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Pharming het aandeel van 2017 deel 2

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  1. Borbor 9 november 2017 10:50

    JackO1976 schreef op 9 november 2017 10:45:

    Ik heb zo'n voorgevoel dat we vandaag wel eens door de 1,40 richting 1,50 zouden kunnen gaan. Overname geluiden worden sterker in de markt... Dat geeft een nieuwe boost!

    waar lees je die overname geluiden?
  2. [verwijderd] 9 november 2017 10:53

    JackO1976 schreef op 9 november 2017 10:45:

    Ik heb zo'n voorgevoel dat we vandaag wel eens door de 1,40 richting 1,50 zouden kunnen gaan. Overname geluiden worden sterker in de markt... Dat geeft een nieuwe boost!

    Ik weet niet op welke markt jij dat dan hoort maar ik kan je wel vertellen dat een overnemende partij doorgaans meer interesse heeft in een bedrijf met aandeelhouders met substantiële belangen. Dat praat een stuk makkelijker dan met een vage massa van 40.000 particulieren.
  3. [verwijderd] 9 november 2017 10:53
    Results from an interim analysis of a Ruconest treatment registry
    in Europe
    R. Hakl1
    , M. Staevska2
    , H. Farkas3
    , M. Jesenak4
    , K. Hrubiskova5
    , L. Bellizzi6
    , A.
    , M. Cicardi7
    St. Anne’s University Hospital of Brno, Brno, Czech Republic; 2
    Hospital “Alexandrovska” Medical University of Sofa, Sofa, Bulgaria; 3
    melweis University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary; 4
    University Hospital
    of Martin, Martin, Slovakia; 5
    Bratislava University Hospital, Bratislava,
    Slovakia; 6
    Pharming Technologies BV, Leiden, The Netherlands; 7
    Luigi Sacco University of Milan, Milan, Italy
    Correspondence: L. Bellizzi (
    Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 2017, 13(Suppl 2):P-10
    Background: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) due to C1 inhibitor
    defciency (C1-INH-HAE) is characterized by recurrent episodes of
    disabling and painful swelling. Ruconest is a recombinant human C1
    inhibitor that is approved for treatment of HAE attacks. A treatment
    registry was established in Europe to review the adverse event profle
    and efcacy of Ruconest following single and repeated treatment with
    Methods: Patients with C1-INH-HAE were enrolled following a decision
    to treat with Ruconest and after providing written informed
    consent. Medical history and baseline HAE information was collected
    at a screening visit. Treatment decisions were at the discretion of the
    health care professionals (HCP) involved in the patients’ care according
    to their standards for the management of C1-INH-HAE and in line with
    the approved Ruconest summary of product characteristics. Following
    treatment with Ruconest, the HCP entered data using a web-based
    questionnaire about the attack, response to therapy, and any adverse
    Results: As of 28 February 2017, 45 C1-INH-HAE patients (18 male/27
    female, ages 22–76 years) were treated with Ruconest in the registry
    for 1351 attacks in 7 European countries.
    The average age at diagnosis for these patients was 24  years (range
    4–68). Prior to entry in the registry, these patients experienced an average
    of 30 HAE attacks in the preceding year. Of the treated patients,
    28.8% were on maintenance therapy/prophylaxis at enrollment. There
    were 653 (48.3%) abdominal, 528 (39%) peripheral, 203 (15%)facial, 21
    (1.6%) laryngeal, and 24 (1.8%) urogenital attacks, including 76 attacks
    that involved two and one attack that involved three locations.
    The mean Ruconest dose provided was 3268 units 43  U/kg (range
    18–67 U/kg), patients reported relief within 4 h in 97.8% (1322/1351)
    of the attacks. Almost all attacks (1349/1351, 99.8%) were treated with
    a single dose of Ruconest. Two attacks treated with an initial dose of
    2100 U (33 and 28 U/kg) received a second dose of 2100 U. No hypersensitivity
    or thrombotic/thromboembolic events were reported. No
    patients had any related serious adverse events.
    Conclusions: The Ruconest treatment registry provides real-world
    data on the treatment of 1351 HAE attacks that is consistent with previous
    reports on the safety and efcacy of Ruconest therapy

