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3.179 Posts
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  1. forum rang 10 voda 31 januari 2019 21:13
    VW vreest sjoemelschandaal Porsche 911 en doet zelf aangifte

    De Volkswagen Group heeft vandaag een rapport ingediend bij het Kraftbundesamt (KBA) in Duitsland. Onderwerp: een te laag opgegeven brandstofverbruik van de sportwagen Porsche 911.

    Erik Kouwenhoven 31-01-19, 20:00

    Het gaat om een hoger daadwerkelijk verbruik van het sportwagenmodel 911 uit de bouwjaren 2016 en 2017, dat door dochteronderneming Porsche wordt gebouwd. De interne code voor dit model is 991. Dit meldt het Duitse opinieblad Der Spiegel op basis van bronnen binnen het bedrijf.

    Door zelf aangifte te doen hoopt de Volkswagen-groep de kritische Amerikaanse instanties EPA en CARB mild te stemmen. Waarom de sportwagens meer brandstof verbruiken en daardoor meer koolstofdioxide uitstoten dan vermeld in de typegoedkeuring, is onbekend. Volgens Der Spiegel zeggen bronnen binnen Porsche dat voor de typegoedkeuring van de 911 een verkeerde waarde voor de luchtweerstand is gebruikt.

    Feit is dat het hier om een serieuze misstap gaat. Wanneer de auto's meer dan tien procent verbruiken dan wordt opgegeven, kunnen klanten volgens de Duitse wet hun aankoopbedrag terugvorderen. Het is ook denkbaar dat de belastingautoriteiten extra eisen gaan stellen, omdat door de hogere CO2-uitstoot een hogere motorrijtuigenbelasting betaald moet worden.

    Bovendien leggen zowel de VS als de Duitse autoriteiten boetes op voor overtredingen van de autorisatieprocedure. In Duitsland kan dit oplopen tot 5000 euro per auto. Porsche-topman Oliver Blume heeft naar verluidt al gesproken met de Duitse transportminister om de aangifte toe te lichten. Of dit consequenties heeft voor in Nederland verkochte Porsches is niet bekend.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 31 januari 2019 21:16
    De buggy keert terug, maar deze keer wel elektrisch

    Volkswagen laat de legendarische buggy terugkeren. Begin maart wordt het conceptmodel onthuld op de autoshow van Genève. Opvallend is dat de nieuwe generatie van deze iconische auto volledig elektrische aandrijving krijgt. Het design grijpt duidelijk terug op de woestijn- en strandbuggy’s uit de jaren zestig en zeventig. Die waren vooral in de VS populair.

    Niek Schenk 31-01-19, 09:29
    De elektrische buggy is schatplichtig aan zijn voorgangers, die toen op het chassis van de Kever werden opgebouwd. Net als de woestijn- en strandbuggy’s van vroeger heeft de nieuwe generatie vrijstaande wielen (met offroad-banden), geen dak en geen deuren. Volkswagen heeft het nog niet officieel bekendgemaakt, maar volgens ingewijden zal de buggy binnenkort gewoon weer te koop zijn.

    Tot en met de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw zijn er wereldwijd ongeveer 250.000 varianten op basis van de Kever gebouwd: vaak unieke varianten, maar soms ook in kleine series. De creaties varieerden van cabriolets van Hebmüller en Rometsch tot bekende woestijnbuggy’s als de Meyers Manx.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 31 januari 2019 21:20
    Elektrische Porsche verbluft met razendsnelle oplaadtijd

    De Porsche Taycan rolt pas later dit jaar van de band, maar doet nu al veel stof opwaaien. De eerste volledig elektrische Porsche zou Tesla het vuur aan de schenen kunnen leggen met zijn razendsnelle laadtijd: in slechts vier minuten kan hij 100 kilometer aan actieradius bijladen.

