Q2
  11. Qtime 17 september 2020 17:38

    GerrieVR schreef op 15 september 2020 15:55:

    Volgens verschillende bronnen zijn de tankervrachttarieven weer aan het stijgen. In het derde kwartaal, wanneer het zomer is in het noordelijk halfrond, zijn die doorgaans laag om dan weer te klimmen als de winter in aantocht is.

    Volgens Jefferies zijn de vrachttarieven voor VLCC’s (supertankers van 200.000 tot 320.000 ton) vorige week gestegen dankzij de vraag naar drijvende opslag. Er is stilaan weer sprake van een contangomarkt (waarbij de toekomstige olieprijs een stuk hoger is dan de huidige, red.), zodat een aantal traders alvast tankers op korte termijn heeft gecharterd. Ook het maritieme dienstenbedrijf Fearnleys zegt dat de VLCC-markt eindelijk een bodem lijkt te hebben gevonden.

    Euronav wint 1,2 procent tot 8,29 euro. Het aandeel van de tankerrederij bereikte op 4 september op 7,17 euro zijn laagste koers van het jaar en is sindsdien weer aan het stijgen. De koers wordt wel ondersteund door een aandeleninkoopprogramma ter waarde van 100 miljoen dollar dat sinds juni loopt. Euronav ging daartoe over omdat zijn aandeel volgens het management ondergewaardeerd is.
  12. forum rang 5 maci 18 september 2020 08:13
    ANTWERPEN, België, 18 september 2020 – Euronav NV (NYSE: EURN & Euronext:
    EURN) (“Euronav” of de “Vennootschap”) meldt dat de Vennootschap, in lijn met de
    strategie inzake aanwending van kapitaal en het beleid inzake
    aandeelhoudersrendement, 1.160.000 eigen aandelen inkocht op de NYSE en op
    Euronext Brussels voor een gezamenlijk bedrag van 9.377.610,69 EUR (11.196.867,16
    Na deze transacties bezit de Vennootschap 15.485.373 eigen aandelen, wat overeenkomt
    met 7.04% van het totale aantal uitstaande aandelen.

    Meer info vind je hier:

    Op blz. 3 staat heldere uitleg.
  13. forum rang 6 keffertje 18 september 2020 08:22

    maci schreef op 18 september 2020 08:13:

    ANTWERPEN, België, 18 september 2020 – Euronav NV (NYSE: EURN & Euronext:
    EURN) (“Euronav” of de “Vennootschap”) meldt dat de Vennootschap, in lijn met de
    strategie inzake aanwending van kapitaal en het beleid inzake
    aandeelhoudersrendement, 1.160.000 eigen aandelen inkocht op de NYSE en op
    Euronext Brussels voor een gezamenlijk bedrag van 9.377.610,69 EUR (11.196.867,16
    Na deze transacties bezit de Vennootschap 15.485.373 eigen aandelen, wat overeenkomt
    met 7.04% van het totale aantal uitstaande aandelen.

    Meer info vind je hier:

    Op blz. 3 staat heldere uitleg.
    Op zich goed nieuws inderdaad, maar ik zou het inkoopproces aan een ander uitbesteden. Toen enkele weken geleden de koers op 7,10 stond, kocht men niet of nauwelijks en nu haalt men boven de 8 euro wel stukken uit de markt.
  14. [verwijderd] 18 september 2020 09:47
    ATURAL GAS | OIL | SHIPPING 17 Sep 2020 | 15:30 UTC LONDON
    INTERVIEW: Oil crisis has created new market dynamics, says Euronav CEO

    Author Paul Hickin
    Editor Alisdair Bowles
    Commodity Natural Gas, Oil, Shipping
    Topic COVID 19: Coronavirus Outbreak, Industry Views
    Floating storage boom provided three good quarters

    COVID-19 has upended flows in crude tanker space

    Upbeat on US shale rebound, China's demand strength

    10 million b/d in lost demand needs to return to bolster freight rates

    LONDON — The coronavirus pandemic has led to a shift in the tanker sector's supply-and-demand dynamics, with the floating storage bonanza that caused freight rates to spike higher set to provide three bumper quarters in 2020, according to Hugo De Stoop, CEO of Euronav, one of the largest global tanker operators.

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    Register Now De Stoop said in an interview with S&P Global Platts on Sept. 7 the current "oil crisis" has affected many people in many directions in terms of investment capacity, with an intensification of temporary storage used as a buffer forming a key part of the landscape.
    "We have seen the traders become even more active than they were before, so it seems that we are getting further away from traditional oil and production, transporting, delivering to the refinery and then sending it to the consumer market. It seems that there is more trade, more sophisticated movement, more deviation of the ships," he said.