    1- - 28.8% were on maintenance therapy/prophylaxis at enrollment
    2- - patients reported relief within 4 h in 97.8% (1322/1351)
    of the attacks. Almost all attacks (1349/1351, 99.8%) were treated with
    a single dose of Ruconest.

    do we need to say more....Blockbuster !!
  4. mickjagger2 9 november 2017 10:54

    Beur schreef op 9 november 2017 10:37:

    [...]De produktie van Cinryze is begin vorige maand al weer hervat.
    N weer zuiver????
  5. [verwijderd] 9 november 2017 10:55

    Eurowin schreef op 9 november 2017 10:51:


    Dat vraag ik mij ook af, waar...? Donald Duck?
    Met een beetje geluk wordt Pharming straks door nieuwe regelgeving beschermd tegen een snelle overname en moet er eerst een jaar "bedenktijd" in acht worden genomen. Tegen die tijd staat het aandeel waarschijnlijk een stuk hoger en wordt de overnameprijs wel erg hoog.
  6. [verwijderd] 9 november 2017 10:56

    Beur schreef op 9 november 2017 10:37:

    [...]De produktie van Cinryze is begin vorige maand al weer hervat.
    De productie mag wellicht hervat zijn.
    Echter de omzet cijfers van Shire vertellen een groot verlies van de klanten.
    En de klanten die overgestapt zijn naar Ruconest krijgen ze niet meer terug. Zeker gezien het betere resultaat wat wordt ervaren tov Cinryze.
  7. [verwijderd] 9 november 2017 11:00

    Beur schreef op 9 november 2017 10:37:

    [...]De produktie van Cinryze is begin vorige maand al weer hervat.
    C1-Esterase Inhibitor (Human)

    NDC Number:

    1 Vial, Single-use in 1 Carton

    NDC Number:

    5 mL in 1 Vial, Single-use ViroPharma Biologics, Inc., a subsidiary of Shire Pharmaceuticals.

    For questions, please call Shire customer service at: 1-866-888-0660
    Cinryze® C1-Esterase Inhibitor (Human) is currently unavailable.

    Questions, please call Shire Pharmaceuticals directly at 1-866-888-0660.
    Additional information may be found here:

    April 2017

    Updated: September 2017

    dan mag jij me dat eens zwart op wit laten en niet de uitspraak vd ceo daar veeg ik me .......
  8. mickjagger2 9 november 2017 11:04

    P1_2015 schreef op 9 november 2017 10:56:


    De productie mag wellicht hervat zijn.
    Echter de omzet cijfers van Shire vertellen een groot verlies van de klanten.
    En de klanten die overgestapt zijn naar Ruconest krijgen ze niet meer terug. Zeker gezien het betere resultaat wat wordt ervaren tov Cinryze.
    Ja maar dat mag je van onze ouwe beur niet zeggen.Die heb liever dat niet iedereen weet dat het Super met het medicijn gaat,gelukkig voor de Patiënten!!!
  9. [verwijderd] 9 november 2017 11:07
    Home treatment with conestat alfa in attacks of hereditary
    angioedema due to C1-inhibitor defciency