    HLN 30-01-19, 19:33
    Met dit soort cijfers krijgt Tesla er inderdaad een stevige concurrent bij. Porsche kan de voor-bestellingen van de Taycan haast niet bijhouden en heeft de productie intussen verdubbeld van 20.000 naar 40.000 stuks per jaar. “Wie nu een Taycan bestelt, kan er wellicht pas in 2022 mee rijden”, klinkt het bij Porsche. Waar al die nieuwe klanten vandaan komen? “Vooral van Tesla”, luidt het.

    De Taycan heeft zo’n 600 pk aan motorvermogen en schiet in 3,5 seconden van 0 naar 100 kilometer per uur. Het bereik van de batterij bedraagt 415 kilometer. Dat is weliswaar minder dan de Tesla Model S, maar vooral de snelle laadtijd moet Tesla toch zorgen baren. In amper een kwartier kan de Porsche voor 80 procent opladen, iets waar de Supercharger van Tesla bijna drie keer zo lang over doet.

    De Porsche Taycan komt in september op de markt en zal naar verwachting minstens 150.000 euro kosten.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 1 februari 2019 20:59
    Audi's Hungarian workers end one-week strike

    Audi workers in Hungary reached a deal on a wage increase on Wednesday, ending a strike that has paralyzed the automaker's plant in Gyor since last Thursday. The strike of thousands of workers led to a halt in production at the plant, which builds the A3 sedan and convertible versions, TT coupe and Q3 SUV.

    The strike also led to a shutdown at Audi's home plant in Ingolstadt, Germany, due to a lack of vital components from Gyor such as engines. Audi builds the A3, A4, A5 and Q2 models in Ingolstadt, according to Automotive News Europe's assembly plant map.

    Production will be gradually restored from Wednesday evening, Audi spokeswoman Mithay-Marko said. She declined to immediately estimate the damage caused by strike to the company.

    The deal includes an 18 percent, or minimum 75,000 forint ($271) per month, wage increase in 2019, the union said.

    The Hungarian Audi unit's $8.3 billion net revenue in 2017 was about 12 percent of Audi's global intake, company data shows.

    Source : Automotive News
  5. forum rang 10 voda 1 februari 2019 20:59
    VW aims to open EV platform to competitors - Report

    Automotive News reported that Volkswagen is in advanced talks with competitors over opening its modular MEB platform for the mass production of electric vehicles to rivals, German paper Tagesspiegel on Wednesday cited the VW brand's strategy chief as saying.

    Volkswagen wants its modular car platform to become "a standard not only for the VW Group," Michael Jost told the paper.

    VW in January said that it was in constructive talks to share the MEB platform with Ford, with which it entered into a wide-ranging partnership.

    VW will start production of its first MEB car, the Golf-sized I.D. hatchback toward the end of this year for sale in Europe early next year.

    The automaker is investing 1.2 billion euros to convert its factory in Zwickau, Germany, to build up to 330,000 electric vehicles per year, including the I.D. and sister models for Audi and Seat based on its MEB electric-car platform.

    The company plans to produce some 50 battery-powered models across its 12 auto brands by 2025. MEB cars will be built in eight factories in Europe, the US and China.

    Source : Automotive News
  6. thoomer 11 februari 2019 16:52
    wat is er eigenlijk met Volkswagen aan de hand?
    Stijgen op een week met meer dan 10 € om dan op drie dagen alle winst terug te verspelen en de koers is terug naar af.

    Word er hier gegokt op dit aandeel want dit is echt niet meer normaal en zo ja wat is de aanleiding van deze koersstijgingen en koersvallen ?

    Wie heeft hier een fatsoenlijk antwoord op dat gestaafd is met cijfers ?
  7. forum rang 10 voda 12 februari 2019 19:52
    Audi to launch 10 new products including A8, Q8 and e-tron

    German luxury carmaker Audi India will launch 10 products in 2019 including three models under 8 series – A8, R8 and Q8. It will also try and bring first electric SUV e-tron to India this year. According to Mr Rahil Ansari, MD, Audi India, the company had initially planned to launch its first electric vehicle e-tron in India by 2020 but it is being preponed looking at the strong excitement around EVs in India.