    He gave the example of a VLCC en route to the US Gulf Coast with cargo and then doing a U-turn and arriving in China, noting that he "couldn't remember ever seeing that and now, in the past six months, it has occurred on three of our own vessels."

    Cautious optimism
    De Stoop believes the global tanker market this year will have three good quarters followed by a bad Q4, highlighting how "spectacular" the April-June period was thanks to limits on land storage that created a frenzy to store crude at sea and pushed freight rates to record highs. VLCC WAF-East rates were languishing at one-year lows of $12.97/mt by the end of June, a fall of over 80% from early-April, according to Platts data, but a number of longer term deals have buoyed the tanker industry for longer.

    He warned of the uncertainty ahead and said the key to managing volatility is staying financially prudent during the good times. Euronav -- which according to ISI Evercore's analyst Jonathan Chappell has many strengths including "one of the best balance sheets; strong corporate governance; industry leading operating leverage; biggest market cap; liquid trading shares" -- is still at the mercy of the storage destocking.

    De Stoop noted that global oil consumption is about 10 million b/d lower than pre-COVID but, at the same time, there is almost same amount of ships and many of those used for jobs other than transporting -- namely storage -- are starting to come back to the market.

    "We see an imbalance between the capacity to transport oil and the number of cargoes, so we are hitting relatively low levels in freight rates. And we don't see this situation improving before we get back the consumption of oil pre-COVID," he said. The Euronav boss believes China's oil demand growth is "inevitable" and US shale will adapt and bounce back like it has in the past because it is a "very flexible" type of production, but maintains there is just too much uncertainty in the near term.

    More charterers are looking for VLCCs again for short-term time charter, as freight is dipping to a record low while the crude oil market's contango structure widens, according to shipping sources.

    "The steep decline in tanker rates over the past three months to new lows for the year increased the potential for floating storage. Spot VLCC rates from the [Middle East] to China plunged to w25 last week," Platts Analytics said in a report Sept. 10. That freight rate is equivalent to vessel earnings of just $7,000/day, well below cash breakeven levels for a VLCC.

    De Stoop also said there are lessons to be learned from the restrictions to crews during COVID-19. He suggested that shipping may need to be more open if it doesn't want be the invisible child, with the world often forgetting that its responsible for 90% of global trade.

    "When we need the world to cooperate, when we need the world to pay attention to shipping, of course everybody is ignoring us simply because they don't even know we exist," he said. The crisis of seafarers unable to do their jobs properly is likely to be "pretty low on their [governments] to-do list". We need to "rebrand shipping as a noble good," he added.
  15. aossa 18 september 2020 12:30

    keffertje schreef op 18 september 2020 08:22:


    Op zich goed nieuws inderdaad, maar ik zou het inkoopproces aan een ander uitbesteden. Toen enkele weken geleden de koers op 7,10 stond, kocht men niet of nauwelijks en nu haalt men boven de 8 euro wel stukken uit de markt.
    Twee redenen:

    Een: shorter moest kunnen afbouwen (zie bericht hier wat voor).
    Twee: de exit-aandeelhouders krijgen liever ietsje meer voor hun aandelen (vanwege jarenlange layouteit?). Die steken nu hun geld in een nieuwsoortige scheepsmotor die loopt op waterstof en diesel (zie bericht gisteren in Z-nieuws).

    JMHO & my 5 cents ;-)
  16. aossa 18 september 2020 16:06
    Wereldprimeur: Antwerps bedrijf lanceert waterstofmotor voor schepen en treinen

    De Antwerpse rederij CMB en de Gentse motorenbouwer ABC hebben een waterstofmotor ontwikkeld die de scheepvaart en het goederentreinverkeer fors moet vergroenen. De motor stoot 85% minder CO2 uit dan klassieke dieselmotoren.

    De nieuwe motor heeft een vermogen van 1 megawatt. Hij wordt in gang gezet met diesel, maar draait voor de rest volledig op waterstof. “Deze motor stoot 85% minder CO2 uit dan een dieselmotor”, zegt Alexander Saverys, algemeen directeur van CMB. “We hebben onze eerste waterstofmotor verkocht aan de Antwerpse haven, die er vanaf begin 2022 een nieuwe sleepboot op laat draaien. Die sleepboot wordt ook door CMB gemaakt. We gaan de waterstofmotor ook installeren in schepen die we nu bouwen voor onderhoudspersoneel van windmolenparken op zee.”
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