    Background: Conestat alfa, a recombinant C1-inhibitor (rhC1-INH) is
    a novel therapeutic option for the acute treatment of hereditary angioedema
    due to C1-INH defciency (HAE-C1-INH).
    Our aim was to continue to investigate the efcacy and safety of conestat
    alfa administered as acute treatment under real-life conditions to
    relieve angioedema attacks in patients with C1-INH-HAE.
    Materials and methods: We analyzed 376 edematous episodes
    requiring acute treatment and occurring in 7 C1-INH-HAE patients. The
    patients were treated at home with a dose 2100 U rhC1-INH per occasion.
    The patients recorded the time of rhC1-INH administration; the
    time to the onset of improvement and to the complete resolution of
    symptoms; and noted any side efects. Symptom severity and patient
    satisfaction were measured with a visual analogue scale (VAS).
    Results: 165 HAE attacks occurred in abdominal viscera, 9 in the upper
    airways, 174 in subcutaneous and 62 in multiple locations. RhC1-INH was
    administered 85.0 (0.0–2910.0) [median (min–max)] minutes after the
    onset of the attacks with a severity (upon injecting) of 60.0 (10.0–99.0)
    on a VAS. Clinical symptoms improved within 60.0 (0.0–1320.0) minutes,
    and the complete resolution of symptoms took 840.0 (60.0–4320.0)
    minutes. The time between the onset of the attack and the administration
    of rhC1-INH correlated with the time that symptoms stopped worsening
    (R =  0.2194, p  <  0.0001), with the time that symptoms improve
    (R = 0.2575 p < 0.0001) and with the time to the complete resolution of
    symptoms (R = 0.3512, p < 0.0001). Second and third injection of rhC1-
    INH was administered in 11 and 1 attacks respectively, because symptoms
    did not improve or resolve completely. In seven cases, rhC1-INH was administered with the aim of prevention before dental procedure.
    Neither of the cases were followed by edematous attack.
    None of the patients experienced a recurrence of the attack, or drugrelated
    systemic adverse events. The mean VAS score of patient satisfaction
    was 93.1.
    Conclusions: Home treatment with rhC1-INH was an efective and
    well-tolerated therapy for all types of HAE attacks. Early treatment of
    attacks resulted in the better outcomes.

    1- - therapy for all types of HAE attacks
  10. [verwijderd] 9 november 2017 11:14
    Of-label intramuscular administration of Conestat Alfa (rhC1inh)
    in HAE patients: a case series

    Background: Conestat alfa (rhC1inh) is registered for intravenous
    treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks in adult and adolescent
    Methods: We present a case series of three diferent HAE patients who
    use of-label intramuscular administration of rhC1inh.
    Results: Case 1: 32-year old man weighing 60 kg with HAE type I. Intramuscular
    application of rhC1inh has been practiced since 2015 during
    peripheral, abdominal and urogenital attacks: when he presumes
    that an attack is not life-threatening, intramuscular self-administration
    is preferred. The patient normally injects a 20 ml syringe (3000 U
    rhC1inh + solvent). Frequent under-dosing is reported (1 vial, 2100 U
    rhC1inh, reconstituted in 10  ml). The patient self-injects the medication
    in the middle front third of m. quadriceps femoris.
    Case 2: A 50  kg, 16-year old girl with HAE type I (daughter of Case
    1): during non-severe HAE attacks the father injects 17  ml (2500  U
    rhC1inh + solvent) in the middle front third of the thigh of his daughter.
    Again, under-dosing is frequent with good clinical outcome.
    Case 3: 71-year old HAE type I patient (84 kg) with frequent and severe
    abdominal attacks (2–3 times per week). The patient sufers compromised
    veins and difcult peripheral venous access often resulting
    in treatment impediments. Of-label twice weekly prophylactic
    intramuscular administration of rhC1inh was initiated after all ethical
    implications were discussed and this common decision was made.
    The dose used per application: 4200 U/20 ml (2 vials solved in 10 ml
    solvent, each) was injected intramuscularly in two diferent sites,
    either into m. gluteus maximus or m. quadriceps femoris. During the
    14-week follow-up no severe breakthrough attacks occurred. The
    patient reported signifcant improvement in the quality of life and
    daily activities were restored.
    No side efects at the application site and from the medication were
    reported from any of the patients.
    Conclusions: Intramuscular administration of rhC1inh could be
    an alternative to the intravenous route of application, especially
    when intravenous administration is compromised or access to
    medical care facilities is difficult. Intramuscular application of
    rhC1inh seems to be safe and effective in the presented cases: as
    on-demand therapy and in prophylaxis. 2100 U rhC1inh can be successfully
    solved in 10 ml solvent and the intramuscular application
    shows no adverse effects. Long-term prophylaxis (LTP) with rhC1inh
    seems to be safe and effective in subjects with severe HAE. Application
    of two vials (4200  IU) twice weekly seems to be an effective
    dose for LTP

    1- - safe and effective in the presented cases: as
    on-demand therapy and in prophylaxis
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