    Mr Ansari told ET that “I think if you see the development in India, everyone is geared up to bring electric mobility in India as soon as possible and this is why we also do everything possible in our hands to bring the e-tron in 2019.”

    Apart from the launch of Q5 and RS5, there were not many launches for Audi in the year 2018. However, this year, company is bringing around 10 models including the facelifts and design editions of previous models like A4, A6, Q3 and Q5. The product line up is inclusive of sedans, hatchback as well as SUV launches.

    In an earlier interview with ETAuto, Rahil Ansari said that the company will be bringing products in the volume segment, below A3 and Q3. Therefore, Audi A1 and Q2 is also expected to be launched in mid 2019. Ansari further added that the new product line will create a halo image for the brand.

    Source : Economic Times
  8. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2019 20:12
    Volkswagen Group makes solid start to New Year

    The Volkswagen Group made a solid start to the new year, delivering 882,200 vehicles to customers worldwide in January, 1.8 percent down on the same month last year. At the same time, the Group succeeded in winning market shares in a broadly declining world market. This was the case in Europe, South America and Asia/Pacific. Particularly in the largest single market of China, the Group was not entirely immune to the persistent weakness in the overall market, however, with deliveries only down 2.9 percent, it put on a far better performance than the market as a whole. Dr. Christian Dahlheim, Head of Volkswagen Group Sales, commented: “The Volkswagen Group made a solid start to the new year with relatively stable delivery figures. The fact that we won market shares in a broadly declining overall world market is a good result. It shows the strength of our brands and their products. The persistently volatile geopolitical environment and looming economic risks in individual markets will have a decisive impact on our business this year, and I believe China and Brexit will present us with special challenges, particularly in the first few months of the year.”

    Deliveries in the regions developed as follows:

    In Europe, the brands of the Volkswagen Group delivered a total of 334,400 vehicles in January 2019, 0.5 percent up on the same month last year. Group performance was especially strong in Central and Eastern Europe, where 56,100 vehicles were delivered, an increase of 3.3 percent. At 278,300 units, deliveries by the Group in Western Europe remained stable (0.0 percent). Group brands grew deliveries slightly in Germany, handing over 98,600 vehicles to customers (+0.7 percent).

    The Group delivered 64,400 vehicles to customers in North America in January, a decline of 5.2 percent. The severe cold snap at the beginning of the year, which hit the Midwest particularly hard, was one crucial factor. As a result, the Group delivered 43,100 vehicles (-2.8 percent) in the USA and 6,300 units (-8.3 percent) in Canada. In a persistently difficult economic environment in Mexico, Group brands handed over 15,100 vehicles in January, a drop of 10.2 percent compared with January 2018.

    In the South America region, the Volkswagen Group delivered a total of 45,500 vehicles in January, a decrease of 4.9 percent – in an overall market that declined even more sharply. Brazil was a further strong market for the Group, with 31,300 vehicles delivered to customers there (+11.5 percent). However, it was not possible to offset losses in Argentina, where 9,700 vehicles (-34.3 percent) were delivered in a market that continued to decline.

    In the Asia-Pacific region, the Volkswagen Group handed over 408,300 vehicles to customers in January – 3.1 percent down on the same month last year. In China, the Group’s most important single market that currently accounts for 44 percent of all deliveries, 387,300 customers took delivery of their new vehicle from the Group family, 2.9 percent down on January 2018. Even though the Group was not entirely immune to the generally declining market trend, it nevertheless managed to increase its overall market share still further.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2019 20:51
    Audi and EON build Europe's largest PV roof system

    Together with E.ON, Audi is building a solar energy park on the roofs of the two logistics centers of its plant in Gy?r covering about 160,000 square meters. This will create Europe’s largest photovoltaic system installed on a building at the Audi Hungaria plant in Gy?r. It will have a peak output of 12 megawatts. Construction work will start in August 2019 and renewable energy generation will start at the beginning of next year.

    As part of the joint project with E.ON Hungaria, Audi is providing the roof areas of the two logistics centers, each with about 80,000 square meters, for the construction of the solar energy park. E.ON will build and put the park it into operation, consisting of 35,000 solar cells, and will continue to operate it, with an annual output of more than 9.5 gigawatt hours of electricity. This corresponds to the annual energy requirements of 5,000 households. Thanks to green electricity from regenerative sources, about 6,000 tons less carbon dioxide will be released into the air.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2019 21:20
    Audi roept 21.000 auto's terug wegens brandgevaar

    Audi roept tienduizenden auto’s terug vanwege gevaar voor een mogelijk brandstoflek bij de motor. Door de lekkende brandstof kan er brand ontstaan.

    Erik Kouwenhoven 20-02-19, 05:00

    De mogelijke lekkage wordt veroorzaakt door een defecte afdichting in de injector-rails. Het gaat in totaal om acht modellen die tussen 2013 en 2018 van de band liepen. Om hoeveel auto’s het gaat in Nederland wordt momenteel uitgezocht door importeur Pon, zo meldt Automotive Online.

    Vorig jaar riep Audi ook al wereldwijd ongeveer 1,2 miljoen auto’s en SUV’s terug. Toen ging het om de elektrische koelvloeistofpomp die oververhit kon raken, waardoor de wagens in brand zouden kunnen vliegen. Afgelopen maand riep Volvo eveneens auto’s terug vanwege een mogelijke brandstoflekkage.

    Daarnaast loopt er voor Audi een recall voor ruim 25 duizend Audi’s A6 en A7 van de bouwjaren 2015 tot 2018. Deze auto’s hebben verboden software aan boord die het uitlaatgas nabehandelingssysteem uitschakelt. Deze auto’s krijgen een software-update voor het motorstuurapparaat. Ook van deze actie is nog niet bekend wat de gevolgen voor Nederland zijn.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 21 februari 2019 17:13
    'VW vreest miljardenstrop door tarieven VS'

    Gepubliceerd op 21 feb 2019 om 12:08 | Views: 2.741

    LONDEN (AFN) - Automaker Volkswagen vreest dat hogere importtarieven door de Verenigde Staten het bedrijf miljarden kan gaan kosten. Topman Herbert Diess bevestigde tegen de Britse zakenkrant Financial Times een lezing van onderzoeksbureau Evercore ISI, die stelde dat VW in het ergste geval een extra kostenpost van 2,5 miljard euro te wachten staat.

    Diess noemde de dreigende tariefverhoging in de Verenigde Staten de grootste zorg voor Europese automakers dit jaar. De VS dreigen het importtarief voor in Europa geproduceerde auto's te verhogen naar 25 procent. De Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel heeft eerder al haar zorgen geuit in de richting van haar Amerikaanse collega Donald Trump. Die dreigde met importtarieven als er geen handelsovereenkomst wordt gesloten met de EU.

    Volgens Diess helpen de dreigende tarieven ook niet bij het creëren van politieke stabiliteit. Zeker met het oog ook op de aanstaande brexit. ,,Het wordt weer spannend", aldus Diess. ,,En de auto-industrie alleen kan het niet alleen oplossen."
  12. forum rang 10 voda 22 februari 2019 19:04
    Volkswagen voert winst op tot ruim 12 miljard

    Gepubliceerd op 22 feb 2019 om 17:36 | Views: 894

    Volkswagen 17:26
    151,50 +1,60 (+1,07%)

    WOLFSBURG (AFN) - Volkswagen heeft zijn winst afgelopen jaar opgekrikt tot ruim 12 miljard euro. Het autoconcern voorspelt voor 2019 daarbij nog hogere marges en verkopen. Maar de Duitsers waarschuwen tegelijkertijd voor aanhoudende tegenwind.

    ,,We moeten onze inspanningen verdubbelen om onze ambitieuze doelstellingen in het nieuwe fiscale jaar te halen'', aldus topman Herbert Diess. Wel denkt de autobaas dat Volkswagens offensief op het gebied van elektrische auto's in een stroomversnelling zal raken als nieuwe modellen in de handel komen.

    Het resultaat na belastingen was vorig jaar 6 procent hoger dan in 2017. Er ging verder een totale omzet in de boeken van bijna 236 miljard euro, wat neerkomt op een stijging met een kleine 3 procent. Volkswagen rekent voor 2019 op een omzetplus van zo'n 5 procent en een groei van de operationele marge tussen 6,5 en 7,5 procent.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 26 februari 2019 19:15
    The new plug-in hybrid models Audi Q5, A6, A7 and A8

    Audi is consistently pursuing its electrification strategy with its comprehensive plug-in hybrid offensive. Audi is presenting the hybrid variants of the models A8, A7 Sportback, A6 and Q5 with an electric range of more than 40 kilometers in the WLTP cycle at the Geneva Motor Show. Thanks to different output levels, the customer has the choice between a comfort variant and a performance variant with a sporty design, depending on the model series. The new plug-in hybrid models will be available for order during the course of the year 2019.

    Plug-in hybrids from medium-size SUV to luxury sedan – with Q5, A6, A7 and A8 TFSI e, Audi is expanding its range of plug-in-hybrids for sustainable mobility. Depending on the model series, there is a choice of two variants with different performance and equipment: A comfort model and a variant with a sporty configuration with S line scopes, a more tightly tuned suspension and drive setup with higher boost performance of the electric motor for more dynamic handling. From now on, the new plug-in hybrid models carry the “TFSI e” signet. In the future, the “e-tron” label will remain reserved exclusively for electrically driven cars.

    The plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) create enthusiasm thanks to their versatile character. In electric-only mode, for example, free of local emissions in the city, no range anxiety when driving long distances, sporty and dynamic with the with the power of two hearts from the combustion engine and electric motor: The drive concept offers a wide range.

    The electric-only range of the PHEVs will account for more than 40 kilometers in the WLTP cycle for every model. The hybrid drive concept is designed so that customers can travel on around a third of their usual routes in electric-only mode during day-to-day driving.

    All new plug-in-hybrids by Audi use a turbo-charged gasoline engine with direct injection that works together with an electric motor that is integrated in the transmission. A lithium-ion battery beneath the luggage compartment floor supplies the electrical energy. As a result, the electric motor can support the combustion engine during acceleration. The result: high start-off performance and powerful acceleration.

    At the same time, with regard to recuperation, the drive system resembles that of the new purely electrically driven Audi e-tron*. It is designed for high efficiency and maximum recuperation performance. When breaking, the new Audi PHEV models recover up to 80 kW of energy. The electric motor handles slight decelerations, i.e. the majority in everyday traffic. For medium brake applications, the task is divided between the hydraulic wheel brakes, which perform this task alone only with a deceleration of more than 0.4 g.

    The lithium-ion battery for the A6, A7 and A8 is made up of 104 pouch cells, which are combined in eight modules. It stores 14.1 kWh of energy at a voltage of 385 V. The lithium-ion battery in the Q5 comprises prismatic cells and has the same capacity. In each case, the cooling circuit of the battery is integrated in the low-temperature circuit, which supplies the electric motor and the power electronics. The power electronics transform the direct current of the high voltage-battery into a three-phase current for the electric motor; when recuperating, it does the opposite. The standard heat pump ensures efficient vehicle climate control and can generate up to 3 kW of heat energy from 1 kW of electrical energy with the waste heat occurring in the vehicle.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 19 maart 2019 15:47
    VS wil vergoeding van moederbedrijf Volkswagen

    Gepubliceerd op 19 mrt 2019 om 14:12 | Views: 797

    Volkswagen 14:06
    153,00 +4,70 (+3,17%)

    STUTTGART (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Amerikaanse overheid, die een aandeelhouder is van de moedermaatschappij van Volkswagen, wil een vergoeding voor het dieselgate-schandaal. Het gesjoemel met dieselmotoren zou te laat bekendgemaakt zijn door het bedrijf, leert het op dinsdag gepubliceerde jaarverslag.

    De Amerikaanse overheid heeft zo'n 41.000 preferente aandelen van Porsche SE, de moedermaatschappij van automerken Porsche en Volkswagen, in handen. De twee autobedrijven hadden altijd een nauwe relatie. Zo is de eerste Volkswagen auto ontworpen door de oprichter van Porsche. De hoogte van de vergoeding die de Amerikanen eisen is niet bekend.

    Meerdere aandeelhouders van Porsche eisen een vergoeding op vanwege het dieselschandaal. De claims hebben gezamenlijk een waarde van zo'n 1 miljard euro.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 28 maart 2019 16:48
    New management at Volkswagen Group Components

    The new Volkswagen Group Components brand is using its cross-brand and international structure to fill some of its management positions. As of 1 March 2019, Heiner Lanze has taken over as Head of Procurement of the newly independent business unit. He succeeds Stephan Beyse, who, as part of a regular rotation, now holds the position of Head of Procurement of Genuine Parts in Kassel.

    From 1 May 2019, Frank Engel will become Executive Vice President of Components, Logistics, Quality for all Volkswagen Group China’s component activities. Christian Bleiel will succeed Mr Engel to become Head of Component Production for the Group brand ŠKODA AUTO. At the same time, Andreas Salewsky, as Mr Bleiel’s successor, will become the new head of the component site at Salzgitter.

    Heiner Lanze (56) began his career at Volkswagen in Purchasing and Controlling. In 1997, the economics graduate went to Mexico as part of his work at Volkswagen, after which, he assumed various managerial positions in Procurement at Audi. In 2014, Mr Lanze moved to Brazil and became the Vice President of Procurement at Scania. Since 2016, he has been responsible for Procurement at Volkswagen do Brasil and the South America region.

    Stephan Beyse (59) has held managerial positions in Procurement at the Volkswagen Group since 1985. After holding numerous positions at Audi and Volkswagen, he travelled to China for his work at Volkswagen. Mr Beyse has been responsible for Powertrain Procurement for the Group and the Volkswagen brand as of 2018. Since January, he has acted as Head of Procurement at Volkswagen Group Components.

    Frank Engel (56) has worked for the Volkswagen Group in a variety of managerial positions for almost 30 years. After moving between posts at Volkswagen in Salzgitter, VW Sachsen in Chemnitz and China, most recently acting as Managing Director of Shanghai Volkswagen Powertrain, Mr Engel, who holds a degree in mechanical engineering, assumed responsibility for Component Production at the Group brand ŠKODA AUTO in 2013.

    Christian Bleiel (55) started at Volkswagen in 1990 in Principled Planning, Powertrain. After holding managerial positions in Production at the Wolfsburg and Salzgitter sites, Mr Bleiel, who holds a degree in industrial engineering, became the Head of Volkswagen Motor Polska in 2009. In 2014, he took over as Head of the Salzgitter Site as well as the Head of the Engine business area.

    Andreas Salewsky (48) holds a degree in mechanical engineering and has been at Volkswagen since 1999. After four years in Production Planning at the Salzgitter plant, he acted as Head of Series Planning at Volkswagen Motor Polska for three years. From 2006, he worked at the Salzgitter plant in various managerial positions, most recently as Head of Production at the Volkswagen Group Component’s engine plant.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 8 april 2019 15:57
    Volkswagen Group secures lithium supplies from Ganfeng

    Volkswagen Group and Chinese manufacturer Ganfeng sign memorandum of understanding for long-term lithium supplies. Dr Stefan Sommer, Group Board Member for Components and Procurement at Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, said “Over the next ten years the Volkswagen Group will be launching 70-plus new pure electric vehicles. That means approximately a quarter of the vehicles we deliver in 2025 will be powered by electricity. Consequently, there will be a rapid increase in our raw material demand for cell production in the coming years. We must make sure we cover this demand at an early stage. Long-term agreements like the one for lithium, a key raw material, that we have just concluded with Ganfeng are therefore of crucial strategic significance for implementing our electric offensive.”

    Michael Bäcker, Head of Corporate Purchasing e-Mobility at Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, said “With Ganfeng as a strategic partner we are creating a secure basis for planning capacities and costs. The strategic collaboration is the result of an extensive market analysis executed by Volkswagen’s e-Raw Material Team. This specialized team is focusing on building close relationships with the raw material industry. Together with selected strategic partners, Volkswagen is identifying and establishing common synergies along the HV-battery value chain. During this process we consider a sustainable value chain as equally important to securing material capacities and competitive pricing structures.”

    The rapid increase in vehicle electrification in the automotive industry will have a major impact on global raw material markets. The global lithium demand is expected to more than double by 2023. In light of this, the agreement with Ganfeng is an important milestone in supply security for the Volkswagen Group.

    In addition to the arrangements on lithium supplies, Volkswagen and Ganfeng also agreed to cooperate on future topics such as battery recycling and solid-state batteries.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 8 april 2019 17:03
    Volkswagen Passat breaks 30 million vehicles worldwide

    On April 3, the Passat broke the 30 million model mark for production in the Volkswagen plant at Emden, with the result that the bestseller set a new record in its segment: no other mid-range model and no other business vehicle globally has been sold more often than the Passat. The 30,000,000th vehicle, a Passat GTE Variant with a plug-in hybrid drive and a Pyrite Silver Metallic exterior is already one of the first models in a new evolutionary stage to feature an extensive technical update (European presales will begin in May). The 30 millionth Passat will be used as a press and test vehicle for the international media over the coming months.

    Ralf Brandstätter, Chief Operating Officer of Volkswagen, said “The Passat is one of Volkswagen’s most important and most successful cars – since its launch 46 years ago, 30 million customers have had confidence in this Volkswagen vehicle. As a result, the Passat has become one of the world’s greats; a car which today is as much at home in Beijing as it is in Berlin, Sydney, Johannesburg or on the streets of San Francisco. At Volkswagen we are proud of this successful model, which is still the benchmark within its class today.”

    Volkswagen offers the Passat in various independent versions, depending on the continent. The eighth generation of the European model will be launched early this year as a saloon and a variant with a new technical setup. Thanks to the “Travel Assist” system – a new IQ.DRIVE system, to use the Volkswagen name for intelligent drive systems – the Passat is the first Volkswagen vehicle that can be partially driven with assisted driving if desired, and at any speed (0 to 210 km/h). The new model also includes features such as interactive IQ.LIGHT – LED matrix headlights and the MIB3 modular infotainment module applications with constant online access.

    The enhanced Passat GTE will also be of particular importance within the model range as, just like the 30 millionth vehicle, the plug-in hybrid models to come will offer significantly more electrical range in the future2. This is currently at up to 55 km measured using the new WLTP cycle, which corresponds to around 70 km2 according to the NEDC. The new Passat GTE (160 kW/218 PS system output) already achieves the limits set out in the Euro 6d emissions standard, which will apply to new vehicles from 2021.

    Volkswagen launched production of the first Passat models in its Wolfsburg plant on 14 May 1973, under the motto “The beginning of a new VW era”. The model heralded a completely new family of vehicles containing water-cooled engines, front-wheel drive and ultra-modern all- steel chassis. Positioned as a mid-range model, the Passat was the successor to the VW 1600 (Type 3 with air-cooled rear engines and rear- wheel drive). In that May 46 years ago, no one in Wolfsburg could have guessed that the Passat would sell 30 million and as such would even outdo the legendary Beetle (21.5 million). Together with the Golf (35 million) and the Beetle, the Passat is one of the three best-selling Volkswagen vehicles of all time.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.794
Aedifica 3 925
Aegon 3.258 323.026
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.303
ageas 5.844 109.900
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.062
Ahold 3.538 74.345
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.259
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.049
Alfen 16 25.139
Allfunds Group 4 1.516
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 417
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.687
AMG 971 134.183
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.743
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 492
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.039
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.789
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.921
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.349
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.579
ASML 1.766 109.691
ASR Nederland 21 4.507
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.798
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.441